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Marketing international

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308 résultats

11 août 2009

A new outdoor cooking grill: Eco-Grill in Greece

Étude de marché - 10 pages - Marketing international

Launching a product in a foreign country, with different culture, habits, and new competitors is not an easy thing to do. First, you have to make sure that your product will be well received, and that you will have potential buyers. There is no point in investing too much money for nothing....

07 août 2009

Essay: "Today, markets have become so similar that it is possible to market identical products and services around the world using standardized marketing mixes." Discuss

Dissertation - 5 pages - Marketing international

The key word with regard to the growth of any company is: innovation. We live in a materialistic society where the consumers needs have grown and where the competition between companies is very hard, in the globalization context. Today, it has become common for a company to target foreign markets...

07 août 2009

The International Marketing Strategy of Sanofi- Aventis in Japan, New Zealand and Nigeria

Étude de cas - 31 pages - Marketing international

The message conveyed by the pharmaceutical major that Sanofi-Aventis is the slogan "Because Health Matters?. The communication will be the same in all countries but the emphasis of the message that Sanofi-Aventis is trying to get across with the techniques mentioned above will be the same in...

12 juin 2009

Standardization versus adaptation of international advertising strategies : towards a framework

Commentaire de texte - 10 pages - Marketing international

The purpose of this article by Papavassiliou and Stathakopoulos was to create a framework capable of detailing the environmental determinants that affect the degree of standardization or adaptation needed in international advertising decisions. Some studies argue that a standardized advertising...

02 juin 2009
pdf entering the Australian Market

Étude de marché - 69 pages - Marketing international Inc. is an American-based multinational electronic commerce company. Since its foundation as an on-line bookstore in 1994, the company has been showing an incredible growth that it now sells not only books, but also VHSs, DVDs, music CDs and MP3s, computer software, video games,...

24 mai 2009

International consumer behavior: India, a new line of toaster ovens

Étude de cas - 17 pages - Marketing international

The toaster oven is an appliance that constitutes a mix between a conventional kitchen oven and a toaster. It has the weight and the height of toaster and the cooking capacities of a traditional oven. Indeed, the toaster oven is smaller than a traditional one that we generally find in most of the...

24 mai 2009

International management: french capsule market

Étude de marché - 10 pages - Marketing international

In its early years, coffee was considered a luxury product reserved for the rich. Then in the 80s, this changed and coffee became a common beverage that the everyone could afford. Because of this changed image, sales plummeted and coffee companies had to work hard to restore coffee's luxury...

24 mai 2009

International marketing plan: setting up Airwash (Electrolux) in Spain

Étude de cas - 27 pages - Marketing international

Today, Electrolux is a worldwide leading company with huge domestic electrical appliance references. The Company followed a smart internationalization strategy process which allowed it to obtain a stronger position in Europe. Moreover, environmental issues have always been very important for...

24 mai 2009

Nespresso, crisis communication report : implantation in Israel

Étude de cas - 6 pages - Marketing international

For more than 20 years, Nespresso, which is a subsidiary of the Nestlé Group, managed to transform the very bitter beverage coffee, to an elegant and pleasant product thanks to its expertise on quality coffee and coffee machines as well to its efficient marketing campaigns. With the success of...

22 mai 2009

What makes Samsung one of the world's leading companies?

Étude de cas - 46 pages - Marketing international

The Samsung group, a multinational enterprise founded by Lee Byung-Chul in 1938 in Daegu, is one of the largest multi-billion dollar corporations in the world. It is composed of numerous multinational businesses, all united under the Samsung brand. The South Korean conglomerate operates in...

16 mai 2009

Letter of application marketing and sales

Lettre type - 1 pages - Marketing international

This essay deals with the modalities of working as an international sales and marketing director for a reputed company. The company had earlier issued an advertisement seeking suitable candidates for the position as a director in the international sales and marketing service. One prospective...

20 avril 2009

Indian Beer Market 2008

Étude de marché - 5 pages - Marketing international

Currently, the Indian spirit market is the most attractive market in the world. Many multinational companies are entering the marke. The growth for the beer, wine and spirit is amazing in a market over than a billion people. The Indian culture still strong doesn't recommend the consumption of...

25 Mars 2009

Paul's marketing plan on the bakery and pastry market in Hungary

Étude de cas - 8 pages - Marketing international

In the beginning, Paul, a French pastry group, sold only bread and viennoiseries or baked goods made from yeast. Nowadays, Paul owns a large part of the bread market shares in France. In the eighties, Paul expanded its range of products by launching different sandwiches. Today, sandwiches are the...

12 Mars 2009

Disney, a Global Culture

Étude de cas - 9 pages - Marketing international

In this case study, we will look at the way Walt Disney has developed its business worldwide, the subsequent local reactions, its success and failures and ultimately the relevant modifications essential for the company. We will analyze the Walt Disney business model, and its three international...

10 Mars 2009

Intercultural marketing: Bongrain SA in the USA

Étude de cas - 9 pages - Marketing international

Some countries are totally different in their food consumption patterns. Therefore, it is an interesting field especially to analyze the strategy of a big French group, which concentrates its attention on the production and sale of French cheeses. It also analyzes the audiences who want and wish...

