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Études de cas en brand management 451 à 480

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480 résultats

06 juil. 2007

Análisis Marketing del anuncio Chocosui's de Nestlé

Étude de cas - 14 pages - Brand management

La publicidad que elegimos es la de Nestlé CHOCOSUI'S, una mousse de chocolate cremosa que Nestlé lanzo al mercado en 2001. Estuvimos todas de acuerdo a la hora de elegir este anuncio publicitario para nuestro trabajo pues nos acordábamos muy bien de éste que nos impactó en la época....

20 juin 2007

Plan de stratégie marketing d'Oxygen Inc. B52

Étude de cas - 15 pages - Brand management

De nos jours, les entreprises développent de plus en plus leur activité à l'étranger. La globalisation contribue à la coopération entre pays. Néanmoins, viser l'international nécessite un travail préliminaire de recherche afin de réussir sur les marchés étrangers. Les dirigeants doivent...

13 juin 2007

Business report: Nikon

Étude de cas - 7 pages - Brand management

Advertising and co., our agency is pleased to present the business report of the advertising campaign we want to implement throughout this closing date April 2006-March 2007 for the camera Coolpix on behalf the Japanese company Nikon. After understanding the target consumers' motives and the...

13 juin 2007

Marketing strategy of EMI group

Étude de cas - 5 pages - Brand management

I choose to do my arts marketing report on the EMI Group operational in the music industry because it's an English company which many people are unaware of and is one of the world's leaders in the music industry. The company is an independent music publisher and owns record labels such as Blue...

22 mai 2007

Die internationale Marketingstrategie der Gruppe DANONE

Étude de cas - 9 pages - Brand management

Die internationale Gruppe Danone ist weltweit Nummer vier für Milchfrischprodukte und hat ihren Sitz in Paris. Das Unternehmen ist in insgesamt 120 Ländern der Welt vertreten. Fast 90.000 Mitarbeiter erwirtschaften weltweit einen Umsatz von rund 14,5 Milliarden Euro pro Jahr. 68% seines Umsatzes...

21 mai 2007

Brand analysis and recommendation: Carlton Draught

Étude de cas - 6 pages - Brand management

The survey we made about Carlton Draught showed us the positive and negative points of its brand image in customers' minds. In order to improve the brand image we will proceed in three parts. First, in the brand analysis we will analyse all the aspects of the marketing mix (product, price,...

18 avril 2007

Second report: the Monopoly from Hasbro

Étude de cas - 34 pages - Brand management

The purchases are made by the parents and are integrally devoted to early-learning games, plushes and dolls. Parents and grandparents seek for educative products for their children. Games and toys which used to suit the 10 to 12 year olds are now adopted by the 8 to 10 year olds as well. The...

05 avril 2007

Strategic marketing : the secrets of Harry Potter's success

Étude de cas - 12 pages - Brand management

Over ten years ago, the world witnessed the inception of one of the most impressive success stories ever - the Harry Potter books. Since the publication of the first book, Harry Potter has become a commercial, cultural and social phenomenon. With each passing year, the Potter mania has captured...

26 Mars 2007


Étude de cas - 6 pages - Brand management

Inca Kola es una bebida muy famosa en el Perù. Esta producida por la empresa de la familia Lindley. A partir del año 1972, Inca Kola se encuentra en la totalidad del territorio nacional imponiendo su sabor y calidad ; la planta embotelladora emplea más de 20,000 metros cuadrados para sus...

09 Mars 2007

Nestlé: Zwischen Globalisation und Localisation, eine erfolgreiche internationale Marketingstrategie

Étude de cas - 11 pages - Brand management

"Marketing is an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders." (AMA-Definition von 2004). Diese Definition ist die gleiche für alle...

28 févr. 2007

Politica comercial de la Empresa San Miguel

Étude de cas - 25 pages - Brand management

En este trabajo realizaremos una campaña de comunicación para un artículo de consumo masivo como es la cerveza. Más específicamente nos centraremos en una gran marca como es la cerveza San Miguel. Para ello, realizaremos un estudio previo de cual ha sido la comunicación que la empresa ha...

16 févr. 2007

Brand Project: Elsève

Étude de cas - 36 pages - Brand management

L'Oréal was created in 1907. It initially specialized in coloration products, and its activities were progressively spread to the whole hygiene and beauty sector. Now a Global leader on the cosmetic and beauty market, the group is present in all the countries of the world, thanks to its...

15 févr. 2007

McDonald's Success

Étude de cas - 4 pages - Brand management

For the last three decades, fast foods have been playing an increasing role not only in every step of the American daily life but also that of the whole world. We can't talk about fast food without thinking about McDonald as it symbolizes the fast food industry. Everyone has tasted it at...

06 févr. 2007

Terra chips

Étude de cas - 34 pages - Brand management

TERRA CHIPS, a USA-based company, founded in 1990, offers a wide range of vegetable and potato chips, which have created a new niche on the salty snack market. Terra has always had a tradition of creating masterful combination's of unique vegetables with a variety of fabulous flavors. So we...

26 Janv. 2007

Smirnoff Ice Vs. Bacardi Breezer - publié le 26/01/2007

Étude de cas - 40 pages - Brand management

We have been requested to conduct a marketing research on the Alcopop industry and its two leading brands: Smirnoff Ice and Bacardi Breezer. In addition, we have developed a suitable marketing strategy and tactics for both brands in this specific industry. In order to conduct the research, a...

