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Études de cas en marketing tourisme 31 à 60

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06 Janv. 2012

Organisation d'un évènement : journée marketing pour la marque skate Board - 2012

Étude de cas - 3 pages - Marketing tourisme

Ce skatepark se situe à Biarritz, près de deux autres villes: Bayonne et Anglet. Cette région est très touristique : en Juillet, à la période de l'évènement, de nombreux touristes y sont présents. De plus, c'est une région reconnue pour les sports nautiques tels que le surf. Or, certains...

30 déc. 2011

Etude Swot Parc Astérix

Étude de cas - 1 pages - Marketing tourisme

1.Forces •Thème clairement identifié •Thème : Astérix personnage préféré de 93% des français d'après étude Sofrès •Localisation Nord Européenne source de succès pour l'émergence des parcs d'attraction dans les années 80 •Public familial (Je ne vois pas en quoi il s'agit d'une...

28 déc. 2011

Etude de cas marketing : le Club Med

Étude de cas - 10 pages - Marketing tourisme

Au départ le Club Med était une simple utopie sous la forme d'une association dont le but était de développer la vie en pleine air et la pratique de l'éducation physique et sportive. Gérard Blizt avec son camarade Gilbert Trigano ont décidé de concrétiser leur rêve en faisant du Club Med un club...

05 déc. 2011

Analyse, stratégie marketing : le clubMed

Étude de cas - 18 pages - Marketing tourisme

A l'heure où la crise économique s'intensifie dans les pays développés, le secteur touristique n'est pas épargné. Malgré un CA de 13 M€ en France en 2008, le budget vacances des consommateurs est un des premiers postes réduit. L'augmentation du coût des énergies (pétrole) a aussi...

27 Mars 2011

Stratégie de communication : carnaval de Menton

Étude de cas - 1 pages - Marketing tourisme

Ceci est une stratégie de communication du carnaval de Menton. Les différents points de la stratégie sont détaillés ainsi que les outils.

22 Mars 2011

Marketing plan for iPad in China

Étude de cas - 10 pages - Marketing tourisme

In this document, we are going to market the iPad in the Chinese Market. The iPad is a product of Apple, the well?known American company led by Steve Jobs. First of all, we will take a quick look at the Apple Company concerning the iPad. So in the first part, we will briefly describe the Apple...

22 Mars 2011

Sectorial marketing : thomas cook

Étude de cas - 2 pages - Marketing tourisme

Thomas Cook started to organize travels in 1841 in Leicester; he organized for the first time a travel for a group of 500 customers in Loughborough. The first travel agency was born. At the beginning, he was organizing outings for workers groups. This activity has grown quickly due to the...

20 Mars 2011

Chanel global strategy: Mix marketing

Étude de cas - 10 pages - Marketing tourisme

The Chanel fashion house, more commonly known as Chanel, is a French fashion house founded by Gabrielle Chanel (1883-1971) called "Coco Chanel". At a time when many famous and luxury fashion houses were created, Chanel has maintained its independence. Since 1924, Chanel has belonged to...

14 Mars 2011

International Marketing - Case of Southern Comfort

Étude de cas - 18 pages - Marketing tourisme

I decided to analyze and formulate a marketing plan for Southern Comfort because of the strong brand image it has. I didn't know Southern Comfort a month ago, and I was really pleased to discover this brand. When I started gathering information about the brand, I was not expecting such a...

07 Mars 2011

Strategic Marketing - Apple

Étude de cas - 11 pages - Marketing tourisme

With the help of PESTLE model, it is possible to understand Apple's strategic opportunities. The political, economic, socio-cultural, technological, legal and environment factors are the components of the PESTLE model that allow us to evaluate key elements that have a great influence on the...

04 Mars 2011

Etude marketing Hotel Juliomagus à Angers

Étude de cas - 2 pages - Marketing tourisme

Etude de cas, d'un hôtel fictif situé dans l'agglomération d'Angers. Analyse et SWOT de l'hôtel

22 févr. 2011

Integrated marketing communication: Promotional report for Kindle

Étude de cas - 19 pages - Marketing tourisme

This promotional plan is designed for Kindle, an eBook reader produced by Amazon. Three objectives have been set out for the year 2011. Making an impressive introduction of Kindle in the Australian market which establishes and increases brand awareness of Kindle is the first objective. Secondly,...

16 févr. 2011

Plan d'action en espagnol pour promouvoir le tourisme dans la commune du Rozel

Étude de cas - 2 pages - Marketing tourisme

Tenemos tres claves para este plan: posicionamiento, público objetivo, estrategia. El posicionamiento es la imagen que el turista debe recuerdar del territorio, lo que lo diferencia de los otros. El público objetivo: la clientela "familias" de todo tipo, tan bien con los padres que con los...

15 févr. 2011

Marketing Plan - Introduction of the new Guinness Black Lager on the French Market

Étude de cas - 20 pages - Marketing tourisme

Our marketing plan examines the introduction of a new beer on the French market. Guinness has recently released a new product to appeal to a younger demographic than the usual Guinness customer. This new product called Guinness Black Lager is a beverage that is easier to drink than our original...

15 févr. 2011

Forcelink communication campaign (December 2010)

Étude de cas - 8 pages - Marketing tourisme

Forcelink is a company which proposes an innovative service to improve work efficiency. It is a mobile workforce management system that allows any organization to issue work electronically to their field staff and receive update from staff, via standard WAP (Wireless Application Protocol)...