10 Mars 2009

Joint-ventures im Chinageschäft - Chancen und Risiken

Cours - 11 pages - Marketing international

2008 wird Beijing die Olympischen Spiele organisieren. Shanghaï wird die nächste Weltausstellung organisieren. 2008 wird die Volksrepublik China von der Welt beachtet werden. Aber bereits seit Jahren haben schon viele westliche Unternehmen ein Auge auf die 1,3 Milliarden potentiellen Verbraucher...

05 Mars 2009

Le rôle de la culture dans le marketing international

Fiche - 6 pages - Marketing international

Parce que l'environnement de toute entreprise est changeant et que celle-ci n'évolue pas dans une bulle la protégeant de toute menace mais dans un environnement hostile et globalisé, les facteurs économiques, politiques, juridiques, technologiques et culturels sont constamment à prendre...

23 févr. 2009

The strategy of Coca-Cola in China

Étude de cas - 10 pages - Marketing international

Chinese “Economic Reform and Opening up” policy was started in 1978; in the same year, the Coca-Cola Company returned to the Mainland market, becoming the first foreign enterprise who entered Mainland China after 1949. Therefore, its 30-year exploration can be regarded as an epitome and...

23 févr. 2009

Danette captures the Netherlands Market

Étude de marché - 46 pages - Marketing international

Danone is the only food group today which focuses on health. The venture began in 1966 with BSN, a French glass-making company that is specialized in packaging and flat glass. Because of a foreseeable decline of glass, BSN's CEO Antoine Riboud decided to concentrate the business on the...

22 févr. 2009

Should the company treat the world as one marketplace, approached with standardized brand marketing, or make local brand adaptations?

Dissertation - 5 pages - Marketing international

Since the beginning of the twentieth century, brands have existed in individual countries but it's a new phenomenon in international marketing. According to Bradley (2002), “many features of a brand already successful in a domestic market may be used in international marketing: the logotype...

21 févr. 2009

Greenhouses exportation from France to Hungary for the development of biological products

Étude de cas - 9 pages - Marketing international

A greenhouse protects plants from the elements. It maintains plants and vegetables at a constant temperature and allows them to grow in the best possible conditions. A greenhouse enables plants, vegetables, fruit or flowers to be grown in countries where the weather is not compatible. Our project...

18 févr. 2009

The international or global context and the 4Ps

Fiche - 1 pages - Marketing international

How does the international or global context affect each element (the 4Ps) of the marketing mix? The global context certainly influences the 4Ps of Marketing. Marketing is going global like communication, which is improving day by day. Products and idea flows do not have any limit anymore. The...

17 févr. 2009

Mary Kay cosmetics: Asian market entry

Étude de cas - 14 pages - Marketing international

Mary Kay Cosmetics (MKC) is an American company that deals directly with selling of cosmetics and toiletries products. It has existed for 15 years since 1992. It is implanted in 21 countries and planning to market 4 or 5 new markets. It is a “feminine firm” which promotes a strong...

16 févr. 2009

The Chinese motorcycle industry

Étude de cas - 10 pages - Marketing international

The motorcycle industry in China was born in the 1950's, with the foundation of the Beijing Motorcycle Factory. Today, China is the largest producer in the world, accounting for nearly half of the world's total production. The first Chinese motorcycle was developed in 1951 to meet the country's...

05 févr. 2009

Marketing plan du vin chilien Montgras

Étude de cas - 8 pages - Marketing international

This Chilean company was created in 1992 by two brothers, Hermann and Eduardo Gras along with an associate, Cristian Hartwig. The main objective for its creation was to provide export-quality wines. Nowadays, MontGras is ranked 20th among the Chilean wine exporters. In addition, it grew to be one...

04 févr. 2009

Sales Promotion of Red Bull in France and China

Étude de marché - 14 pages - Marketing international

It seems interesting to analyse Red Bull, as the company uses unique methods of marketing. The brand relies on buzz marketing and word of mouth. The company, which is already established in 144 countries worldwide, launched its famous beverage in France. Most of Red Bull consumers are young...

04 févr. 2009


Étude de cas - 13 pages - Marketing international

"Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, services, organizations, and events to create and maintain relationships that will satisfy individual and organizational objectives." The main purpose of this project is to...

03 févr. 2009

How to implant a French cafe in Ireland in terms of marketing communication?

Étude de cas - 9 pages - Marketing international

A French cafe-bar is trying to enter the Irish market. A marketing team has been taken into account for several matters, such as, the location, the café-culture, the market data and the customers' habits. To launch this cafe-bar, marketers will have to develop an integrated marketing...

10 Janv. 2009

Marketing plan for Caudalie products in Saudi Arabia

Étude de cas - 55 pages - Marketing international

Caudalie, founded in 1993 by two people: Mathilde Bernard Thomas and Professor Vercauteren, features products made from grape pips (from wine producer: Laffite), which are considered to be highly beneficial for the skin. Two years later, the duo launched their first range of products. Keeping in...

19 déc. 2008

Les caractéristiques géographiques de la France

Fiche - 4 pages - Marketing international

La France a une position géographique privilégiée. Elle est située au coeur de l'Union européenne (elle en était le « centre imaginaire » lors de l'Europe des 15), elle a six frontières terrestres avec des puissances Européenne et bénéficie d'une large ouverture maritime. Il faut...