European employment models in flux: Pressure for change and prospects for survival and revitalization- Gerhard Bosch, Steffen Lendhorff and Jill Rubery
Étude de cas - 1 pages - Sciences de l'éducation
In this research article, the authors are assessing the changes which European societies are currently going through, and the study their aftermaths. This article is very well crafted; this impression is strengthened by the conclusion, where you see that the four points brought out by the authors...
Teenage pregnancy
Étude de cas - 4 pages - Sciences de l'éducation
Each year, thousands of teenagers and young adults confront (face) the problem of an early pregnancy - wanted or unwanted. Nowadays, this phenomenon is regularly highlighted by Medias or scientific reports as an epidemic social issue in our modern society. But in many developed countries teenage...
The East Asian model of economic development and developing countries
Étude de cas - 2 pages - Sciences de l'éducation
Jong H Park is a professor at Kennesaw University, where he works at the the Department of Economics & Finance, Coles College of Business. In 1991, he got a PHD from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he also graduated with a Master. The THE EAST ASIAN MODEL OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND...
The separability doctrine
Étude de cas - 2 pages - Sciences de l'éducation
The separability doctrine, also called the severability doctrine, states that an arbitration clause is separable from the main contract underlying it, and can thereby survive any successful challenge to the latter. This doctrine has been incorporated into numerous international arbitration...
Public attitudes and gender policy regimes: coherence and stability in hard times - Jing Guo and Neil Gilbert
Étude de cas - 1 pages - Sciences de l'éducation
In this article, Jing Guo and Neil Gilbert are trying to assess the different types of welfare under the prism of the gender issue, widening Esping-Andersen's perspective which was focused on the male bread-winner; such analysis seems to be no more relevant given the recent move toward gender...
Gender and natural disasters in Bangladesh
Étude de cas - 9 pages - Sciences de l'éducation
The issue of natural and climate-related disasters in Bangladesh is not a recent problem but its take-up as one of the key issues of the country and its integration in local and national policies aiming at finding ways to adapt the state to the impacts of natural hazards is fairly new. Even more...
How important is innovation in obtaining sustainable performance?
Étude de cas - 6 pages - Sciences de l'éducation
Economic globalization has promoted the increase of goods and services in the different parts of the world. These previous regions, which were unrelated from one another, are now linked thanks to the different companies that have entered. Today, companies from North America may be competing with...
Analysis of armed conflicts Mr Cook - The Six-Day War
Étude de cas - 10 pages - Sciences de l'éducation
Seen as an ineffaceable trauma for Arabs and a poisoned victory for Israel, the Six-Day War has been a strategic moment in the history of the Middle East. Before developing the topic, a brief reminder of the previous Israeli-Arab relations is necessary to better situate and understand what led to...
Should Greece Leave the Eurozone?
Étude de cas - 5 pages - Sciences de l'éducation
Since late 2009 and the worldwide recession resulting from the American financial crisis, the Eurozone has faced a major sovereign debt crisis. Public debt-to-GDP and public deficit-to GDP ratios have increased sharply and are well over the limit fixed by the Stability and Growth Pact. However,...
Projet personnalisé de scolarisation en arts plastiques
Étude de cas - 3 pages - Sciences de l'éducation
Lors de cette séance, énoncez en l'expliquant la stratégie pédagogique que ce professeur d'arts plastiques a choisi pour travailler avec cet élève. Cette première séance sert tout d'abord d'observation au professeur d'arts plastiques. Cela est utile pour apprendre à connaître Raphaël, ses...
The hippie counterculture and its impact on the American society
Étude de cas - 7 pages - Sciences de l'éducation
Throughout the history, the evolution of the United States of America has been marked by numerous social and cultural movements that have influenced the course of important events and have helped shape what we know today as one of the most powerful, influential and complex countries in the world....
England trip in Broadstairs: Report
Étude de cas - 5 pages - Sciences de l'éducation
Presentation of Broadstairs & Home stay: Broadstairs is a coastal town on the Isle of Thanet in the Thanet district of east Kent, England, about 130 km south-east of London. It is under two hour's journey by train from London and enjoys a unique reputation amongst seaside resorts. So Broadstairs...
Sungkyunkwan University
Étude de cas - 15 pages - Sciences de l'éducation
Before our departure to Korea, I already had a great image of the summer session. And when I lived it, it was much more exciting and interesting than expected. That's why I recommend it to all students who like Asia and who want to experience it. Interesting courses were combined with...
Gender conflict and domestic violence in country western music
Étude de cas - 9 pages - Sciences de l'éducation
A woman is abused by her domestic partner every nine seconds in the United States, according to the Family Violence Prevention Fund1. Even though domestic abuse is thus extremely common and frequent, it is rarely alluded to in music, with the notable exception of the country western genre....
British super - injunctions and the clash between private and public interests
Étude de cas - 13 pages - Sciences de l'éducation
One of the specificities of the British legal system and more generally of the common law is the notion of Equity. Equity is judge-made entirely and is meant to balance the stricter rules of pure common law with principles of fairness. Injunctions are an equitable remedy, insofar as they are not...
Racial discrimination in the administration of the death penalty
Étude de cas - 15 pages - Sciences de l'éducation
On 21 September 2011, Troy Davis, a 42 year-old African-American man convicted of the murder of a policeman in Savannah in 1989, was executed after a lengthy judicial process punctuated by numerous graces and ultimately ill-fated appeals. Troy Davis' case spurred a worldwide mobilization against...
