Il s'agit d'un commentaire de l'oeuvre Frankenstein de 1818, s'inscrivant dans l'ère gothique.
[...] He has worked a lot to get there, achieving what no one could ever do before : creating life from scratch. The aspect of victory can be understood in some parts of the text : beheld the accomplishment of my toils" had selected his features as beautiful." had desired it with an ardour that far exceeded moderation" "the beauty of the dream" (l14-15) Beautiful Victor entirely created the Creature, it is like a piece of art and Frankenstein would be the artist. [...]
[...] He is telling the story of Victor Frankenstein, a young scientist who is obsessed with the idea of creating life. He will finally succeed in doing it through a scientific experiment. However, he actually created a monster, that will be called the Creature. This abstract is still at the beginning of the novel, more specifically in the second part, during which the narrator is Victor Frankenstein, the creator. Before that, the first part was the prologue, told by Captain Walton, and after come the Creature's narrative, followed by Victor Frankenstein's narrative again, and then the conclusion from Captain Walton. [...]
[...] Its genre is fantastic, or horror novel. It is sometimes considered to be a gothic novel. Context Frankenstein is the most famous novel of Mary Shelley, it became a classic of literature and has been adapted many times since its creation. During her lifetime, Mary Shelley wrote around ten books, including poems and novels. Frankenstein is her second work, and also the most famous one. It belongs to the romanticism movement, during which artists highlight the "sublime" power of nature. [...]
[...] It describes the exact moment the Creature is "born", in the middle of the night,through the eyes of Frankenstein. Victor sees the Creature opening its eyes, and he gets scared and horrified, we can feel him be overwhelmed by confusion, fear, anxiety and disgust. Analysis In the text, we can clearly distinguish two opposite feelings : success and beauty are in contradiction with ugliness and catastrophe. It is viewed by the vocabulary employed and the general atmosphere described in the scene From the first line, we understand that the environment is full with fear, glaucus, darkness and anxiety. [...]
[...] The beautiful becomes the ugly, the transition is very strong with the vocabulary employed by the narrator. Far from feeling proud of his success, Victor feels terrible; his achievement leads to his anxiety. The idea and concept of creating life is actually better than the accomplishment of doing it, maybe some dreams should never be realized ? We can ask ourselves the following question : if Victor knew he was going to succeed, would he have continued doing the experiment ? [...]
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