Theodore Dreiser, Sister Carrie (1900), events under study
Étude de cas - 3 pages - Littérature
This event is the crucial event of the book. Indeed, it's the first confrontation between two people from totally opposite social situations. Drouet is a prosper businessman while Carrie is going to Chicago to get a job in a company to fulfill her needs. If Carrie had not met Drouet here, her...
The underclass, illustrated in David Simon's TV series: The Wire & Treme
Étude de cas - 4 pages - Littérature
Poverty in the United States, and especially the notion of under class, are well represented in David Simon's TV series. First, The Wire focuses on the city of Baltimore, and studies a drug dealing organization, and the Baltimore police department trying to put an end to it. This drug dealing...
Blair's Chicago speech (1999)
Étude de cas - 2 pages - Littérature
The document we are going to analyze is a speech delivered by Tony Blair on April 24th 1999 at the Economic Club of Chicago. Tony Blair had been elected Prime Minister of the United Kingdom for two years and had already undertaken several reforms, following the principles of the Third Way, which...
The human condition (1933) Aid to play: Shanghai 1927 summary
Étude de cas - 8 pages - Littérature
Shanghai has its unique position at the mouth of a waterway that drains the richest and most populated regions of China have attracted foreign economic interests. The Chinese authorities have given up their sovereignty over certain areas of the city under French administration or, which is the...
Arthur Miller, The Crucible, Summaries of acts I, II, III
Étude de cas - 2 pages - Littérature
The first scene of the act I takes place in Parris' house, who is the reverend of the parish. His daughter, Betty, is lying on the bed, unconscious. He's worry about his reputation because there is a rumor in the village about Betty, that her "disease" was caused by "unnatural causes",...
Malcolm in the Middle - "Christmas" 3x07
Étude de cas - 2 pages - Littérature
The scene is set during the week preceding Christmas. Indeed, Hale is placing the Christmas tree helped by his sons, Reese, Malcolm and Dewy. Hale is wearing a jumper where is printed a snowman and the house is nicely decorating with lightings which really shows the Christmas spirit. Also,...
Write a critical appreciation of this extract from "Waiting for the barbarians" by J.M. Coetzee, focusing on Coetzee's appreciation of Colonel Joll
Étude de cas - 2 pages - Littérature
This extract from Waiting for the Barbarians is a first-person narrative which recounts the narrator's meeting with a colonel. A person can be defined and described through multiple techniques, several of which are combined in this extract to give as full an appreciation as possible of the latter...
Compare and contrast the presentation of the experience of war and its reality by soldiers and civilians in "Dulce et Decorum Est" and "The Last Night". Remember to examine and discuss the use of language: viewpoint and tone, figures of speech, st
Étude de cas - 5 pages - Littérature
The two texts that I am going to compare and contrast are Dulce et Decorum Est, a poem by Wilfred Owen and The Last Night an extract from Charlotte Gray, novel written by Sebastian Faulks. Both recount an episode of the war, and how it really affected the people. The aim...
"True North" by Simon Armitage - Kid (1992)
Étude de cas - 3 pages - Littérature
True north is a poem written by Simon Armitage and published in the book Kid. Kid is a collection of poems published in 1992. Simon Armitage is a famous British poet, playwright and novelist born in 1963 in Marsden, in Northern England. The North is a central theme in Simon Armitage's work. For...
"How to feel good" by Nick Hornby
Étude de cas - 2 pages - Littérature
This text is an extract from a novel entitled How to be good. It was written by Nick Hornby, a British novelist and essayist, known for having written the famous book About a boy. It dates back to two thousand and one. It deals with a British couple having an argument in...
Michel Foucault, History of Sexuality Vol 1: The Will to Knowledge (2003)
Étude de cas - 2 pages - Littérature
Foucault considers that the 17th century was the beginning of an age of repression, where calling sex by its name was difficult. It first started in religion, through the Christian pastoral. Foucault argues that to master it in reality, it was necessary to control it in language. Nevertheless,...
Alexander de Waal, 2005. Famine that Kills: Darfur, Sudan 1984-1985 (original edition 1989): Destitution and Famine
Étude de cas - 1 pages - Littérature
This is a poorer land than any of the other communities studied. Famine was a way of life in there since the 1960's In 1984-5, the Fur (people of Jebel Si) preferred leaving the farms where they were employed in order to cultivate their own land, even though the wage had increased in the Southern...
Was Machiavelli's political thought amoral realpolitik?
Étude de cas - 4 pages - Littérature
The Prince is a realist: he is interested in what does happen and not in what ought to be. If he wants to stay in power (to ensure the common good) the Prince cannot be honest because it would lead him to his ruin. He is exempt from the normal rules of morality. As he is surrounded by wicked...
Analysis of Julian Castro's speech at the 2012 democratic convention
Étude de cas - 2 pages - Littérature
The democratic convention is a very important event in the course of the presidential elections in the United States. The speakers at the convention are carefully selected as the main representatives of the strategy that will be developed during the campaign. It is not a coincidence if Castro has...
What are the differences between Locke's and Hobbes's notions of the state of nature? Discuss with reference to the Second Treatise of Government and the Leviathan
Étude de cas - 4 pages - Littérature
As two of the fundamental social contract theorists, Hobbes and Locke are very often opposed, on prima facia readings ; for the former appears as a true defender of authoritarianism, with all its possible derives, while the latter supports a genuinely liberal idea of limited government. However,...
