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Études de cas en marketing mode et prêt-à-porter 61 à 80

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80 résultats

05 Mars 2008

United Colors of Benetton

Étude de cas - 20 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

United Colors of Benetton, a major brand of the Benetton Group, is a leading apparels manufacturer and designer based in Treviso, Italy. Its operations are mainly based in the European Union market; however, recent market trends and developments have compelled the company to expand its presence...

05 Mars 2008

Market presentation about the Ted Baker Company (2006)

Étude de cas - 49 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

First of all, Ted Baker is operating on the fashion retailing market, which we are going to study, with particular attention to United Kingdom, where the company started. In this report, we will be mainly concerned with women swear retailing which is currently the most important part of the...

27 févr. 2008

The effectiveness of guilt appeal in the fashion business

Étude de cas - 13 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

Guilt and its mechanisms are a relevant way to understand consumers' behaviour towards fashion luxury purchases. Fashion is a huge industry, which proposes products based on subjective and personal affects. Clothes have to fit, to make people feel comfortable and good looking and not just to be...

27 févr. 2008

Launching a designer clothes line. Firm: Fashion designer Isabelle Beaumenay Joannet

Étude de cas - 20 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

The marketing problem we aim to deal with is that of targeting the segment of customers Isabelle should focus on. Then we will have to define how to reach this segment. How should Isabelle Beaumenay-Joannet place her brand on the market? We will determine for her what kind of selling spot she...

22 févr. 2008

Caroll's marketing plan

Étude de cas - 16 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

Fashion has become a culture in certain countries, for example, in China where the purchasing power increase everyday, and like in Italy, where everybody is a fashion victim. Mega stores like H&M, ZARA or MANGO flood the market with new products every week, and a very large range of product in...

19 févr. 2008

H & M's strategy

Étude de cas - 19 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

H & M Hennes & Mauritz (H&M) is primarily involved in the fashion design and retail sale businesses. The company operates stores in 21 countries and is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden. It employs about 31,700 people. The company recorded revenues of SEK 53,695.0 million (approximately $7505.9...

07 Janv. 2008

Caroll Paris

Étude de cas - 15 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

The main purpose of the present report is to design a marketing plan for the French ‘fashion house' Caroll who is aiming to enter the growing ‘middle market' in China. In order to design an appropriate marketing plan, several steps have to be taken. We will first present the Caroll...

18 déc. 2007

Design a marketing plan for Lise Charmel in China

Étude de cas - 11 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

Compared to lingerie brands for men and women such as Athéna, Triumph, Hom, Chantelle, Well, or Princesse Tam Tam, Lise Charmel is a real reference. In terms of fashion, the Lise Charmel product line fits the market perfectly, and emphasizes on the silhouette and the forms of the women, which is...

10 Sept. 2007

Analyzing H&M

Étude de cas - 20 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

Our previous paper had concentrated its analysis on H&M with the implementation and subsequent consequences of the square model. We thereafter discovered that this company has created a solid foundation for a success story and this in turn provides a very green picture to the business world...

06 août 2007

Plan marketing inter-marches : True jeans

Étude de cas - 16 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

This document will highlight the marketing plan for True jeans. The company launched an online store in 2006, where people could buy their jeans online. The specialty of the company is that it tries to find the right jeans for consumers among the various brands that they partner with. Thus, it...

16 Janv. 2007

Exposicion sobre la marca ZARA

Étude de cas - 3 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

Zara es una cadena de tiendas de ropa perteneciente al grupo INDITEX, uno de los mayores grupos de distribución de moda a nivel mundial. Inditex cuenta con siete cadenas: Kiddy's Class, Pull and Bear, Massimo Dutti, Bershka, Stradivarius, Oysho y Zara Home fundada por Amancio Ortega Gaona....

04 Janv. 2007

Marketing - Diesel

Étude de cas - 48 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

In 1978 Renzo Rosso founded the Diesel clothing company. The brand's growth story was a phenomenal success in a short span of time. Indeed, its first market is the United States where the company carries out 15% of its sales turnover. In France, the sales have tripled in three years, to reach...

14 déc. 2006

Zara et la globalisation

Étude de cas - 4 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

Zara is a Spanish brand of clothes catering to women. Created in 1975 by Amancio Ortega, the brand developed till it developed into a true textile empire being worth more than 9 billion euros. Zara stores are present in 55 countries, with a network counting 752 shops located in strategic places...

21 Nov. 2006

Company focus: H&M

Étude de cas - 12 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

Just a small quiz to begin: do you know which fashion house organized its runways in Central Park for the 2005 winter collection? A clue for you: this famous name of the fashion industry had Karl Lagerfeld as designer, and Kate Moss as top model… You are answering Chanel of course, and it...

28 Sept. 2006


Étude de cas - 49 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

A distinctive luxury brand with international recognition and broad appeal. Design, source, manufacture, and distribute high-quality apparel and accessories. Great-Britain & position as the authentic British lifestyle brand. Repositioning of the brand: change of name, creation of distinctive...

28 Sept. 2006

International luxury distribution: Coach and Polo Ralph Lauren

Étude de cas - 56 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

A comparison between two garment companies has been undertaken in order to understand the brands and their international significance in all areas of growth, distribution, profit and finally the end-users i.e. satisfying the consumer demand. The two companies that have been targeted are "Coach"...

28 Sept. 2006

Calvin Klein & Tommy Hilfiger : Distribution

Étude de cas - 61 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

Since the existing markets of Calvin Klein and Tommy Hilfiger were saturated and frozen, a new mode has been adopted by both companies to expand through new markets. The new expansion would be via distribution channels as well new target populations. American spirit is such that both aesthetic as...

28 avril 2006

Zara Vs Mango

Étude de cas - 42 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

A few Spanish companies have succeeded in imposing themselves into the clothes retailing market, internationally. Indeed, most Spanish companies in this market do not have sufficient income to expand internationally. However, some of them have succeeded, surpassing the difficulties they met. This...

08 mai 2004

Levi's: The marketing strategy

Étude de cas - 11 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

Jeans symbolize America: initially, it represented the hero of the conquest of the West, the cowboy. It then joined another American myth: that of the cinema. Youngsters were fascinated by the jeans toting character played by James Dean in Fury of Living. Jeans were exploited thereafter by...

20 déc. 2001

Aubade on the lingerie market

Étude de cas - 2 pages - Marketing mode et prêt-à-porter

Aubade has managed to become one of the most famous lingerie brands on the French market, basically owing to the impact of the publicity campaign led by Ann-Charlotte Pasquier since 1992. Aubade has always innovated without renouncing to the basics. Its product line kept to the basic shapes and...