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Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

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136 résultats

21 Nov. 2008

Marketing plan for Caroll in China

Étude de cas - 9 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

In this document we will present a brief marketing plan for Caroll. The firm would like to have a foothold on the Chinese market. As tool, we will use some common instruments such as B.C.G. Matrix, Ansoff Matrix or the well-known 4P's as well as Porter's five forces. An overview of Caroll Caroll...

25 Oct. 2008

Lettre d'invitation à un défilé Mango

Lettre type - 2 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

Queremos agradecerles su confianza y para esto Mango le invita a la presentación de la nueva colección primavera-verano. Este defile se effectuará en el hotel Ritz de Madrid el 11 y 12 de diciembre a 20h y se concluirá con un coctail. Mango le escogió porque usted está en la lista de nuestros...

03 Sept. 2008

TPE sur l'origine et le succès du jean

Dissertation - 48 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

TPE sur les entreprises et leurs stratégies territoriales. Celui-ci présente les origines du jean, apparu avec Levi's au XIXème siècle, jusqu'à sa diffusion dans le monde.

12 août 2008

Redéfinition de l'image de marque de Daisy prêt-à-porter

Étude de cas - 13 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

Le produzioni fotografiche per l'immagine di moda necessitano di un'organizzazione concettuale, logistica e stilistica degli scatti la cui valenza di comunicazione è destinata ad avere un impatto significativo su un grande pubblico . In questi casi la figura dello stilista come viene conosciuto...

03 août 2008

Caroll and China (Is China a good potential market target to set up a French company as Caroll?)

Étude de marché - 16 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

China is one of the biggest countries in terms of territory (9.6 million km²), boundaries (22,000 km) and with respect to population (1.3 billion inhabitants). Moreover, the economic growth of this country is now close to 10%. Every business eye on earth is focusing on the emerging Chinese...

29 juil. 2008

Strategic Marketing - Marketing Plan - Caroll Paris

Étude de cas - 26 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

The aim of this report is to realize a marketing plan for Caroll while entering the Chinese Market. During the past decades, the trends of new market expansion were to set up a subsidiary or a branch in China. This giant is the fastest growing country today, its potential growth for the...

26 juil. 2008

Plan marketing : Caroll

Étude de cas - 20 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

China represents today the most important potential market for all companies, from small to large ones. First, China is the hugest market in terms of inhabitants, and also in terms of economic growth as it has attained in less than 20 years, the fourth economic place in the world. For Caroll the...

26 juil. 2008

Brand Positioning: the Lacoste's case studies

Étude de cas - 13 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

Jean Rene Lacoste was a famous French Tennis player during the early twentieth century and also a businessman. He started his own company ‘La Société Chemise Lacoste' (Lacoste, the Shirt Company) in 1933. In terms of marketing and communication the name Lacoste is well known for its...

03 juin 2008

Organizing a global company: the Caterpillar case

Étude de cas - 20 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

Within the framework of the course “Organizing a Global Company” we are invited to realize a group work composed of two parts. The objective of the first part is to try to analyze and to understand the organizational structure of an international company better, taking into account the...

03 juin 2008

What are the reasons of Zara´s success?

Étude de cas - 21 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

In 1973 Amancio Ortega Gaona, Inditex Group president and main shareholder, created a textile company, which specialised in producing dressing gowns and underwear. Two years later he opened the first Zara store in La Coruña. Nowadays, the Inditex Group is the most successful in the Spanish...

13 mai 2008

Burbery - Company analysis

Étude de cas - 15 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

The story of Burberry started in 1856 when Thomas Burberry, a 21 year old draper's apprentice, opened his own store in Basingstoke, Hampshire. In 1880 he invented the famous gabardine now associated to the Brand's name in customer's unconscious. Burberry was an independent company...

28 avril 2008

Marketing plan for the French fashion house 'Caroll' who are aiming to enter the growing 'middle market' in China

Étude de marché - 16 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

To build a marketing plan, this is necessary to understand the business we are talking about. In this document, we will present recommendations to the Caroll brand, which will help expand its clothing business in China to target the middle market. Thanks to the different tools and matrices we...

11 avril 2008

Global industry study: Hennes & Mauritz (H&M)

Étude de cas - 29 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

The aim of this International Marketing survey is to present the international operations of a global brand and to confront them with our international marketing lessons. Our studied company is Hennes & Mauritz AB (H&M). Before analyzing all the international operations of this group, it seems to...

07 avril 2008

Victoria's secret

Étude de cas - 6 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

Pick a brand and gather all its marketing communications materials. How effectively have they mixed and matched the marketing communications? Have they capitalized on the strengths of different media and compensated for their weaknesses at the same time? How explicitly have they integrated their...

24 Mars 2008


Étude de cas - 7 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

We decided to conduct an IMC campaign for Gap because it is a very large and well-known retailer that has not been successful in capturing the student market in the last few years. Gap appeals to us with contemporary designs but the plain style that resulted from a new team of lead designers...

