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12 avril 2011

Betamax: Proprietary management and expansion

Étude de cas - 5 pages - Management organisation

In the last few decades, with the development of technology, different technological standards have been created. Consumers have to choose between two or more standards for one product. Development of Betamax was perhaps the most significant innovation in entertainment. It changed the way people...

11 avril 2011

Standardization: McDonald's case study

Étude de cas - 6 pages - Management organisation

“I saw McDonald's restaurants established all over the world”, says Ray Kroc, founder of McDonald's. With more than 31,600 restaurants worldwide in 2006, a new establishment opened every five hours, one every day in Europe. More than 500,000 people are employed by McDonald's. A...

06 avril 2011

Exposé sur Toyota en Anglais

Étude de cas - 1 pages - Management organisation

Powerpoint pour présentation orale niveau bac+3 (...) The Toyota spirit is based on a number of values that go back to the origins of society in nineteenth century Japan. Toyota has a wide product range of the city car to 4x4 Toyota has been elected the most concerned manufacturer about the...

05 avril 2011

La Poste et la libéralisation du marché postal par l'État

Étude de cas - 3 pages - Management organisation

Le marché de La Poste est actuellement en processus de libéralisation, conformément à la réforme définie par l'Union européenne. La fin du monopole des lettres recommandées électroniques a été décidée le mois dernier et la libéralisation du courrier en France sera totale à partir du 1er...

31 Mars 2011

Estructura, clima y organización de Ikea

Étude de cas - 13 pages - Management organisation

El nacimiento de IKEA se da en el año 1943 en manos de su fundador Ingvar Kamprad en Suecia. El nombre de IKEA está formado por las iniciales de su fundador (I.K.), más las primeras letras de “Elmtaryd” (E) y Agunnaryd (A), la granja y el pueblo donde creció al sur de Suecia. Con 17...

21 Mars 2011

Assignment intercultural management

Étude de cas - 7 pages - Management organisation

Today our world is changing, it is becoming more and more global. In this context of globalization, cultural differences are becoming more and more important. Cultural diversity is now an asset for the company. In fact, it allows companies to a better adaptation, but also to innovate and better...

18 Mars 2011

Stratégie de management de Procter & Gamble 2010

Étude de cas - 6 pages - Management organisation

Peu connue du grand public sous ce nom, l'entreprise Procter & Gamble (P&G) propose des biens de consommation dont le porte-feuille de marque est impressionnant. Gilette, Duracell, Tampax, Pringles, Ariel et Mr. Propre sont autant de marques possédées par le groupe auxquelles le consommateur...

14 Mars 2011

Intercultural Management - case of Bodega Torres

Étude de cas - 10 pages - Management organisation

Intercultural Management covers a very large sample of activities related to companies. Its tools can be used in all areas of management, including Communication, Human Resources, Marketing, Negotiation and Top Management. It allows us to easily recognize the different cultures surrounding us...

14 Mars 2011

Diagnostique Stratégique de ZARA et INDITEX :

Étude de cas - 2 pages - Management organisation

Métier de ZARA : ➢ Conception, production et commercialisation de produits vestimentaire. ➢ Plus une diversification récente vers les produits de parfumerie. Diagnostique Stratégique de ZARA et INDITEX : - Analyse concurrentielle : matrice de TOWS Force : - prix cassés,...

14 Mars 2011

Le cas swarovski

Étude de cas - 6 pages - Management organisation

Tout à commencé le jour où l'homme a réussi à obtenir une pâte plus ou moins transparente à partir de matières opaques (il y a quelque 3 500 ans). Il n'eut ensuite de cesse de la perfectionner, tendant toujours vers plus de pureté et de brillance. Comme une quête de l'absolu. À la...

14 Mars 2011

Évolution organisationnelle de l'entreprise Orange

Étude de cas - 2 pages - Management organisation

France Telecom est une entreprise française de Télécommunication. Elle fut créée en janvier 1988. France Telecom est alors un exploitant de droit public, avec une autonomie financière. Elle devient en janvier 1996 une société anonyme avec pour seul actionnaire l'Etat français, tout ceci dans...

07 Mars 2011

Intercultural Management - GlaxoSmithKline

Étude de cas - 5 pages - Management organisation

Analyze the intercultural management issues that GSK had to face at the time of the merger between Glaxo and SmithKline. Working with collaborators from different countries and nationalities is today a business reality. Globalization and development of new technologies are speeding up this...

06 Mars 2011


Étude de cas - 5 pages - Management organisation

extrait : Forts de nos ambitions futures (volonté de nous mettre au niveau des meilleurs mondiaux et de nos nouveaux développements international, e-commerce ... ). Jules a décidé de changer de logo ... ... Un nouveau logo : - Plus moderne, moins typé distribution - Plus proche de l'univers...

22 févr. 2011

Strategic Management: Club Med

Étude de cas - 7 pages - Management organisation

Building your career is like building your home and one of my goals is to create a new business in the tourism sector. That is why I conducted my study on the French company Club Mediterranean. This company exists worldwide and in some of the most exotic locations. In this analysis, I decided to...

