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54 résultats

13 févr. 2011

iPad, the new star product of Apple's strategy to reach China's market

Mémoire - 10 pages - Management organisation

This is a study about the international marketing of Apple for the product I Pad in China. This analysis is divided into three parts. The first one deals with the environmental scanning of the brand. We initially propose a presentation of the company, and then present a strategic diagnosis with...

13 févr. 2011

Inter-cultural Management: Diversity management between the business models of Ryanair and Air France-KLM

Mémoire - 8 pages - Management organisation

In this file, we will analyze a very important industry such the airline industry. In order to conclude on the main differences between the two different business model, the low-cost and traditional companies, we initially analyzed Ryanair's management style with a SWOT analysis spelling...

05 févr. 2011

La division technique du travail et les nouvelles formes d'organisation du travail

Mémoire - 4 pages - Management organisation

Au XVIIIème siècle, l'ancien mode d'exploitation féodal ou corporatif de l'industrie ne suffisait plus aux besoins qui croissaient sans cesse à mesure que s'ouvraient de nouveaux marchés. La manufacture prit alors sa place et la division du travail entre les différentes...

24 Nov. 2009

Corporate culture and communication

Mémoire - 17 pages - Management organisation

This report aims at presenting the concept of post merger cultural integration as the key element for a successful merger operation. The last decade, in the global business is likely to be called the era of the merger. In today's global economy, one cannot turn his back on the opportunities...

20 Oct. 2009

India, Welcoming Land for the IT Enterpriser

Mémoire - 45 pages - Management organisation

This thesis entitled "India Welcoming Land for IT Enterpriser" has been written with the idea of creating a concrete and practical tool for an entrepreneur who is eager to try the adventure of entering the IT market in India. We will explore various fields like the culture of the country and its...

27 mai 2009

Supply chain management

Mémoire - 26 pages - Management organisation

Every organization with a service or manufacturing entity needs a robust supply chain management in order to gain and maintain a competitive advantage within supply chain alliances and partnerships. An independent firm on its own may not have all the resources to match its competitors. But by...

14 Mars 2009

Laughing and Having Fun in Business: Humor as a Tool for Enhancing Leadership

Mémoire - 35 pages - Management organisation

The study was my eagerness for humor, fun and laughter in the day-to-day life. While finding out information on the relation between humor, the sense of humor and laughter and the corporate world, we found that this subject was more relevant than what many people could think. Actually, some...

24 Janv. 2009

An analysis of the psychological contract between employers and employees and how this ?ffects performance

Mémoire - 29 pages - Management organisation

The current study examines the st?tus of psychologic?l contr?cts in the tourism ?nd hospit?lity industry. Employees identified the import?nce they expressed in relation to different ?spects of the psychologic?l contr?ct ?nd the degree to which their org?niz?tion h?d fulfilled these oblig?tions....

13 août 2008

La gestion intégrée de la chaîne d'approvisionnement (En quoi consiste-t-elle réellement ? Comment est-elle perçue et intégrée par les entreprises aujourd'hui ?)

Mémoire - 49 pages - Management organisation

El entorno político y económico mundial que conocemos de hoy en día, permite a las empresas beneficiar de un potencial más importante en los mercados internacionales. De hecho, el panel de los consumidores va creciendo. En paralelo, eso confronta también las empresas a un panel de competidores...

04 juil. 2008

The marketing audit of Tesco PLC

Mémoire - 50 pages - Management organisation

The specific UK FTSE listed company selected for the purpose of dissertation is Tesco PLC. The report will create and develop a marketing plan for Tesco PLC in the medium term of one to three years. The creation of such a plan will require various elements. As such the report will clearly be...

15 avril 2008

Security versus privacy information technologies: is Big Brother watching us?

Mémoire - 69 pages - Management organisation

The emergence of Information Systems brought about some problems linked to the notion of privacy. If the computerization of data was generally considered to be a progress, it was sometimes accompanied by fright, or even by fantasies nourished by Big Brother, about possibility for other people or...

11 avril 2008

Why and how building multicultural team in a multinational company?

