Ce travail datant de 2022 a été réalisé dans le cadre d'un cours de niveau Master sur le Business en Inde. Ce document traite plus spécifiquement du développement de l'IT en Inde. Il retrace l'histoire du développement de cette industrie, sa situation actuelle ainsi que les perspectives futures. À noter que ce travail est en anglais.
[...] Today, its IT division is by far the most profitable arm of the Tata group. Created in 1981, the Indian INFOSYS is today a multinational company present in several countries, it works in particular on subjects as strategic as IOT, Industry 4.0, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics or Digitalization. The first Western company to set up in Bangalore in 1985, Texas Instruments has since been joined by all the American Internet giants, such as Google and Yahoo, or computer giants, such as Microsoft, IBM and Hewlett-Packard. [...]
[...] The business classes have benefited from the major wave of liberalization that began in 1991, but many inequalities have increased even though the overall situation in India has improved because of social dumping, non-progressive taxes such as VAT instead of taxing the great companies and public spending in areas other than education and health which represent only and of GDP respectively, that's to say between two and three time less than South Africa for example. Focus on the history of IT industry in India: If China is the world's factory, India is more like its IT department. With its battalions of its English-speakers engineers earning one-fifth the salaries of their Western counterparts, the 2 country has become an IT services giant over the past 30 years. [...]
[...] Sources: • Daily Up, E. (2022, January 2). ‘L'année des licornes': les startups indiennes en plein boom. ladepeche.fr. https://www.ladepeche.fr/2022/01/02/lannee-des-licornes-lesstartups-indiennes-en-plein-boom-10023209.php • E. (2021, February 18). McKinsey says Indian IT industry to touch $300-350 billion in five years. The Economic Times https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/tech/technology/mckinsey-says-indian-itindustry-to-touch-300-350-billion-in-five-years/articleshow/81093397.cms • GDP and spending - Real GDP forecast - OECD Data. (2022, March 3). [...]
[...] The IT giants are concentrated in the two technology hubs of the city, the Electronic City and the International Tech Park Bangalore. These parks are the result of public initiatives. The Electronic City was built in the late 1970s by Keonics, a government agency whose mission was to support the development of ICT. The International Tech Park Bangalore, developed by Ascendas company specializing in corporate real estate), was opened in 1998. Bangalore has become the world's largest exporter of IT services to businesses. [...]
[...] (2021, September 17). Market size of IT industry in India FY 2021, by sector. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1056148/india-market-size-of-it-bpm-sector/ • Tata becoming multinational: a long-term process. (n.d.). Cairn.info. https://www.cairn.info/revue-entreprises-et-histoire-2018-1-page76.htm?contenu=resume • Wikipedia contributors. (2022, June 3). India. Wikipedia. [...]
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