France and the Third Republic: 1870-1890
Étude de cas - 1 pages - Sciences politiques
The Franco-Prussian war destroyed the Empire. There was a clear split between monarchists and Republicans. The 3rd Republic was proclaimed in September 1870. Why did the Empire collapse? The majority of people had become disillusioned; there was therefore a lack of legitimacy of the regime....
The working class before the First World War
Étude de cas - 1 pages - Sciences politiques
The places the working class came from were often characterized by a high level of trade unions and a large amount of strikes. However, only a small part of workers used to be involved in working-class organisations at this time. People of the working-class are those who have no other way to...
The Franco-Prussian War: Causes and consequences
Étude de cas - 1 pages - Sciences politiques
In a speech told in the course of the 19th century, De Gaulle insisted on the importance of the Franco-German unity after three wars between both countries. The first one was the Franco-Prussian war which occurred in 1870-1871. From this war emerged the new German Empire and the French 3rd...
The European economy 1870-1914
Étude de cas - 1 pages - Sciences politiques
The end of the 19th century is for Europe a period of industrialization, especially characterized by a series of innovations in transports. When continental Europe started to industrialize, it emulated British industrialization. Transports were easier. There was a national market in Britain...
France: the Dreyfus Affair and the Third Republic (1890-1914)
Étude de cas - 2 pages - Sciences politiques
In the late 1880s and early 1890s, there was a climate of agitation in France because of the Boulanger crisis which fueled nationalism. This nationalist movement split but the 1930s saw a growth of French fascism and during WWII many French collaborated with the Nazis. The origin of such rise of...
National communities, political culture
Étude de cas - 2 pages - Sciences politiques
The nation is a modern invention. The nation was the ultimate goal of political authorities. It is also the ultimate goal of all the demands of the people, as the object which one was prepared to go to war and to die for. In the feudal epoch, people generally identified with a religion or a lord,...
Imperial Germany: 1871-1914
Étude de cas - 2 pages - Sciences politiques
The Third Reich was founded in France in the Palace of Versailles. It was a statement of German superiority over French. Germany was unified by military victory from above (not a revolution from below). To sign this treaty, Bismarck wore a military uniform (white in the painting but it was an...
Differences of weapons sales regulations between the USA and France
Étude de cas - 6 pages - Sciences politiques
In France for the first category (semi-automatic rifles) the right to bear an arm is very hard to obtain, to have it you must be more than 21 years old and have a license. This license must be approved by the French Federation of Shooting; you must first apply to this federation and after six...
Fidel Castro's communist regime during the Cold War
Étude de cas - 4 pages - Sciences politiques
During the Cold War emerged the communism in the island of Cuba with the takeover of a charismatic leader, Fidel Castro. After his «coup d'état» which has removed Batista, the former lawyer managed to impose his vision to Cuban people and to the world; despite American attempts to remove the...
The concept of Humility Japan vs Western cultures
Étude de cas - 1 pages - Sciences politiques
In Japan, a form of respect can be seen through the act of being humble. The sense of humility is extremely developed in the Japanese culture. Compared to Westerners Japanese people will not be afraid to put themselves down in order to raise the other person up. The self discrediting will be...
What is a gift? What are the political, economic, religious, and social implications of the gift?
Étude de cas - 5 pages - Sciences politiques
Supposedly, a gift is the free act of willingly donating to someone something that was yours without expecting anything in exchange. It is a thus doubly a free act for it is up to the giver to decide whether he wants to make a gift or not and the receiver has no obligation to reciprocate. The...
The Falkland/Malvinas Islands and the Senkaku/Diaoyutai Islands disputes: A comparative approach to define territorial disputes
Étude de cas - 10 pages - Sciences politiques
Disputes over islands are countless throughout History. States have always searched to extend their boundaries, and islands in particular have always been coveted as both a proliferous natural resources source and a means to gain more land and fishing area. This has been even more the case since...
23 things they don't tell you about capitalism - Thing 9: We do not live in a post-industrial age - Chang (2010)
Étude de cas - 2 pages - Sciences politiques
In this text, Chang tries to explain that the common idea of a post-industrial age in developed countries is not necessarily relevant today. Indeed, he shows that we still consume a lot of manufactured goods, although he does not deny the increasing demand for services. This article is...
Public attitudes and gender policy regimes: Coherence and stability in hard times - J. Guo and N. Gilbert
Étude de cas - 2 pages - Sciences politiques
This text is an article written which was written last year by two scholars, Jing Guo and Neil Gilbert, in the Journal of Sociology and Social welfare. In this article, they compare the social policies implemented by governments in Europe to increase gender equality and the attitudes of citizens...
Are Muslim and Western European values generally incompatible? Discuss with reference to the Turkish accession to the European Union - publié le 01/04/2013
Étude de cas - 4 pages - Sciences politiques
The famous French poet Paul Valéry defined Europe as the geographic place in which one the Christianity has a huge influence on the spirit of society, the Roman Empire on legal systems, and where the philosophy is still inspired by Greeks thinkers. In this definition, the Europe tends to be seen...
