I.1.A What is an ethnic group?
The expression "Ethno-marketing" is frequently perceived bad. The term "ethnic" only refers to a racial concept and to skin color for a lot of people. This conception is clearly not neutral in the European market. So, it is essential to give a universal definition of the word "ethnicity" in order to:
-Justify the using of this new marketing notion; -Show that the idea does not only refer to skin color.
-Some official definitions of ethnicity:
Firstly, we will begin by some dictionary definitions:
-French Dictionary "Le Robert" "Ethnicity: Human groupings who share a domestic structure."
-According to "Reference.com (electronic dictionary)": "Ethnicity" : Social group or category of the population that, in a larger society, is set apart and bound together by common ties of language, nationality, or culture."
[...] Indeed, the term only refers to a racial concept and to skin color for a lot of people. This conception is clearly not neutral in the European market. So, it is essential to give a universal definition of the word “ethnicity” in order to: -Justify the using of this new marketing notion; -Show that the idea does not only refer to skin color. Some official definitions of ethnicity: Firstly, we will begin by some dictionary definitions: -French Dictionary Robert” “Ethnicity: Human groupings who share a domestic structure.” -According to “Reference.com (electronic dictionary)”: “Ethnicity” : Social group or category of the population that, in a larger society, is set apart and bound together by common ties of language, nationality, or culture.” But this kind of definition is not sufficient to clearly understand this term, which is really complex. [...]
[...] They have a proper language and a common culture, but they are not considered an ethnic group because few of them recognize themselves as Basques. Therefore, the subjective definition is a way to complete the objective definition. In this paper, we will estimate the first definition of ethnicity (the objective one). In fact, this “dimension” is the one used by marketers and is occasionally a source of polemic. I.1.B Ethnic marketing or ethno-marketing: What is this? To begin this part we will discover, again, some definitions. Indeed, we have to use objective terms. [...]
[...] However, they spend less on furniture, insurance, home appliances, and sports equipment. The buying behavior of African ethnic groups has attracted the attention of businesses, not only because they spend a lot, but also because their buying behavior offers great business opportunities. Nike has kept faith in Tiger Woods, despite his extra-marital scandals. This campaign was lunch last April, before the Augusta Masters. Asians Asians generally prefer to save rather than spend. They spend more money than the national average on education and health care. [...]
[...] But, businessmen are realizing more and more the significance of reaching multi-cultural audiences who create or will create an important portion of the country's buying power . This trade has truly important growth perspectives. That's why corporation are really concerned with ethno-marketing; they have seen in this idea a way to powerfully augment their business. However, specific ethnic marketing needs a sense of expertise by marketing professionals who comprehend the target audience, their language, and their culture. Both big and small companies can benefit from marketing their products/services to local ethnic groups or to a global marketplace. I.2 What are the main sectors involved? [...]
[...] If I follow the French Constitution, it is clear that ethno-marketing goes against republican values. In the United States, ethno-marketing is more a method to augment businesses and to make more money. Considering that, morals are not truly respected. On the other hand, if ethno-marketing strategies are implemented with value, exactitude towards ethnic groups and also without stereotypes, we can say that this idea is useful and moral. Sources Website http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marketing_ethnique http://www.creg.ac-versailles.fr/spip.php?article51 http://www.africultures.com/php/index.php?nav=article&no=2993 http://www.lemonde.fr/societe/article/2010/04/01/de-l-alimentation-halal-au-marketingethnique_1327064_3224.html http://www.e-marketing.fr/Marketing-Magazine/Article/La-France-est-elle-prete-pourunmarketing-ethnique--12627-1.htm http://clio.revues.org/index446.html http://www.gralon.net/articles/sports-et-loisirs/loisirs/article-histoire-de-la-poupeebarbie-769.htm Books “Marketing ethnique: Utopie ou réalité Chantal Ammi, Edition Lavoisier Dictionnaire “Petit Robert”, Edition 2005. [...]
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