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Études de marché en marketing tourisme

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19 résultats

01 Mars 2019

Le tourisme aux Caraïbes

Étude de marché - 2 pages - Marketing tourisme

Les Caraïbes sont le plus grand espace de croisière du globe. Il est donc important d'être informé sur cet espace. L'espace Caraïbes dispose de beaucoup d'atouts touristiques : la proximité d'un centre émetteur comme les États-Unis, le climat tropical, l'absence d'hiver,...

20 Mars 2014

Dossier marketing pour le voyagiste Marmara

Étude de marché - 8 pages - Marketing tourisme

Les points forts de Marmara : -Notre profil Un groupe dynamique, pour une collaboration agréable et efficace. -Notre métier Un véritable tour-opérateur spécialisé dans le coaching et le management d'équipe. -Notre adaptabilité Une capacité à vous proposer du “sur mesure” pour chaque...

30 avril 2013

Analyse pestiel Cd du tourisme des seniors en pleine expansion

Étude de marché - 6 pages - Marketing tourisme

Le vieillissement de la population est un phénomène qui peut s'expliquer par 3 raisons : -premièrement l'allongement de l'espérance de vie -la régression du nombre des naissances -l'arrivé en masse des 'Baby-boomers' à la retraite Différentes catégories de seniors :...

01 Mars 2013

La République dominicaine : une destination de vacances à repenser

Étude de marché - 13 pages - Marketing tourisme

- La République Dominicaine est une destination « saturée » pour deux raisons : La concurrence. Son image « dégradée ». - Nécessité de repositionner la République Dominicaine. - Offre actuelle de la République Dominicaine : Formule tout inclus, prix attractif Tourisme de masse : grands...

27 Mars 2012

Etude marketing du Club Med

Étude de marché - 32 pages - Marketing tourisme

Le Club Méditerranée, crée en 1950 par Gérard Blitz, ancien résistant français, est devenu au fil des ans la référence des vacances en villages, que ce soit en France ou dans le reste du monde. Présent sur les 5 continents, le groupe bénéfice en effet d'une large présence sur l'ensemble du globe,...

20 juin 2011

Marché du tourisme en Midi Pyrénées et concept

Étude de marché - 5 pages - Marketing tourisme

ATOUTS ET POTENTIALITES DE LA REGION DU MIDI-PYRENEES Atouts : - Facilité d'accès :  4 aéroports : Toulouse-Blagnac, Tarbes-Lourdes-Pyrénées, Rodez Marcillac, et Castres Mazamet  Réseau ferroviaire  Routier : alimenté par de nombreuses autoroutes (A62, A20, A75). Le...

21 Mars 2011

Interactive & Internet Marketing: Marketing plan for Nestle

Étude de marché - 11 pages - Marketing tourisme

The market in volume: In 1994, eighty thousand tons of ready-to-consume cereal was sold in France for a figure of three hundred and seventy five million Euros. The potential market of the company includes ninety-three percent of the French population (proportion of French who have breakfast in...

14 févr. 2011

Market research: The UK ice cream market (2011) - 'Gelato'

Étude de marché - 6 pages - Marketing tourisme

According to a study in the UK, “The ice cream sector is a major part of the UK's food economy with an estimated value of £4 billion” and “Ice cream sales contribute £1.4 bn to the UK economy” (BBC News (b) 2010). As we can observe, there is a substantial ice cream market in...

07 févr. 2011

International marketing : Port wine export to USA

Étude de marché - 7 pages - Marketing tourisme

The worldwide wine market is very specific. It has the particularity that no one wine company (even in the modern world history) has more than one percent of the market, in contrast to other beverages such as sodas. The wine sales have been showing solid growth in recent years, up nearly two...

04 févr. 2011

Advertising and communication: Launching a sample product 'BISHAVED'

Étude de marché - 8 pages - Marketing tourisme

This document is about the creation of a new shaving cream that does not exist in the market. It begins with the competitive analysis of three products, then there are the definitions of the new product and the target audience. To finish with, there are the regulatory issues that have to be taken...

28 déc. 2010

Launching a car insurance company

Étude de marché - 15 pages - Marketing tourisme

Our company wants to launch a new product - car insurance. We propose an all inclusive pack for our customers who will benefit from free services such as fixing their damaged car and the loan of a car during repair. Moreover, young drivers will benefit from better price than other car insurance...

07 Oct. 2010

International Marketing: Launching a French restaurant in Spain

Étude de marché - 8 pages - Marketing tourisme

Spain is a European country situated on the South Western of France, on the Eastern side of Portugal. It is boarded by Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean. As we can see it on the picture, the Spanish flap is composed of three colours: red on the top, a yellow stripe and a second red one. The...

15 Mars 2010

Space tourism - major players and offers

Étude de marché - 8 pages - Marketing tourisme

Space tourism, which is now restricted to a few wealthy travellers, is about participating in manned flight in space. This new tourism appeared in 2001 and is a collaboration between space agencies and private companies. With tickets costing between 20 and 30 million dollars, space tourism is...

21 Sept. 2009

Business tourism market of Paris

Étude de marché - 11 pages - Marketing tourisme

Since the beginning of the first trade shows, direct contact has emerged as the best way to communicate. The development of IT has enhanced this trend. Virtual contacts can stimulate or initiate physical meetings however in any case, they cannot be substitutes. This explains the massive growth of...

20 août 2009

Business Tourism: Theories and Economic Values

Étude de marché - 12 pages - Marketing tourisme

A congress at the seaside, a trade show in a historical monument building, a meeting close to a golf course, a party in a prestigious Parisian night club, a seminar in a ski resort, many different possibilities are open to motivate, to train or to boost a team. According to the Paris Convention...

14 juin 2009

El turismo en España: analisis global y ejemplo de la ciudad de Salamanca

Étude de marché - 22 pages - Marketing tourisme

En el año 2007, España es el segundo país del mundo que recibe más turistas extranjeros con 58,2 millones de visitantes. ¿Por qué? Las cosas que hacen que España sea un país más atractivo que los otros son, por supuesto las playas y el sol (un clima bastante más calido y soleado que otros países...

05 mai 2008

Student Travel marketing analysis

Étude de marché - 103 pages - Marketing tourisme

New entrants into the Irish Student Travel market wish to undertake research as to the wants and needs of Irish students relating to weekend breaks. Main question: How to advertise each destination to its maximum capacity? E.g. What attributes are matched to different cities throughout Europe?...

05 mai 2008

Perceptual Mapping, MDS & Cluster Analysis, student travel marketing analysis

Étude de marché - 84 pages - Marketing tourisme

We analyze the aspects of perceptual mapping, multidimensional scaling and cluster analysis for a company called Student Travel. The company is a potential new entrant into the Irish student travel market, and plans to undertake research into the needs and wants of Irish students relating to...

22 avril 2008

Chaos in the Skies ? The airline industry pre- and post-9/11

Étude de marché - 12 pages - Marketing tourisme

The 9/11 attacks were a series of co-ordinated terrorist attacks upon the United States of America (USA) carried out on Tuesday, September 11, 2001. The global economy and the airline industry felt the shock, and is still trying to recoup. This essay will discuss the impact of the 9/11 attacks...