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736 résultats

22 déc. 2007

Hedging international risk: Renault and risk management

Étude de cas - 8 pages - Management organisation

Renault is a French vehicle manufacturer producing cars, vans, buses, tractors, and trucks. The group is well known for its motor racing (through Renault Sport department), revolutionary designs (for example: Vel Satis, Avantime, Megane) and concepts (namely the Espace, the first monospace to be...

18 déc. 2007

Office Depot, From a Bricks-and Mortar to a Clicks-and Mortar business model

Étude de cas - 7 pages - Management organisation

Within the global economy, e-business has become a powerful tool in enhancing productivity, customer relationship management (CRM), marketing campaigns, and financial operations. Companies have been able to understand that the web is not only the way to communicate but also the way to distribute...

14 déc. 2007

Credit agricole: New system to centralized data

Étude de cas - 9 pages - Management organisation

Credit Agricole is a powerful French bank in the world. Its actual organisation and structure is based on the development of Local and National Banks. This particular development is the base of the success of the brand. The group is well developed and well established on the international market,...

06 déc. 2007

Mentoring method: How developing excellent potentials in an Irish Company?

Étude de cas - 30 pages - Management organisation

A computer office supplies, perhaps some paperwork to sign. When it comes to welcoming new employees to the company, most managers stick to this and a handful of other basics. To truly prepare the workers for success, at least one additional item is necessary, a mentor. Unfortunately, few...

03 déc. 2007

Strategic management: Ryanair

Étude de cas - 12 pages - Management organisation

Ryan air was born in 1985. To build its strategy, obtain competitive advantages and to become a leader on this market, the company had to study different elements that the organization had to face. These are shown by the graph "layers of the business environment". With the PESTEL method, we can...

20 Nov. 2007

The Alliance Theater : A case study

Étude de cas - 36 pages - Management organisation

Team Alliance initial objective is to focus on the key points that would help us gain more knowledge regarding the motivations and decision-making processes of the Alliance Theatre's 18-35 year old target market. Currently, Alliance Theatre's patrons are composed of 35-50 years old, more females...

04 Oct. 2007

Culture case study: Valley Farms International & cultural group assessment

Étude de cas - 12 pages - Management organisation

Understanding diverse cultures is significant if one is to be socially astute, sensitive, and effective within complex cultural contexts. The Iceberg culture theory, if used correctly, can prove to be a meaningful tool that can assist in identifying important cultural similarities and...

10 Sept. 2007

Analyzinr Ryanair

Étude de cas - 13 pages - Management organisation

Ryanair is an Irish flying company which was founded in 1985 by the Ryan family. The initial capital invested constituted to just £1. The business vision and mission of this flying company is to offer affordable flights across Europe. It has grown from a small family company to a big quoted...

27 août 2007

Introduction to research & development decision analysis

Étude de cas - 6 pages - Management organisation

A firm optimizes its market value when it successfully implements strategies that generate positive discounted cash flows applied against initial investments with net present value (NPV) greater than zero. One purely economic analysis, which serves as a guidepost to this work, applies a...

27 août 2007

Corporate development : Rentokil case

Étude de cas - 9 pages - Management organisation

This assignment has been undertaken in order to estimate if it is a good opportunity for Rentokil to make a bid for the British Electric Traction or BET. The last few years were very profitable for the two companies that have decided to merge or takeover. If we analyze the growth of the CAC 40,...

06 août 2007

Sephora customer relationships management analysis

Étude de cas - 11 pages - Management organisation

The aim of this paper is to discover how Sephora has developed its power of attraction, the loyalty of its customers and prospects by setting up sophisticated and personalized customer communication strategies. Sephora is a division of Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton (LVMH), the world's leading...

01 août 2007

Boeing corporation case

Étude de cas - 6 pages - Management organisation

Travelling has become very easy and cheap in the last few years. You just have to book your flight early in order to be able to travel all over Europe for less than 60 Euros. For example, if you want to go in Spain, you can visit the website of Ryanair, choose your flight and book it. Generally,...

31 juil. 2007

Décathlon an example of segmented marketing

Étude de cas - 10 pages - Management organisation

In 1976, Michel Leclercq created Decathlon. The first supermarket, which sold sports articles, opened in Englos, near Lille. It was a new concept in France: equipping every sportsman from amateurs to professionals at the best prices. In 1986, “Decathlon Production” is born. His mission...

06 juil. 2007


Étude de cas - 26 pages - Management organisation

„Weil ich es mir wert bin.“, „Because you are worth it. “, „Parce que je le vaux bien“ Diesen bekannten Werbeslogan verbinden Verbraucher weltweit sofort mit dem L´Oréal-Konzern. L´Oréal ist heute der größte Kosmetikhersteller der Welt. Die Hauptaktivitäten...

03 juil. 2007

The Merger of Danone and the Bolshevik Biscuit Factory

Étude de cas - 15 pages - Management organisation

In this essay we will try to analyze the environment in which DANONE is competing. We will discover the strategic choices that the company has made since its creation, and the way in which it has grown to became a world leader. After presenting a quick history of the group, we will carry out a...

20 juin 2007

Die Gruppe Aldi

Étude de cas - 11 pages - Management organisation

Aldi ist einer der erfolgreichsten Lebensmittel-Discounter in Deutschland und existiert seit nunmehr fast 60 Jahren. Aldi hat sich international etabliert und ist heute mit rund 6000 Filialen in der ganzen Welt vertreten. Dieser Erfolg beruht auf der besonderen Strategie die der Discounter...