22 févr. 2011

Les indicateurs de performance du ministère de la Santé

Étude de cas - 4 pages - Management organisation

Si la santé n'a pas de prix, elle a bel et bien un coût. La mise en place d'indicateurs de performance dans le cadre de la LOLF permet de mieux évaluer le coût des actions menées par le ministère de la Santé.

20 févr. 2011

Etude de cas sur BENETTON ESC

Étude de cas - 2 pages - Management organisation

Cette étude de cas sous forme de présentation PPT se propose d'analyser la stratégie de diversification de l'entreprise mondialement connue BENETTON.

13 févr. 2011

Marks & Spencer Case Study

Étude de cas - 5 pages - Management organisation

The hardest part for a modern business is to create a brand which is known, trusted and admired by the nation. It is a process which can take decades to get right. However, we have to keep in mind that the brand image can be destroyed in a matter of days. Currently, the company Marks & Spencer...

12 févr. 2011

Exemple d'une matrice RACI à travers l'organisation du salon étudiant du livre numérique 2011

Étude de cas - 2 pages - Management organisation

Exemple de matrice RACI à travers un projet avec impératifs de coûts et de temps.

10 févr. 2011

Management opérationnel

Étude de cas - 2 pages - Management organisation

Quelques pays émergents tel que l'Algérie citent souvent des difficultés dans la gestion des entreprises. Ces dernières sont considérées comme facteurs directs, qui palpent l'économie productive.

09 févr. 2011

Brand Management: Louis Vuitton

Étude de cas - 5 pages - Management organisation

Louis Vuitton was founded in the XIX century as a packing-case making firm. These packing cases were very useful because at that time people used to travel a lot for a long duration that lasted several months, and even several years. Packing cases of those times represent suitcases on castors....

08 févr. 2011

Comparison analysis of WWF-PETA 2011

Étude de cas - 4 pages - Management organisation

I'm a Marketing Assistant in DDB Advertising Agency, located downtown Los-Angeles in the US. My company tries to provide every customer the best ad campaigns or partnerships. The first D means « develop », the second one means « design » and the B means « build ». Moreover, DDB share some...

07 févr. 2011

Inter-cultural Management: Case L'Oreal

Étude de cas - 9 pages - Management organisation

L'Oreal is a family company founded in 1909 by Eugene Schueller. At the time, it was known as ‘Societe Française des Teintures Inoffensives pour Cheveux'. Schueller gradually convinced the Parisian hairdressers to buy his products, with the help of some sales representatives. Keeping its...

07 févr. 2011

Marketing management and strategy: A case study of the Nestle sub-brand, Nespresso

Étude de cas - 20 pages - Management organisation

Nestlé is a global company which recognizes that in order to be a successful company, one has to be competitive and cost efficient. The company put its customers first, and plans to create long lasting relationships with them, creating a luxurious exclusive experience for their coffee customers...

06 févr. 2011

TPE Mc Donald's

Étude de cas - 19 pages - Management organisation

McDonald's dans le monde : adaptation ou innovation ? C'est à cette problématique que nous avons décidé de répondre lors des TPE en classe de 1ère. Ce sujet nous a beaucoup apporté, et nous a, surtout, rapporter une très bonne note, un 20. Ce sujet est parfait pour des élèves de...

05 févr. 2011

Fairbus or Unfairbus? A case study of Airbus through five questions

Étude de cas - 6 pages - Management organisation

In this study we will try to briefly answer five questions relqted to Airbus by using concrete and recent examples and clear economic mechanisms. We will use the Airbus case to learn about the origins of the aeronautical industry in Europe, about fair or unfair competition with Boeing, about the...

03 févr. 2011

Organizational Development: Motivation through financial and non-financial incentives

Étude de cas - 7 pages - Management organisation

Nowadays, salary and non-financial incentives constitute part of the methods that companies and managers use to motivate people. Through the study of different theories of motivation and needs, we explain the most important catalysts of motivational behavior. There are no doubts that all...

03 févr. 2011

U.S Management & Leadership: Jack Welch's Leadership

Étude de cas - 4 pages - Management organisation

There are no doubts that Jack Welch, former Chief Executive Officer of General Electrics (GE), is internationally reputed for his extraordinary leadership style and business acumen within one of the most powerful American companies, more precisely, General Electrics. He definitely transformed GE...

03 févr. 2011

International Consumer Behavior-A noodle soup to Israel

Étude de cas - 5 pages - Management organisation

Our product is a new concept of noodle soup. Its primary function is obviously to nourish people but above all, it should be like a new experience to eat that noodle soup, which is not a simple noodle soup but goes further than eating noodles in hot water. Actually, we are going to offer a...

03 févr. 2011

Risk Management: Mitigating Credit Risk and Operational Risk

Étude de cas - 5 pages - Management organisation

You will be examining three organizations. Each organization is slightly different. Your task is to determine several strategies to mitigate the credit or operational risk in each organization. For each firm, describe the recommended strategy and discuss the position of the firm.

03 févr. 2011

International Management: Wal-Mart Case Study

Étude de cas - 6 pages - Management organisation

There are no doubts that Wal-Mart is internationally renowned for its huge success in the United States and as one of the biggest American companies. It is commonly known that the average turnover of Wal-Mart actually reaches the Growth Domestic Product of Sweden and this shows how important is...