Marché du tourisme en Midi Pyrénées et concept
Étude de marché - 5 pages - Marketing tourisme
ATOUTS ET POTENTIALITES DE LA REGION DU MIDI-PYRENEES Atouts : - Facilité d'accès : ï³ 4 aéroports : Toulouse-Blagnac, Tarbes-Lourdes-Pyrénées, Rodez Marcillac, et Castres Mazamet ï³ Réseau ferroviaire ï³ Routier : alimenté par de nombreuses autoroutes (A62, A20, A75). Le...
Le tourisme en Angleterre (2010)
Dissertation - 12 pages - Marketing tourisme
"Le tourisme est devenu un phénomène de civilisation... L'ampleur qu'il a acquise l'a fait passer du plan limité d'un plaisir élitaire au plan général de la vie sociale et économique" (O.M.T, Assemblée générale de Manille, 1980). Ce phénomène n'a pas épargné l'Angleterre...
Fiche technique du Conseil Régional du Tourisme marocain (2010)
Fiche - 11 pages - Marketing tourisme
Le CRT est une association créée conformément aux dispositions de l'accord d'application du contract-programme 2001 - 2010. Il est doté de la personnalité morale et de l'autonomie financière qui lui permet une certaine liberté d'action par rapport à l'autorité administrative. Le conseil est...
Culture et Patrimoine
Cours - 4 pages - Marketing tourisme
Thèmes abordés : étymologie, définition, dangers, domaines, fonctions et enjeux, risques et paradoxes, politique patrimoniale et approches contemporaines, dispositifs, projet architectural, civilisations espaces et temps. Techniques, esthétique et symbolique. Perceptions sensorielles,...
Stratégie de communication : carnaval de Menton
Étude de cas - 1 pages - Marketing tourisme
Ceci est une stratégie de communication du carnaval de Menton. Les différents points de la stratégie sont détaillés ainsi que les outils.
Marketing plan for iPad in China
Étude de cas - 10 pages - Marketing tourisme
In this document, we are going to market the iPad in the Chinese Market. The iPad is a product of Apple, the well?known American company led by Steve Jobs. First of all, we will take a quick look at the Apple Company concerning the iPad. So in the first part, we will briefly describe the Apple...
Sectorial marketing : thomas cook
Étude de cas - 2 pages - Marketing tourisme
Thomas Cook started to organize travels in 1841 in Leicester; he organized for the first time a travel for a group of 500 customers in Loughborough. The first travel agency was born. At the beginning, he was organizing outings for workers groups. This activity has grown quickly due to the...
Interactive & Internet Marketing: Marketing plan for Nestle
Étude de marché - 11 pages - Marketing tourisme
The market in volume: In 1994, eighty thousand tons of ready-to-consume cereal was sold in France for a figure of three hundred and seventy five million Euros. The potential market of the company includes ninety-three percent of the French population (proportion of French who have breakfast in...
Chanel global strategy: Mix marketing
Étude de cas - 10 pages - Marketing tourisme
The Chanel fashion house, more commonly known as Chanel, is a French fashion house founded by Gabrielle Chanel (1883-1971) called "Coco Chanel". At a time when many famous and luxury fashion houses were created, Chanel has maintained its independence. Since 1924, Chanel has belonged to...
International marketing communications: How can Skoda use social media to its benefit?
Thèse - 7 pages - Marketing tourisme
It's important to introduce our project with an analysis of the main characteristics of the media we will use in our creative strategy for Skoda. A study conducted on the European Companies on the Fortune Global 100 list, shows relevant numbers in regard to using Facebook and Youtube in marketing...
Market in the Eastern countries: SWOT analysis
Thèse - 54 pages - Marketing tourisme
The category of political risk premium is determined by the steering committee based on a technical analysis of risk. For this purpose, a quantitative model was developed by SA Ducroire, mainly taking into account the evolution of the liquidity of the debtor countries. It involves assessing the...
International Marketing - Case of Southern Comfort
Étude de cas - 18 pages - Marketing tourisme
I decided to analyze and formulate a marketing plan for Southern Comfort because of the strong brand image it has. I didn't know Southern Comfort a month ago, and I was really pleased to discover this brand. When I started gathering information about the brand, I was not expecting such a...
Advertising & Communication - New Guitar brand/products
Thèse - 15 pages - Marketing tourisme
The brand has been created to answer a personal passion. The identity of the brand and the products come directly from a vision I have of musical experience and living. In this vision, guitars are linked to Rock n Roll and Blues, but also many spiritual concepts. Among these concepts, lies a deep...
Strategic Marketing - Apple
Étude de cas - 11 pages - Marketing tourisme
With the help of PESTLE model, it is possible to understand Apple's strategic opportunities. The political, economic, socio-cultural, technological, legal and environment factors are the components of the PESTLE model that allow us to evaluate key elements that have a great influence on the...
Etude marketing Hotel Juliomagus à Angers
Étude de cas - 2 pages - Marketing tourisme
Etude de cas, d'un hôtel fictif situé dans l'agglomération d'Angers. Analyse et SWOT de l'hôtel
La communication territoriale au service du marketing territorial (soutenance)
Présentation - 10 pages - Marketing tourisme
Objectif du mémoire : * Souligner les différents rapports que peuvent entretenir la communication et le marketing territorial, appliqués au sein de structures locales. * Communication et marketing territorial : ces deux entités sont opposées, de part leur nature et leur but premier, mais aussi...