European negotiations: Simulation
Étude de cas - 6 pages - Sciences politiques
The course of European negotiations opened a new area of interests for me, not only by being able to explain very well the framework of the negotiating and the co-decision processes in the European Union, but also by unveiling the practical set of skills necessary in any kind of...
Les Etats « faillis » : des zones grises sous influence
Étude de cas - 3 pages - Sciences politiques
La combinaison de deux évènements historiques : la chute du mur de Berlin en 1989 et l'effondrement des régimes communistes dans l'ex-bloc soviétique ont été à l'origine de plusieurs évènements : l'ouverture des frontières, l'évolution d'économies ex-socialiste vers l'économie de marché, une plus...
Anarchy and the limits of cooperation: a realist critique of the liberal institutionalism - J.M. Grieco
Étude de cas - 2 pages - Sciences politiques
The text we have was written by J.M. Grieco in order to compare two main theories in international politics: realism and liberal institutionalism. His main argument is that realism is the best theory and all along the text, he tries to demonstrate it. First of all, the author quickly summarizes...
'The Great Banana War' - Christopher Meyers
Étude de cas - 2 pages - Sciences politiques
This text is extracted from the book DC confidential: The controversial Memoirs of Britain's Ambassador to the US at the time of 9/11 and the Iraq War. In this chapter, the author, a former British ambassador explains the conflict known as the great banana war which occurred in the late 1990s. It...
Global structure convocation 1994 - Bolton
Étude de cas - 2 pages - Sciences politiques
The text is the transcript of a debate which occurred in 1994, between American eminent personalities who have the legitimacy to speak about American foreign policies. The debate is about the role of the US in the Global Structure, after the end of the Cold War. As the United Nations are...
Postcolonial Europe or understanding Europe in times of the postcolonial
Étude de cas - 2 pages - Sciences politiques
The text we have is a chapter written by Gurminder K. Bhambra, extracted from a book talking about European Studies. In this chapter, the author wants to deconstruct the idea we have of modern Europe and its history in order to reconstruct our understandings of Europe in a postcolonial context....
In 1987 the Moroccan request for membership of the European Communities (EC) was rejected on the basis that Morocco was not a European country. Where are the boundaries of Europe?
Étude de cas - 3 pages - Sciences politiques
The Moroccan request was rejected because Morocco was not considered as a European country. This claim was based on geographical and cultural dimensions. Morocco could not be part of the political boundaries because it did not match geographical ones and because it did not share the so-called...
Social foundations of post-industrial economies - Esping Andersen
Étude de cas - 1 pages - Sciences politiques
The text we have is a chapter extracted from a book written by Esping-Andersen. In this chapter, the author talks about different kinds of Welfare regimes and states the previous typologies he has already elaborated. He then tries to have a critical perspective on his work and interrogates about...
Was Italian Fascism a "weak" totalitarianism?
Étude de cas - 4 pages - Sciences politiques
Italian fascism, because it appeared at the same period as German national-socialism and Stalinist communism and presented some similarities with those regimes, is often categorized as a totalitarianism. However, this assertion has been refuted by many scholars, including the French political...
Only by knowing the internal, domestic politics of States one can understand how they behave in International Politics
Étude de cas - 3 pages - Sciences politiques
International relations have always been characterized by wars, peace and alliances. The question that theorists wonder is why interactions between States sometimes degenerated into conflicts which change relations between them. There are three main theories in international relations which...
Was the Dreyfus affair a victory or a defeat for the Third Republic?
Étude de cas - 4 pages - Sciences politiques
In the late 19th century, France was affected by an affair which changed its history: the Dreyfus affair. Dreyfus was a captain in French army who was suspected of betraying military secrets. From an Alsatian Jewish background, he was accused of being a traitor and was jailed without real proof....
Explain the theoretical basis of Locke's theory of the limitations on legitimate government
Étude de cas - 3 pages - Sciences politiques
Political science has been considerably changed by the English Revolution of the 17th century. Indeed, this revolution happened because of the contestation of the British king legitimacy by a certain number of political thinkers. First, Sir Edward Coke, jurist and member of the Parliament, stood...
The conspiracy of Cinadon: A threat to the Spartan society
Étude de cas - 2 pages - Sciences politiques
The Conspiracy of Cinadon is an attempted coup d'état which took place in Sparta in the 4th century BCE, (during the first years of Agesilaus II's reign). Led by Cinadon, it aimed to break the power of the elite of the oligarchic Spartan system. This event was reported by Xenophon in the third...
The suffragette movement
Étude de cas - 3 pages - Sciences politiques
We commonly assume that the first feminist demands and protests appeared in the 19th century in Great Britain. However, this feminist spirit of rebellion already existed at that time, with for instance Olympe de Gouges who wrote La Déclaration des droits de la femme et de la citoyenne in 18th...
Analyze the principal characteristics of liberalism with reference to current developments in the 'Arab spring' critically examine the view that liberalism's objectives and values are a form of western imperialism
Étude de cas - 5 pages - Sciences politiques
The current international context is very complex. The 21st century is characterized by an entanglement of complex relations and inter-dependence between States. In the international studies, we often say that the 21st century began when the Soviet Union disappeared. Indeed, during the Cold War...