Yazid Sabeg, Commissioner on Diversity has announced that Nicolas Sarkozy will propose to submit to Parliament a bill 'to make a lawful measure of diversity' on the team at IFG actively working on the issue of segregation which is linked to that of the usefulness and legitimacy of such measures. On January 2009, Frederick Douzet convened an international symposium in Paris, entitled 'Together or separate: the challenges of the spatial concentration of immigrants in France, the United States and Great Britain' as part of a research project at the Institute University of France and the geopolitical axis of urban IFG. Moreover, a 'dictionary of the suburbs' written under the direction of Béatrice Giblin, by a small team of researchers trained in the French Institute of Geopolitics, will soon be published by Larousse, in which many articles address the issue of discrimination parochial and its impact on national cohesion. The debate is old, and has been revived by the will of Yazid Sabeg. This article lays out some steps in this reflection from the study of two conflicting representations of equality in France which revolve around this debate.
[...] The ethnic characteristics are not based on any scientific test recognized. Cultural backgrounds are subject to endless discussions. Each possible definition is arbitrary and incomplete. She forgets categories, creates others artificially so often interested, according to the intellectual fashions of the moment or under pressure of any "lobby". They must be condemned without appeal. Affirmative action is described by J. Lanfried as a "bad policy response." This "social management of populations through the prism of EU membership" is "Down with the principle of equal rights, regarded as a mere legal convention" for him "to substitute the principle of equality in fact, not for individuals but for groups whose "visibility" and "access" to areas of political powers are considered inadequate in terms of purely statistical conventions. [...]
[...] Education for Extinction: American Indians and the Boarding School Experience 1875–1928, University Press of Kansas ISBN 0-7006-0735-8 ISBN 0-7006-0838-9 (pbk) Bierhorst, John. A Cry from the Earth: Music of North American Indians. ISBN 0-941270-53-X Deloria, Vine Custer Died for Your Sins: an Indian Manifesto. New York: Macmillan Electronic Code of Federal Regulations Title 50: Wildlife and Fisheries Part 22-Eagle permits 5. Hirschfelder, Arlene B.; Byler, Mary G.; & Dorris, Michael. Guide to research on North American Indians. American Library Association (1983). ISBN 0-83890353- Johnston, Eric F. The Life of the Native American, Atlanta, GA: Tradewinds Press (2003) Johnston, Eric. [...]
[...] We must distinguish statistical surveys, which cover a particular problem at a particular time and censuses that provide a picture of the French population. The official French division into sub-categories is dangerous for national and social cohesion of France. Conclusion: I think we should reject the principle of a law on affirmative action and visible minorities who would set people into categories imperfect. In return do we classifications that were in force in the West Indies to distinguish people according to the degree of blackness of their skin? [...]
[...] The Ecological Indian: Myth and History, New York: W.W. Norton p. ISBN Shohat, Ella, and Stam, Robert. Unthinking Eurocentrism: Multiculturalism and the Media. New York: Routledge Sletcher, Michael, "North American Indians", in Will Kaufman and Heidi Macpherson, eds., Britain and the Americas: Culture, Politics, and History, New York: Oxford University Press vols Snipp, C.M. American Indians: The first of this land. New York: Russell Sage Foundation Sturtevant, William C. (Ed.). Handbook of North American Indians (Vol. [...]
[...] What we now call "positive discrimination" is to bias the results of a selection or competition with the requirement for authorities to achieve the objectives set in advance as to the "representation" of each community previously defined. This is the view developed from hearings by a working group chaired by Ms Jacqueline Costa-Lascoux, Director of the Statistical Observatory of Immigration and Integration, reviewed and approved by the College of HCI , January and by the Scientific Council of the OSII, January "The debate on integration and democratic representation conducted in the High Council for Integration has clearly shown the need to promote diversity in all proceedings without entering a count ethnic groups characterized by skin color, racial origin or religious affiliation. [...]
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