Miramax Company
Étude de cas - 18 pages - Marketing des médias & communication
The world of the cinema is a very peculiar one. And because it is a very peculiar one, I choose to study the most peculiar firm on this market: Miramax. This choice has been motivated by the fact that this firm had a very strange story which determines its strategy. While at the beginning it was...
Launching a new product : the "KeepWarm Microwave"
Étude de cas - 25 pages - Brand management
The Company has the intention to set up a microwave manufacturing company and to achieve a turnover of five million pounds in the third year of running. The name of this company that will provide the customers a brand new innovation is BEAM. It was decided to have as a slogan of the company:...
The Halal Market
Étude de cas - 9 pages - Marketing distribution
In Islam there are precepts that certain foods are permitted (Halal), others forbidden (Haram). Pork and alcohol are Haram, because they are regarded as unclean. From these precepts is born a consumer described as "Halal". For Muslim consumers, beef must be certified Halal, it means that the...
Etude marketing : les signes de qualité
Dissertation - 12 pages - Brand management
De nos jours, la qualité est un véritable critère d'achat pour les produits d'une entreprise. En effet, une enquête du Centre de Recherche pour l'Etude et l'Observation des Conditions de vie (CRE-DOC) a révélé en 2007 que la qualité était le troisième atout privilégié par...
Walmart success story
Étude de cas - 22 pages - Marketing distribution
The large scale retail sector consists of multiple companies of very heterogeneous sizes. This disparity can be explained by the strategy adopted by certain companies to grow rapidly in order to be a market giant, by implementing waves of fusion-acquisitions, which make it possible for the brands...
The 4L Trophy, a Collective Project
Étude de cas - 3 pages - Marketing sportif
The 4L Trophy was created in 1998 by an organization of tourism specialized in the raids risk: Desertours. Since 2001, this organization works in association with the college of business of Rennes. The 4L Trophy is only opened to the students. Through this event, the participants are going to own...
Marketing in islam : Case study AL-QUDS jeans
Étude de cas - 7 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter
At a time where slim fit jeans are quite famous and loved in Europe or in the United States, a new type of jeans and a new brand was born in 2006. It was named ?Al Quds', in the name of the holy city of Jerusalem. A simple product with a practical goal: facilitate the Muslim prayer. Al Quds...
A viral advertising campaign: "Terry Tate" launched by Reebok in 2003
Étude de cas - 5 pages - Marketing sportif
Today the sporting shoes and apparel market is highly competitive and has reached the maturity stage. At this level companies have to differentiate their offer in order to win new market shares or at least keep their position. This differentiation must be done on two levels: product...
Hello Kitty - International Marketing
Étude de cas - 29 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter
By wearing Asian culture symbols / Asian fashion the celebrities ensure that they are more accepted while promoting their songs and products in the Asian market. It is easier for the Asian fans to identify with the pop stars, e.g. Britney Spears and Paris Hilton, if these stars were seen with...
La politique de communication
Cours - 40 pages - Brand management
Corporate : entreprise, institutionnelle - Construire une image valorisante et conforme au projet d'entreprise - Définir le paramètre d'activité - Envoyer aux actionnaires et aux milieux financiers des signes forts sur l'ambition de l'entreprise - Rassurer, valoriser et motiver...
Maîtriser, gérer et contrôler la chaîne graphique
Cours - 14 pages - Brand management
Savoir gérer la relation avec les différents prestataires Maîtriser le vocabulaire technique de base pour mieux dialoguer avec ses prestataires Être en mesure de repérer des marges de manoeuvre ou des économies potentielles (...)
Business plan : Elegance
Business plan - 20 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter
Elegance designs, produces and sells clothes adapted to the expectations of senior and disabled people. Elegance is committed to remain close to its customers. The company is located in Lyon, a city that occupies a central position in the regions of Rhône-Alpes and PACA. This city has been chosen...
Inditex, Zara
Fiche - 2 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter
José María Castellano, deputy chairman and CEO of the Inditex Group, whose brand Zara, has helped build the fashion empire to a worth of 13 billion. Zara employs around 50,000 people and takes on 7,000 new employees every year. In 2004, it opened a new store every day somewhere in the world, and...
Comment les opérateurs mobiles présentent-ils leurs offres aux jeunes ?
Fiche - 1 pages - Marketing NTIC
En moins de quinze ans, la téléphonie mobile a connu un développement sans précédent : elle est devenue un secteur économique à part entière. Il y a prés de 49 millions d'utilisateurs en France, soit la quasi-totalité du territoire français aujourd'hui couvert, avec des mobiles de plus en plus...
Étude du marché du sport
Dissertation - 2 pages - Marketing sportif
De nos jours, de plus en plus de personnes pratiquent un sport pour diverses raisons, suivant le sexe et l'âge. Face à cette évolution et aux choix multiples de sport que nous pouvons pratiquer, il faut donc s'adapter aux besoins des consommateurs et à leur demande car selon qu'on est un homme ou...
What are various methods of accepting an offer online?
Dissertation - 5 pages - Digital & e-marketing
E-Commerce is typically about profit. The expansion of E-commerce involves an element of risk. "Selling on the Internet or through the World Wide Web is similar to selling in the real world ". However, E-contracts have raised many issues such as the validity of electronic transactions, where a...
