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Marketing international

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308 résultats

04 déc. 2008

Player in the international market: The introduction of Emmi energy drink

Étude de cas - 30 pages - Marketing international

As the leading Swiss maker of cheese and milk, Emmi hopes to continue being one of Europe's innovation leaders and trendsetters in the market of milk products. The brand expects to see an above average growth in the international markets over the course of a year and annual growth of 2-3% over...

10 Nov. 2008

Le marketing international

Cours - 51 pages - Marketing international

Le document suivant synthétise un cours de marketing international. Extrait de "LA DEMARCHE MERCATIQUE DE L'ENTREPRISE EXPORTATRICE": "Lorsque le marché national n'est plus assez important pour assurer la croissance des ventes, les entreprises essaient de trouver des marchés à l'étranger pour...

14 Oct. 2008

Lettre de candidature pour un stage en Amérique Latine

Lettre type - 1 pages - Marketing international

Estimada señora, Estimado señor, Actualmente, estoy cursando el tercero año de estudios en la Universidad de Tolosa, especializado en Gestión de empresas e Ingeniería de las Industrias del Turismo. En el marco de mi formación, tengo que realizar un periodo de prácticas por lo menos de ocho...

11 Sept. 2008

A new sunscreen line in Kuwaiti market

Étude de cas - 15 pages - Marketing international

In Western countries, the photo damage created by the sun is a public concern. People are encouraged by governments to heighten of public awareness of the risk linked to sun exposure. The use of sunscreen as one of the ways to protect the skin against its alteration on a short or long term is...

04 Sept. 2008

Marketing challenges when targeting developed markets: How to overcome them?

Étude de cas - 13 pages - Marketing international

Over the past decade, many Asian companies have established branded products in several emerging markets (consumer electronics industry or domestic appliances for example). But nowadays, the next challenge is, for emerging market companies, to establish branded products in developed countries....

28 août 2008

How to launch a new line of children's educational books in Senegal?"

Dissertation - 10 pages - Marketing international

Educational books are bought by the pupil or student or loaned by the school. Nevertheless, in Africa, the situation is a little different. Because of the lack of financial capacities, the schools and the students can usually not afford to buy these books. That is why there are often charity...

20 août 2008

International brand management: the cases of Nike, Danone and Coca-Cola

Mémoire - 29 pages - Marketing international

Globalization is a business strategy. Globalization has allowed developing countries to earn money on assets through investments. The related absence of government intervention enabled reduction in corruption, elimination in trade regulation, liberalization of capital markets and an increase in...

20 août 2008

Australian wines in the Irish wine

Analyse sectorielle - 11 pages - Marketing international

For the last 20 years, the Irish wine market has grown ceaslessly in terms of value and volume. Australia is the leader in the Irish wine market. However, the distribution system in Ireland does not allow the Australian companies to have a strong power of negotiation. The Irish wine market is a...

15 août 2008

Business plan for the start-up of a clothes shop in China: Frenchy

Business plan - 21 pages - Marketing international

We are going to launch a new brand in the most famous emerging market in the world: China. The concept is to launch a semi-luxury clothing company with the brand name ‘Frenchy'. Our objectives are very simple; we want to open a French clothing shop in China, because this market is growing...

13 août 2008

International marketing: the French company Caroll in Brazil

Étude de cas - 30 pages - Marketing international

In order to enter the Brazilian market, the French company Caroll has to adapt its strategy. Indeed there are a lot of competitors like Zara, Etam and the local competitors. The Brazilian market represents a good opportunity for the firm and Caroll has to develop its brand on the Brazilian market...

12 août 2008

Case study of international marketing: Cardno MBK in Indonesia (2006)

Étude de cas - 6 pages - Marketing international

Question 1 The first part of the essay deals with the pros of the negotiation enumerating what was good and why. The second part will deal with the negative points or the cons listing out what were the reasons for failure and recommendations to alleviate the effects of these failures. Question...

09 juil. 2008

Pepsi's entry into India: A well planned out strategy

Étude de cas - 6 pages - Marketing international

With other Pepsi markets nearing saturation, Pepsi decided to expand its international operations into India in the late 1980s. However, even prior to entering India, Pepsi was met with strong objections by one of India's leading political parties. George Fernandes, General Secretary of the...

08 juil. 2008

Le marketing international - exportation, licences et campagnes globales

Fiche - 3 pages - Marketing international

Résumé de cours de marketing niveau bac+2 sur le marketing international (idéal pour les étudiants en DUT).

23 juin 2008

Consumption, production and promotion of French and foreign wines through the world

Étude de marché - 20 pages - Marketing international

For a long time, France has been spoken of as the country of wines. Wine production and consumption is whole part of our identity and culture. Moreover, French wines benefit from a real image of quality, soil and top-of-the-range products. On the other hand, foreign wines are often perceived in...

18 juin 2008

Global Youth Culture - A Cross Border Market

Cours - 13 pages - Marketing international

I think it may be useful to remind that however we are acting on a domestic or a global market; we always have to keep in mind that according to Wedel, M. and Kamakura, W A. (1998) an efficient segment should be: Identifiable, Sizeable, Accessible, Stable, Responsive and Actionable. Masaaki, K....

