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1224 résultats

14 Mars 2011

Swarovski and the social media

Étude de cas - 7 pages - Stratégie

Today, there are, on the one hand, the traditional media which use a transmitter that broadcasts a single message to targets audiences, and on the other hand, social media which include everyone, which is both the broadcaster, and the target. “Social Media is the democratization of...

14 Mars 2011

Analyse de la stratégie de Danone

Étude de cas - 5 pages - Stratégie

De cette analyse ressort les points faibles et les ponts forts de l'entreprise Danone pour faire face à la concurrence croissante du marché des produits laitiers. Nous verrons alors comment une entreprise multinationale se place dans son secteur et sur quelles branches les concurrents...

07 Mars 2011

Dubai land Case Study: Would the Pharaohs have dared?

Étude de cas - 8 pages - Stratégie

Dubai is one of the seven Emirates that constitute the UAE - United Arabic Emirates - located between the Persian Gulf and the Oman Gulf on the Arabic Peninsula. Dubai is neither the capital nor the most populated Emirate, but it is the most popular and well known. Its fame is due to the media...

07 Mars 2011

General Motors - Strategic management plan

Étude de cas - 8 pages - Stratégie

The development of the automotive industry is probably the biggest revolution of the twentieth century along with Internet and telecommunications. Motor cars were invented in 1769 but we had to wait until 1890 to hear about the word "automobile". Since then, many car companies were born; cars...

07 Mars 2011

Luxury Automotive Supply into the Californian market

Étude de cas - 5 pages - Stratégie

This report consists in the case study of Luxury Automotive Supply tackling the Californian market. It deals with five questions: Company's Breakeven analysis, expected return on the firm's common stock calculation, WACC calculation, Capital Asset Pricing Model, Choice for payment terms,...

07 Mars 2011

AMD: A Customer-centric approach to innovation

Étude de cas - 9 pages - Stratégie

This report focuses on the microprocessor manufacturer AMD's current and future positioning on the processor market. It first analyzes AMD's prospective growth: Could the company's success in servers be leveraged to other segments? Then, it analyzes the competition with Intel: will...

07 Mars 2011

Limited perspectives for electric cars: Auto industry facing new challenges

Étude de cas - 12 pages - Stratégie

The Earth is warming up. This assessment has been highlighted by numerous scientists for several decades and is currently one of the main concerns all around the world. Even if the causes are not objectively acknowledged, the fact is unquestionable: During the 20th century, the average...

06 Mars 2011

Sampling issues in Business Statistics

Étude de cas - 7 pages - Stratégie

Data collection is an essential part of the decision making process. In order to avoid subjective variables in the process, it is essential to gather objective information on which the decision will be based on. Sampling is one of the methods that enable to collect data. The aim of this method is...

01 Mars 2011

Etude Stratégique Groupe Alstom

Étude de cas - 3 pages - Stratégie

Ce document est un projet de stratégie d'entreprise, réalisé dans le cadre d'un Mastère spécialisé a l'ESC Toulouse. Il présente la stratégie d'entreprise du groupe Alstom en 2010.

01 Mars 2011

Analyse Stratégique McDonald (2007)

Étude de cas - 10 pages - Stratégie

L'analyse stratégique consiste à repérer les facteurs susceptibles de produire un impact sur le secteur d'activité et à en mesurer l'intensité, ainsi qu'à évaluer les capacités de l'organisation à faire face aux défis et à saisir les opportunités de développement. La firme Mc...

28 févr. 2011

Etude de cas de GL Events spécialisée en logistique de l'événementiel

Étude de cas - 12 pages - Stratégie

Générale Location est devenue GL Events dès lors qu'elle a pris la décision de s'ouvrir à l'international. En effet, la petite entreprise lyonnaise a réussi à être reconnue internationalement après de multiplies choix stratégiques. On dénombre aujourd'hui trois segments de marché...

21 févr. 2011

Strategic Marketing Plan: Case Zara

Étude de cas - 16 pages - Stratégie

Founded by Armancio Ortega, the first Zara shop was opened in downtown Coruna in Spain in 1975. With this brand, he wanted to create stylish clothing inspired by the great fashion houses but at affordable prices. The brand proved to very successful and led to the creation of the company Inditex...

20 févr. 2011

Wal-Mart's offer to Massmart - Porter's Five Forces + other relevant forces

Étude de cas - 7 pages - Stratégie

WalMart is thinking of implanting itself on a new continent: Africa. On November 29th, Wal-Mart offered $2.4bn for a majority stake (Simon Mundy, 2010) to the South African retailer Massmart. We are going to assess the potential entry of Wal-Mart in South Africa through Porter's five forces...

20 févr. 2011

Etude de cas sur Body Shop ESC

Étude de cas - 1 pages - Stratégie

Etude de cas effectuée en Ecole de Commerce portant sur l'entreprise mondialement connue Body Shop.

16 févr. 2011

McDonald's and KFC - Recipes for Success in China

Étude de cas - 4 pages - Stratégie

To analyze China's attractiveness for both companies in late 1980s, we will first analyze the market opportunities. When KFC and McDonald's tried to enter the Chinese market in 1980, the country was an emerging one. Like an emerging country, China presented lots of opportunities. The growth was,...