02 févr. 2011

Marketing strategy: Case Adidas

Étude de cas - 33 pages - Marketing tourisme

In a globalized environment, where the competition has never been so intense, sportswear firm Adidas aims to become the leader in the sports footwear market. In order to reach this goal, this group focuses on the marketing campaign, which reflects the company's culture and passion with respect...

01 févr. 2011

Cas marketing Club Med

Étude de cas - 5 pages - Marketing tourisme

En 2004, le Club Med a fait le choix d‘un repositionnement haut de gamme. 6 ans plus tard, nous avons essayé de repenser ce positionnement tout d‘abord, en démontrant ses qualités et ses défauts, puis en essayant d‘améliorer la situation actuelle avec une nouvelle stratégie.

05 Janv. 2011

Integrated Marketing Communication of Zara and Desigual

Étude de cas - 33 pages - Marketing tourisme

The fashion industry is still on a downward trend this year, notably in France. Indeed, the first trimester of 2010 registered a decrease of 1.9 % in value compared to 2009 at the same period. Yet, since several seasons, the fashion industry has accelerated its collections' turnover, which was...

09 déc. 2010

Direct & Electronic Marketing: Ryan air and Easy Jet

Étude de cas - 5 pages - Marketing tourisme

As the most part of students in the world, I like travel, discover the world, different culture, and different lifestyle, open our mind to the world. New IT emerged with our growth, we are an IT generation, and now it's really easy to find everything on the World Wide Web. As a part of students,...

26 Nov. 2010

Nespresso: Porter's 5 Forces Analysis for the coffee market

Étude de cas - 4 pages - Marketing tourisme

Portion-coffee is defined as single cup coffee systems, offering individual portions of freshly ground coffee. Portion-coffee systems come in several coffee machines systems like, filter, automatic, pads or capsules . In this segment, Nespresso offers hermetically sealed and colored capsules...

20 Nov. 2010

Case Analysis: Absolut Vodka - Managing Marketing Communications

Étude de cas - 5 pages - Marketing tourisme

Much of Absolut's success can be attributed to chief executive Roux's marketing astuteness as he defied conditional marketing research data and transformed the adversarial environment into an opportunity. Similarly, what was an odd shaped bottle became Absolut's distinctive appeal and...

19 Nov. 2010

Heineken marketing strategy and communication mix

Étude de cas - 20 pages - Marketing tourisme

In the Irish market, the beer industry is very important. Beer consumption is a way of life for the Irish people. Few international companies share the market. The most famous is Guinness. In order to stay strong in this competitive market and to maintain or gain market shares and also to reach...

08 Nov. 2010

DuPont: Case Study

Étude de cas - 6 pages - Marketing tourisme

Problem definition is the most important step in a marketing research project. It involves stating the general problem and identifying the specific components of the marketing research problem. And only when the marketing research problem has been clearly defined, the research can be designed and...

25 Oct. 2010

Lenovo Vs. Helwett Packard in the Chinese market

Étude de cas - 22 pages - Marketing tourisme

The Chinese PC market is, behind the US, the second largest market in the world. With its 1.3 billion inhabitants and an expected market growth of 19%, the Chinese PC market is probably one of the most interesting emerging markets. While the local companies were very strong in the past, they now...

19 mai 2010

Establishment of the "Easy Hotel"in Madrid

Étude de cas - 19 pages - Marketing tourisme

EasyHotel is a chain of ‘no frills' hotels run by the privately held conglomerate EasyGroup. We chose to base our research on such a hotel chain as we feel the low cost concept hospitality sector is an important growing sector. EasyHotel is a novel and exclusive concept; we have all been...

05 Mars 2010

Le Routard - The communication campaign for 2010

Étude de cas - 37 pages - Marketing tourisme

The name 'Le Routard' might sound very familiar for all French speaking travelers. This brand is basically known for producing a large line of travel guides, and they also have a collection of clothes, shoes and accessories. In our work we will develop all the tools we need to set up a...

10 févr. 2010

Ecotourism, a tendency of sustainable tourism

Étude de cas - 4 pages - Marketing tourisme

The travel industry is the first industry on earth with 1.6 billion tourists as estimated in 2020. Tourism presents at the same time opportunities and threats for biodiversity conservation. That is why it is important to promote new forms of tourism and to apply new principles for the actors of...

10 févr. 2010

Strategic Marketing - Case study report: Celebrity Cruise Inc. a taste of luxury

Étude de cas - 2 pages - Marketing tourisme

Celebrity Cruises is a cruise line founded in 1988 by the Greek Chandris Group. In 1997, Celebrity Cruises Ltd. merged with Royal Caribbean International to become Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd., which operates Celebrity, Royal Caribbean International, Azamara Cruises, Pullmantur Cruises and CDF...

07 Janv. 2010

Air France-KLM Marketing Study: Becoming More Competitive in Front of The TGV

Étude de cas - 11 pages - Marketing tourisme

Today, AIRFRANCE-KLM is the largest airline company in the world in terms of total operating revenues and passenger-kilometers. The company's CEO is, since January 1st 2009, Pierre-Henri Gourgeon. With a turnover coming close to 24 billion Euros as on 31st March 2009 and having taken over 74...

31 déc. 2009

In company project, final report : Costa Croisières

Étude de cas - 24 pages - Marketing tourisme

Our report intends to provide COSTA CROISIERES with useful data regarding the Cruise Market in China on one hand and expatriates' needs and expectations in terms of a vacation on the other. The main purpose of this report is both to analyze deeply and try to come up with relevant...