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Marketing international

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308 résultats

19 Mars 2008

Unilever's European ice cream market

Étude de marché - 16 pages - Marketing international

Unilever was established in 1930 by the merger of British soapmaker Lever Brothers and Dutch margarine producer Margarine Unie. Unilever has more than 179,000 employess in and around 100 countries worldwide and have 317 manufacturing sites in the world. In 2007, Unilever's turnover was a whopping...

15 Mars 2008

Carvel Ice Cream: Developing the Beijing market

Étude de cas - 5 pages - Marketing international

By 1994, Carvel created a joint venture in China, ‘Beijing Carvel Food Company Limited'. In 1997, sales went over 6 million Rmb (US$ 725,000). Considering that overall economy growth rate was 8% per year between 1998 and 2000, and that inflation was negative (-1,4%), I make the assumption...

10 Mars 2008

The Chinese wine market (2006)

Étude de marché - 8 pages - Marketing international

We are going to enter Shanghai wine market with our French wine such as Roman County, which is expensive but excellent taste. Now is the most perfect time to go into China wine market of high income because there three advantages for us. Our goal is to take more than 10% of market share in...

07 Mars 2008

The Impact of Innovation on the Internationalization of Small and Middle sized Enterprises

Dissertation - 19 pages - Marketing international

The present study offers to the reader a considerable bibliography review on internationalisation of small and middle-sized enterprises and raises a question in relation with the extent to which the variable innovation plays a main role in this issue. This paper was designed with the objective...

06 Mars 2008

Les approches du marketing international

Fiche - 3 pages - Marketing international

Cours (BTS CI 1re) sur les spécificités du marketing international traitant de l'adaptation ou de la standardisation des produits.

05 Mars 2008

How to succeed on the Chinese dairy products market?

Étude de cas - 11 pages - Marketing international

Occidental companies have often experienced difficulties to sell products in foreign countries, and especially in China. Indeed, this country has a strong culture and its own consumption habits. Thus, without considering seriously the differences between occidental and oriental consumers, many...

03 Mars 2008

Comment expliquer que, malgré cette longue tradition d'osmose avec la nature, la Chine est actuellement l'un des pays les plus pollués du monde ?

Dissertation - 19 pages - Marketing international

Avant de pouvoir analyser les liens existants entre les héritages culturels du pays du milieu et sa situation environnementale actuelle, il faut connaître précisément cette situation. L'état des lieux de la pollution en Chine servira d'introduction puisqu'il sera le fil conducteur de...

03 Mars 2008

Stratégie d'internationalisation : Should a firm offer the same product worldwide or customize the product to suit the demands of each market?

Dissertation - 11 pages - Marketing international

Le dilemme entre adaptation et standardisation s'est rapidement posé aux entreprises souhaitant s'internationaliser, plus précisément la question est pour la firme de savoir à quel point elle sera contrainte de s'adapter, en effet l'adaptation à un marché étranger représente un important facteur...

29 févr. 2008

The international development of Starbucks (2004)

Étude de cas - 3 pages - Marketing international

The Starbucks Coffee Company owns today more than 6,000 retail locations in 37 countries: It is situated in all the continents: North America, Latin America, the Middle East and the Pacific Rim, that is to say “wherever there is a demand for good coffee”. The first foreign coffeehouse...

29 févr. 2008

Australian agricultural machineries, country justification report

Étude de marché - 10 pages - Marketing international

This report shows that AAM will be entering the German market and will not be entering the markets in The Netherlands and Switzerland. The data and analysis in this report shows that Germany offers many opportunities for the development of AAM. Germany's agricultural profile presents the best...

28 févr. 2008

Intercultural management: Business in Saudi Arabia and Transnational Software Developers

Dissertation - 27 pages - Marketing international

The globalization of the economy, with increased cross-border alliances, ventures and global relocations, as well as the advent of e-commerce, has brought about major changes in the field of international customer relations and inter-cultural diversity management. This has led to an increased...

27 févr. 2008

The international executive across cultures - France and India

Cours - 14 pages - Marketing international

India's official name is the Republic of India and its capital is New Delhi. It measures over 3 million square kilometers for a population of around 1.1 billion inhabitants. India is located on the Indian sub-continent and can be divided into 4 topographical regions: the Himalayan region, the...

27 févr. 2008

Red Bull marketing for the Philippine market (2007)

Étude de cas - 8 pages - Marketing international

The functional drink market in The Philippines is driven by the more active lifestyles (GMID, 2005). “A loyal group of enthusiasts remain addicted to sport, and on the other end of the functional drinks consumer group, laborers and other blue-collar workers have continued their support for...

25 févr. 2008

Eurocamp : Proposal for development in Slovenia

Étude de cas - 10 pages - Marketing international

Eurocamp is a UK-based tour operator specializing in self-drive camping holidays. The company was founded in 1975 and began with camping holidays in Brittany. Initial success spurred the managers on to expand the product range over the next 10 years to include holiday locations in South and West...

16 févr. 2008

Entry mode strategies of wall-mart in MEXICO

Étude de marché - 15 pages - Marketing international

Entry mode in the international business: The joint venture of Wal-Mart and Cifra. This paper will study why this venture is called a wealthy marriage. There will be a comparison of Wal-Mart's entry mode in Mexico and China, and a recommendation for foreign investment, as well as an analysis...

