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Marketing automobile

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139 résultats

16 déc. 2009

The launch of Toyota green car in France : the Prius

Étude de marché - 22 pages - Marketing automobile

The automobile market is facing a serious crisis, and Toyota must keep its share of the market and develop new products to reach new customers. The Toyota Prius is a fully hybrid electric car developed and manufactured by the Toyota Motor Corporation. It was sold first in Japan in 1997 and is...

15 déc. 2009

Corporate strategy: the French automotive industry, example of Renault

Fiche - 2 pages - Marketing automobile

The French automotive industry is one of the best drivers of the country. Around 2.5 million people have a job directly or indirectly (energy, insurance, advertisement) linked to this activity and it represents 20% of the plus-value industry. This industry is divided into two parts: 66%...

24 Oct. 2009

Relaunch the BMW C1 - advertising copy

Étude de cas - 9 pages - Marketing automobile

Introduced in 1999, during the car fair trade of Frankfurt, the BMW C1 scooter was a breakthrough in the two-wheeler world. It was the first scooter that you can ride without wearing a helmet. It is an advanced hybrid form between an automobile and a motorcycle. After having sold 10,614 units in...

24 Oct. 2009

Analyse et prospectives sur le design automobile

Dissertation - 19 pages - Marketing automobile

« Je crois que l'automobile est aujourd'hui l'équivalent assez exact des grandes cathédrales gothiques : je veux dire une grande création de l'époque, conçue passionnément par des artistes inconnus, consommée dans son image, sinon dans son usage, par un peuple entier qui s'approprie en elle un...

23 Oct. 2009

Renault strategy in India

Étude de cas - 2 pages - Marketing automobile

Because of the economic context, the car market is quite compromised in western countries, especially in Europe. The French carmaker Renault was registered in 2008 and had to face to a 24% drop of its sales. That is why Renault, Nissan (44% owned by Renault) and Bajaj Motors (major Indian...

26 juil. 2009

The Smart Car entering the US Market

Étude de cas - 16 pages - Marketing automobile

The Smart car brand has seen great success in France over the last several years. Through our research, we have found that Smart has enormous potential in the United States' automobile industry. Thus, we have created a marketing plan that outlines the strategies and tactics that Smart brand...

23 juin 2009

Business Plan: Renault

Business plan - 13 pages - Marketing automobile

Renault was founded in the early 20th century, and over the years, has a huge historical legacy. From its beginning, through the two World Wars to the present day, the brand has cemented itself in French History. Presently, Renault is involved in a partnership with Samsung and Nissan Motors. It...

28 avril 2009

Zipcar, wheels when you want them

Étude de cas - 18 pages - Marketing automobile

Introduction Our subject is a growing company which is developing in the face of global competition. This company uses new technologies and the internet to be more successful and to have a sustained growth in the future. We chose this company because we are very interested by environmental...

01 avril 2009

Pourquoi l'essor de la voiture verte tarde ?

Cours - 8 pages - Marketing automobile

Tout d'abord, il faut expliquer quelles sont les conditions de base de ce marché automobile. Certains points de la méthode SCP ne vont pas être développés ici parce qu'ils ne sont pas tous nécessaires à la compréhension du marché automobile. Premièrement, étudions les différents points des...

25 Mars 2009

Strategic analysis of Porsche

Étude de cas - 24 pages - Marketing automobile

How profitable an automotive manufacturer is, mainly depends on how he can use his production facilities to full capacity. Examples of manufacturers, who are unable to do so, are Opel or Volkswagen, where overproduction leads to small profit margins. The strategy of Porsche is the opposite....

25 Mars 2009

Strategic brand management: the group PSA through the brand Peugeot (2009)

Étude de cas - 25 pages - Marketing automobile

PSA Peugeot Citroën is a world-class European automobile manufacturer that is supported by two generalist brands, Peugeot and Citroën. PSA is Europe's second largest carmaker with 13.8% market share. Commercially located in 150 countries, the Group makes a third of its sales outside Western...

24 Mars 2009

Corporate finance

Analyse financière - 5 pages - Marketing automobile

Luxury Automotive Supply is trying to enter the California market which represents a lucrative market for automobiles owing to its pleasant climate. As the company's luxury automobiles are driven throughout the year due to the climate, the company feel the annual demand for car parts will be...

22 Mars 2009

Synthèse d'économie d'entreprise : présentation de l'entreprise BMW

Fiche - 9 pages - Marketing automobile

Faits importants sur l'entreprise BMW * Raison Sociale : Bayerische Motoren Werke * Date de création : 1916 * Forme juridique : Société par Actions. * PDG: Norbert Reithofer * Activité : Société industrielle allemande constructrice d'automobiles et de motos * Production de véhicules...

19 févr. 2009

Michelin, marketing 2007

Étude de cas - 8 pages - Marketing automobile

Michelin is a French tyre company, with 20% of the world market. It is the most important challenger in this sector. Before becoming the leader in this market, Michelin had to fight and win its position. What was his strategy, especially its objectives, and how is it structured to achieve its...

27 déc. 2008

Car rental industry

Étude de marché - 6 pages - Marketing automobile

The history of the car rental industry is almost as old as the history of the car industry. The first car rental was done with the first real mass-produced car: The "Ford T" by a man called Joe Saunders who rented his car for ten cents per mile, using a mileage counter. In 1925, Joe Saunders had...

