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Études de cas en marketing distribution 121 à 148

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148 résultats

22 févr. 2010

Wal-Mart - A leader in the retail industry

Étude de cas - 8 pages - Marketing distribution

The situation of WalMart, leader in the retail industry, can first be examined through a SWOT analysis which will allow us to determine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the market. Concerning this internal analysis, we notice various strengths of the market: Sam...

12 déc. 2009

Décathlon - Management strategy

Étude de cas - 8 pages - Marketing distribution

In this study, I have tried to present an explanation of the development of DECATHLON SA Epinal. However, I did not have enough information to prepare a complete file, as I did not have access to an organization chart, or any data about it. Thus I have based the analysis on all the branches of...

03 Nov. 2009

The Halal Market

Étude de cas - 9 pages - Marketing distribution

In Islam there are precepts that certain foods are permitted (Halal), others forbidden (Haram). Pork and alcohol are Haram, because they are regarded as unclean. From these precepts is born a consumer described as "Halal". For Muslim consumers, beef must be certified Halal, it means that the...

31 Oct. 2009

Walmart success story

Étude de cas - 22 pages - Marketing distribution

The large scale retail sector consists of multiple companies of very heterogeneous sizes. This disparity can be explained by the strategy adopted by certain companies to grow rapidly in order to be a market giant, by implementing waves of fusion-acquisitions, which make it possible for the brands...

23 Oct. 2009

Casino Strategy Management

Étude de cas - 12 pages - Marketing distribution

Retailing is an area with strong competition between the main competitors. The buyer power does not arise from buyer's ability to negotiate but rather from competitors' pressure. Carrefour, E.Lecler, Auchan' offer very similar products which is why big company such Casino had to make...

13 août 2009

Research Methods for Managers - publié le 13/08/2009

Étude de cas - 10 pages - Marketing distribution

Competition is an inevitable phenomenon in the business world. Thanks to globalization and multi cultural thinking, the development of the entrepreneurial spirit and the fact that monopolies are now very rare, has led to more competition and variety in manufacturing. Reactivity is thus needed in...

07 août 2009

Strategic management: La Redoute

Étude de cas - 33 pages - Marketing distribution

La Redoute is a French home shopping website that started as a small family business in 1873. It launched itself as mail-order sales, as early as 1922. They expanded to become leaders in their field taking on the French market, as well as some others European countries. Its success is a combined...

10 juil. 2009

Marketing del Carrefour

Étude de cas - 15 pages - Marketing distribution

Document: Marketing del Carrefour, dossier de 30 pages d'analyse marketing en expagnol Extrait: En el presente trabajo se pretende realizar una auditoria comparativa o márketing audit de los elementos de márketing de un distribuidor frente a los de su competidor. Las empresas elegidas para...

18 Mars 2009

The Body Shop - publié le 18/03/2009

Étude de cas - 3 pages - Marketing distribution

With a turnover of 380 million pounds last year and 10 000 employees in over 50 countries, the body shop is considered as one of the most famous companies in the industry of cosmetics, especially known for its natural products. It is estimated that The Body Shop sells a product every 0.4...

05 Mars 2009

SWOT Monoprix

Étude de cas - 3 pages - Marketing distribution

Monoprix is the first retailer in the down towns of big cities in France. Indeed, Monoprix is present in 80% of the cities of more than 50,000 inhabitants. ? Growth in sales: Monoprix's turnover increased by 4.4% in 2006 and by 3.5% in 2007 reaching a level of 3.56 billion Euros. Its profits...

18 févr. 2009

Case study: Marks & Spencer

Étude de cas - 12 pages - Marketing distribution

For over a century now, Marks & Spencer (M&S) has been one of the best-known British retailers. Since 1884, M&S has developed a traditional brand image of quality. However, since the end of the familial reign, M&S's results have declined little by little because of, among other things,...

17 févr. 2009

Supermercado Alcampo : estudio marketing y sugerencias para el desarrollo

Étude de cas - 6 pages - Marketing distribution

Para este trabajo, hemos investigado sobre el supermercado Alcampo, uno de los principales grupos de distribucion del mundo, que esta presente en 11 paises, tras haber abierto sus puertas en 1961 en Roubaix. Hemos entonces realizado una presentacion de la empresa, con parte de su historia,...

25 Oct. 2008

Tesco and the organic market

Étude de cas - 11 pages - Marketing distribution

Tesco is the leading retailer in the United Kingdom, and one of the largest food retailers in the world. It is not limited solely to the food market and has expanded into areas such as electrical goods and clothing. Tesco has its headquarters in Hertfordshire and employs about 318,300 people. The...

30 Sept. 2008

Retail marketing: Carrefour private labels

Étude de cas - 14 pages - Marketing distribution

Given the surge of discounting in France, various chains are keen to develop their own brand stores (retailers). What is a cause of concern for hypermarkets is that private labels are becoming increasingly important, especially with the declining purchasing power of households. In some cases...

