La dimension socioculturelle dans le management stratégique des organisations
Dissertation - 6 pages - Management organisation
« Il n'est de richesse que d'homme » affirmait déjà Jean Bodin se faisant l'écho d'une époque qui devait tirer l'essentiel de ses ressources dans ce que l'organisation compte aujourd'hui de plus créatif et fructueux. Cette organisation souhaite elle-même aujourd'hui s'inscrire, par les hommes,...
Career management
Lettre type - 15 pages - Management organisation
When I decided to take up MBA, I didn't have a specific career plan. I thought that the MBA could give me insights into different fields and aspect of business. Indeed, it's particularly the case, as MBA enable me to understand my priorities, my strengths and my weaknesses. The...
Organizational development: Mergers and Acquisitions
Étude de cas - 17 pages - Management organisation
Nowadays, mergers are very common in all sectors. Indeed, in many sectors, the competitive pressure, the decline of prices and research costs provoke numerous mergers. However, all mergers aren't successful; there are some steps to follow to avoid risks. There could be be multiple reasons to...
Étude de cas - 15 pages - Management organisation
For more than 40 years, Accor has constantly reinvented its businesses to keep pace with the world around it, with the goal of providing innovative, high-quality products to Hospitality and Services customers. In Hospitality, Accor's ambition is to be the world leader in economy and midscale...
La gestion intégrée de la chaîne d'approvisionnement (En quoi consiste-t-elle réellement ? Comment est-elle perçue et intégrée par les entreprises aujourd'hui ?)
Mémoire - 49 pages - Management organisation
El entorno político y económico mundial que conocemos de hoy en día, permite a las empresas beneficiar de un potencial más importante en los mercados internacionales. De hecho, el panel de los consumidores va creciendo. En paralelo, eso confronta también las empresas a un panel de competidores...
US management leadership: Carly Fiorina and her influence in the new HP
Étude de cas - 13 pages - Management organisation
The company Hewlett Packard was created in Palo Alto by two engineers, Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard in the year 1939. This project was developed right after the Second World War, by the formulation of scientific applications for the computer and printer domains. Just after its creation, HP was...
CHANGE MANAGEMENT changing process in a fast food restaurant
Étude de cas - 9 pages - Management organisation
The ?change management' in companies is clearly one of the most difficult challenges to address for organizations. People are apprehensive towards making changes and do not like to modify their working habits because they fear the unknown. Today, with the pressure of the market and the...
Two types of risks for the French shop in England: regulations risk management and plant risk management
Étude de cas - 15 pages - Management organisation
This report enumerates the key elements required to modify work strategy in a company's business and mark a new vision for their brand. The risk factors such as the 'regulation risk' and 'plant risk' should be responsible for the initial components needed for the cheese...
Gestion des achats : les meilleures pratiques de communication promotionnelle à l'intention des fournisseurs
Dissertation - 14 pages - Management organisation
During the two past decades there were many changes in the global scenario, high technologies were introduced, a higher competitive world made companies look for markets abroad, and ways of management had to adapt to this new way of making business. Theses changes reached the purchasing...
International accounting Corporate reporting regulation: Understanding differences ? USA/ Europe
Dissertation - 6 pages - Management organisation
Throughout the globe, U.S.A. has been famous for their notion of freedom, their way of life, and their entrepreneurship, stemming back to its very origins. This is a legacy from the very first pioneer, which still affects them nowadays either in their private or business life. It's a country...
Are Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO's) increasing in legitimacy and effectiveness?
Étude de cas - 10 pages - Management organisation
Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO's) are essentially organizations that exist for serving the interests of under-represented groups directly for and on behalf of their welfare. Whether this helps to increase their rights and status or simply create an awareness of their plight, they neither...
L'organisation du travail en équipe
Fiche - 2 pages - Management organisation
Analyse selon quatre axes: - La définition des objectifs de l'équipe dans l'unité commerciale - La définition et la répartition des tâches - Le suivi, le contrôle et la remédiation - L'évaluation et la valorisation Pour organiser son unité commerciale, le manageur fixe des objectifs et établit le...
Profile of a leader: Nicolas Sarkozy
Étude de cas - 5 pages - Management organisation
Nicolas Sarkozy de Nagy Bocsa was born in Paris on the 28th of January 1955; he is the son of Paul Sarkozy de Nagy Bocsa a Hungarian immigrant who fled the Red army in 1944, and Andree Mallah a jurist of Jewish origin native from Salonica in Greece. At the age of four, he is abandoned by his...
Introduction au pouvoir et au leadership
Cours - 3 pages - Management organisation
Cours de ressources humaines bac +2 sur le pouvoir et le leadership.
