In a context of globalization, companies need to be very competitive and to find the best way to be more and more attractive. In France and all over the world strategy marketing is nowadays a priority for companies according to Lefébure and Venture (2005). Brand loyalty programs are good examples of a marketing strategy used to seduce consumers in France. For example, with the subway (restaurant chain) Club card you will one sandwich free for buying eight of them.
This research aims to find solutions to help the marketing manager in solving problems concerning the marketing strategy and more precisely concerning the profitability of customer loyalty programs.
This essay will compose the problem statement of my research, then a preliminary research, a conceptual framework and my primary objective as well as my secondary objectives.
Do you have a loyalty card in your wallet? I am sure you will answer “yes” as a lot of people in France.
Indeed, nowadays, free trade agreements, globalization, trivialization of products, and volatility of the customers encourages companies to place customer in the heart of marketing and sales strategies. (Moisand, 2002)
[...] It will be a problem for the validity of the findings. It can also be difficult to find participant who want to participate. Large companies can refuse to participate to this research processes. This research will also be difficult to realise from South Africa as all the participants will be French. It can be more difficult to obtain the information by e-mail or by phone. This limitation is linked to the confidentiality. The cost of the research has also to be taken into account. [...]
[...] (2007) Customer loyalty means greater profitability. Nursing Homes: Long Term Care Management September, Vol No 9. Muller, R. Bloemquist, T. (2007) Research design and methods. Umea, School of Business and Economics. Murphy, J. (2001) The life belt : the definitive guide to managing customer retention Nardot, C. (2003) La fidélisation des clients, Centre de ressources en économie et gestion internet, May 1st. Nunes,J. Dréze,X. (2006) Your Loyalty Program Is Betraying You. Harvard Business Review April, Vol No 4. Reichheld,F.(1996 ) The loyalty effect : the hidden force behind growth, profits, and lasting value. [...]
[...] - A case study: We want to analyse the loyalty programs in depth. This type of study place more emphasis on a full contextual analysis. The aim of my research is to analyse the profitability of the customer loyalty programs and to give recommendations or an other marketing strategy if there are not profitable. I am going to use statistical and quantitative studies as well as lot of qualitative sources. - Fields conditions: Our study will be realising in a natural environment. [...]
[...] Boston: Harvard Business School press Regan, T Introduction to the research ethics, Department of Philosophy and Religion, North Carolina State University. [online]. Available from: http://www.fis.ncsu .edu/ Grad/ ethics/modules/ethical_frameworks.pdf. Ros,J. (1998) Marketing on a budget. London, International Thomson Pub. Sheth,J. Parvatiyar, A (2000) Handbook of Relationship Marketing ►Seybold,P. et al. (2001) Harvard business review on customer relationship management. Boston, Harvard Business School Press ►Stone,M. (2000) Customer relationship marketing : get to know your customers and win their loyalty . London : Kogan Page in association with Marketing magazine ►Tashakkori, A. & Teddlie, C. [...]
[...] (Meyer- Warden, 2006) Best loyalty programs Nunes, and Dréze, (2006) explicate in their article that there is many aspects of the loyalty programs. They give advice to create a successful loyalty program. First of all, companies have to be clear with their business goal and define what should be gained from the effort. Then, they explain that there are five mistakes to avoid having a successful loyalty program as well as the strengths and weaknesses of most of the loyalty programs. [...]
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