"Whence precede these laws? From our government. Whence that governement? It is derived from the original genius and strong desire of the people ratified and confirmed by the Crown. This is the great chain which links us all, this is the picture which every province exhibits? J. Hector St. John de Crevecoeur, who is famous for finding the American "character? in the eighteenth century when the heterogeneity of people was at that time extraordinary, argued in 1782 that the mother country is still "the great chain which link us all?. This assertion since 1776, Great Britain is fighting against American colonists, who declared their independence six years ago, and is trying to bring them to heel, with apparently no success.
[...] What is interesting to perceive, is that these two events -the Boston Tea Party and the Gaspee incident- influenced a lot the self-perception of American patriots : “Very importantly, however, these extralegal and crowd actions were sufficiently controlled as to give the colonists the increasing confidence in their capacity to govern themselves and to help persuade many colonial leaders that the removal of British authority would not necessarily lead to anarchy”[4] Thus, the forms of resistance are more and more violent where as the claims are stronger too. From now on, the committees of correspondence, created by Sam Adams, played their role of mobilization. Politically, the response to Tea Act is the First Intercontinental congress which takes place in Philadelphia, in 1774 and where twelve colonies out of thirteen are represented. At the time of this congress, divisions between the colonists are sensitive. Two tendencies take shape: of with dimensions, there are the radicals and the moderate ones. [...]
[...] The widening of the gap Despite the withdrawal of the Stamp Act, the British do not intend to give up imposing taxes to the American citizens. Thus, the English government reiterates in 1767 with the Townshend Act, which imposes taxation of products like tea, paper, glass, or lead. With the background of Stamp Act's resistance, the colonists are organized and set up a real boycott of the imported English products and taxed products. This boycott has a spectacular effect since the English imports are reduced by half. [...]
[...] The First Intercontinental Congress was created in order to become a real instrument of government if the British Empire did not accept concessions. Quickly, the Congress must assume this role. The shooting of Lexington (April 19, 1775) against patriots accelerated the rebellion. At the time of the second continental Congress, which took place in Philadelphia from May the American colonies affirm their common will to resist the British aggression by military means. The Congress decides to assume the executive power on the colonies and to create a continental army, whose George Washington receives the command. [...]
[...] The emigrants, with the guarantee to have the same right as the British, instituted their institutions. The diversity of the colonies and the distance of the mother country eliminated any possibility of a united government. Each colony was considered as an entity which has defined powers. Gradually this situation led to the creation of a feeling of independence. The intrusion made by Great Britain since 1763 was not understood by the Americans who regarded these freedoms as acquired political rights. [...]
[...] These measures are economic : the answer is therefore economic. This opposition is done mainly thanks to the boycott. It conducted by all the segments of the population which refuse that Great Britain restricts their freedom of trade. Yet, violence is sometimes used in order to make resistance, more effective and impressive. Following this economic opposition, a political opposition is set up which is led by emblematic figures of the against Great Britain like Patrick Henry, John and Samuel Adams, Daniel Dulany or James Otis. [...]
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