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Thèses en Union Européenne

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10 résultats

21 juin 2023

Comment les politiques néolibérales de l'UE influencent-elles la définition et la mise en oeuvre du projet PPAP - Cocoa component en Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée, et quels sont les impacts de ces politiques sur les petits producteurs de cacao ?

Thèse - 10 pages - Union Européenne

Les politiques néolibérales constituent un ensemble d'orientations économiques qui mettent l'accent sur la libéralisation des marchés, la déréglementation, la privatisation et la promotion du libre-échange. Elles trouvent leurs racines dans les idées économiques néoclassiques et ont gagné...

10 Oct. 2011

China's (mis)perception of the European Union

Thèse - 5 pages - Union Européenne

The People's Republic of China's (PRC) rise and arrival as a superpower on the international stage makes it more necessary to study China's vision of the world,and how it perceives the different actors with which it interacts daily. The European Union (EU) is one of these important...

02 mai 2011

The role of European Parliament: Its positive contributions and weaknesses

Thèse - 3 pages - Union Européenne

The European parliament is the parliamentary body of the Union; it can be defined as the expression of the democratic will of all the 450 million citizens of the union in 25 states since 2004. Currently there are 732 members, called the Members of the European Parliament (MEPs). The allocation of...

15 avril 2011

Great Britain and the European Union

Thèse - 2 pages - Union Européenne

Great Britain because of its quality of being an Island, and it was always excluded from the continent's activities. Furthermore, the British take a real pride in their own culture which can explain their rather cold attitude in the matters of international relations. So, we can ask ourselves...

17 Janv. 2011

European Union and South Caucasus: Strategy

Thèse - 6 pages - Union Européenne

The new design of the European energy map has brought the South Caucasian region in the spotlight. As stressed by the Foreign Affairs Committee, in a draft resolution from the European Parliament they adopted in early April, there is now a dire need for the European Union to steer a regional...

13 déc. 2010

Should turkey join the European Union?

Thèse - 4 pages - Union Européenne

Many people believe that the debate regarding Turkey's adhesion to the European Union (EU) is modern and recent; it actually goes back quite a long time. As a matter of fact, it dates back to the 1960s; the issue was raised in 1963, when Turkey signed a customs union with the E.U. This...

24 Nov. 2010

Eurosceptics in Britain

Thèse - 4 pages - Union Européenne

An eurosceptic is a person who takes a dim view to European Union, who only considers its drawbacks, someone who criticizes the process of European Integration and who has doubts about the viability or the usefulness of Europe. This term is mainly used to qualify politics, especially the British....

20 Nov. 2010

Why was the entry of the UK in the EEC so long and difficult?

Thèse - 4 pages - Union Européenne

The first source is an article published the January 18th 1963 in a newspaper entitled The Guardian. This article was written by Darsie Gillie who is a journalist, and it is entitled Why General de Gaulle slammed the door, Britain's threat to European equality with America. It's destining to...

18 Nov. 2010

The EU and the 21st century challenges: Energy and environment

Thèse - 6 pages - Union Européenne

Stavros Dimas, Commissioner for Environment opined that though in recent times, Europe has made considerable progress in cleaning the air that we breathe; air pollution remains a serious problem and continues to damage our health and the environment. The results of a poll published in March,...

11 Oct. 2010

Turkey: Member or privileged partner?

Thèse - 8 pages - Union Européenne

Turkey, with its 72 million inhabitants, became a layman state since Atatürk (Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was a Turkish army officer, revolutionary statesman, writer, and founder of the Republic of Turkey) and tried to follow the EU's vision of human rights, culture and economy. Since 1960s,...