La place du e-business en France depuis une dizaine d'années
Dissertation - 9 pages - Digital & e-marketing
Il y a cinquantaine d'années, une personne devait parcourir des kilomètres pour s'acheter une paire de chaussures. De nos jours, il est possible de faire cela en un simple clic grâce à Internet. Les débuts et l'évolution du e-business sont étroitement liés à l'évolution et la généralisation...
E-business models: Meetic, Office Depot and SNCF
Étude de cas - 8 pages - Digital & e-marketing
The ambience of a typical workplace has undergone several changes over the last several years. The means of communication, the behavior and the mentalities have also been transformed. In a context where the Internet has become a really important tool for communication, many companies are adapting...
Les risques liés à l'e-procurement, outil d'approvisionnement électronique pour les entreprises
Dissertation - 9 pages - Digital & e-marketing
Les années 90 ont vu l'avènement de l'e-procurement, à traduire par fourniture électronique, parmi les outils d'e-achat. Mais c'est surtout depuis les années 2000 qu'il connaît un succès fulgurant. Il s'agit en fait d'un module de gestion électronique permettant aux entreprises de réaliser leurs...
Les outils d'e-achat
Dissertation - 6 pages - Digital & e-marketing
La fonction achat, fonction stratégique de l'entreprise a de plus en plus besoin d'outils pour gérer ses achats ou suivre ses dépenses. Elle a donc choisi de se doter d'outils informatiques appelés outils d'e-achat. C'est désormais 80% des grandes entreprises qui en sont équipées et l'un des...
Droit de la distribution et commerce électronique
Dissertation - 8 pages - Digital & e-marketing
Aujourd'hui, le commerce électronique occupe une place croissante dans l'économie mondiale. En effet, les acteurs économiques, conscients de l'importance économique qu'engendrent les échanges à travers internet, sont de plus en plus nombreux à proposer des services sur internet. Cette situation a...
Commerce électronique et sécurité des paiements
Cours - 9 pages - Digital & e-marketing
Le désintéressement d'un créancier implique la remise effective d'une somme d'argent, ce qui suppose un transfert d'espèce ou de fonds d'une valeur suffisante à la créance. Le paiement constitue de ce point de vue l'exécution d'une obligation essentielle dans les relations contractuelles, celle...
AnimeHA, Full Tilt Poker and Alienware: case study of three successfull e-businesses
Étude de cas - 7 pages - Digital & e-marketing
Nowadays, launching a successful e-business requires several conditions to be fulfilled. We must have knowledge of the current elements that are part of e-business, such as the different existing business models. We also have to be aware of the numerous applications provided by the Internet...
Profile of 3 innovative e-business strategy: Dell, Kompass and BP Oil
Étude de cas - 13 pages - Digital & e-marketing
Commerce on the internet which was virtually non-existent in 1996 is now expected to be in excess in a $200 Billion Industry. This gives reason as to why an effective and successful e-business strategy can be valuable in business. In order to attain e-business objectives, it is vital that...
E business : Zara
Étude de cas - 9 pages - Digital & e-marketing
The market of Ready-to-wear has its origin in the 60s and it has created a revolution in the textile industry. Since the 70s, it has shown talent in Italian, English, Chinese and American clothing, and the 70s was also the beginning of internationalization of fashion. In our current society,...
Nouvelles Frontières: creation of a high quality website
Étude de cas - 4 pages - Digital & e-marketing
Growth of the budget of households for leisure and travels, increase in the free time of employees, retirement of the "baby-boomers" who want to travel more, and a general decrease in the air transportation prices have transformed the tourism industry in Europe, and particularly in France. In...
e-Commerce en Afrique du Nord
Présentation - 32 pages - Digital & e-marketing
Document: e-Commerce en Afrique du Nord, étude de marché de 32 slides powerpoint réalisée mi 2007 Extrait: « Le commerce électronique désigne la production, la distribution, le marketing, la vente ou la livraison des marchandises et la présentation de services par voie électronique ». [OMC...
Le paiement en ligne est-il alors un frein au développement du e-commerce ?
Dissertation - 5 pages - Digital & e-marketing
Au cours de l'année 2008, le chiffre d'affaires du e-commerce français a augmenté de 25 %, pour atteindre 4 milliards d'euros. Ces chiffres confirment l'énorme progression de la vente en ligne ces dernières années. On assiste à une multiplication des sites marchands, qui...
The e-economy: the end of traditional business?
Cours - 6 pages - Digital & e-marketing
With the development of media, particularly with the Internet, exchanges have been developing all over the world. It has been accentuated by the globalization that drives companies to intensify their exchanges at the international level. Slowly, new modes of trade have appeared, like the...
Étude de cas - 11 pages - Digital & e-marketing
Most developed countries have access to internet connection which has increased the number people using broadband for varied purposes. This has allowed people to trade online and companies have started trading using the web. In the context of our e-business seminar we tried to understand the...
