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11 Janv. 2007

What you should know to negotiate in China

Cours - 31 pages - Stratégie

China, like India, is more than a country. China is a civilization. The development of China has not only affected its own population, but has also affected people in the other parts of the world. To better understand this development, its beginning and where it can be expected to reach, it seems...

11 Janv. 2007

Management stratégique : le cas de la fusion Aol - Time Warner, objectifs et résultats

Dissertation - 21 pages - Stratégie

Au cours des années 1990, le secteur de la communication concentré jusqu'alors sur les médias et les domaines connexes, s'étend progressivement vers la téléphonie, le cinéma, le jeu vidéo, l'informatique et tous les services annexes que ces nouvelles extensions permettent. L'idée est la suivante...

09 Janv. 2007

Concurrence et coopération technologique inter-firmes

Dissertation - 18 pages - Stratégie

Dans le nouveau contexte concurrentiel fondé sur des dynamiques d'innovation soutenue et de globalisation rapide des marchés, les relations inter firmes se structurent de manière croissante autour de la formation de coalitions et de réseaux, transformant ainsi la dynamique concurrentielle...

09 Janv. 2007

Innovation et territoire

Dissertation - 21 pages - Stratégie

Alors que l'innovation est suscitée par la concurrence, les nouvelles idées ne peuvent porter leurs fruits sans coopération entre les entreprises, parfois même entre des entreprises concurrentes. C'est là le paradoxe de l'innovation. Les coûts, la complexité et les risques de l'opération sont...

05 Janv. 2007

How does the New Product Development process for overseas markets differ from a domestic focus? What factors are crucial to the success of international NPD?

Étude de cas - 7 pages - Stratégie

A launch of a new product is one of the most popular strategies adopted by firms when wanting to gain exposure to the international market. Both tasks of launching the product as well as receiving international assimilation is a herculean task considering the international business where the...

04 Janv. 2007

Airlines and energy prices

Étude de marché - 16 pages - Stratégie

Business environment is fraught with risks; each company in order to succeed in this unpredictable environment must mitigate risks. Risks can arise from varied sources; the airline industry is like any other industry, also confronted by pressures from several business areas. In the late 90's and...

03 Janv. 2007

International business strategy The Japanese Car Industry

Étude de marché - 24 pages - Stratégie

The Japanese Car Industry is aiming to expand its market share across the world. The major manufacturers operate on all continents with production facilities spread all over the world. They have expanded throughout the past 20 years with a combination of Greenfield Investments, Joint Ventures and...

02 Janv. 2007

Le diagnostique stratégique

Cours - 28 pages - Stratégie

Cours d'organisation stratégique et qualité sur les démarches et choix stratégiques pris en entreprise. Grâce a ce dossier vous apprendrez les différentes techniques utilisées lors des choix stratégiques en entreprise: analyse SWOT; analyse PESTEL; chaîne de valeur... En deuxième partie un...

28 déc. 2006

Brasseries Kronenbourg: 1664

Étude de cas - 21 pages - Stratégie

We have chosen the beer 1664 because it is the most famous beer of the brand Kronenbourg, which is the leader of the French beers market. Kronenbourg is an international company which offers lagers, white and amber beers to brown ale, as well as non-alcoholic beer, shandies and cider. Brasseries...

14 déc. 2006

Relationships between the Giants in Retailing: how WalMart and Procter&Gamble trade together - from Fear to Trust prevalence in the Supply-Chain

Étude de cas - 10 pages - Stratégie

The paper shows how the relationships between suppliers and retailers have experienced several important changes over the last decades. By analyzing the main developments of these relationships and the different tools implemented to improve them, the paper argues that the business to business...

14 déc. 2006

Qui commande?: Charles de Gaulle, « Chapitre 5 : le politique et le soldat », Le fil de l'épée, (Première édition, 1932) in Le fil de l'épée et autres écrits

Fiche de lecture - 3 pages - Stratégie

Cet extrait des Mémoires du Général de Gaulle porte une réflexion générale sur la nature et les modalités du commandement articulant pouvoir politique et puissance militaire, en temps de paix mais, surtout, lors d'hostilités armées. Le Général de Gaulle propose ici une lecture personnelle des...

06 déc. 2006

Le diagnostic stratégique : environnement et analyse concurrentielle

Fiche - 4 pages - Stratégie

Cours d'économie présentant le diagnostic stratégique. Il traite de l'environnement dans la vie de l'entreprise et de l'analyse concurrentielle. Document de quatre pages au format Word pour 760 mots idéal pour les révisions ou pour réaliser un exposé sur le sujet.

06 déc. 2006

Les orientations stratégiques de l'entreprise

Fiche - 3 pages - Stratégie

Cours d'économie présentant de manière synthétique les différentes orientations stratégiques : l'internalisation, les modes d'importation, la spécialisation, la diversification mais également la différenciation. Document de trois pages environ au format Word pour 560 mots.

27 Nov. 2006

Identifying and evaluating strategic opportunities for the followers of a seemingly unbeatable leader

Dissertation - 5 pages - Stratégie

In the French market, the food market represented a global turnover of 134 billions of euros in 2004. In this food market, the leading products are vegetables and corn. The turnover of this specific market saw a growth of 6% just for 2004 and the leader firm for the European market is the French...

23 Nov. 2006

Airline companies strategy and Open Skies Agreement

Étude de marché - 9 pages - Stratégie

From Icarus to Airbus 380, the dream of the “flying man” seems to be universal. During the 20th century this dream was becoming real through the development of the plane and airline companies which manage it. The rising need to travel has obliged the authorities to regulate this market...