20 Mars 2008

Marketing policy Mk 32003: The means-end theory and converse

Dissertation - 8 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

The consumer's behaviour is something complex to define and to understand. In fact, various reasons influence the consumer's choices, like his personal values, education, product attributes and its benefits. Therefore, in order to help and to organise this complex attitude, some authors...

12 Mars 2008

Vie virtuelle, vie réelle ? Comment exploiter les données fournies par second life ? Avatar : prolongement de soi ou idéalisation du moi ?

Dissertation - 15 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

La mise au point de jeux vidéo en réseaux toujours plus perfectionnés, ainsi que l'essor grandissant des communautés virtuelles ont fait récemment l'objet de toutes les attentions médiatiques et commerciales. Ces communautés pourraient en effet s'avérer être un incroyable laboratoire...

05 Mars 2008

Business plan for exporting RedGreen Danish chic sportswear products to Japan

Business plan - 10 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

Where do we see fashion in 2007? Are people becoming more fashionable? We believe that fashion enables people to become a part of a culture and differentiate themselves regardless of the color of their skin and background...or identify themselves with a particular group. In the world of...

05 Mars 2008

United Colors of Benetton

Étude de cas - 20 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

United Colors of Benetton, a major brand of the Benetton Group, is a leading apparels manufacturer and designer based in Treviso, Italy. Its operations are mainly based in the European Union market; however, recent market trends and developments have compelled the company to expand its presence...

05 Mars 2008

Market presentation about the Ted Baker Company (2006)

Étude de cas - 49 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

First of all, Ted Baker is operating on the fashion retailing market, which we are going to study, with particular attention to United Kingdom, where the company started. In this report, we will be mainly concerned with women swear retailing which is currently the most important part of the...

04 Mars 2008

H&M on the Japanese market (2007)

Étude de marché - 11 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

Hennes & Mauritz AB, better known as H&M, one of the inexpensive clothing fashion brand's leaders, established an expansion strategy, above all towards the East. They opened a lot of new stores in the best location, on shopping streets and in shopping centers in the United States (Beverly Center...

03 Mars 2008

Levi Strauss Japan K.K: A denim jeans market

Étude de marché - 7 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

Levi Strauss is a world renowned brand in the apparel industry. Its core product lines for men, women and youth are the LSJ brands of jeans and jean-related products. Facing a period of economic crisis in the Japanese market, Levi Strauss risks to lose its market shares. How can LSJ manage to...

27 févr. 2008

The effectiveness of guilt appeal in the fashion business

Étude de cas - 13 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

Guilt and its mechanisms are a relevant way to understand consumers' behaviour towards fashion luxury purchases. Fashion is a huge industry, which proposes products based on subjective and personal affects. Clothes have to fit, to make people feel comfortable and good looking and not just to be...

27 févr. 2008

Launching a designer clothes line. Firm: Fashion designer Isabelle Beaumenay Joannet

Étude de cas - 20 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

The marketing problem we aim to deal with is that of targeting the segment of customers Isabelle should focus on. Then we will have to define how to reach this segment. How should Isabelle Beaumenay-Joannet place her brand on the market? We will determine for her what kind of selling spot she...

22 févr. 2008

Caroll's marketing plan

Étude de cas - 16 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

Fashion has become a culture in certain countries, for example, in China where the purchasing power increase everyday, and like in Italy, where everybody is a fashion victim. Mega stores like H&M, ZARA or MANGO flood the market with new products every week, and a very large range of product in...

19 févr. 2008

H & M's strategy

Étude de cas - 19 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

H & M Hennes & Mauritz (H&M) is primarily involved in the fashion design and retail sale businesses. The company operates stores in 21 countries and is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden. It employs about 31,700 people. The company recorded revenues of SEK 53,695.0 million (approximately $7505.9...

14 févr. 2008

Comment une marque moyen de gamme peut-elle se differencier sur le marché du prêt a porter?

Dissertation - 52 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

Les femmes sont très sensibles et fidèles à la marque. Un univers de marque fort et cohérent constitue un avantage stratégique majeur pour capter et fidéliser cette clientèle. La marque constitue le véritable territoire identitaire de l'enseigne, elle doit être cohérente avec l'image de...

07 Janv. 2008

Caroll Paris

Étude de cas - 15 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

The main purpose of the present report is to design a marketing plan for the French ‘fashion house' Caroll who is aiming to enter the growing ‘middle market' in China. In order to design an appropriate marketing plan, several steps have to be taken. We will first present the Caroll...

18 déc. 2007

Design a marketing plan for Lise Charmel in China

Étude de cas - 11 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

Compared to lingerie brands for men and women such as Athéna, Triumph, Hom, Chantelle, Well, or Princesse Tam Tam, Lise Charmel is a real reference. In terms of fashion, the Lise Charmel product line fits the market perfectly, and emphasizes on the silhouette and the forms of the women, which is...

18 déc. 2007

Design a Marketing Plan for the French 'fashion house' Caroll who are aiming to enter the growing 'middle market' in China

Mémoire - 12 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

The following paper is dedicated to design a marketing plan for the French ‘fashion house' Caroll in China. In the past decade this country has been going through large transformations which permits new entrants to respond to new needs, wants and demands. First of all, several figures seem...