Comment le tourisme de luxe en Europe a-t-il su s'internationaliser ?
Dissertation - 6 pages - Marketing tourisme
On entend par tourisme de luxe tout ce qui concerne l'hôtellerie, la restauration, le transport, mais également tout ce qui concerne les activités telles que le shopping, et les divertissements. Il peut parfois être ostentatoire (le segment du luxe est 22 fois supérieur au segment bas de gamme),...
Motivation et satisfaction - tourisme (en espagnol)
Dissertation - 3 pages - Marketing tourisme
Dossier réalisé dans le cadre d'un cours de marketing touristique. Résumé : A partir de un profundo estudio de los datos recaudados por la encuesta realizada sobre las motivaciones y satisfacciones del turista, veremos lo que realmente mueve al turista, lo que busca en sus distintos viajes...
Integrated marketing communication strategy for Kellogg's Special K
Thèse - 11 pages - Marketing tourisme
This report aims to outline an integrated marketing communication strategy for Kellogg's Special K. We found that there is a gap in the market that we feel Special K should be taking advantage of, in order to secure its leading position in the market. Our identified opportunity is to access the...
Integrated marketing communication: Promotional report for Kindle
Étude de cas - 19 pages - Marketing tourisme
This promotional plan is designed for Kindle, an eBook reader produced by Amazon. Three objectives have been set out for the year 2011. Making an impressive introduction of Kindle in the Australian market which establishes and increases brand awareness of Kindle is the first objective. Secondly,...
Plan d'action en espagnol pour promouvoir le tourisme dans la commune du Rozel
Étude de cas - 2 pages - Marketing tourisme
Tenemos tres claves para este plan: posicionamiento, público objetivo, estrategia. El posicionamiento es la imagen que el turista debe recuerdar del territorio, lo que lo diferencia de los otros. El público objetivo: la clientela "familias" de todo tipo, tan bien con los padres que con los...
Le tourisme en Méditerranée - publié le 16/02/2011
Dissertation - 3 pages - Marketing tourisme
On considère généralement le tourisme comme un système d'acteurs, de pratiques et de lieux qui a pour objectif de permettre aux individus de se déplacer temporairement pour leur recréation hors de lieux quotidiens. La France est bordée par la mer Méditerranée sur plus de 1100 km. Cette mer baigne...
Marketing Plan - Introduction of the new Guinness Black Lager on the French Market
Étude de cas - 20 pages - Marketing tourisme
Our marketing plan examines the introduction of a new beer on the French market. Guinness has recently released a new product to appeal to a younger demographic than the usual Guinness customer. This new product called Guinness Black Lager is a beverage that is easier to drink than our original...
Forcelink communication campaign (December 2010)
Étude de cas - 8 pages - Marketing tourisme
Forcelink is a company which proposes an innovative service to improve work efficiency. It is a mobile workforce management system that allows any organization to issue work electronically to their field staff and receive update from staff, via standard WAP (Wireless Application Protocol)...
Market research: The UK ice cream market (2011) - 'Gelato'
Étude de marché - 6 pages - Marketing tourisme
According to a study in the UK, The ice cream sector is a major part of the UK's food economy with an estimated value of £4 billion and Ice cream sales contribute £1.4 bn to the UK economy (BBC News (b) 2010). As we can observe, there is a substantial ice cream market in...
Advertising & Communication: Launch of a new Recycling center-'Happy Center, the Real One'
Thèse - 10 pages - Marketing tourisme
This document presents the development of a new service, a new recycling center called Happy Center based in California, a hotspot for environmental issues. This company, which specializes in the recycling of electronic equipment such as mobile phones and computers, collaborates...
Green Marketing: Opportunities and Limitations of Targeting the Green Segment - Case study of IBM
TD - Exercice - 59 pages - Marketing tourisme
Abstract Purpose - Intend to improve the knowledge base concerning the growing green market population. Objectives - Assess the potentiality of targeting the green consumers in France and in India, by understanding their behaviors and expectations. We also tried to analyze the attitudes of...
International marketing : Port wine export to USA
Étude de marché - 7 pages - Marketing tourisme
The worldwide wine market is very specific. It has the particularity that no one wine company (even in the modern world history) has more than one percent of the market, in contrast to other beverages such as sodas. The wine sales have been showing solid growth in recent years, up nearly two...
Sample Marketing plan: 'You can Bike'
Thèse - 7 pages - Marketing tourisme
Our new product will offer to the disabled people the opportunity to make cycle tours with aninfrastructure prepared according to their needs.The mission statement is: Everyone can do it'. This sentence has two meanings. The first one isthat even if you are disabled, you can participate in...
Advertising and communication: Launching a sample product 'BISHAVED'
Étude de marché - 8 pages - Marketing tourisme
This document is about the creation of a new shaving cream that does not exist in the market. It begins with the competitive analysis of three products, then there are the definitions of the new product and the target audience. To finish with, there are the regulatory issues that have to be taken...