22 Nov. 2006

Making 'inn'-roads into Indonesia : Potentials and risks of launching a hotel chain in Indonesia

Étude de marché - 50 pages - Stratégie

Since I first started studying at the university level, I often went abroad to work, perfected language skills, or simply took some time off. It was only last year that I have had the opportunity to carry out an internship. After the Licence year at the University of Evry, France, I worked for...

21 Nov. 2006

Impact of Internet Channel on Auto Insurance Industry

Dissertation - 22 pages - Stratégie

The influence of internet on the insurance industry is increasing in accordance with the spread of internet retailing. Quotes submitted and policies purchased through internet grew 23% and 29% respectively from 2004 to 2005. The proper adoption of a strategy in line with the changing trends of...

21 Nov. 2006

What skills does it take to "manage" cross-cultural M&A?

Dissertation - 13 pages - Stratégie

Mergers and acquisitions continue in spite of an alarming failure rate as they rarely manage to benefit the shareholders. Most completed takeovers damage one party: the company making the acquisition. Many studies conducted have reached similar conclusions: around 65% of takeovers harm the...

08 Nov. 2006

Tourism in Nord-Pas-De-Calais: Evaluation and recommendations

Étude de marché - 26 pages - Stratégie

The Nord-Pas-de-Calais is located in the north of France (Appendix 2) and is bound by three borders, the Sea, a border with Belgium and a border with the French area Picardy (Appendix 3). The surface of the territory is 12 414 km2 i.e. 2.3% of the French territory. Its littoral edge is...

23 Oct. 2006

Internationalisation process of firms: theories; motives and influencing factors

Dissertation - 23 pages - Stratégie

In today's world, "globalization" is a very commonly used term but there are many ambiguities with respect to its definition, when the phenomena was born and why is it so important for companies? Although this term is imprecise, literature enables us to define it using two very distinct...

18 Oct. 2006

Danone global strategy

Étude de cas - 14 pages - Stratégie

Danone is one of the world leaders in the food industry. The group focuses on three worldwide business lines: Fresh Diary Products, Beverages, and Biscuit & Cereal Products. Its turnover in 2005 was 13.02 billion Euros. We have chosen this group because Danone seems to be a very dynamic firm. In...

11 Oct. 2006

"Networking within tourism destinations hinders innovation and freedom of choice." Critically discuss this statement

Dissertation - 8 pages - Stratégie

Tourism, like many modern industries of today, is essentially an assembly process. Very rarely does one organization or company control all the components, or all the stages of decision-making with respect to the creation and delivery of the tourism product. Consequently, in most industrial...

19 Sept. 2006

The Centennial Olympic Stadium: a successful project

Étude de cas - 9 pages - Stratégie

In 1996, a battle broke out between Atlanta and Athens. The battle arose due to a conflict on the organization of the last Olympic Games of the twentieth century. The choice was either Atlanta or Athens. It would have been a beautiful mythical moment if the games where celebrated in Athens where...

11 Sept. 2006

La planification stratégique

Dissertation - 12 pages - Stratégie

A l'heure actuelle, les divers analystes parlent beaucoup des mutations que subit notre société. Mutation de l'environnement économique, mutation du comportement et des attentes du consommateur… Mais l'on évoque rarement les conséquences de ces changements pour les entreprises : apparition...

29 août 2006

The Aircraft company Airbus

Étude de cas - 8 pages - Stratégie

This document attempts to answer the various questions that hover around the minds of businesses worldwide. Some of the pertinent queries that arise are: 1. Where is the organization headed to in terms of strategic direction? 2. How is the organization performing so far in relation to the...

29 août 2006

The battle over leadership in the sport industry: Adidas vs. Nike

Étude de cas - 3 pages - Stratégie

According to public opinion, sport is undoubtedly related to pleasure, relaxation and physical activity. However the reality is in fact poles apart from this simplistic landscape and sport is above all a colossal industry, which represents a billion-dollar market. The recent acquisition of Reebok...

29 août 2006

Les industriels américains de l'agroalimentaire confrontés aux problèmes de santé publique

Dissertation - 28 pages - Stratégie

L'obésité n'est pas une maladie contagieuse, pourtant l'OMS dans son rapport publié en mars 2003 et intitulé "Régime, nutrition et la prévention des maladies chroniques" parle d'épidémie. Cet organisme s'alarme en particulier de la vitesse d'expansion de l'obésité dans...

21 août 2006

La formidable réussite de Pernod Ricard

Fiche - 5 pages - Stratégie

Fortement implantée sur tous les continents, Pernod Ricard est le 2ème opérateur de vins et spiritueux dans le monde, le n°1 en dehors des Etats-Unis. Depuis sa création en 1975, une forte croissance interne et des acquisitions ambitieuses, en particulier celle de Seagram en 2001 et celle...

21 août 2006

Analysis of the development strategy of Societe Generale in Europe

Étude de cas - 8 pages - Stratégie

In the area of financial services, achieving an integrated market for banks and financial conglomerates is a core component of the European policy. The banking market seems to remain mainly national, but the free movement of capital, the adoption of the euro and the progressive harmonization of...

28 juil. 2006

Les stratégies de coopération : les nouveaux enjeux ?

Dissertation - 10 pages - Stratégie

Quelles sont les raisons des alliances stratégiques contemporaines ? En quoi ce phénomène est-il hétérogène ? Comment les dirigeants font-ils pour mettre en œuvre une alliance ? Quels sont les risques et les conditions d'une alliance durable et efficace pour les partenaires ?. Dans les...