18 déc. 2008

La nouvelle Fiat 500

Étude de cas - 12 pages - Marketing automobile

Per l'uscita della nuova Fiat 500, il produttore italiano si è sostenuto su una campagna web permettendo di concepire su misura il suo modello della Fiat 500. Con obiettivo di acclimatare il pubblico alle nuove linee del modello mitico, 50 anni dopo la sua nascita. Questa concezione...

12 août 2008

Case study: Lexus and partners Andrews Alridge, the launch of the Lexus LS 460

Étude de cas - 40 pages - Marketing automobile

Sakichi Toyoda became famous as the inventor of the automatic loom such as a non-stop shuttle change type Toyoda automatic loom. Following in his fathers footsteps, Kiichiro Toyoda devoted his life into the manufacturing of cars. He founded, in 1984, the Toyota motor corporation. Toyota is a...

02 juil. 2008

La prise en compte de la contrainte environnementale dans l'industrie automobile : effet médiatique ou réalité ?

Dissertation - 15 pages - Marketing automobile

Esther Boserup, économiste danoise du XX° siècle, considère que la nécessité est la mère de l'invention. Cette théorie qui était valable au début du siècle au sujet de la démographie semble aujourd'hui toujours vraie sur les questions environnementales. En effet, il semble que sous la...

20 juin 2008

Creative approaches: DACIA

Étude de cas - 11 pages - Marketing automobile

DACIA simply wanted to show the blatant truth to people, since this truth can be easily proven by a fact: the Logan is the cheapest car available on the market. Here, tt just requires a standard animation, followed by the final message, the price and the brand logo. The message is clear and...

03 mai 2008

Marketing analysis of the cars and celebrities industry

Mémoire - 94 pages - Marketing automobile

Marketing analysis of the cars and celebrities industry: McCracken (1999) defines a celebrity endorser as any individual who enjoys public recognition and who uses this recognition on behalf of a consumer good by appearing with it in an advertisement?. A celebrity endorser can come from a wide...

04 avril 2008

Pirelli vs Continental

Étude de cas - 5 pages - Marketing automobile

Around 1990, due to a substantial number of tyre manufacturers on the market, Pirelli SpA though of taking over the German tyres company named Continental AG. And after a long merger attempt which lasted more than two years, it finally ended with the sale of the Continental shares, owned by...

25 Mars 2008

General Motors Company : an analysis

Étude de cas - 16 pages - Marketing automobile

It is hard to imagine that General Motors, one of the leading car companies, occupying 15% of the automobile market and that in 2003 alone earned $3.8 billion on record revenue of $185.5 billion, was founded in the small town of Flint, Michigan, by an ingenious salesman and labourer, William...

20 Mars 2008

The Impact of Environmental Issues on Toyota's Strategy

Étude de cas - 17 pages - Marketing automobile

This thesis will seek to understand the controversial relationship between environmental factors and Toyota. Indeed, motor vehicle exhaust-emissions notably that of carbon monoxide pollution, is caused directly by the automobile industry. However, these negative impacts changed the position of...

10 Mars 2008

Volkswagen's Touareg "Kong" advertising campaign study

Étude de cas - 7 pages - Marketing automobile

December 2005, one of the most anticipated films of the year has come to the cinemas all around the world. This film is King Kong, produced by Universal Studios. January 2005, Volkswagen, the largest car manufacturer in Europe, had made an alliance with Universal Studios. Thanks to this deal, the...

07 Mars 2008

Launch of the VW Phaeton

Étude de marché - 20 pages - Marketing automobile

The objective of this paper is to apply real option analysis to Volkswagen's (VW) business case of introducing the Phaeton model in the upper-class car segment. Although VW traditionally only produced small and medium-sized cars, it started selling the Phaeton in 2002. Here, we look at only...

06 Mars 2008

Projet Mini Cooper

Étude de marché - 10 pages - Marketing automobile

This paper will outline the story behind the making of the modern day BMW cars. It all started on a beautiful day in 1957 when Alexander Arnold Constantine Issigonis drew a car in the shape of a shoebox with a stroke of the pen on a restaurant tablecloth. At that time, little did he know that he...

05 Mars 2008

Case analysis: Firestone

Étude de cas - 11 pages - Marketing automobile

Bridgestone/Firestone Inc. is an international manufacturer with 38 production facilities around the world. The company is based in Nashville, Tennessee and was formed in 1990, when Bridgestone USA merged with the Firestone Tire & Rubber Company. Tires are the largest part of...

27 févr. 2008

Bentley tells it like it is? (2006)

Étude de cas - 8 pages - Marketing automobile

Bentley Motors is a luxury motor car manufacturer. This operational history of this exclusive brand dates back decades, built on a string of landmark successes. In Bentley's world, the image is one of the most important facts that the firm needs to protect. What problems does Bentley Motors face...

21 févr. 2008

Comprendre les motifs de la commercialisation de la Logan en France et la mise en place de son système de distribution

Dissertation - 34 pages - Marketing automobile

Renault est le deuxième constructeur automobile français. Il a vendu près de 2,5 millions de véhicules particuliers et utilitaires vendus en 2005 (2,2 millions sous la marque Renault, 164 406 sous la marque Dacia et 119 025 sous la marque Renault Samsung). A la fin 2005, le groupe disposait de...

19 févr. 2008

The green future of the car industry

Étude de marché - 9 pages - Marketing automobile

Cars and, through them, all the automotive industries, from the conception to the end of the vehicles is one of the most polluting industries. Nowadays nobody can ignore that the effect of the pollution on the earth is the major problem that humanity has to deal with. We should react, and most of...