Gender and consumption
Dissertation - 4 pages - Comportement des consommateurs et clients
The emergence of the man as a consumer is, now obvious. This phenomenon does not cease to grow since the post war period, and it is today demonstrated by the unbelievable number of new products which are launched in the market, especially targeting men. But consumption is not only a new activity...
What is the impact of service in the fast food industry ? (common points and differences arisen by a comparison between McDonald and Burger King in Bergen city)
Étude de cas - 16 pages - Comportement des consommateurs et clients
Through our course Service Marketing and Management at NHH, we got the idea of doing our own study to figure out the major differences of McDonald and Burger King in Bergen by examaning customers' different perceptions, expectations, satisfactions and loyalty towards them. We tried to...
Male gender portrayal in modern advertising
Dissertation - 8 pages - Comportement des consommateurs et clients
Since advertising reaches thousands of individuals daily, it has become a target for a lot of scrutiny by researchers interested in the consequences of advertising on culture and society. These studies concern above all the role advertising plays in gender stereotyping. The portrayal of gender in...
Mediating Role of Trust In a Classic and Virtual Brand
Dissertation - 18 pages - Digital & e-marketing
Considered the cornerstone of any exchange relation, trust caused for a long time the infatuation of the researchers and the experts. In the context of Internet purchase, the trust problem is posed with more acuteness. There are numerous works on electronic trust (Gefen and Straub, 2003)....
Le développement de la confiance dans le site d'une e-marque
Dissertation - 18 pages - Digital & e-marketing
Avec l'apparition du commerce électronique, les parties de l'échange sont devenues inconnues l'une pour l'autre et le type de l'information échangée devient de plus en plus personnel. Compte tenu de cette situation, les inquiétudes des utilisateurs d'Internet ne cessent de croître quant à la...
Relaunch the BMW C1 - advertising copy
Étude de cas - 9 pages - Marketing automobile
Introduced in 1999, during the car fair trade of Frankfurt, the BMW C1 scooter was a breakthrough in the two-wheeler world. It was the first scooter that you can ride without wearing a helmet. It is an advanced hybrid form between an automobile and a motorcycle. After having sold 10,614 units in...
La Banque Postale, comment impliquer les guichetiers dans la vente de livrets A ?
Dissertation - 18 pages - Marketing bancaire
La Banque Postale est une filiale du groupe La Poste. Créée le 1er janvier 2006, La Banque Postale doit s'imposer en tant que banque aux yeux des clients déjà si nombreux et également prouver à tous ses concurrents sa crédibilité et sa compétitivité sur le marché financier. Tous les Français...
Les capacités touristiques du Portugal
Dissertation - 6 pages - Marketing tourisme
Le Portugal est un pays avec un grand charme et très accueillant. Il s'étend le long des côtes de l'Atlantique et possède de très belles plages, notamment dans la région de l'Algarve, des villes historiques Le pays a su conserver son arrière-pays, avec sa nature sauvage, ses magnifiques...
Analyse et prospectives sur le design automobile
Dissertation - 19 pages - Marketing automobile
« Je crois que l'automobile est aujourd'hui l'équivalent assez exact des grandes cathédrales gothiques : je veux dire une grande création de l'époque, conçue passionnément par des artistes inconnus, consommée dans son image, sinon dans son usage, par un peuple entier qui s'approprie en elle un...
Entering the Irish Market: Le Gourmet Givre, brand of "frozen gourmet ready meal"
Étude de cas - 10 pages - Marketing international
Our company Le Gourmet Givré© is one of the biggest and most famous brand of "frozen gourmet ready meal? in France. Le Gourmet Givré was created in 1984 by Alexandre Hembert, Charles Garland and Sarah Reix, three entrepreneurs, who saw in the micro-wave democratization a huge opportunity. In...
Introduction au marketing, étude de marché et moyens d'action
Cours - 18 pages - Théories et stratégies marketing
Jusqu'à la fin du XIXe siècle et début du XXe siècle on ne se préoccupe pas du marketing, ce qui préoccupe l'entreprise c'est de produire. Il se préoccupe des techniques et de mettre en place la méthode de l'organisation qui va permettre d'accroître le rendement des ouvriers (Taylor). Du début...
Renault strategy in India
Étude de cas - 2 pages - Marketing automobile
Because of the economic context, the car market is quite compromised in western countries, especially in Europe. The French carmaker Renault was registered in 2008 and had to face to a 24% drop of its sales. That is why Renault, Nissan (44% owned by Renault) and Bajaj Motors (major Indian...
Casino Strategy Management
Étude de cas - 12 pages - Marketing distribution
Retailing is an area with strong competition between the main competitors. The buyer power does not arise from buyer's ability to negotiate but rather from competitors' pressure. Carrefour, E.Lecler, Auchan' offer very similar products which is why big company such Casino had to make...
Notoriété et image de marque : deux notions différentes ou complémentaires ?
Dissertation - 11 pages - Théories et stratégies marketing
L'image de marque est composée de toutes les représentations tangibles ou mentales, des connaissances et croyances que le public associe à une marque ou un produit. Il ne faut pas confondre l'image voulue et l'image réelle. En effet, l'image voulue correspond à l'identité que l'entreprise veut...