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Business plan en stratégie

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32 résultats

08 juil. 2022

Plan financier complet prévisionnel pour ouverture d'un restaurant/hôtel

Business plan - 11 pages - Stratégie

Un projet ? Restaurant ou Hôtel ? Vous êtes au bon endroit ! Venez découvrir si votre projet est réellement rentable grâce à mon document 100% personnalisé à votre projet ! Des documents prévisionnels sur 3 ans tels que : tout ce qui est investissement et financement, salaires, charges sociales,...

24 févr. 2022

Business plan dans le secteur de l'immobilier

Business plan - 7 pages - Stratégie

03 févr. 2021

Stratégie et R&D du leader des drones Parrot

Business plan - 8 pages - Stratégie

Aujourd'hui dans le monde entier, le marché des drones connaît une croissance exponentielle. Le spécialiste français de cet outil haute technologie est l'entreprise Parrot. Le groupe français a été créé en 1994 par Christine Tourvel, Jean Pierre Tarval et Henry Sedoux. Au départ, cette entreprise...

26 Sept. 2020

Exemple de Business plan dans le domaine du sport

Business plan - 16 pages - Stratégie

Un exemple de Business Plan effectué en cours de Master en commerce. Cette étude de business plan.

12 juin 2019

Business plan de l'entreprise Jardiculto

Business plan - 12 pages - Stratégie

Business plan de l'entreprise Jardiculto, diagnostic Financier de l'entreprise

06 juin 2019

Business plan service en ligne de pompes funèbres destinées aux animaux de companie

Business plan - 9 pages - Stratégie

Business plan service en ligne de pompes funèbres destinées aux animaux de companie. 1. Sommaire exécutif 2. Idée d'Affaires /Description de l'Entreprise 3. Analyse du Marché 4. Principaux concurrents 5. Equipe de Gestion 6. Analyse Financière Commentaires-

12 Nov. 2014

Business plan: Washybar, why wash and wait when you can drink and wash? - publié le 12/11/2014

Business plan - 30 pages - Stratégie

We want to create a new concept, allying a laundry in which anyone can come and make his washing, with a bar. This will allow people to do something while there are waiting for their clothes to be washed. This new concept will offer real convenience to the users of the laundry, allowing them to...

29 juil. 2014

Business plan pour un projet d'élevage de poules pondeuses fermières en oasis (Tunisie)

Business plan - 5 pages - Stratégie

Dans la région de Tozeur, zone d'implantation du projet, le secteur de l'œuf de consommation souffre encore de l'absence d'éleveurs industriels ou fermiers qui peuvent être considérés comme concurrents directs de notre unité d'élevage. Néanmoins, mes concurrents indirects sont des...

30 avril 2014

International Entrepreneur Project: Business Plan

Business plan - 28 pages - Stratégie

Through this business plan we have decided to present you the different aspects that surround the launch of our company Business4Business. Our company is a website following the model of a business to business approach. Actually, our website is made to provide a tool to develop the networks of...

10 avril 2014

Solar hand lamps for Uganda: Business plan

Business plan - 30 pages - Stratégie

Solar Hand Lights for the Base of the Pyramid (“BOP”) market. Despite its abundant solar radiation, Africa suffers from energy scarcity. In the south of the Sahara, only 23% of the population, (one in four), has access to electricity. This situation is even more critical in rural areas...

13 août 2013

Ô'DELICE: restauration rapide (business plan)

Business plan - 16 pages - Stratégie

Objectif Collectif : Réaliser des bénéfices et ils seront partagés en parts égales entre les associés. Vision de l'entreprise: - Maitrise des recettes et mise en place de plateaux repas, - Mettre au point un système de réservation par internet et d'une application pour Smartphone pouvant être...

17 juil. 2013

BeCozy pillow: Business plan

Business plan - 25 pages - Stratégie

We choose to found a new limited liability company with the elements of partnership and corporate structures. The founders are becoming the graduate of Hong Kong Polytechnic University. So we have variety of business skills, from Management, Marketing, Accounting, and Finance. Most of we follow...

01 juil. 2013

Strategy and business plan

Business plan - 3 pages - Stratégie

In this quarter, we want to increase our profitability so we will make some investments in Research and Development, in manufacturing, in advertising and in sales channels. Brand design We will improve our brand “I-Work 2.0” the evolution will call “I-Work 3.0”. Even if we...

01 juil. 2013

Strategy analysis and business plan IT Trip Industry

Business plan - 14 pages - Stratégie

Marketing Research: -IT-Trip industry decided to invest as much as one can in its market study. This, in order to obtain the most precise study with the less error margin. -In addition, the market study represented less of 10% of available cash during the quarter 1. Segments: -The first...

04 Mars 2013

Business plan: Nail art

Business plan - 7 pages - Stratégie

Our service is a premium nail bar which offers new kinds of polish. The concept is very easy. In 5 minutes for 4€ the customer will have her nails polished. We have different kinds of products (see appendix): the first one is stamping nail art. It's a concept well known in the USA and in the...