18 Sept. 2008

Ikea & Conforama marketing

Étude de cas - 10 pages - Marketing distribution

Nowadays, customers are more and more demanding and seek the best product that fits their needs and likes. Marketers also have been forced to face up to fast changes and trends. Besides, a company cannot answer to all consumers' needs so it has to choose whom its product or service will address....

23 mai 2008

IKEA: International Marketing Strategy (Brazil's example)

Étude de cas - 11 pages - Marketing distribution

This document outlines IKEA's international marketing strategy with specific reference to Brazil. Brazil has no cultural conflicts and is an untroubled multiracial society that respects all immigrants and religions. Politically, the country is a conflict-free democracy with stable public...

04 avril 2008

E-Leclerc in China: Fictive case

Étude de cas - 24 pages - Marketing distribution

The objective of this report is to introduce a marketing plan to implant E-Leclerc centers in China. Currently the French market of supermarkets is saturated. The European market is a part of international strategy of E-Leclerc. Nevertheless, China represents an “Eldorado” with a...

19 Mars 2008

Entry market plan: the case of Havaianas

Étude de cas - 8 pages - Marketing distribution

We chose to conduct our study on the case of the Brazilian company: Havaianas. The famous flip flop producer, who sells sandals for beach-wear, with the Brazilian flag on it. We will create a marketing plan to understand where we can export our product profitably outside Brazil. The Havaianas...

05 Mars 2008

Evaluating supermarket power: Carrefour promodes

Étude de cas - 8 pages - Marketing distribution

In recent years, large buyers that had previously been in fragmented industries have increased their purchasing power through mergers and acquisitions. This change has placed more importance on the topic of limiting bargaining power and preserving free competition in the market. As a result, the...

17 févr. 2008

Reino Productos Naturales y l'Occitane en Provence y los productos naturales para la belleza y la salud

Étude de cas - 7 pages - Marketing distribution

Las empresas he elegido elaboran y comercializan productos naturales para la belleza y la salud. Para la empresa de América Latina he elegido REINO PRODUCTOS NATURALES y para la Francesa, he optado por l'OCCITANE EN PROVENCE. A través de este documento, vamos a ver como han nacido dos marcas...

16 févr. 2008

Tesco case (2005)

Étude de cas - 5 pages - Marketing distribution

The growth of Tesco has been surprising: the company announced a forecast of $1.4 billion in annual profits in 2001, and the sales volume in the first semester of this year reached $16.8 billion. Its current market share in the UK is strong: it is now 25%, contrary to 14% in 1997, and has...

11 févr. 2008

The face shop

Étude de cas - 17 pages - Marketing distribution

The Face Shop is a cosmetics brand that started in Korea, featuring a wide range of all-natural products at affordable prices. The Face Shop has been expanding globally, with franchises in places like Japan, Australia, and Hong Kong. This expansion has now hit British Columbia, as The Face Shop...

31 Janv. 2008

Crossroads: The process of internationalization

Étude de cas - 9 pages - Marketing distribution

La première partie de ce cas présente pas à pas le processus de d?implantation de Carrefour à Taiwan de l?étude de faisabilité à l?ouverture du dernier magasin en 1994. Entre 1986 et 1994, Carrefour a adapté son modèle au marché taiwanais et a ouvert avec succès 7 hypermarchés. Nous allons donc...

06 Janv. 2008

Ikea culture

Étude de cas - 7 pages - Marketing distribution

Power Distance Index (PDI) focuses on the degree of equality, or inequality, between people in the country's society. In Sweden, the low Power Distance ranking indicates that in this society, there is no difference between citizen's power and wealth. In these societies equality and...

02 mai 2007

The New organisation of Auchan France

Étude de cas - 8 pages - Marketing distribution

Most of the biggest French firms are doing new organisations in order to save operating cost. It is directly linked with the fact that the growth of yearly turnover is very low (less than 2%). Indeed, there is a structural decline of the purchasing power. The companies have to find solutions to...

28 Sept. 2006

L'Occitane et Body Shop

Étude de cas - 48 pages - Marketing distribution

L'Occitane et Body Shop semblent attractifs pour d´autres groupes du marché de la beauté car ces deux marques présentent une multitude de possibilités de diversification du portefeuille de leurs marques. L'Occitane: Fondée en 1976 par Olivier Baussan. Référence à la région...

25 juil. 2006

The French big gun in retail: Carrefour

Étude de cas - 12 pages - Marketing distribution

Carrefour is the French world challenger and the European leader in the retail industry and also the second largest retail company worldwide. In order to maintain the position of Carrefour as a global retailer and due to the high competition, marketing researches have to be undertaken to...

11 Nov. 2003

The body shop: Case study

Étude de cas - 10 pages - Marketing distribution

What is 'Body Shop' selling and what are the elements of its marketing strategy ? What gives Body Shop its competitive advantage in its sustainablility ? Why were the Roddicks able to spread their business out so quickly and successfully ? What do you think the future holds for the Body...