04 juin 2008

Marketing international et contemporain en Inde

Cours - 9 pages - Marketing international

Contemporary & International Marketing India (titre original) According to Business Object (2008) Tesco is the UK's largest retailer, and one of the top three international retailers in the world with 2,000 stores. Tesco is driving a multi-part strategy which means that Tesco target growth and...

03 juin 2008

How to do Business with the Czech Republic? The case of beer markets

Étude de marché - 20 pages - Marketing international

Within the framework of the course “International Trade and Business Challenges”, our professor Miss Chau asked us to analyze and to develop a strategy to enter a specific sector of one of the BRIC countries and the 8+2 new EU members. In this context, we decided to tackle the beer...

03 juin 2008

International marketing case study: The mineral water MOUZAïA

Étude de cas - 20 pages - Marketing international

Within the framework of our course, Marketing Internationally, we were invited to realize a group work on “which marketing strategy could Mouzaïa adopt in order to establish its products in French speaking Western Europe countries?” From the beginning, we felt involved in the topic as...

07 mai 2008

Oxfam Make Trade Fair campaign for the Peru cause

Étude de cas - 11 pages - Marketing international

"Fair Trade is a trading partnership, based on dialogue, transparency and respect, that seeks greater equity in international trade. It contributes to sustainable development by offering better trading conditions to, and securing the rights of, marginalized producers and workers ? especially in...

05 mai 2008

Perceptual Mapping, Multidimensional Scaling Cluster Analysis Project: analysis of hot irish drinks

Thèse - 159 pages - Marketing international

We conduct a perceptual mapping and a multidimensional scaling cluster analysis of hot Irish drinks. Our project is based on the coffee house market in Ireland and we analyze the segmentation of this market through the use of perceptual maps. We have selected seven well-known coffee houses and...

01 mai 2008

Analysis of Starbuck's International Expansion

Étude de cas - 6 pages - Marketing international

Seattle-based Starbucks is the world's largest seller of premium-brewed coffee with over 8,400 stores, including 2,000 stores spread in 31 foreign countries. Starbucks used an international strategic approach to achieve its high level of international development across the globe. Starbucks...

01 mai 2008

Study of peoples perceptions of charities in Ireland

Mémoire - 193 pages - Marketing international

Perceptual Mapping: "A perceptual map is a spatial representation in which competing alternatives are plotted in Euclidean space" (Lilien.G.Rangaswamy). Perceptual maps allow managers to summarize and visualize key elements of the market structure. They also depict the competitive structure of...

22 avril 2008

Chaebols and South Korean government: What are the problems and benefits of their Relationships until the financial crisis?

Dissertation - 11 pages - Marketing international

Chaebols are business groups consisting of large companies in highly diversified business areas, owned and managed by family members or relatives. While their assets comprised over 45% of the total corporate assets in Korea, the total number of chaebols affiliates have persistently increased....

22 avril 2008

International Business Environment assignment: an analysis of the national business system and cultural conditions in China and assessment of how this will affect SuperSam

Mémoire - 24 pages - Marketing international

Choosing China as a host country for an International Business Environment assignment offers three advantages: first, since 1979, China has faced major economic and political changes. Second, it has been very successful in attracting foreign direct investment, i.e., in 1995, China was the second...

15 avril 2008

Marketing international : incoterms, moyens de paiement, douane,...

Cours - 30 pages - Marketing international

Cours de marketing international traitant : les incoterms, les moyens de paiements à l'international, la douane, les matrices de sélection, les canaux de distribution, les contrats de vente, etc..

10 avril 2008

European brewing market analysis

Étude de marché - 4 pages - Marketing international

To introduce an analysis of the brewery industry, one point must be underlined: the European brewery market is mature, which is essential to understand its trends and its forces. We are now going to use the Porter's model of the Five Forces Analysis to develop this analysis. First of all,...

03 avril 2008

Nature and the role of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Ireland, China and India (2005)

Étude de cas - 33 pages - Marketing international

FDI can be considered a way to strengthen the « domination of capitalist economies » and the dependence of peripheral countries for PREBISCH. The neomarxist theory is outdated but FDI can still have no effect, or even detrimental ones - The dependence on foreign companies (ex. UNGARY) => the...

03 avril 2008

Sonatrach and European gas market

Présentation - 19 pages - Marketing international

Algeria represents 3.12% of the world gas reserves (Hassi R'mel : one of the largest deposits in the world). Gross production of 150 billions cm3 of gas in 2006 (3.88 % of the total hydrocarbon production). Net traded production of about 81 billion cm3 of gas (66% from Hassi R'mel field). Export...

28 Mars 2008

Case Nestlé Waters: enter the Indian bottled water market

Étude de cas - 10 pages - Marketing international

Faced with a saturated market, companies have to internationalize themselves in order to extend their markets. Internationalization occurs when a firm expands its R&D, production, sales and other business activities in the international market. It is a very expensive process which needs to...

19 Mars 2008

Dr. Eris: Cosmetics from Poland

Étude de cas - 10 pages - Marketing international

The story of the Dr. Eris brand started in 1982, when this Ph.D from the Faculty of Pharmacology at Berlin University inherited. With the money she received, she began creating nourishing facial cream with the most simple machines we can imagine. She began in the business only with her husband....