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2972 résultats

07 Mars 2006

Dissertation - 10 pages - Stratégie

02 Mars 2006

Méthode HACCP pour la fonction linge

Dissertation - 6 pages - Stratégie

La méthode HACCP est une méthode en 7 étapes qui s'inscrit dans le cadre de la démarche qualité. Ce document étudie sa mise en place dans le cadre d'un établissement privé de soins pour la fonction linge. Ce processus se borne au traitement du linge sale de la chambre du patient à la...

05 févr. 2006

Mission Export

Dissertation - 28 pages - Stratégie

L'exportation et les relations internationales en général ne sont pas nécessairement l'affaire de spécialistes. La seule méthode efficace pour réussir une démarche à l'export consiste à avoir un bon produit, à mettre sur pied une stratégie marketing intelligente et cohérente, avoir moyens...

19 avril 2005

Le choix des investissements

Dissertation - 21 pages - Stratégie

L'investissement apparaît comme une décision à long terme et une anticipation de l'avenir. Un mauvais choix peut mettre en cause la pérennité de l'entreprise. L'importance de la décision d'investissement nécessite que les projets aient fait l'objet d'une étude précise....

06 avril 2005

Avantages et risques de la mise en place d'une stratégie de diversification dans l'entreprise

Dissertation - 32 pages - Stratégie

Quelles sont les avantages et les inconvénients de la stratégie de diversification ? Notre synthèse est constituée de trois parties : - dans la première partie, nous donnons quelques définitions de la diversification et nous présentons les différents types de diversification existants - dans...

05 avril 2005

Délocalisation et mondialisation de la production

Dissertation - 26 pages - Stratégie

La mondialisation et la globalisation sont des stratégies de long terme qui poussent les firmes à considérer comme un seul et même Marché l'ensemble des pays. Ces firmes sont dites « multinationales », ce qui signifie qu'elles produisent tout ou partie de leur production à l'étranger....

14 Mars 2005

Licensing in taxi market

Mémoire - 18 pages - Stratégie

The aim of this study is to provide insight into two different experiences with both regulation and deregulation policies, in order to give an outline of the extent to which the expectations of these policies are fulfilled. The study was carried out in two European capital cities: Brussels and...

28 févr. 2005

Les stratégies industrielles

Dissertation - 39 pages - Stratégie

Enfin, les défis technologiques conduisent à l'accroissement des budgets de recherche. Ces différents phénomènes expliquent les nombreux mouvements d'alliances auxquels on assiste aujourd'hui. Tous les grands secteurs industriels sont touchés et toutes les firmes même les plus...

24 févr. 2005

Environnement économique & Analyse concurrentielle

Présentation - 62 pages - Stratégie

L'importance croissante attachée à l'environnement s'affirme historiquement, tant au niveau des faits que des idées. La conjoncture économique incite les stratèges à s'intéresser de façon approfondie aux phénomènes externes à l'entreprise.C'est l'économie de production qui domine. L'analyse est...

24 févr. 2005

Les stratégies

Présentation - 45 pages - Stratégie

La stratégie est le plan prévoyant l'ensemble des actions à mettre en œuvre pour atteindre un objectif, et les combinaisons sont nombreuses.

16 Janv. 2005

China's Beer Wars South Africa Breweries. SABMiller case

Étude de marché - 31 pages - Stratégie

1. General information on the company A. SABMiller historical B. Important figures C. International policy 1. The main international events 2. The case of China 3. Analysis of the SAB International policy 2. Analysis of the Chinese beer market A. Characteristics of the Chinese beer market B....

09 déc. 2004

Anita Roddick, entrepreneur, Body shop

Dissertation - 14 pages - Stratégie

The selection of a successful entrepreneur is easy. Corporate newspapers represent a huge list of names of founders or CEO's leading large companies and making high profits. It was interesting to identify what can be called an "atypical? entrepreneur. Atypical entrepreneur is someone who...

09 déc. 2004

Cadbury Schweppes: The Strategic Dilemma of Trebor Bassett

Étude de cas - 13 pages - Stratégie

Cadbury Schweppes is a UK-based beverage and confectionary group founded in 1969 with the merger of two English groups (Cadbury and Schweppes). This family-managed group grew and flourished through the years. It became an international player in the late 1980s and was admired by its peers for...

01 déc. 2004

The Delignes case study

Dissertation - 17 pages - Stratégie

Delignes, a major telephonic equipment installation company, operates in a telephonic sector which has gone through enormous changes. Delignes has 40 agencies dealing with companies. Delignes acts as a distributor and installer. The agencies are managed by the Agency Director, who is supported...

17 Nov. 2004

Hewlett-Packard: The Flight of the Kittyhawk

Étude de cas - 10 pages - Stratégie

The technology industry is a market of change, due to innovative breakthroughs. But for the firms in this sector, the challenge is to predict success. The disk drive industry provides some characteristics of how changes can cause certain types of firms to succeed or fail in choosing for instance...

