L'industrie du transport aérien dans sa globalité doit faire face aujourd'hui à un certain nombre de problèmes graves : l'attaque du 11 septembre 2001, la crise iraquienne, et plus récemment le SRAS (syndrome respiratoire aigu sévère)… Globalement, la plupart des compagnies n'ont pas réalisé de profits depuis des années. Comment Nipon Airways (ANA), qui emploie 29 000 personnes, arrive-t-elle à améliorer son revenu net alors que la demande nationale et internationale a des impacts négatifs ? Comment les compagnies japonaises peuvent-elles encore attirer des clients sur un marché en perte de vitesse ? Comment ont-elles changé de stratégies ?
ANA est Membre de Star Alliance, la plus grande alliance de compagnies aériennes mondiale, et sa stratégie est intéressante à étudier. Comment la compagnie ANA se positionne-t-elle dans l'industrie japonaise ? Comment l'entreprise fait-elle face aux problèmes internationaux ?
[...] It is a “questionable” business model because ANA loses money. It is not a successful model. In order to build a business model, ANA Group (ANA Airlines, ANA Travel and ANA Travel online) can follow these revenue-cost-profit economies: To retain skilled employees in the company in order to offer the best services in the world, both in board and in domestic and international airports. To maintain a relevant punctuality. To cover the most profitable routes in Japan and in the world (especially in the Asian area). [...]
[...] In order to understand the dynamism of the ANA's industry, we can draw the competitive structure of the Japanese airline market. As du Plessis et al. (2005: 49) say it is important to “establish how attractive a market (or a segment) is to current and potential competition”. In this way, we can determine the “game for competitive behaviour”. The “competitive structure” of this market and the “critical rules of the game set by the industry” can be explained by using “Porter's model of competitive forces” in the Japanese airline market (du Plessis et al 2005: We can explain these forces in this table: After analysing the competition of the Japanese airline industry, it is relevant to know what objectives ANA has to reach in order to succeed The Key Success Factors of the airline industry and ANA In order to succeed in this market, ANA has to manage key success factors. [...]
[...] To enter into the Stock Exchange in order to raise equities. These equities will be used to finance assets. The objective of acquiring assets is to reinforce the power of ANA in the Japanese market and to enter more easily the foreign markets. This kind of acquisition will also Increase the power of ANA towards its suppliers and prices. If ANA follows these strategies, the market growth-market share matrix of the activities of ANA GROUP in 5 years will be: Growth of the Market ANA Travel online Market Share It is now relevant to discuss the current business model of ANA and to propose changes The business model of ANA: evaluation and perspective Given the comprehensive strategic analysis, the ANA's current business model for making money from its operating activities (Airline Company) is based on the revenue-cost-profit economies: Employ skilled employees at high costs to propose a high level of services, quality and security. [...]
[...] How the Japanese airlines company can attract customers in this declining market and boost sales? How they change their strategy? Member of Star Alliance, the largest worldwide airline alliance group, ANA's strategy is interesting to analyze. How ANA takes part in the Japanese industry? How the company faces internal organizational issues? What strategic direction should be recommended in order to perform successfully in this industry? A comprehensive strategic analysis of the industry Competing in a very “aggressive” and challenging market, ANA is in a weak state. [...]
[...] What strategies can we recommend to implement in order to succeed within five years? The development of strategies to face the main current issues of ANA According to the comprehensive strategic analysis of ANA and its industry, it is relevant to develop competitive strategies as well as related organizational strategies for the Japanese airline company to face these main issues: Non-profitability of the airline company Non-competitiveness of the company in the international market, in terms of pricing strategy and products Non-globalization of ANA in terms of marketing and sales Powerful growth of relevant substitutes of flights (Shinkansen) Regarding these issues, the development of the hotel and travel agency business on the one hand and internet on the second hand should be a strategy to compete successfully. [...]
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