Les techniques du marketing viral sur le Web
Cours - 9 pages - Brand management
Bilan sur les techniques du marketing viral sur le Web.
Vision et perspectives du e-commerce 2.0
Dissertation - 14 pages - Digital & e-marketing
Synthèse répondant à la question suivante : un site marchand doit-il adopter et mettre en oeuvre les principes estampillés web 2.0 ?
La communication B to B - publié le 22/01/2008
Cours - 34 pages - Brand management
Présentation du concept de communication B to B et ses outils concrets (médias, hors médias,internet...). Exemple et analyse d'application dans une entreprise de tourisme (Tour opérateur).
Commerce international: techniques de commercialisation
Cours - 17 pages - Marketing international
L'environnement macro-économique offre des opportunités et des menaces. Les ouvertures sont de plus en plus importantes et on constate une diminution des barrières tarifaires. Le GATT et dorénavant l'OMC, est une voie vers la libéralisation des échanges. L'ONU, la CNUCEP et l'OMPI (c'est...
Heineken premium light
Étude de cas - 12 pages - Brand management
Dark, blond or red, there is beer for all tastes. Every year all over the world the beer market generates billions of Euros in turnover. There are six international players who are sharing this market. InBev is the result of the merger of the Belgian brewery "Interbrew" and the Brazilian brewery...
To launch a free night-life magazine distributed in Los Angeles
Étude de cas - 10 pages - Marketing des médias & communication
The night life business is based on the organization of popular events. Thus, Nocturnal Co. is planning to set up a party every 2 months, which will enable direct marketing activities such as the following: -cross advertising campaigns via flyers, billboards, radio -gifts, sporting the...
Ubifrance y el ICEX
Étude de cas - 13 pages - Marketing NTIC
Francia es el primer inversor mundial con 116 mil millones de dólares de inversión en el mundo. Cinco millones de empleos en Francia, es decir una quinta parte de la población, dependen de las exportaciones. Sin embargo, muy pocos actores realizan la mayoría de estas exportaciones. Un 43% de los...
Patagonia company
Étude de cas - 28 pages - Marketing sportif
Nowadays, people increasingly realize that the earth is in danger and that if we keep on damaging it the future generation will face significant problems such as lack of water, of natural resources and global warming. That's why many actions are taken by numerous organisations and that people not...
Contrex - Marketing plan
Étude de cas - 4 pages - Brand management
Contrex is calorie free and offers a convenient and natural source of minerals. Calcium, magnesium and other minerals give Contrex its unique taste. It mitigates deficiencies of an unbalanced food. It is also good for pregnant women thanks to its important content rock salt. Finally, it permits a...
Explain the concept of lead time, the decision making process of planning and controlling, and the relationships between them with reference to 'Air traffic control: a world-class juggling act'
Dissertation - 5 pages - Théories et stratégies marketing
Nowadays, companies are very often in touch with customers, they have to answer to their needs. That is the reason why they do surveys: to know exactly what their customers need, what are their expectations Accordingly, enterprises have to match the needs of their customers to deliver a...
Le marketing peut-il réussir à changer les comportements des français en matière de maîtrise d'énergie ?
Dissertation - 9 pages - Théories et stratégies marketing
Le réchauffement climatique est aujourd'hui un sujet de polémique en France mais également dans le monde. De nombreuse actions sont mises en places pour tenter de lutter contre ce phénomène: protocole de Kyoto, grenelle de l'environnement, journée d'actions contre le changement climatique etc....
Clarins : Yesterday and today
Étude de cas - 15 pages - Marketing luxe
The aim of this document is to critically review the marketing and business of the company plan by producing a marketing strategy report (see Appendix). Afterward, we shall present a new strategy to address issues that have been highlighted during the audit. This report contains a marketing...
Les motivations et freins des consommateurs bio à protéger l'environnement
Dissertation - 11 pages - Comportement des consommateurs et clients
"Un développement qui répond aux besoins du présent sans compromettre la capacité des générations futures à répondre aux leurs". 1987 - Mme Gro Harlem Brundtland, Premier Ministre norvégien. Ceci est la définition « officielle » du développement durable dont tout le monde parle aujourd'hui. Cela...
Targeting the Teenagers in Marketing
Étude de marché - 15 pages - Comportement des consommateurs et clients
Teenagers today are a very integral part of almost every western society including France and represent a very big market. Owing to the increase in the number of adolescents, the need to understand them and their needs becomes quintessential. This essay goes on to define teenagers and what they...
Étude de cas - 15 pages - Marketing NTIC
The goal of this group work is to analyze a country e-marketing strategy, to see if it is adapted to the target, to its cultural and economical environment and its potential and finally to have a critical opinion on the strategy employed. To reach these objectives we will divide our paper in 3...
