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Marketing automobile

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139 résultats

17 févr. 2008

BMW new 5-Series

Étude de marché - 36 pages - Marketing automobile

Company background- Founded in 1917 Munich airplane motor maker. Hit series: BMW 303, 328. Total annual output: 950K. Diesel cars cover more miles than petrol engine. People are more concerned with the price of running a car than the price of buying it. In the eyes of the consumer Mercedes is...

16 févr. 2008

Toyota case

Étude de cas - 4 pages - Marketing automobile

The success of Toyota is incredible today, and the company is showing astonishing financial results when most of Japanese companies are in the doldrums. It is the biggest of the heavyweight competitor in the car industry. General Motors and Ford, whose market shares are falling in favor of...

14 déc. 2007

Logan car: implementation on spain market

Étude de cas - 10 pages - Marketing automobile

The Logan car was a new concept developed by Renault in the car market in the year 2001. Its goal was to provide a new specific car in the market, with a cheaper price. At the beginning, this car was developed to reach the consumer target in Eastern Europe, in countries as Romania, Poland, and...

27 Nov. 2007

L'automobile de demain : quels enjeux, quelles perspectives au regard de l'environnement ?

Dissertation - 3 pages - Marketing automobile

La place de l'automobile dans l'économie française a fortement diminué depuis une vingtaine d'années, cependant, celle-ci conserve une place symbolique considérable dans l'opinion publique. L'automobile est un produit rationnel répondant à des besoins réels, toutefois, elle constitue aussi une...

13 juin 2007

The German automobile industry

Étude de marché - 13 pages - Marketing automobile

Traditional economic theories say that there are a lot of factors for comparative advantage of a country such as the land, the location, the natural resources, the labor and the local population size. In the opinion of Michael E. Porter, a nation can create new advanced factors endowments. It is...

20 mai 2007

Les comportements en marketing automobile

Dissertation - 25 pages - Marketing automobile

Dossier Word illustré, réalisé en première année de DUT Techniques de Commercialisation, concernant le marketing automobile : le comportement des consommateurs, la segmentation du marché et le positionnement de deux automobiles choisies pour ce dossier.

08 Mars 2007

The logan's Renault

Étude de cas - 24 pages - Marketing automobile

In this report, we will analyze a very strong competitive company in order to identify the factors behind the success of its products. We decided to choose the Logan of Renault. This choice stems from the desire to present a French car and to examine the launch of a new concept car from its...

23 févr. 2007

Market Research: The launch of a hybrid diesel engine by PSA group

Étude de cas - 4 pages - Marketing automobile

In 2004, Toyota launched a hybrid car: Prius. The principle of this car is the addition of an electric motor to the traditional petrol engine. The objective is to request the electric motor with starting and low speed and to request the petrol engine at higher speeds. The goal of this technology...

15 févr. 2007

TATA Group

Étude de cas - 25 pages - Marketing automobile

The Tata Group is one of India's largest and most respected business conglomerates. It grew during the last century by developing new activities. It was then internationalized by foreign acquisition. The Tata Group has business in more than 40 countries, and 140 nations purchase export...

25 Janv. 2007

Marketing international : Skoda

Étude de cas - 12 pages - Marketing automobile

Skoda, was created in 1895, and started its activity selling bicycles and motorcycles. Its first car was produced in 1905 more than 100 years ago, when it was a niche company trading luxury cars. The company has survived two world wars and the cold war, and is the third oldest car manufacturer....

20 déc. 2006

La mobilité durable dans le secteur de l'automobile

Dissertation - 15 pages - Marketing automobile

Au cours des années 40, A. Maslow, célèbre psychologue américain établissait une hiérarchisation précise des besoins dans sa célèbre pyramide. La notion de mobilité occupait déjà la première strate de cette pyramide, celle des besoins physiologiques. Depuis cette époque les biens permettant de...

28 juil. 2006

« Ride on » Ltd Business Start Up Plan

Business plan - 15 pages - Marketing automobile

I proposed this topic to our group because I had been contemplating the subject for a considerable time. Cambridge is a bicycle city and most its people regularly travel by bike. According to the Cambridge City Council, "Cambridge has the highest level of cycling in the country with 1 on 4...

01 déc. 2005

Launch of the BMW 5 Series in Europe - Strategic Marketing

Étude de cas - 25 pages - Marketing automobile

Here's announcing an overwhelming Enterprise opportunity: Replace the the old version of a Série 5 and you could win an amazing market share - Market is flourishing with middle or high range cars and the competition is vast - Competition is topseeded (3A segment) - Either opt for a Renault or...

11 avril 2005

The Volkswagen Group : A study

Étude de cas - 31 pages - Marketing automobile

As the largest automobile manufacturer in Europe and 5th in the whole world, the Volkswagen Group focuses on the automotive market and offers products and services along with an entire automotive value chain. With nine independent brands, the Group provides a unique range of models from the...

02 mai 2004

Le nouveau règlement européen sur la distribution automobile va-t-il générer une baisse des prix des véhicules neufs, et quelles vont être les incidences marketing de ce projet ?

Dissertation - 8 pages - Marketing automobile

C'est pour mettre fin à de telles pratiques et pour tenter de faire baisser les prix que la Commission européenne souhaite instaurer la libre concurrence entre les concessionnaires sur tout le territoire de l'Union. Pour ce faire, la Commission a donc décidé de supprimer l'exclusivité...

04 Mars 2004

Marketing tribal: le cas de la Citroën 2 CV

Dissertation - 18 pages - Marketing automobile

Citroën a été à l'origine de grandes innovations dans son secteur et a sorti plusieurs modèles ayant marqué l'histoire de l'automobile. Cette entreprise est devenue plus conventionnelle depuis son rachat par Peugeot. De nombreuses études mettent en avant le fléchissement de son image....

05 déc. 2003

Michelin and the Global Tire Industry in 1999

Étude de cas - 15 pages - Marketing automobile

The threat of entry depends on the presence of entry barriers and the reaction that can be expected from existing competitors. Firstly, economies of scale in the production of tires represent an entry barrier for potential competitors, as the market leaders have high levels of production allowing...

23 mai 2003

Citroen in the chinese market

Étude de cas - 22 pages - Marketing automobile

The table of contents of the report : The Chinese Market, Chinese panorama, its economic situation, demographics, International relationships, China's Car Market, its environmental aspect, offers, competition, its perspectives, Citroën in China, and the Industrial tools in China. The report...

29 déc. 2002

Advertising planning. The Toyota Matrix

Étude de cas - 24 pages - Marketing automobile

The main goal of the Toyota Matrix campaign is to generate an interest cars among the gay and lesbian populations in the United States of America. The creative strategy for the Toyota Matrix appeals directly to the U.S. gay and lesbian market. The strategy focuses on communicating that the Matrix...