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265 résultats

29 Janv. 2014

Why should the US tackle the problem of homosexual killings in Iraq?

Étude de cas - 5 pages - Sciences politiques

In Iraq, militias are targeting men suspected to be homosexual or not “manly” enough in a killing campaign without reaction of any government. The US has a responsibility to enforce international human rights laws in order to prevent a sexual cleansing in the country after the...

23 Janv. 2014

How did the pre-1954 nationalism impact on the national movement in Algeria?

Étude de cas - 10 pages - Sciences politiques

Ancient mythology tells us a lot about what could be an ideal national solidarity. Epic wars and huge battles were either fought to restore dignity of a nation or to fight against injustice. But what types of injustice? Mythology tends to explain the world around us and provides a model for the...

06 Janv. 2014

Measures against naxalism and development policies

Étude de cas - 3 pages - Sciences politiques

Qualified in 2006 by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh as " the biggest threat for the internal security " it makes henceforth more victims than the insurgents of the Kashmir. This problem emerged as a wildfire insurrection in 1967 in the Naxalbari Are of North Bengal and spread rapidly to others...

27 déc. 2013

How to explain the "Yes" victory of Brittany in the 2005 European Constitutional Treaty in France?

Étude de cas - 9 pages - Sciences politiques

The French (and the Dutch) rejection of the European Constitutional Treaty in the spring of 2005 led to stop the European integration project on a global scale. For the first time, two countries, which founded the European Coal and Steel Community, the European Economic Community, with the euro...

24 Oct. 2013

Rethinking the Cold War by Natalia Narotchnitskaïa

Étude de cas - 3 pages - Sciences politiques

Natalia Alekseïevna Narotchnitskaïa, born in 1948, is Alexeï Leontievitch Narotchnitskii's daughter; a historian specialized in Russian history during the 19th century. Natalia Alekseïevna Narotchnitskaïa, who has a doctorate in history from the State Institute of international relations in...

23 Oct. 2013

Only by knowing the internal domestic politics of states, can one understand how they behave in international politics?

Étude de cas - 3 pages - Sciences politiques

Studying international relations through political science is a way to understand the real incentives of the interactions states have to each other, and also to show the normative constraints, which are inherent in each state, for countries to bind together, to work with each other, or to go to...

20 Sept. 2013

Rethinking the Cold War- The intellectuals during the Cold War

Étude de cas - 4 pages - Sciences politiques

After the Second World War, the Liberation unifies the intellectual world in the devastated vectoring Europe countries. The few intellectuals who had collaborated or had published about the beneficial effects of the arrests against Jews had been sentenced, such as Robert Brasillach, shot on the...

10 Sept. 2013

Le Ghana est-il un pays émergent ?

Étude de cas - 5 pages - Sciences politiques

C'est à partir de la prise de pouvoir de Jerry Rawlings en 1981 que la démocratie s'est peu à peu instaurée au Ghana. Un point notable dans ce processus est l'adoption d'une constitution inspirée du modèle américain en 1992. L'alternance des présidents (élection de Kufuor en 2000, puis de Mills...

18 juil. 2013

Questions regarding Imperialism in Southeast Asia

Étude de cas - 2 pages - Sciences politiques

The concept of Southeast Asia first appeared in the 1920s. It was seen as an intermediary region between India and China and was at that time essentially a trade region, because of the size of its coast and because of the many rivers that went through it. It was the “land below the...

11 juil. 2013

Compare and contrast western and eastern methods of converting non-Christian peoples during the tenth century

Étude de cas - 9 pages - Sciences politiques

In the 10th century, Byzantium and the East Frankish Empire led by a German family were the two most powerful states. The Carolingians had been crowned Emperors of the Romans since 800. Byzantium had never fully recognized the creation of this rival Empire since this title was their possession,...

03 juil. 2013

The shame of India

Étude de cas - 2 pages - Sciences politiques

The shame of India is an article from the Guardian Weekly, a famous British Sunday newspaper. The columnist is Liz Stuart. It dates back to January the 10th of 2002. It's a fairly recent article. It raises the issue of the Caste System and in particular the shameful / disgraceful status of the...

28 juin 2013

To what extent was the 1979 Sino-Vietnamese border war about the situation in Cambodia?

Étude de cas - 5 pages - Sciences politiques

On the 17th February 1979 the People's Republic of China (PRC) launched a large-scale attack into Vietnam in order « to teach Vietnam a lesson » , according to the words of Deng Xiao Ping, general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party since Mao Zedong's death. Vietnam answered to the attack...

28 juin 2013

How far was Charles I responsible for the wars of the three kingdoms?

Étude de cas - 4 pages - Sciences politiques

According to E.H Carr, “The study of history is the study of causes”, and in order to understand the wars of the three Kingdoms that occurred in England, Scotland and Ireland during the reign of Charles I and that ended in the trial and execution of the King in 1649, various debates...

28 juin 2013

Sufism is occasionally accused of being outside the realm of Shari'a. Discuss this issue, referring to changes in the attitude towards Sufism at different times in early / medieval Islamic History

Étude de cas - 5 pages - Sciences politiques

Sufism is a trend of Islam that puts the stress on experiencing God, by trying to find direct and intimate knowledge of God. The etymology of the Arabic word “suf” which means “wool” because of the garments worn by the first Sufis, is a good illustration of the ascetism they...

