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Études de marché en marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

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9 résultats

21 avril 2014

Etude de marché sur la marque de prêt-à-porter Mango

Étude de marché - 24 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

- Público femenino entre 18 y 40 años. - Urbano, independiente. - Nivel adquisitivo medio-alto. - Desea prendas básicas y fashion. - Simplicidad y extravagancia. - Favorece el desarrollo de grandes hipermercados. - Clienta urbana y cosmopolita. - Vestir las mujeres jóvenes y modernas en sus...

20 Sept. 2012

Etude de la possibilité d'ouverture d'un magasin Liliana Castellanos à Paris

Étude de marché - 3 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

Une des stylistes les plus renommées d'Amérique latine, née à Tarija (sud de la Bolivie). Très engagée dans la mise en avant de ses racines, dans la défense de l'environnement et dans la transmission de ses valeurs au travers de ses collections.

20 avril 2011

Analisis marca He Homini Emerito by Mango

Étude de marché - 13 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

El briefing del plan de comunicación de H.E By Mango nos da un primer esbozo de nuestro target. Se nos especifica que son hombres de 20 a 35 años de clase media-media, media-alta y con un nivel de educación medio-medio, medio-alto, que viven en núcleos urbanos, son trabajadores e independientes...

21 mai 2010

Sector Analysis for Converse

Étude de marché - 13 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

Converse shoes are more than just shoes. They carry with them almost 100 years of history and love of sport. Marquis M. Converse opened the Converse Rubber shoe Company in Malden (Massachusetts) in 1908. The company was a rubber shoe manufacturer, providing winterized rubber soled footwear for...

13 avril 2009

Shoes innovation: a new opportunity for the shoes' market

Étude de marché - 15 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

After conducting some researches we decided to work on the sportswear shoes sector as we found that there were real opportunities to innovate in this sector along with the other reasons which we will explain further in this report. We could define our product as a new product line since we want...

03 août 2008

Caroll and China (Is China a good potential market target to set up a French company as Caroll?)

Étude de marché - 16 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

China is one of the biggest countries in terms of territory (9.6 million km²), boundaries (22,000 km) and with respect to population (1.3 billion inhabitants). Moreover, the economic growth of this country is now close to 10%. Every business eye on earth is focusing on the emerging Chinese...

28 avril 2008

Marketing plan for the French fashion house 'Caroll' who are aiming to enter the growing 'middle market' in China

Étude de marché - 16 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

To build a marketing plan, this is necessary to understand the business we are talking about. In this document, we will present recommendations to the Caroll brand, which will help expand its clothing business in China to target the middle market. Thanks to the different tools and matrices we...

04 Mars 2008

H&M on the Japanese market (2007)

Étude de marché - 11 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

Hennes & Mauritz AB, better known as H&M, one of the inexpensive clothing fashion brand's leaders, established an expansion strategy, above all towards the East. They opened a lot of new stores in the best location, on shopping streets and in shopping centers in the United States (Beverly Center...

03 Mars 2008

Levi Strauss Japan K.K: A denim jeans market

Étude de marché - 7 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

Levi Strauss is a world renowned brand in the apparel industry. Its core product lines for men, women and youth are the LSJ brands of jeans and jean-related products. Facing a period of economic crisis in the Japanese market, Levi Strauss risks to lose its market shares. How can LSJ manage to...