Online clothes renting business: « Des Marques et Vous »
Étude de cas - 25 pages - Digital & e-marketing
'Des Marques et Vous' or Brands and You' is the name of the new company we plan to set up. This name is in French and implies two meanings; it means 'people and their attachment to the brands' and 'being different from the other brands'. This company's name is...
La flexibilité dans le e-commerce - publié le 29/03/2009
Dissertation - 15 pages - Digital & e-marketing
Le e-commerce et la flexibilité sont au cur des analyses et des discours relatifs à la société de l'information. En effet, depuis les années 70, on assiste à un changement profond dans l'organisation des entreprises, qui doivent donc s'adapter à l'environnement et notamment à l'évolution...
E Business : Lapeyre, Bancopopular, Virginmega
Étude de cas - 9 pages - Digital & e-marketing
We present a study of websites,, a French web site, and, a Spanish one and the last one is These three web sites have the particularity to be innovative in terms of strategy of recruitment of new consumers, and the services that they offer. I...
Alibaba business values
Étude de cas - 10 pages - Digital & e-marketing
On the 6th of last November, one week after its introduction, the Alibaba stockmarket was quoted for the first time: it acquired 190% of its introduction price . Other than being a testimony that both China and the internet have a habit of going to the heads of investors, Alibaba was...
Case of
Étude de cas - 13 pages - Digital & e-marketing
It is a widely accepted fact that new technologies and innovations, particularly the Internet access and its boom, has contributed to the modification in the communication field between players in the professional world including the strong bond and relationship between the company and its...
Les marques de luxe ont-elles intérêt à utiliser internet comme canal de distribution ?
Dissertation - 3 pages - Digital & e-marketing
Le E-commerce ou commerce électronique est un échange de biens et de services par le biais d'internet. Ce nouveau canal de vente génère un chiffre d'affaires qui croit chaque année, il est de 12 milliards d'euros pour la France seulement en 2006 (soit 37% de plus qu'en 2005) selon la FEVAD... : "The place to share your dreams
Étude de cas - 9 pages - Digital & e-marketing
Globally our concept is quite similar to the one of our competitors (Myspace, Facebook etc), so in the way we are a community Website. However, we propose one main innovation: the travel dimension. That is our USP. We are unique because we link the community and the travel website aspects. By...
"Second Life" : a successful application of Web 2.0
Étude de cas - 28 pages - Digital & e-marketing
"Second Life" is a virtual world developed by Linden Lab that was launched on June 23, 2003. It enables its users, called Residents, to interact with each other through avatars. Residents can explore, meet other residents, socialize, participate in individual and group activities, and create and...
Pages Jaunes
Étude de cas - 9 pages - Digital & e-marketing
The core business of PagesJaunes consists in "connecting" a person who searches information, with the professional who is able to bring him the required service. In 2004, the group published 356 editions of its directories and distributed 67.7 million copies. In 2005, more than 80% of French... An example of a successful E-business strategy
Étude de cas - 16 pages - Digital & e-marketing
I took as a subject for many reasons. The first one is that Fnac store are very developed in France which means, that they are one of the main actor in the compact and media industry in France. Since a couple of years and the development of peer to peer, Fnac had to adapt its offers if...
Étude de cas - 11 pages - Digital & e-marketing
Chronodrive is a company which mainly deal food and hygiene products. It aims at supplying necessary products for families with children. The special feature of the company is that they use the internet to sell its products. Effectively 98% of the orders are made by its website, the rest are made...
Le modèle Uppsala : commerce électronique et stratégies d'internationalisation des firmes
Dissertation - 8 pages - Digital & e-marketing
Le commerce électronique est quelque chose de fondamentalement nouveau qui bouleverse sensiblement les processus d'internationalisation des entreprises. En effet, Internet est aujourd'hui un marché intégré de près de 100 millions de consommateurs qui peuvent agir, interagir, consommer sur...
Report on ""
Étude de cas - 7 pages - Digital & e-marketing
FNAC was founded in 1954, by two French men called André Essel and Max Théret. They created a kind of cooperation where members could profit from discounts (between 7% and 25 %) in specialized stores. In the beginning, FNAC was created for managers of firms who wanted to order large amounts of...
e-business Eventeam, sporting agency
Étude de cas - 7 pages - Digital & e-marketing
It is essential to understand the concept of e-business models and the strategic process that encapsulates the global strategy, in order to be able to set up or use new efficient e-business tools. For the process to be as useful as possible, we have to determine how the value maximizing nature of...
E-Commerce presentation - design of a Web site:
Étude de cas - 2 pages - Digital & e-marketing
This document outlines the image of our company, Supercook. We wanted the name of our company and the logo to be adapted to the image we wanted to project. Through our logo and company's name, we want people to understand that our service is fast and efficient. As part of the selection...
Comment adapter une organisation logistique aux spécificités du e-commerce ?
Dissertation - 17 pages - Digital & e-marketing
Le commerce électronique français pèse de plus en plus lourd dans la consommation des ménages. Il représente désormais 2,8 % de la consommation des ménages en biens et services marchands avec 11,7 milliards d'euros ont été dépensés en ligne selon Benchmark Group. Selon la définition de...