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86 résultats

24 avril 2010

Investment study in India to bring photovoltaic solutions to locality

Étude de marché - 4 pages - Stratégie

Our modern global economy shows different patterns that are directly affecting the way firms internationalize. The world economy is made up of different stages of development, advanced, developing and transition economies (WTO). This classification focuses on categorizing the environment in which...

28 févr. 2010

Steel industry

Étude de marché - 11 pages - Stratégie

Steel has become a big part of our life like sleeping or eating because it composes a major part of items that bind them. Therefore, the steel market saw a lot of variation during History. Steel demand shows growth periods such as the beginning of the 20th century with the Industrial Revolution...

23 Oct. 2009

The Swiss chemical and pharmaceutical industry

Étude de marché - 6 pages - Stratégie

In the beginning, pharmacists developed new products in their back shop. Industrialization started a century ago, with the universal exposition where scientists wanted to find new processes and develop their market. Moreover, the two World Wars led to significant growth in this particular market....

10 avril 2009

Airline industry: analysis of five forces model of Porter

Étude de marché - 6 pages - Stratégie

Airlines are companies and their aim is to operate routes and carry passengers. We will not analyse the cargo part of the airlines here but only the passenger carrying. An Airline can be a national company (airline owned by the government of a country). It normally conducts scheduled flights but...

07 mai 2008

The difficulties to stay the leader on a market: The French Wine Industry and its fragile economic position

Étude de marché - 34 pages - Stratégie

• Recent events: Numerous violent strikes were organized by the wine growers to draw attention to their difficulties; for instance, they demanded more assistance following the bad weather conditions that ruined the annual harvest. • A succession of demonstrations: It is a traditional...

06 Mars 2008

Product creation: Borneo

Étude de marché - 11 pages - Stratégie

We present our experience with creating an innovative product which lives up to the consumers' expectations while they do shopping on large-retail-space stores. Every day, there are instances of consumers searching desperately for a product and not finding them on the shelves. It appears...

28 févr. 2008

Radio frequency identification (RFID). Hudson Bay Company's next great competitive advantage

Étude de marché - 18 pages - Stratégie

The hype around Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology - a revolutionary information-gathering method whereby information in a tag can be read from up to 300 feet away - has caught the attention of many retailers in North America. Retailers such as Wal-Mart and Tesco (in the U.K) have...

13 févr. 2008

Importing mangos from Philippines to Europe (France)

Étude de marché - 11 pages - Stratégie

Big scale production and world wide distribution of fruits are a relatively recent phenomenon that we actually attribute to the development of transportation systems, of intensive production techniques and of the conservation ways. While the tempered fruits market is growing very low and actually...

04 Oct. 2007

Analyze of the development of alternative fuels in France

Étude de marché - 10 pages - Stratégie

There are innumerable indicators in the economy. The indicator gaining prime importance is the sky rocketing oil prices. If we consider the present economy, everything is linked to oil. However, this product and its by-product is not available on planet earth in plenty. This gave rise to the...

26 juin 2007

Implementing Monoprix in Japan

Étude de marché - 18 pages - Stratégie

This business plan is used to deal with the development plan for entering into the Japanese retail market. Based on the company's long-term need for world expansion and brand identity development, we choose Japan as the test land for Asian market penetration. The objective is to be present in...

13 juin 2007

Strategy Analysis on the gambling industry with the example of MGM Mirage

Étude de marché - 80 pages - Stratégie

We selected the gambling industry as a group because we thought it would be interesting, challenging and because the industry has recently felt a new impulse with the internet. The gambling industry is not one of the most recent industries though, and to understand it fully we decided to analyse...

05 avril 2007

Analysis of the European automotive industry through the expansion of Japanese cars in order to emphasize the major automotive strategy trends of the future

Étude de marché - 26 pages - Stratégie

Automotive industry has realized that UK is an important location. A number of companies have set up production bases in UK. The Asian, American and European constructors have proved that UK occupies an important place in the automotive industry. However, the Automotive Industry in Eastern...

04 Janv. 2007

Airlines and energy prices

Étude de marché - 16 pages - Stratégie

Business environment is fraught with risks; each company in order to succeed in this unpredictable environment must mitigate risks. Risks can arise from varied sources; the airline industry is like any other industry, also confronted by pressures from several business areas. In the late 90's and...