22 Oct. 2012

Business plan: Attractive Home

Business plan - 7 pages - Stratégie

Nom de l'entreprise et son affaire : Notre business plan a d'utilité de nous servir comme outil de présentation du projet dont on va se lancer, donc il nous aidera à donner une vision globale à nos partenaires financiers (les collaborateurs) et commerciaux (les clients, les...

11 Oct. 2012

Business plan for a start up business in Cameroon

Business plan - 18 pages - Stratégie

Bell Dames is a clothing line targeting females between the ages 15 to 65. We will not stop at only developing a clothing line but will also use advertisements alongside promotional campaigns to support our company. We plan to work hand in gloves with other companies to develop brand awareness...

03 Oct. 2012

Business plan: création d'entreprise le Washing Bar

Business plan - 18 pages - Stratégie

Dans le cadre du projet de création d'entreprise, j'ai décidé d'ouvrir une laverie-bar que j'ai nommé le « Washing Bar ». Ainsi, je développerai deux activités: l'exploitation d'une laverie via les produits Samsung et un débit de boissons & snacks. Cette idée m'a semblé intéressante au regard...

03 Oct. 2012

Business plan: concept de lunch box nommée «C'MaBox»

Business plan - 12 pages - Stratégie

Dans le cadre du cours de Business Plan, j'ai souhaité créer un concept original de lunch box que j'ai nommé «C'MaBox». Ainsi, je développerai la vente de lunch box, ces   boîtes permettant de transporter facilement de la   nourriture où l'on souhaite, à n'importe quel moment de la journée et...

05 juin 2012

Business plan of

Business plan - 20 pages - Stratégie

In the fast changing IT Industry, standard textbook knowledge and information via Internet is not sufficient to help resolve the IT problems faced by undergraduate/graduate IT students, professionals and corporations. Instead, they prefer to seek mentorship and advice from someone who has...

02 mai 2011

Business Plan: Delivery Service for Customers

Business plan - 10 pages - Stratégie

Starting a new business course gave me the opportunity to work on a business plan. I have always been attracted by challenges and creating a company is clearly motivating. After studying many concepts such as multi-cultural fast-food restaurant, and online fast-food, I decided that the best...

06 avril 2011

Modéle de business plan détaillé

Business plan - 3 pages - Stratégie

Plan détaillé à utiliser pour l'élaboration d'un Business Plan, à adapter en fonction de l'ampleur du projet.

16 Janv. 2011

Business plan for the French start-up 'Mixing corporation'

Business plan - 6 pages - Stratégie

'Mixing corporation' is a French start-up company. It was set up by DJ Paulette, a famous Parisian DJ. She plans to use her expertise in music along with her networks to create her own business. 'Mixing corporation' will be a private limited company. Its activities consist in...

03 Janv. 2011

'Chef à la maison' - Business plan

Business plan - 37 pages - Stratégie

Our business idea focuses on bringing chefs to the dinner table at home. We plan to offer 2 services; Primarily we will provide Home training courses where fully trained chefs will come into your home environment and offer training on anything from beginner techniques, simple cooking to more...

17 déc. 2009

Business plan for a new board game : Flagpoint

Business plan - 33 pages - Stratégie

A new fun and attractive game is born: Flagpoint. This document describes the development of the new game in all its detail. The study starts with a short introduction of our company and its mission, followed by a detailed marketing research to figure out the needs of our target group. The...

29 avril 2009

Wine & Riviera: business plan project

Business plan - 35 pages - Stratégie

The company is considered to be a top end retailer of wine and champagne in Dublin City center, and in addition the company provides tasting session. The wines are made in France, Spain and California and sold in Parliament Street, in Dublin. The products are selected for their top quality and...

06 Mars 2009

Business plan : proyecto de empresa de trabajo temporario para estudiantes en Bordeaux (2008)

Business plan - 11 pages - Stratégie

Hoy, con el fenómeno de diversificación de las tareas, existen numerosos pequeños trabajos que representan una dificultad tan para las empresas como los particulares. Esos trabajillos son por ejemplo la distribución de octavillas en la calle, pasar cuestionarios, hacer de canguro, entrevistas,...

24 févr. 2009

Business plan: Dream trotter bar

Business plan - 7 pages - Stratégie

We wish to create a bar with subject, opened from 7 am till 1 am everyday. Situated in the center of Lille, for easy access to this place. The ambition of this project is to allow the customers a cultural exchange, create a relaxed environment and a cultural discovery. For that purpose, we...

05 févr. 2009

Business plan for product innovation: The Big Bip Company

Business plan - 18 pages - Stratégie

A problem statement is a clear concise description of the issue that needs to be addressed by a problem solving team and should be presented to them (or created by them) before they try to solve the problem. When bringing together a team to achieve a particular purpose efficiently, provide them...

13 août 2008

Business plan: Washybar, why wash and wait when you can drink and wash?

Business plan - 40 pages - Stratégie

The target market: People who don't have a washing machine at home (usually clients of launderette, mostly young people) and generally people who want to spend time in a bar. What they think now: It is boring to wait while your clothes are being washed. The waiting time is about 35 to 40 minutes...