Orcanta in Russia
Étude de cas - 9 pages - Marketing international
Russia is one of the largest markets in the world. As the western culture slowly infiltrated the eastern mentality many young people began adopting western culture and appearances. In the past few years Russia has not only began to accept western ideas and fashion, but has developed an energetic...
La communication des médias : médias français, affichage et internet
Cours - 6 pages - Brand management
Limites : ? Durée de vie des annonces assez brève ? Faible qualité de reproduction ? Faible taux de circulation Il y a 79 titres (9 millions d'exemplaires) dont 11 titres nationaux et 61 titres régionaux (5,4 millions d'exemplaires). La structure par âge, on voit que la PQN est plus lu...
Google case study
Étude de cas - 11 pages - Marketing NTIC
Nowadays, Google is considered more as a daily useful tool than a large worldwide company. This Google website is so essential for all the IT users that we have the tendency to forget the men, the women and the know-how behind this wonderful and rapid search tool. But behind this webpage, a huge...
Montblanc in China
Étude de cas - 13 pages - Marketing international
The Montblanc Company is going to open a new subsidiary in China. I have just been promoted to be the manager of this new subsidiary in China and to design a strategic plan for the Montblanc Company. I am aware that it is a particular market and that some measures must be taken if I want this new...
Caroll Paris
Étude de cas - 15 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter
The main purpose of the present report is to design a marketing plan for the French fashion house' Caroll who is aiming to enter the growing middle market' in China. In order to design an appropriate marketing plan, several steps have to be taken. We will first present the Caroll...
Analysis del comercio electronico
Étude de marché - 10 pages - Marketing NTIC
Se puede definir el comercio electrónico como cualquier forma de transacción o intercambio de información comercial basada en la transmisión de datos sobre redes de comunicación como Internet. Entonces, el comercio electrónico no solo incluye la compra y la venta electrónica de las mercancías,...
Le fordisme : principe, logique et fondements
Cours - 2 pages - Brand management
Henri Force crée une société de production de véhicules particuliers au début du 20ème siècle et cherche à faire de l'automobile un produit de masse. Il recherche un mode d'organisation.
Ikea culture
Étude de cas - 7 pages - Marketing distribution
Power Distance Index (PDI) focuses on the degree of equality, or inequality, between people in the country's society. In Sweden, the low Power Distance ranking indicates that in this society, there is no difference between citizen's power and wealth. In these societies equality and...
The impact of demographic development in international marketing
Dissertation - 5 pages - Marketing international
This paper seeks to show the different impacts of demographic development on International Marketing and how enterprises may deal with this phenomenon. With the worldwide population ageing, new markets and new opportunities are opening for entrepreneurs. This shift in demographic development...
Le point de vente: : Les méthodes marketing du détaillant pour conquérir sa clientèle
Dissertation - 16 pages - Comportement des consommateurs et clients
Attirer des visiteurs dans un point de vente assure t-il des clients? Le marketing du point de vente présente quelques spécificités : il s'attache à proposer un mix satisfaisant le consommateur en lui offrant au bon endroit, les bons produits ou services, au bon prix, dans une bonne...
M&M's, the "funniest" strategy
Étude de cas - 19 pages - Brand management
What famous chocolate does a person who likes cinema, NASCAR races and has a fun spirit, buy first? M&M's!! This chocolate brand is known all around the world. This reputation is not the result of the hazard's but the consequence of a historic strategy. Indeed, M&M's is one of the oldest...
Marketing management : efficiency & effectiveness
Dissertation - 5 pages - Théories et stratégies marketing
As explained in Les Echos, Les nouveaux managers du secteur public, the traditional model of the public sector showed up its limits : it is transformed and uses practices from the private companies management, such as : the measurement of performances, strategies and schemes, consumers?...
Budget airlines marketing report
Étude de cas - 20 pages - Marketing des services
This report is aimed at researching into the budget airline industry, in the hope to find a gap in the current market, which we can implement. This is a difficult task, as there is a huge amount of competition already in the market and everything imaginable has been tried by one company or...
In which ways environmental and ethical considerations influence and complicate the marketing of Total?
Étude de cas - 7 pages - Théories et stratégies marketing
Total' is the world's fourth-largest oil and gas company, with the largest capitalization in the Paris stock exchange and the Euro zone, 130.5 billion on December 31st, 2004. Total is a leading multinational energy company with 95,000 employees, and activities in more than 130 countries....
Projet commercial : Bon Appétit
Étude de cas - 18 pages - Brand management
Notre compagnie offrira à ses consommateurs une chaîne de magasins qui importera et distribuera des produits français à Londres au Royaume-Uni. Nous achèterons ces produits en France, organiserons le transport et la distribution dans nos magasins. Ce seront des produits alimentaires de...