Analyze the principal characteristics of liberalism with reference to current developments in the 'Arab spring' critically examine the view that liberalism's objectives and values are a form of western imperialism
Étude de cas - 5 pages - Sciences politiques
The current international context is very complex. The 21st century is characterized by an entanglement of complex relations and inter-dependence between States. In the international studies, we often say that the 21st century began when the Soviet Union disappeared. Indeed, during the Cold War...
Ireland in the 20th century: Commentaries on a selection of pro-treat and anti-treaty handbills
Étude de cas - 2 pages - Sciences politiques
I decided to examine four documents which are both pro and anti-treaty handbills and pamphlets, in order to understand the arguments put forward by those who supported the treaty in 1921 and those who rejected it. This Anglo-Irish treaty, signed by the British and Irish delegations in December...
Ernest Lavisse on the current situation of France (1894)
Étude de cas - 3 pages - Sciences politiques
This document was written by Ernest Lavisse, a French historian. His work had a lot of influence in France, and he is considered being the founding father of the positivist conception of history. In this text, he provides us some interesting thoughts on two elements of the French history: the...
Was the Dreyfus affair a victory or a defeat for the Third Republic? - publié le 08/02/2013
Étude de cas - 3 pages - Sciences politiques
On the 15 October 1894, the French Jewish Captain Alfred Dreyfus was arrested and accused of giving capital secret intelligence to the Germans. He was unanimously declared guilty of treason by the senior Paris court martial the 22 December 1894, and sentenced to deportation for life in the famous...
State power and world markets - Joseph M. Grieco and G. John Ikenberry - publié le 08/02/2013
Étude de cas - 1 pages - Sciences politiques
In this text, Joseph M. Grieco and G. John Ikenberry are explaining one of the main economic theories, the comparative advantages theory of Ricardo. This theory is actually very simple. Ricardo showed that countries would gain to specify themselves in the production of one good and to use trade...
What is the concept of 'Total War' and how useful is it in understanding the conduct of the First World War?
Étude de cas - 1 pages - Sciences politiques
The concept of total war describes a war that has implications not only on the battlefield, but for the whole society of the belligerent country. The war is not only fought on the front anymore, but also within the State. It leads to the setup of a war economy: the people are rationed for the war...
23 things they don't tell you about capitalism (Thing 9) - Ha-Joon Chang, 2010
Étude de cas - 1 pages - Sciences politiques
In this text, Ha-Joon Chang strongly contests the idea according from which we are currently in a post-industrial age. Such statement derives from the current disappearance of the manufactory industry in the developed countries in favor of the tertiary sector and thus of a service economy. This...
Introduction to the major tools and concepts of the geopolitical approach
Étude de cas - 2 pages - Sciences politiques
Western countries used to fix the rules, but today other countries are contesting the rules. After the end of the Cold war, the US was considered a hyper power: it was the only country able to rule the world in terms of economy, policy, culture The US was so strong it could impose...
The new politics of the welfare state
Étude de cas - 8 pages - Sciences politiques
The New Politics of the Welfare State gathers a selection of key texts and thinkers in order to analyse the question of welfare state transformation in our current post-industrial society'. By using Esping-Andersen's division of the three worlds' of welfare system, the scholars...
Europe and the far-right movements
Étude de cas - 9 pages - Sciences politiques
On Friday, July 22, 2011, two terrorist attacks occurred in Oslo, Norway. The first one was an explosion which happened at Regjeringskvartalet, government district of the city of Oslo, killing eight people and injuring several others. The second attack occurred two hours later in a youth camp...
What can the study of EU environmental policy tell us about EU governance?
Étude de cas - 10 pages - Sciences politiques
Although it was not at the core of the EU integration, the environmental policy is nowadays at the heart of the EU policy-making and governance. This regulatory policy relies on the statement that all human actions have an impact (positive or negative) on the environment. Recognized as useful and...
Special relationship between England and America
Étude de cas - 2 pages - Sciences politiques
Louis XVI, who detested the English, protested " Americans feel a fatadic predilection to Britain". This quote was the first use the expression a "special relationship", that Churchill later went on to use in 1946. Indeed these two countries have shared a common language and similar cultures,...
Critically assess the significance of the principle of subsidiary within the EU's legal framework
Étude de cas - 14 pages - Sciences politiques
Central concept in the European language', the principle of subsidiarity is at the core of the European Union (EU) legal order, at the heart its politics and policies. With the principles of conferral, of proportionality, the direct effect of the supremacy of EU law, the principle of the...
How convincing do you find Weber's analysis of the relationship between Protestantism and the rise of modern capitalism?
Étude de cas - 5 pages - Sciences politiques
Many sociologists have raised the issue of religion and economic behavior but it is Weber's Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, published in 1904 which has had the biggest impact on the history of sociological thought. The imminent German philosopher of the beginning of the 20th...
Negritude: Genesis and terms of a cultural and political movement
Étude de cas - 5 pages - Sciences politiques
As Jean-Paul Sartre's famous quote was explaining, The concept of Negritude is based in response to a condition, a context. "The denial of the black man" is thus the expression of the conditioning that was subjecting populations of colonies, particularly in France, ie moral subjugation of...