22 Janv. 2007

Lucozade Sport vs. Highland Spring

Étude de cas - 7 pages - Brand management

Water in general is considered as a low risk, low involvement product. Despite the fact of being an ‘ever-since existing' product and fulfilling the primary need of survival, people's awareness of the importance of drinking water is a rather recent development. This has brought up various...

20 déc. 2006


Étude de cas - 9 pages - Brand management

Have you ever read Poe's, Maupassant's or Hemingway's works, examined Van Gogh's, Picasso's, Toulouse-Lautrec's or Manet's paintings, or even studied Baudelaire's, Rimbaud's or Wilde's pieces of art? Chances are you have, which means that you have also tasted the effects of la fée verte, the...

18 déc. 2006

La promoción : Caso del vino español

Étude de cas - 34 pages - Brand management

La promoción corresponde a uno de los cuatro aspectos más relevantes del marketing-mix, conocidos como las "4 P del marketing": precio, producto, plaza y promoción. La mercadotecnia moderna requiere algo más que desarrollar un buen producto, fijarle un precio atractivo y ponerlo al alcance de...

13 déc. 2006

Gfk Group. Market research

Étude de cas - 14 pages - Brand management

In this document, I present my experiences with the Gfk group with whom I worked for 4 months in the International Department. My work location was in Madrid in the Custom Research service department, headed by Mr Leon Ezcurra, the team manager. The department is in charge of the positioning and...

04 déc. 2006

Sandy : un producto innovador

Étude de cas - 13 pages - Brand management

La sandía, también conocida como patilla, melón de agua o melancia, es una de las frutas de mayor tamaño de cuantas se conocen y puede alcanzar hasta los 10 kilos de peso. Es la fruta de la sandiera, planta de la familia de las Cucurbitáceas, que incluye unas 850 especies de plantas herbáceas que...

27 Nov. 2006

Green marketing issues about Total

Étude de cas - 16 pages - Brand management

Total is a leading multinational energy company with 111, 401 employees and operations in more than 130 countries. Together with its subsidiaries and affiliates, Total is the fourth largest publicly-traded oil and gas integrated company in the world. Its businesses cover the entire oil and gas...

03 Nov. 2006

Ready meals vs. Pot Noodle

Étude de cas - 28 pages - Brand management

The aim of this report is to understand and analyze the consumer behaviour towards two products of two major brands which operate in a same sector. First of all, we chose the food industry in the specific market of “ready meals”; we immediately thought about Pot Noodles from Unilever,...

27 Oct. 2006

The Gillette marketing strategy: The key success factors

Étude de cas - 13 pages - Brand management

Today, Gillette employs 28000 employees worldwide, has control over more than 60% of the world market and is present in 145 countries. The Gillette strategy is global and, aims to foresee the future (notably by the Committee horizon) and concerns the world which went up to “one...

02 Oct. 2006

Analisis Interna y competitiva de la compañia Copefrut S.A.

Étude de cas - 13 pages - Brand management

Con el fin de realizar un análisis interno completa, es necesario tener en cuenta la oportunidad más importante del sector de las empresas exportadoras de pomáceas. En efecto, la oportunidad del sector nos permite de comprender la vía estratégica que deben seguir las empresas dentro de este...

13 juin 2006

Head & Shoulders: A Comprehensive Look at Consumer Behaviour

Étude de cas - 18 pages - Brand management

This report provides an analysis and evaluation of Procter & Gamble's hair care line, 'Head & Shoulders'. With 'Head & Shoulders' new marketing campaign, this report analyses the effectiveness of this campaign in comparison to the ever growing competition of other...

25 déc. 2005

Is Haägen Dazs a market leader? If so, thanks to what strategy can it maintain its position?

Étude de cas - 9 pages - Brand management

This report's aim is to determine Haägen Dazs's position on the ice cream market and to examine, more deeply, how this position is achieved; thanks to what strategy this American brand operates today all over the world. In order to carry out this report, I decided to focus on the leading product...

24 Nov. 2005

Caso Harley Davidson

Étude de cas - 21 pages - Brand management

Analisis de la politica comercial de Harley Davidson, de su estrategia marketing, de los resultados de esta estrategia. (Document Powerpoint logiciel indispensable pour la lecture)

31 mai 2005


Étude de cas - 6 pages - Brand management

Media not only encompasses the choice of advertising medium (television, radio, newspaper, outdoor, direct mail, etc.), but also the creative strategy. The creative strategy determines what you want to say, how you will say it, and who you want to say it to. Dove Beauty is one example of...

25 févr. 2005

Bacardi vs Smirnoff

Étude de cas - 35 pages - Brand management

Founded in Cuba in 1862, by Don Facundo Bacardi, Bacardi has grown to become the world's leading producer of rum. When rum was first produced by distilling sugar cane juice, it was an unrefined, fiery drink that became associated with the sailors and pirates of the Caribbean seaports. When, Don...

15 mai 2002

Harry Potter A Success: Thanks to Magic Marketing ?

Étude de cas - 8 pages - Brand management

The ?Harry Potter' series of novels have sold more than 110 million copies worldwide and have been successfully translated into 46 languages. The frenzy that the ?Harry Potter' series has created among people, especially children, is incomparable to that of any other novel in the history...