13 févr. 2011

Strategic Marketing Plan: Caroll entering the middle market in China

Étude de cas - 10 pages - Stratégie

This is a file were we developed a strategic plan through the main tools. A first part is dedicated to the presentation of the company and its competitive market. Tools as the positioning brand, SWOT analysis and Value chain of the company Caroll are used to understand the strengths and...

13 févr. 2011

The Serious Game: Strategy and market analysis

Étude de cas - 20 pages - Stratégie

Mobiclic, MS Flight Simulator, NASCAR Racing, RollerCoaster Tycoon, Dance Revolution are all concrete examples of the explosive popularity of the serious games. Classified by their nature, they satisfy different needs. Mostly played by the young generation, these games are also a source of...

07 févr. 2011

Strategic marketing: The brand image applied to Nissan

Étude de cas - 7 pages - Stratégie

Nissan is a Japanese motor company that was founded in 19311. It operates in many countries and employs more than 185,000 workers around the world. Its 2008 sales was $1.52 billion USD, and Nissan produced 3,395,065 cars this same year. Nissan is part of the Japanese biggest automotive...

04 févr. 2011

Analysis Advertising of Budweiser

Étude de cas - 43 pages - Stratégie

The lager is made of 5 components for one original taste: Barley, malt, rice, yeast and water. It is the leader in America with 49% of the market shares. It didn't communicate internationally before the late 90s because of competitors such as the companies with ‘trademark' products. It...

31 Janv. 2011

Case study: Hugo Boss

Étude de cas - 40 pages - Stratégie

Hugo Boss, which offers products ranging from women's wear, children's and men's wear to accessories for casual and formal wear, has over 287 shops and 5,700 points of sale worldwide. The company is currently planning a joint venture with Chinese fashion retailer Rainbow Group to increase growth...

12 déc. 2010

Feasibility study of the Primark company in the French market

Étude de cas - 10 pages - Stratégie

Primark, subsidiary of Associated British Foods, is a well known retailing Brand in clothing founded by Arthur Ryan, actual chairman.First headquarters were located in Ireland, where the brand was born as Penneys. The first store opened in 1969 in Dublin. 1973 opened the first store in UK....

09 déc. 2010

LEGOLAND - Analysis of the toy industry

Étude de cas - 14 pages - Stratégie

Before conducting an in-depth analysis of the toy industry, we will deliver a brief presentation of Lego, which is the core of the subject. Lego is a Danish company, which was founded in 1934, by Ole Kirk Christiansen. The core activity of Lego is the conception and manufacture of educational...

09 déc. 2010

China analysis: Marks & Spencer

Étude de cas - 10 pages - Stratégie

China being a highly appreciated country for its power in the global market and its rapid growth, enterprises are keen to invest in it in order to remain competitive. In recent years, China has evolved and developed rapidly in many areas. For this reason, many companies such as Carrefour, a...

09 déc. 2010


Étude de cas - 8 pages - Stratégie

ArcelorMittal is a global steel company; it is the largest steel producing company in the world and is the market leader in steel for use in automotive, construction, household appliances and packaging. It holds sizeable captive supplies of raw materials and operates extensive distribution...

03 Nov. 2010

Analisi de Alitalia (2009)

Étude de cas - 9 pages - Stratégie

Alitalia (Linee Aree Italiane S.p.A.), è una filiale di Gruppo Alitalia, ma soprattutto, è una famosa compagnia aerea italiana fondata dopo guerra il 16 settembre 1946 a Roma. È un servizio di trasporto aereo nel mondo, più precisamente di trasporto di gente e di merci. La compagnia ha avuto...

14 Oct. 2010

Case study: Whole Foods Market

Étude de cas - 6 pages - Stratégie

Founded in 1980 in Austin Texas, Whole Foods is a supermarket focused in health, natural and organic products all across the United States. First consolidated as a small local store with 19 workers, presently Whole Foods has outlets in 36 states in the US and other countries such as Canada and...

28 Sept. 2010

The risk management system of the Coca Cola company

Étude de cas - 10 pages - Stratégie

This file is about a company chosen by students who are required to focus on the Risk Management System of this firm. This file is divided into five parts, which are: the Abstract, the Executive Summary, the Background Company presentation, the Risk Management Program and finally, the Risk...

14 Sept. 2010

L'Oréal Research and Development Strategy

Étude de cas - 8 pages - Stratégie

L'Oreal is a well-known firm for its strategy focused on organic growth. The group has concentrated its efforts for a long while on the development of its own brands by undertaking a few targeted acquisitions. To acquire new competences, a large confidence is granted to the R&D centres present in...

13 juil. 2010

General Motors: Strategic Management

Étude de cas - 19 pages - Stratégie

General Motors is a 100 year-old company which has built a big holding that owns many different car manufacturing brands distributed all around the world. During this century, GM has become the biggest car manufacturer in the world, with a turnover of more than a hundred billion sales in cars and...

26 juin 2010

Telelavoro ma non solo - il caso della società AstraZeneca

Étude de cas - 1 pages - Stratégie

Questo documento tratta dell'argomento del telelavoro. Per cominciare, da l'esempio dell'assistente del capo del personale che lavora tre pomeriggi alla settimana in telelavoro e presenta l'azienda AstraZeneca come uno dei miglori posti di lavoro in Italia. La relazione tra l'impresa e il...