14 févr. 2008

How Clarins and its "Body Lift" can be a total success in Brazil?

Étude de marché - 36 pages - Marketing international

After three centuries under the rule of Portugal, Brazil became an independent nation in 1822. Exploiting vast natural resources, it is today South America's leading economic power and a regional leader. Meanwhile Brazil continues to develop its interior with an industrial and agricultural...

21 Janv. 2008

Commerce international: techniques de commercialisation

Cours - 17 pages - Marketing international

L'environnement macro-économique offre des opportunités et des menaces. Les ouvertures sont de plus en plus importantes et on constate une diminution des barrières tarifaires. Le GATT et dorénavant l'OMC, est une voie vers la libéralisation des échanges. L'ONU, la CNUCEP et l'OMPI (c'est...

08 Janv. 2008

Orcanta in Russia

Étude de cas - 9 pages - Marketing international

Russia is one of the largest markets in the world. As the western culture slowly infiltrated the eastern mentality many young people began adopting western culture and appearances. In the past few years Russia has not only began to accept western ideas and fashion, but has developed an energetic...

07 Janv. 2008

Montblanc in China

Étude de cas - 13 pages - Marketing international

The Montblanc Company is going to open a new subsidiary in China. I have just been promoted to be the manager of this new subsidiary in China and to design a strategic plan for the Montblanc Company. I am aware that it is a particular market and that some measures must be taken if I want this new...

03 Janv. 2008

The impact of demographic development in international marketing

Dissertation - 5 pages - Marketing international

This paper seeks to show the different impacts of demographic development on International Marketing and how enterprises may deal with this phenomenon. With the worldwide population ageing, new markets and new opportunities are opening for entrepreneurs. This shift in demographic development...

29 déc. 2007

Feasibility study of a new cosmetic product launch on the American market

Étude de cas - 33 pages - Marketing international

After having presented the contents of our work and before developing our ideas, we first wanted to explain briefly the context of this study. Indeed, the specificity of our work is the fact that it is totally based on a real situation. Here are the key steps of the story, which have opened out...

18 déc. 2007

Beaujolais in China

Étude de cas - 31 pages - Marketing international

The confederation of wine producers from Rhone and Loire Valleys has asked our consultancy to study the possibility to expand Beaujolais Nouveau sales in China. According to our study, we have determined Shanghai as the best place in China to launch this kind of French wine. This city symbolizes...

03 déc. 2007

Danone in India

Étude de cas - 5 pages - Marketing international

Danone India is today, a huge part in the work of internationalization of the French group Danone. It was established in two steps. Danone was first established in 1989, a merger with an Indian group called Britannia. Then in 1993, they took control over Britannia, so that Britannia became a...

03 déc. 2007

An analysis of the structure of the Canadian retail industry

Étude de marché - 9 pages - Marketing international

A common theme of the Canadian retail industry is that it is evolving at a rapid pace. External factors, such as the growth in the relative purchasing power of the Canadian dollar; increasing competition from discount rivals such as Wal-Mart; shifting consumer trends; and the emergence of the...

26 Sept. 2007

Le rôle de la culture dans la relation acheteur - vendeur

Dissertation - 3 pages - Marketing international

L'économie moderne est en pleine marche vers la mondialisation et la globalisation. Engluées dans ce macrocosme en pleine ébullition, les entreprises sont forcées de suivre cette évolution si elles veulent rester compétitives. Elles doivent dès lors manager des relations à l'échelle...

07 Sept. 2007

Carrefour in China

Étude de cas - 42 pages - Marketing international

"I have confidence in the ability of the Group's management team to continue the satisfactory implementation of our strategy and successfully complete the major projects already underway, which are beginning to give us a glimpse of the Carrefour group of the future". These are some words of...

15 août 2007

Synthèse des travaux du marketing international

Cours - 30 pages - Marketing international

Avant de s'aventurer dans le domaine de l'international, l'entreprise se doit de connaître le cadre réglementaire et institutionnel dans lequel elle est appelée à évoluer.

06 août 2007

Stratégie d'internationalisation des entreprises en Asie

Dissertation - 27 pages - Marketing international

Les marchés globaux génèrent aujourd'hui 20% du revenu mondial et l'internationalisation est une tendance toujours croissante, concernant des domaines d'activités variés. Depuis les années 1980, un véritable débat se pose quant aux stratégies d'internationalisation des marques. Mais ces dernières...

10 juil. 2007

US Condom Market

Étude de marché - 11 pages - Marketing international

The total U.S. market for condoms, including sales through all retail channels touched $398.3 million in 2005. It has been increasing by 2.8% from 2004. The U.S. condom market is a stable and matured one growing at a steady rate every year. So in terms of main players which preoccupied the...

06 juil. 2007

Cultural differences in international marketing: Where's the beef? McDonald's sells hamburgers in a Hindu country

Étude de cas - 3 pages - Marketing international

The first McDonald's restaurant opened on 15th April 1955 in Des Plaines, Illinois, U.S.A. and after 50 years down the line, the company is the world's largest food service system with more than 30,000 restaurants in 100 countries, serving more than 46 million customers every day....