Explain the relative instability of the French party system during the post-world war II period
Étude de cas - 4 pages - Littérature
The Fourth Republic, which lasted only eleven years and twelve months, is the shortest regime in French political history since 1852 ; because there were about twenty-eight successive governments within this period, it is a common view that instability is the reason of its failure. Then, it is...
Can a theory of truth serve as a theory of meaning? If not, why not?
Étude de cas - 2 pages - Littérature
Recent developments in the theory of truth by Tarski1 have brought new material for inquiries in the theory of meaning - this is what indeed thinkers such as Davidson believe; but are they right believing this ? More exactly, in what sense can we legitimately discuss the idea that a theory of...
"Whatsoever is, is in god, and nothing can or be conceived without god." - Spinoza, Ethics. Discuss
Étude de cas - 2 pages - Littérature
This one surely counts among the boldest expressions of Spinoza's pantheistic system in the Ethics ; and even though that system is well-known primarily for its radicality, we should make sure some further analysis is given which explicates it well enough, before we can even start discussing it...
The Iron Cage or the Cult of the Individual? Compare Weber and Durkheim's alternative understanding of the idea and role of the individual in modern life
Étude de cas - 3 pages - Littérature
In the late 19th century and early 20th century, social studies were conducted by founding fathers of sociology in order to understand both the role of the individual and the role of the society in a new epoch called modernity. At macro-sociological level, this period is characterized by general...
The logic of appropriateness - John G. March and Johan P. Olsen
Étude de cas - 1 pages - Littérature
In the first place, the authors define what a rule of appropriateness is. It is a rule defined by what is considered an exemplary behavior, and then seen as natural and legitimate. They first expose the basics about the rule-based action. According to them, this is an ancient concept, theorized...
Structural realism - John J. Mearsheimer
Étude de cas - 2 pages - Littérature
The text we have is an extract from the Mearsheimer's book about International relations theories. In this extract, he presents the structural realism: he states the structural realist theory about international politics and conflicts. Hence, he also explains there are differences among the...
Machiavelli - The Prince
Étude de cas - 2 pages - Littérature
The three chapters we have from The Prince are good to understand Machiavelli's thought; they comprise advice's he gives to rulers in order to maintain their power. In this text, we understand the essence of his reflection: Princes should choose to be feared rather than to be loved if they...
Is the future American? Or, can left politics preserve European welfare States from Erosion through growing 'racial' diversity? P. Taylor-Gooby
Étude de cas - 2 pages - Littérature
This text was written by P. Taylor-Gooby in 2005. It is about the erosion of European welfare States which are challenged by a growing ethnic diversity. In this text, the author tries to contradict the idea that the absence of welfare states would result from a large racial diversity. In his...
Worshipping at the shrine of the knowledge-based society? J. Wickham
Étude de cas - 2 pages - Littérature
The text is extracted from a book which was written by J. Wickham in 2008. This chapter focuses on the knowledge-based society (KBS) in Europe. As the author asserts it, he was tried to understand the relation between knowledge and social structure. The first part of the text is specifically...
State power and world markets - Joseph M. Grieco and G. John Ikenberry
Étude de cas - 1 pages - Littérature
In this text, the authors explain the theory elaborated by Ricardo in order to explain that countries which do not necessarily have absolute advantages can however trade if they specialize. This is the theory of comparative advantages. This theory is fundamental to understand economic...
European employment models in flux: Pressure for change and prospects for survival and revitalization- Gerhard Bosch, Steffen Lendhorff and Jill Rubery - publié le 26/02/2013
Étude de cas - 2 pages - Littérature
The text is a chapter extracted from a book about employment models in Europe and their evolutions. This is the first chapter of the book so it is a kind of general introduction (although it is long, comprehensive and well-structured) to the rest of the book. This document seems to be a...
Étude de cas - 2 pages - Littérature
Le but est de montrer que Victor Hugo veut mettre un bonnet rouge (Cf. Les Contemplations). Il est au service d'une poésie qui doit se moderniser dans la forme. La modernité apparait avec les poèmes en prose. Effectivement, dès le XVIème siècle, on a dans un roman (Le Cinquième Livre de Rabelais)...
Découverte de nouvelles formes poétiques: Les Fenêtres, Baudelaire
Étude de cas - 3 pages - Littérature
Les poèmes en prose (Les fenêtres, Baudelaire) & les calligrammes (La Dive Bouteille, Rabelais XVI et La colombe poignardée et le jet d'eau, Apollinaire XX). Baudelaire crée la forme du poème en prose utilisé au XIXème par Rimbaud et toujours utilisé actuellement. On a une expression où...
La méthode littéraire de Gustave Lanson
Étude de cas - 7 pages - Littérature
Le lansonisme est une illustration du rôle hégémonique que tend à prendre l'histoire dans les sciences humaines au tournant du siècle. Il se proclame scientifique dans la mesure où il se réclame de cette discipline et de ses méthodes. Il juge impératif le recours dans l'approche du fait...
Never Let Me Go by Ishiguro - Discuss
Étude de cas - 4 pages - Littérature
A dystopia is the idea of an imaginary society ruled by a repressive and controlled state, often in order to reach an utopian goal. It comes from the Greek bad or hard place. The society described by Ishiguro uses human cloning in order to heal people, without any regards for ethical...