Mémoire - 30 pages - Management organisation

Today, globalization has increasingly become a watchword by which companies swear by and they accordingly install subsidiaries on foreign markets and relocate resources. An important issue in this process is the question of intercultural management and human resources within the global...

07 Mars 2008

The place of guanxi in the modern Chinese society and impact on management processes within China and also on international business relations with China

Mémoire - 77 pages - Management organisation

China is a unique country that places personal relationships above any other aspect of life. The guanxi is a famous relationship aspect of China, and with the recent interest from the whole world concerning China and its expansion, it is interesting to study the importance of this historical...

05 Mars 2008

Sales assistant at Sabotage wines, Melbourne, Australia

Mémoire - 16 pages - Management organisation

Sabotage Wines was founded in 2001 by the French winemaker David Baldet with the French style wines sourced from low yielding cool climate grapes from Victoria, in Australia. The principal customers are restaurants, wine bars and liquor stores. In this company, my mission was to sell the Sabotage...

04 Mars 2008

Strategic Management - Promoting innovation: planning and process

Mémoire - 47 pages - Management organisation

The top management team must take into account the competing desires and needs of an organization's various stakeholders, because their support is essential for successful strategy implementation. Stakeholders include not only the organization's managers and employees, but also the...

03 Mars 2008

Personality traits, a fundamental factor for expatriate performance

Mémoire - 35 pages - Management organisation

My topic aims at proposing a relation between our personality traits and our performance abroad. Nowadays, expatriates represent a real competitive advantage for multinational companies (MNCs). This research could help companies to understand how important personality is when selecting criteria...

01 Mars 2008

Why would Asterix and Obelix be a successful entrepreneurial founding pair?

Mémoire - 21 pages - Management organisation

In this essay, our purpose is to prove that diversity in an entrepreneurial team often leads to success and that, reciprocally, failures may often be explained by the narrow-mindedness resulting from a too homogeneous partnership. When we talk about diversity, we talk about complementary...

25 févr. 2008

The Intercultural management in the tourism sector: a new opportunity for a sustainable performance

Mémoire - 60 pages - Management organisation

The tourism sector is clearly characterized by the number of nationalities that form it. Culture is also part of it. Employees from a specific country can face a customer from another country, whose culture is totally different. In the same way, an employee can work in team with another employee...

23 févr. 2008

The mobile Operating Systems War

Mémoire - 79 pages - Management organisation

The mobile operating system market is relatively recent. Many major companies hailing from the computer and mobile sector are competing in order to take over this huge market. Until very recently, each mobile manufacturer developed its own proprietary operating system. Most of the mobile phones...

26 juin 2007

Outsourcing different it functions: a vendor-client relationship perspective

Mémoire - 14 pages - Management organisation

We have all heard and read about companies moving their plants, development units or production facilities outside, as a result of outsourcing. The foremost reason of outsourcing seems to be the transaction cost theory that states that a "company should outsource activities if, to carry them out...

30 mai 2007

Client consultancy project: Leeds Metropolitan University Student' Union Elections

Mémoire - 28 pages - Management organisation

This report carries out extensive background research to the election process of Leeds Metropolitan University Students Union (S.U.) and the attitudes of students attending the University. The findings show that students do not feel there is an effort to engage them in the S.U. election process...

12 Janv. 2007

The Identification and Reduction of Risk in Project Management

Mémoire - 56 pages - Management organisation

The main goal of this report is to discuss the process of identification and risk reduction in project management. The report will target two vital tools and techniques which are crucial for risk management and its significance. The level of failures among large, medium and even small projects is...

09 Oct. 2006

Why using brand management in the tourism industry ? The case of destination branding

Mémoire - 45 pages - Management organisation

Nowadays the tourism sector is one of the most important economic sectors. The globalization of our world allows for better, easier, faster, and cheaper travel, and the technological progress achieved has left almost no place unknown. We may observe that many destinations are now featuring in...

30 déc. 2005

How to create a homogeneous culture across boundaries?

Mémoire - 18 pages - Management organisation

We have decided to study the company Unilever for several reasons. Firstly, Unilever is a European company that is one of the biggest multinationals in the world. Secondly, as we have chosen to study the corporate culture of multinationals, Unilever presents a particular corporate culture....