03 Janv. 2007

International business strategy The Japanese Car Industry

Étude de marché - 24 pages - Stratégie

The Japanese Car Industry is aiming to expand its market share across the world. The major manufacturers operate on all continents with production facilities spread all over the world. They have expanded throughout the past 20 years with a combination of Greenfield Investments, Joint Ventures and...

23 Nov. 2006

Airline companies strategy and Open Skies Agreement

Étude de marché - 9 pages - Stratégie

From Icarus to Airbus 380, the dream of the “flying man” seems to be universal. During the 20th century this dream was becoming real through the development of the plane and airline companies which manage it. The rising need to travel has obliged the authorities to regulate this market...

22 Nov. 2006

Making 'inn'-roads into Indonesia : Potentials and risks of launching a hotel chain in Indonesia

Étude de marché - 50 pages - Stratégie

Since I first started studying at the university level, I often went abroad to work, perfected language skills, or simply took some time off. It was only last year that I have had the opportunity to carry out an internship. After the Licence year at the University of Evry, France, I worked for...

08 Nov. 2006

Tourism in Nord-Pas-De-Calais: Evaluation and recommendations

Étude de marché - 26 pages - Stratégie

The Nord-Pas-de-Calais is located in the north of France (Appendix 2) and is bound by three borders, the Sea, a border with Belgium and a border with the French area Picardy (Appendix 3). The surface of the territory is 12 414 km2 i.e. 2.3% of the French territory. Its littoral edge is...

11 juin 2006

Les cigares cubains

Étude de marché - 20 pages - Stratégie

Hablar de tabaco, y por ende, hablar del cigarro puro, es hablar de historia. Se desconoce la fecha exacta en que comenzó a cultivarse la planta, ciertas investigaciones estiman que la entrada de la Nicotina Tabacum en Cuba tiene lugar a través de los Aravacas y lo datan entre el dos mil y tres...

16 Janv. 2005

China's Beer Wars South Africa Breweries. SABMiller case

Étude de marché - 31 pages - Stratégie

1. General information on the company A. SABMiller historical B. Important figures C. International policy 1. The main international events 2. The case of China 3. Analysis of the SAB International policy 2. Analysis of the Chinese beer market A. Characteristics of the Chinese beer market B....

07 Oct. 2004

Exporting French toys to Canada

Étude de marché - 20 pages - Stratégie

Moreover, the French and Canadian governments have recently tried to strengthen their business relationships, and encourage trade between them. It may be very interesting for the French toy industry to penetrate the Canadian market as its presence there remains reduced, and Canada seems an...

11 août 2004

How to launch a business model based on the Internet and that generates profits?

Étude de marché - 74 pages - Stratégie

The aim of that paper is to give to the reader a clear view about a Web/Internet Project. There are some similarities between a Web Project and projects in general but there are some specifications to be considered while working on a Web Project. Some parts of the Web Project have to be really...

17 mai 2004

French Wine Exports

Étude de marché - 14 pages - Stratégie

In 2002, the sales turnover of wine in the world market was estimated to be around 101.5 billion euros, which is equal to the size of world cosmetic market and 3 times the size of disc market. The sales turnover in volume was increased to 224.8 million consumed hectolitres.In the current scenario...

25 avril 2004

The launch of a new product on the Algerian market (Sagem mobile phones)

Étude de marché - 38 pages - Stratégie

This report mainly focuses on Algeria as an emerging market, mobile phone as a product and Sagem as a French company. This report includes a detailed study of the marketing strategy and the economic conditions in Algeria and also analysis of the product and the services that Sagem offers to...

16 avril 2004

Analysis of the French Public railways company strategy

Étude de marché - 25 pages - Stratégie

The SNCF (Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Français), the French Public railways company has implemented revenue management for the high speed trains. In this study, we will analyze the key factors to succeed in the railways business in relation to revenue management. To achieve this goal, we...

04 juin 2002

Mergers and Acquisitions in the Hospitality and Travel Industry

Étude de marché - 6 pages - Stratégie

Why is the strategy of external growth currently so widespread in the hospitality and travel industry ? Why do so many companies in this industry, in order to develop a competitive advantage, choose either vertical or horizontal integration ? What are the risks of mergers and acquisitions for the...

12 mai 2002

Information technology industry in Singapore

Étude de marché - 41 pages - Stratégie

The International Data Corporation's Information Society Index 1999 ranked Singapore as the 4th most dominant information-driven economy and society in the world, after the US, Sweden, and Finland. The World Teleport Association named Singapore the 1999 Intelligent City of the Year. The digital...