L'entreprise et le commerce
Cours - 5 pages - Management organisation
Exposé semi-rédigé (1ère STG / BEP comptabilité) consacré à l'entreprise et au commerce.
Formation ISO 9001 v2000
Cours - 53 pages - Management organisation
Présentation PowerPoint consacrée à la norme ISO 9001 v2000 participant à l'application d'un système de management de la qualité.
Case study: the bakery Ainay
Étude de cas - 15 pages - Management organisation
?La Boulangerie D'Ainay' is located in Lyon's "second arrondissement" close to a pedestrian street within a residential area. There are three other bakeries are within 500 meters of "La Boulangerie d'Ainay". This shop was taken over by Mr and Mrs Nectoux six years ago. Previously,...
Les techniques de vente en face à face et par téléphone
Cours - 23 pages - Management organisation
Cours de techniques de vente (niveau BTS et licence) présentant les techniques en face à face, par téléphone, les attitudes à adopter etc..
Edizione Holding (2006)
Étude de cas - 13 pages - Management organisation
Edizione Holding è una finanziaria, non quotata in borsa, di proprietà al 100% della famiglia Benetton. Sulla base dell'esperienza internazionale di Benetton Group nel rapporto con i mercati e delle professionalità e competenze esistenti nel Gruppo, Edizione ha sviluppato nel tempo, anche grazie...
Operation management: the mutations of operations management
Dissertation - 10 pages - Management organisation
For decades now, concepts of globalization, social changes, client demands, significant technical evolutions (mainly in the communication area) has led to a drastic change in all modes of management of the Supply Chain which can be defined as the enterprise logistic chain from its providers to...
US management and leadership: Martin Luther King Jr., the birth of a leader
Étude de cas - 15 pages - Management organisation
This paper is about the leader Martin Luther King Jr. and his leadership role in the 1950s. First, the context will be introduced followed by King's life in correlation with the current event at that time. In the final section, his leadership style will be analyzed. After the war, the veterans...
The Thomas Cook case
Étude de cas - 9 pages - Management organisation
Thomas Cook UK had transformed its business processes in order to improve the profitability and minimize losses. The Thomas Cook management team developed a program to reduce costs and improve the margins and integrate operations. Behind this real case, I will go deeply into the IT consulting...
El caso Arcelor Mittal
Étude de cas - 12 pages - Management organisation
El proceso de adquisición fue muy complicado y esta considerado hoy como un caso de escuela. Luego de haber subido el precio de su primer oferta un 45% finalmente y luego de muchas ofertas Mittal Steel logro hacerse con Arcelor mediante una OPA por 30.000 millones US$ en 2006. Ahora,...
Developments in management and organizational thinking
Dissertation - 4 pages - Management organisation
In the era of the mass production from 1945 to 1980, companies were directed to produce identical products, with hierarchical structures, all in a stable environment. In the present era of information, companies must produce products with dynamic structures in a turbulent environment...
Procédure de qualification des modifications produit et process
Fiche - 5 pages - Management organisation
- Gère une liste, vérifie l'ensemble des demandes de modifications qui sont établies - Met à jour les dossiers PPAP des produits existants en collaboration avec le responsable Qualité - Obtient le/les accord(s) du client - Soumet la documentation nécessaire au client (Exemple : PSW,...
Lego case study: Danish vs. British culture
Étude de cas - 10 pages - Management organisation
Modern companies can not longer hold on to a go-it-alone philosophy in the modern networked business world. Global companies look for business opportunities outside their traditional boarders and have therefore to deal with cross-cultural issues in its everyday life. Human interaction...
Case Study: Accenture: the 5 cultural dimensions
Étude de cas - 14 pages - Management organisation
The main change of the century is that local markets are not big enough for industries. The future of any company that wants to be bigger than its competitors is to go international. Selling a product won't be the hardest of things that companies will have to face while going international,...
Cas de gestion de projet : comment gérer un retard ?
Fiche - 7 pages - Management organisation
Cas d'entreprise en difficulté dans la gestion d'un projet majeur pour son fonctionnement. Ces difficultés sont dues à :
Faire adhérer au projet d'entreprise
Cours - 29 pages - Management organisation
Cours de Management (format PowerPoint) destiné aux dirigeants qui essaient d'associer leur équipe au projet d'entreprise pour créer un lien fort entre ses membres.
Emergence et performance d'une situation de management interculturel en entreprise
Cours - 124 pages - Management organisation
La suprématie du modèle américain de management durant la première moitié de ce siècle a laissé penser pendant longtemps que les sciences de gestion développent des méthodes standards qu'on peut exporter d'un contexte à un autre. On prétendait que les pratiques de management se...