Building up a nationalistic identity, the propaganda in Japan during World War II
Étude de cas - 6 pages - Sciences politiques
The Meiji Revolution brought to Japan, a country relatively unknown and isolated from the outside world for about 270 years, a dynamic wave of restructuration and modernization. Unwilling to suffer from the same fate as many Asian countries, who lost their territorial integrity but also their...
International business and industrial politics in South Africa (1967-2008)
Étude de cas - 15 pages - Sciences politiques
As we have previously seen in the synthesis of literature, the Republic of South Africa is the 28th richest country in the World and is the most advanced in the African continent, contributing around 40% to the total continent GDP. However, the country also known under the name of The...
Why does ethnic conflict often accompany decolonization?
Étude de cas - 8 pages - Sciences politiques
The use of ethnicity concept over last decades has been linked to the multiplication of conflicts between ethnic groups in the wake of decolonization process. The existence of ethnic conflicts in many new independent states is a contemporary issue which underlines the complexity of former...
Why did Britain hand over power to China in Hong-Kong in 1997?
Étude de cas - 7 pages - Sciences politiques
The question of the future of Hong Kong had remained an outstanding question in the relations between People's Republic of China and the United Kingdom during the second part of the 20th C. The territory became a British colony in 1898 with a lease of 99 years in the wake of the opium wars...
On what did Grotius base his conception of international law? Is he correct?
Étude de cas - 5 pages - Sciences politiques
The idea of international law is highly linked to the thought of Hugo Grotius, a Dutch lawyer from the first part of the 17th century and leading thinker of the concept of international society. Grotius was a major theorist of the Renaissance in Europe and his reflection...
How convincing and appealing is Schumpeter's theory of democracy?
Étude de cas - 4 pages - Sciences politiques
Joseph Schumpeter is an American economist and political scientist from the first part of the 20th C, well-known for his book Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy written in 1942 during the Second World War. In this eminent work, Schumpeter has elaborated a New Theory of Democracy, much influenced...
How does Rousseau seek to reconcile freedom and authority in the Social Contract? Is his attempt successful?
Étude de cas - 8 pages - Sciences politiques
Rousseau has been very influential for many contemporary political thinkers and his work is considered as core in the Enlightenment thinking; his famous work on the Social Contract is widely seen as one of the basis for the establishment of French state after the revolution of 1789. This work,...
Why has the US witnessed greater levels of online campaigning than the UK?
Étude de cas - 6 pages - Sciences politiques
Obama's recent success in the 2008 US presidential election owns much to his ability and the one of his followers to use the internet as a core political tool in his campaign. Over the last years in the US online campaigning has become a key tool in one's attempt to win an election; and the trend...
Federated Arab nation - from Iraq to Morocco. Movements and schemes to forge a unified Arab state in the region
Étude de cas - 9 pages - Sciences politiques
Studying any political, cultural or ideological tendency in the Middle East is vain if one decides to look at it at the domestic scale. Indeed, the area must rather be regarded as a regional political entity in itself. Such approach is necessary for anyone who desires to understand correctly the...
Iranian revolution - Islamic revolution and catalyst for the resurgence of political Islam throughout the Middle East.
Étude de cas - 9 pages - Sciences politiques
With the Ottoman Empire's downfall in 1919 and the 1991 first Gulf War, the 1979 Iranian revolution is widely considered as a landmark in Middle East's history. Its impact over the political dynamics of the region, especially Islamic ones, was notable and has led some to conclude that such an...
To what extent do the characteristics of the "Comprehensive Peace Agreement" represent an efficient model of mediation for the Sudanese conflict?
Étude de cas - 6 pages - Sciences politiques
Since its independence in 1956, Sudan has only enjoyed 15 years of peace and almost 40 of civil wars. Always opposing Khartoum, the South, the Darfur region and even Northern parts managed to oppose an armed resistance to the central power (UNMIS Website). Hence, from 1983 to 2005, Sudan was...
To what extent can Islamic terrorism be considered as One Unified Movement?
Étude de cas - 27 pages - Sciences politiques
The collapse of the USSR in 1991 marked the end of the Cold War era and generated much optimism among scholars and thinkers. This hope was notably illustrated by Francis Fukuyama's article The End of History in which he proclaimed the end point of Mankind's ideological evolution...
The institutionalisation of propaganda in the 21st century
Étude de cas - 5 pages - Sciences politiques
Every year, the American Government spends 400 million dollars to produce propagandistic materials (including magazines, movies, and radio broadcasts for Voice of America), the average American viewer watches 37,822 TV commercials, and the top ten marketing research firms have combined...
The Beijing Spring of 1989- What was the political significance of the events in Tiananmen Square from April-June 1989 and what are the present day repercussions?
Étude de cas - 5 pages - Sciences politiques
1989 was a historical landmark, being the starting date for a wave of revolutions in the Communist block during which most of the soviet governments around the world, especially in East-Europe, were overthrown by popular protests. China has not been spared this smokeless war 1 : from...
Manga and gender relationships in modern Japan
Étude de cas - 14 pages - Sciences politiques
Manga is at the core of modern Japan's culture and is a unique product that has neither equivalent nor competitor: this characteristic is largely due to its mixed readership. Indeed, contrary to comics mainly written by male authors and dedicated to the male public, manga devotes a part of itself...