Child labor in India: Assessing the efficiency of legal tools and governmental policy
Étude de cas - 19 pages - Sciences de l'éducation
Child labor is a widely condemned practice which can have staggering effects on the health and wellbeing of children, as it can often involve toiling in mines or quarries, being exposed to harmful chemical substances, or sitting and standing for long hours in dreadful conditions. In response to...
Compare and contrast essay: Apocalypse Now and Full Metal Jacket, two views on the Vietnam war
Étude de cas - 4 pages - Sciences de l'éducation
The First and mostly the Second World Wars have been often supported by Hollywood, which produced many propaganda movies. For instance even the classic Casablanca by Michael Curtiz had been shot in order to glorify the French Resistance and the US Army. But during the 1970s, we can observe a real...
Report for French expatriates in Russia: Cultural differences and recommendations to succeed in business there
Étude de cas - 10 pages - Sciences de l'éducation
We are cross-cultural consultants and experts in Russia's business culture and we are going through this report to show how to successfully do business there. This report will facilitate the cultural integration of French expatriates in Russia and help them to succeed doing business there....
Development of ships of the future
Étude de cas - 2 pages - Sciences de l'éducation
The planet population has doubled between 1960 and 2010, and are expecting a 50% growth by 2040. From this rapid growth it is important to mention that in 40 years the world seaborne trade has quadrupled from just 8 thousand billion tonne-miles in 1968 to over 32 thousand billion tonne-miles in...
Darfur crisis
Étude de cas - 28 pages - Sciences de l'éducation
"Darfur is a little short of hell on earth and it had asserted the 7th Secretary General of the United-Nations: Kofi Annan in 2005. Here, he described the terrible situation which is occurred the small area of Sudan: a north-western African country. Since 2003, a struggle between the...
Does the 1998 Good Friday/Belfast Agreement, along with its subsequent development, provide the basis for a solution to the Northern Ireland problem, or is there in fact no solution to the Northern Ireland problem?
Étude de cas - 4 pages - Sciences de l'éducation
There has been no peace process so long in gestation as the one in Northern Ireland (Cox, Guelke and Stephen, 2006:1). Northern Ireland has known three decades of violent conflicts in the twentieth century stuck between Nationalists hoping to achieve a united Ireland and Unionists...
Marijuana legalization- Source of value creation and economic growth
Étude de cas - 24 pages - Sciences de l'éducation
Marijuana legalization may seem as a very unconventional theme for economic research. It really is, but the current economic crisis demands unconventional solutions for conventional problems. This research tries to prove many positive effects of marijuana legalization, both from social and...
World hunger
Étude de cas - 3 pages - Sciences de l'éducation
World hunger is a very general topic; we can ponder over the reasons of world hunger. Did we finally end up accepting it? What could the solutions be? How can we fight it? Why is it that the world is capable of feeding everyone but there are still people dying owing to poverty and lack of food?...
Analyse critique des techniques éducatives lors de la rencontre sportive « Foot pour tous »
Étude de cas - 9 pages - Sciences de l'éducation
Le point de notre rencontre fut le pré-projet collectif d'intervention. En amont, l'élément fédérateur est le football. De nos différentes expériences footballistiques et sportives, passées ou toujours actuelles, nous avons souhaité nous ouvrir à l'autre. Nous entendons, par cette expression,...
Les carences affectives et sanctions éducatives dans l'accompagnement social d'un adolescent
Étude de cas - 12 pages - Sciences de l'éducation
Je me retrouve face à un jeune qui me paraît être dans la toute-puissance et n'hésite pas à se montrer violent aussi bien verbalement que physiquement lorsque je lui rappelle le cadre. Cette attitude me semble être une réponse à son histoire, à la perte de ses premiers liens. Ainsi, je...
Histoire d'un pédagogue : Célestin Freinet
Étude de cas - 3 pages - Sciences de l'éducation
Il est né dans un petit village de Haute Provence. Petite communauté paysanne, pauvre, famille rurale. Enfance plutôt heureuse. Marquée par l'obligation de solidarité. On est obligé de travailler ensemble. Par-delà ce que les gens pensent les uns des autres, on ne peut s'extraire de la...
L'évaluation du langage écrit d'un enfant présentant des difficultés de lecture et/ou d'orthographe
Étude de cas - 9 pages - Sciences de l'éducation
La premie?re difficulte? rencontre?e a e?te? de trouver un enfant a? e?valuer. En effet, me?me si les enfants rencontrant des difficulte?s de lecture et/ou d'orthographe sont nombreux, les parents, ou les enfants eux-me?mes, ne sont pas toujours enthousiastes a? l'ide?e de proce?der a?...
Maria Salud Jiménez, Maria José Pino, Javier Herruzo, "A Comparative Study of Speech Development between Deaf Children with Cochlear Implants Who Have Been Educated with Spoken or Spoken + Sign Language", 2009
Étude de cas - 4 pages - Sciences de l'éducation
L'implant cochléaire est un appareil électronique qui permet à une personne atteinte d'une déficience auditive sévère ou profonde de fournir un sens à un son. Le but de l'implant cochléaire est d'aider les personnes sourdes à développer leur discours quand ils ne peuvent pas le faire par le...
Le fonctionnement de la halte-garderie de la Fontaine du Bac
Étude de cas - 5 pages - Sciences de l'éducation
La structure étudiée se nomme la halte-garderie de la Fontaine du Bac et se situe au 49, rue de la Ganthière à Clermont-Ferrand. Elle se situe à l'intérieur d'un centre commercial. Cette structure est ouverte de 8h15 à 18h du lundi au vendredi. Une halte-garderie est un établissement...