Hoaxbuster, fake news, article de presse, Emmanuel Macron, IA Intelligence Artificielle, Twitter
Consigne : Décrire les images d'un article et expliquer la fake news en anglais à partir d'un article du site Hoaxbuster.
"On these three pictures, French President Emmanuel Macron is exfiltrated by the police. Indeed, there are protestors everywhere, because it is a protest against the retirement reform from last spring. He seems to be lost and terrified by the protesters.
This image was generated (which means "created") by Artificial Intelligence (AI), most probably by Midjourney according to lots of comments of the viral tweet."
[...] - Twitter mettant en scène Emmanuel Macron fuyant devant les manifestants pour la réforme des retraites https://www.hoaxbuster.com/politique/2023/04/06/non-il-ne-sgait-pas-demmanuel-macron-qui-est-exfiltre-par-la-police Description of the images. To sum up the fake news very briefly (which means "quickly"): These images were published on Twitter by an account named "No Context French" without any explanation nor references. On these three pictures, French president Emmanuel Macron is exfiltrated by the police. Indeed, there are protestors everywhere, because it is a protest against the retirement reform from last spring. [...]
[...] First, French president Macron was never seen nor said to have been extracted by the police from a protest. Indeed, it is very unlikely for him to go to a protest due to (which means "because security reasons. Furthermore (which means "then" or "moreover"), there is no reference nor place nor date associated to these images. Finally, this picture is anonymous since it is very complicated to find who took it or who published it on social media initially (which means "at first"). [...]
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