30 mai 2007

JC Decaux im internationalen Rahmen

Étude de cas - 5 pages - Management organisation

Erfinder des Konzeptes des Stadtmobiliars, JCDecaux, ist heute weltweite Nr. 2 vom Markt der Außenmitteilung und in China Nr. 1. Überall in der Welt kombiniert die Gruppe Dienst an den Bürgern, in den Städten und an den Marken in einer ständigen Sorge um Innovation. Allein tätig in der...

21 mai 2007

Heinz case

Étude de cas - 4 pages - Management organisation

Heinz is one of the most profitable companies operating in the food processing industry. This essay will try to describe the industry and environment of this company. Then, we will see how the competitive advantage has been developed within this industry. By reading the Vision of the firm, we...

21 mai 2007

Case study of General Electric

Étude de cas - 4 pages - Management organisation

Jack Welch was the CEO of General Electric (GE) from 1981 until 2001. He is regarded as one of the most successful CEOs of the 20th century. This essay intends to analyze Jack Welch's two-decade leadership by answering the question of what made him the "Manager of the Century" and GE the...

14 mai 2007

Case study: Unilever

Étude de cas - 5 pages - Management organisation

The merger of Lever Brothers and Margarine Unie, two European companies, created the company Unilever which has become one of the major players in food, personal and home care market. Unilever competes with Procter & Gamble, owing to its 400 brands, in over 100 countries all around the world. In...

24 avril 2007

Realisierung einer umfassenden betrieblichen Veränderung aus theoretischer Sicht

Étude de cas - 19 pages - Management organisation

Veränderungen lassen sich nicht managen; wie Naturgewalten brechen sie über Unternehmen herein - so dachte mancher noch vor wenigen Jahren. Seitdem hat man erkannt, Wandel nicht als Ausnahme zu betrachten, sondern als alltägliche Normalität. Zudem haben sich die Blickwinkel verschoben: anstatt...

18 avril 2007


Étude de cas - 11 pages - Management organisation

Die McDonald's Corporation ist der weltgrößte Konzern von Fast-Food-Restaurants. Der Firmensitz befindet sich in Oak Brook, Illinois. Mac Donald besteht auf ca. 31.000 Restaurants in über 100 Ländern. Mac Donald existiert weltweit und es wird immer wieder als das klassische Symbol der...

18 avril 2007

Louis Vuitton Moët Hennessy (LVMH) in Asia

Étude de cas - 23 pages - Management organisation

Louis Vuitton Moët Hennessy- is the world leader in the market of luxury products. Its net revenue in 2005 reached €14 billions and it employs 59 000 peole. As for its retail network, all over the world, more than 1700 shops have been opened. Indeed, the Group is present in 12 countries in...

11 avril 2007

Equipex: Case presentation

Étude de cas - 54 pages - Management organisation

Early 80s: Expansion of Activities in North America and Asia. Equipex's business grew with the establishment of small sales subsidiaries in India, Thailand and Indonesia. 1981: Establishment of Equipex in Karistan as a Joint Venture with a Karistane firm specialized in the same sector. 1999:...

05 avril 2007

The Bankers, A Consultancy Report assessing the Environmental Policies of Banks operating in the UK

Étude de cas - 25 pages - Management organisation

Bankers Consultancy has been commissioned to provide an analysis of the banks operating in the UK in relation to their environmental policies, in order to chart out the recommendations about a company to bank with, in view of their environmental policies and their Corporate Social Responsibility...

30 Mars 2007

Study of an innovation: SMART

Étude de cas - 2 pages - Management organisation

The innovation that I have chosen to study is the car SMART. First, before explaining the reasons for this choice, I would like to delimit the word innovation. Indeed, what is the difference between invention and innovation? One can say that innovation is the successful exploitation of new ideas,...

13 Mars 2007

Der Discount mit einem deutschen Beispiel : Aldi

Étude de cas - 7 pages - Management organisation

Der Discount ist ein wichtiger Trend seit einigen Jahren. Immer mehr Kunden machen ihre Besorgungen in den Discountgeschäften. Vorher war der Discount für die Armen. Aber er betrifft die ganze Gesellschaft heute: die Beamte, die Selbständige, die Arbeiter, die Mittelstände, die Familien mit...

08 Mars 2007

Cross cultural issues in International Business

Étude de cas - 7 pages - Management organisation

The L'atelier des chefs brand is a good example of how important it is to have a structured management in contemporary society. With the daily grind of the corporate culture leaving an indelible imprint on the workforce, it has become increasingly important that leisure and recreation companies...

06 Mars 2007

The transformation of Hoechst into Aventis

Étude de cas - 39 pages - Management organisation

The company 'Hoechst', was a chemical and pharmaceutical company founded in 1863. Hoechst and Rhône-Poulenc decide to create a subsidiary company, 'Aventis The Fusion' in 1999. How Dormann used evolution to achieve this ? What relations did Dormann develop within the company? What...

02 Mars 2007

"You are a consultant to a company considering India or China as an attractive opportunity for investment. Citing appropriate examples of other companies' experiences assess the risks involved in investing in ONE of these countries" N/B Choose either Indi

Étude de cas - 6 pages - Management organisation

India is today, considered as the seventh largest, and the world's second most populated country, with 1.1 billions inhabitants. Due to a series of reforms conducted since 1991, India has become the second fastest growing economy with an annual growth rate of around 8% over the last three...