28 juin 2013

Right to vote in Britain before 1832

Étude de cas - 7 pages - Sciences politiques

There was for long a consensus among scholars to depict the electoral system of the Hanoverian period as corrupted. Most of historians agreed on the fact that the system was not only deficient quantitatively because of the low number of enfranchised people, but also qualitatively because of the...

26 juin 2013

"The movement fell apart from within" - Is that an adequate explanation for the decline of Chartism?

Étude de cas - 8 pages - Sciences politiques

Chartism was the most important popular mass movement of the 19th century and aimed at ending working-class misery by gaining political rights. These political aims were specified in the 1838 People's Charter from which the movement takes its name. Three petitions were brought to the Parliament...

26 juin 2013

Assess and discuss the role and influence of Europe in Balkans

Étude de cas - 4 pages - Sciences politiques

The Balkans are located at the crossroad of Europe and Orient and have undergone several influences. They have been under the Byzantium, Ottoman and Communist Yugoslavia's rules and all these legacies have influenced the region's identity. Europe influenced it as well, even if the region has...

05 juin 2013

Consequences of the establishment of the Free State

Étude de cas - 2 pages - Sciences politiques

The Irish Free State also wanted to show its modernity to the world. It thus built a huge power plant, the Shannon Scheme, for the electrification of the Free State. It was a symbol of great modernity and an achievement for the Free State, but it nonetheless cost 5M pounds.What is more, the...

05 juin 2013

"Geschichte Durch die Brille des Anderen Betrachten" (Observing History through the other's glasses): The French-German textbook

Étude de cas - 3 pages - Sciences politiques

Despite a common origin - the Carolingian Empire - the relationship between France and Germany has long been tumultuous, especially from 1870 to 1945. During this period, the two countries fought no less than three times. Their history is not only tumultuous: it is also subject to ideological...

31 mai 2013

F.S.L Lyons, From War to Civil War (1973)

Étude de cas - 2 pages - Sciences politiques

Violence was one of the means of Irish nationalism (but not the only one). Until 1916, Redmond conception of the Home Rule was a desirable and attainable ideal. Lyons argues that Redmond has only achieved little more than a glorified local government. Other conceptions existed; Michael Griffith...

31 mai 2013

Everyday life in Ireland during the Great War

Étude de cas - 2 pages - Sciences politiques

What led people to enlist in the army? Only a few were gained by the war enthusiasm in 1914; the lists were much larger in 1915 when the violence of the war and the uncertainty of its outcome were universally understood.Both unionists and nationalists joined the army; loyalty to the King or the...

31 mai 2013

Ireland and the Great War

Étude de cas - 1 pages - Sciences politiques

Many European nations, such as Ireland, hoped to achieve nationhood through the Great War. The self-mobilization of the society was extremely powerful. Military service was central to the culture of war-time. Universal conscription was the norm, and it encountered only a very little resistance in...

31 mai 2013

John Morris Roberts (1989) on Third Republic France

Étude de cas - 2 pages - Sciences politiques

In 1880, France was the only European republic. Nonetheless, the Third Republic conserved many elements of the former regimes, such as the Loi Le Chapelier or the Napoleonic livret. Morris argues that France changed less than England or Germany between 1880 and 1914. French economic life before...

30 mai 2013

Decolonization, difference and social theory

Étude de cas - 2 pages - Sciences politiques

Central issue in contemporary social theory: the challenge of difference. Since the 1960s, sociologists have begun to revisit the issue of difference. Many factors to explain that: social movements- anti-colonial revolutions, civil-rights struggles, development of feminism, gay liberation. The...

30 mai 2013

The Troubles

Étude de cas - 2 pages - Sciences politiques

Were the troubles inevitable? Were they engrained in the Northern Irish system which emerged after the government act in 1920? There is plenty of material about this period. Memoirs were published in the last few years. Interviews were undertaken about this period but they had a very political...

30 mai 2013

Causes and consequences of mass migrations in the late 19th century

Étude de cas - 4 pages - Sciences politiques

According to the Times in 1850, at a moment of political and economic crisis in Britain, “sending poor people to the colonies would end pauperism”. At the beginning of the period we study, economical and social factors are the main explanatory variables for mass migrations across...

24 mai 2013

To what extent can we say that "Ireland fared well from the Great War"?

Étude de cas - 3 pages - Sciences politiques

“Few countries were more decisively affected by the Great War than Ireland”. By these words, John Horne wanted to assert that the Great War was a crucial event in Irish history and that Ireland played an important role which is increasingly acknowledged by historians. This ‘new'...

24 mai 2013

Christianity, conversion and local culture

Étude de cas - 5 pages - Sciences politiques

The work on participation shows how western NGOs need to ‘convert' locals to the project's agenda, in such a way that the project's ideas become their ideas. This analogy with religious conversion prompts us to look at the historical and ongoing waves of religious missioning that precede...

21 mai 2013

The impact of natural disasters on the global economy

Étude de cas - 12 pages - Sciences politiques

In March 2010 all the Europe started to know this Icelandic volcano. This one which had known is last eruption in 1821 entered in it's the biggest one of its known existence. It erupted the 20 of March till the 27 of October. Thanks to the quick prevention of the authority there had been no...

20 mai 2013

Critically evaluate the institutional reforms enshrined in the Lisbon Treaty

Étude de cas - 5 pages - Sciences politiques

Signed in 2007 and entered in force in 2009, the Treaty of Lisbon is in fact the combination of two pieces of legislation. The first one is a new version for the Treaty of the European Union (TEU). The second one is a replacement of the former Treaty of the European Community (TEC) to the new...