13 Nov. 2004

Case study:

Étude de cas - 6 pages - Stratégie, which went online in 1995, has been the first company to thoroughly understand the fundamental basics of e-commerce, and who skilfully knew how to use the evolutions in the Internet landscape and composition to its advantage, constantly adapting to the market. is an...

13 Nov. 2004

Case study: PepsiCo

Étude de cas - 7 pages - Stratégie

PepsiCo, the manufacturer of Pepsi-Cola, Diet Pepsi and related products, discovered the value and necessity of accurate and consistent communication in 1993, when multiple claims all around the USA reported that syringes and other hazardous products were found in Diet Pepsi cans. From the...

26 Oct. 2004

"L'éthique des affaires" de Y. PESQUEUX et Y. BIEFNOT

Fiche de lecture - 17 pages - Stratégie

L'ouvrage de Yvon PESQUEUX et Yvan BIEFNOT intitulé « L'étique des affaires » permet de mieux appréhender ce qu'est l'éthique dans le monde des organisations et de la gestion. Cet ouvrage propose une synthèse complète sur la question. Il offre un cadre théorique et pratique à la...

07 Oct. 2004

Exporting French toys to Canada

Étude de marché - 20 pages - Stratégie

Moreover, the French and Canadian governments have recently tried to strengthen their business relationships, and encourage trade between them. It may be very interesting for the French toy industry to penetrate the Canadian market as its presence there remains reduced, and Canada seems an...

11 août 2004

How to launch a business model based on the Internet and that generates profits?

Étude de marché - 74 pages - Stratégie

The aim of that paper is to give to the reader a clear view about a Web/Internet Project. There are some similarities between a Web Project and projects in general but there are some specifications to be considered while working on a Web Project. Some parts of the Web Project have to be really...

09 août 2004

Le groupe hôtelier Sol Melid

Étude de cas - 16 pages - Stratégie

Elegí presentar al grupo hotelero SUELO MELIA ya que es el grupo hotelero más importante de España. Para presentar Suelo MELIA, empiezé por una descripción de la compañía luego marcas, recientemente agrupadas bajo 4 signos. A continuación, la historia de la compañía permitirá ver la evolución en...

02 juil. 2004

The Disney licencing

Étude de cas - 8 pages - Stratégie

Marketing has been defined as the management function responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements. Marketing is therefore, both a philosophy and a set of techniques which deals with research, product design and development, pricing, packaging, sales and sales...

10 juin 2004

United colors of Benetton: One suucess story

Étude de cas - 16 pages - Stratégie

One of the 5 best-known brands of the world, Benetton is unanimously cited for its scandalizing campaigns it launched at the beginning of the 1990's. It is obvious that the advertisement campaigns provoked violent reactions in the public, but one has to consider that those campaigns made...

03 juin 2004

Negotiating strategy

Étude de cas - 60 pages - Stratégie

Negotiation is generally defined as a dynamic process through which several parties (at least two) try to solve a "conflict", whether active or latent, which opposes them, and freely look for an "agreement". The conflict (opposition of opinions and/or interests) is "omnipresent and inevitable":...

23 mai 2004

The advantages of fidelity programme for an airline company

Dissertation - 12 pages - Stratégie

Customer loyalty as defined by Brown is the result of an oganization creating a benefit for a customer so that they will maintain or increase their purchases from the organization. True customer loyalty is created when the customer becomes an advocate for the organization, without any incentive....

23 mai 2004

Presentation of Dell firm

Étude de cas - 25 pages - Stratégie

Dell Computer Corporation was created in 1984 by Michael Dell, from Austin University in Texas, with an investment of $1000 and the will to suppress intermediaries in the computer industry. In 1985, the company Dell launched its first computer, the Turbo, featuring the Intel 8088 processor. In...

17 mai 2004

French Wine Exports

Étude de marché - 14 pages - Stratégie

In 2002, the sales turnover of wine in the world market was estimated to be around 101.5 billion euros, which is equal to the size of world cosmetic market and 3 times the size of disc market. The sales turnover in volume was increased to 224.8 million consumed hectolitres.In the current scenario...

03 mai 2004

Corporate strategy: Sensimor

Étude de cas - 21 pages - Stratégie

Sensimor AB's Headquarters is located in Västerås' Technology Park. It was set up in 2002 as the spin-out of ABB. The company's mission is to combine high-end laboratory equipment with front line industrial automation technology. In this project we will analyze Sensimor's...

25 avril 2004

The launch of a new product on the Algerian market (Sagem mobile phones)

Étude de marché - 38 pages - Stratégie

This report mainly focuses on Algeria as an emerging market, mobile phone as a product and Sagem as a French company. This report includes a detailed study of the marketing strategy and the economic conditions in Algeria and also analysis of the product and the services that Sagem offers to...

25 avril 2004

The entry of Kellogg's on the Hungarian market

Étude de cas - 28 pages - Stratégie

The year 1999 marked the biggest challenge in our company's history which was the internal restructuring of our production and sales. One can imagine that this process is probably a time consuming process. Besides that, we also acquired Keebler Foods in 2000. As a result of the purchase...