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Études de marché en marketing international 31 à 41

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41 résultats

16 févr. 2008

Entry mode strategies of wall-mart in MEXICO

Étude de marché - 15 pages - Marketing international

Entry mode in the international business: The joint venture of Wal-Mart and Cifra. This paper will study why this venture is called a wealthy marriage. There will be a comparison of Wal-Mart's entry mode in Mexico and China, and a recommendation for foreign investment, as well as an analysis...

14 févr. 2008

How Clarins and its "Body Lift" can be a total success in Brazil?

Étude de marché - 36 pages - Marketing international

After three centuries under the rule of Portugal, Brazil became an independent nation in 1822. Exploiting vast natural resources, it is today South America's leading economic power and a regional leader. Meanwhile Brazil continues to develop its interior with an industrial and agricultural...

03 déc. 2007

An analysis of the structure of the Canadian retail industry

Étude de marché - 9 pages - Marketing international

A common theme of the Canadian retail industry is that it is evolving at a rapid pace. External factors, such as the growth in the relative purchasing power of the Canadian dollar; increasing competition from discount rivals such as Wal-Mart; shifting consumer trends; and the emergence of the...

10 juil. 2007

US Condom Market

Étude de marché - 11 pages - Marketing international

The total U.S. market for condoms, including sales through all retail channels touched $398.3 million in 2005. It has been increasing by 2.8% from 2004. The U.S. condom market is a stable and matured one growing at a steady rate every year. So in terms of main players which preoccupied the...

02 mai 2007

Reaching Mexican customers in the real estate business

Étude de marché - 21 pages - Marketing international

Real estate market is changing, it no longer exists one and only way to sell. Consequently, real estate companies must develop marketing researches, by studying clients' needs, understanding them, and then implement prospective solutions. Today, reaching Mexican consumers, on both sides of the...

08 Mars 2007

The Polish market

Étude de marché - 7 pages - Marketing international

Poland is the sixth-largest country in Europe. After 15 years of courageous economic and political reforms, Poland has strengthened its position as one of the fastest growing countries of central and Eastern Europe. As a member of the EU, NATO and OECD, Poland is a trustworthy and reliable...

08 mai 2006

Etude de faisabilité : chewing gum en Allemagne

Étude de marché - 15 pages - Marketing international

Nous souhaitons lancer un nouveau produit sur le territoire allemand : nous avons opté pour une nouvelle sorte de chewing-gum pour enfants. Cet exposé, rédigé en allemand, présente notre produit et notre stratégie. Après la présentation de notre entreprise (fictive), des données (basées sur une...

29 Mars 2006

Projet d'importation de fleurs de Colombie

Étude de marché - 19 pages - Marketing international

Colombia es un país de America del sur, conocido mundialmente por la producción y tráfico de droga y su guerilla. El país esta actualmente dirigido por Alvaro Uribe, quien intenta encontrar soluciones a estos dos problemas, y empezo negociaciones con los guerilleros. Pero también famoso por ser...

23 Mars 2006

The Beer market in the People's Republic of China

Étude de marché - 13 pages - Marketing international

One fateful day in ancient Egypt (or perhaps China), a grain storage pit accidentally filled with warm water and fermentation occurred. A brave soul tasted this nasty concoction, felt the world's first beer buzz, and the rest is history. While the Chinese were some of the world's first...

22 Nov. 2002

The energy drinks market in Europe : a market for the future ?

Étude de marché - 35 pages - Marketing international

The on-the-go market has witnessed continued, robust growth over the past five years and this shows no signs of abating in the next five years. The demand for on-the-go products has been set in motion by significant shifts in the underlying structure of socio-cultural and economic patterns. These...

12 mai 2002

Beer market in Thaïland

Étude de marché - 19 pages - Marketing international

Thaï beer market: market environment, beer consumption, key players, market share, pricing, major brands. Market niche. Powerpoint document. Population: Over 60 million. GNP per capita: 2,740 USD and increasing rapidly, providing a growing demand for beer. GDP per capital : 700 USD. Tourism...