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18 Janv. 2019

Events and information management - CRM (Customer Relationship Management)

Dissertation - 4 pages - Management organisation

Until very recently, businesses were more focused on selling as many products and services as possible, regardless of who was buying them. Nowadays, competition is just a click away. Companies in difficulty realize that without customers, products do not sell and revenues do not materialize. They...

18 Janv. 2019

Events and information management : MICE (Meetings, Incentive, Conferences, Exhibitions/Events)

Dissertation - 5 pages - Management organisation

Each company needs to understand its own organization, the atmosphere, the environment and its challenges, as well as how it is interacting and communicating with their customers, prospects, partners, and employees. While focusing on employees who are an extremely important factor within the...

18 Janv. 2019

Moroccan company's brand management : Bigdil

Dissertation - 7 pages - Management organisation

Bigdil is a network of stores specialized in the distribution and marketing of accessories and jewelry for women and girls. The brand has been a leader in Morocco for several years, but with an unfavorable economic context, the brand knows the failure and its stores begin to close one by one....

09 Janv. 2019

Steve Jobs (1955 - 2011) : the hungry leader

Dissertation - 6 pages - Management organisation

A monumental leader like Steve Jobs required a monumental biography, but one that neither falls into the trap of panegyric or hagiography, nor into that of prosecution or indictment ; which is often how the stories of those who became great leaders of their times is told. To put it simply, since...

09 Oct. 2018

Le rôle des cadres dans le changement en entreprise

Dissertation - 3 pages - Management organisation

Concurrence féroce oblige, les organisations vivent presque perpétuellement dans le changement. Quand ce n'est pas un nouveau système informatique, ce sont des compressions à la suite d'une fusion. Bref, s'adapter est désormais synonyme de survie pour les entreprises. Quel est le rôle des cadres...

20 Sept. 2018

Organisation du système d'information (SI)

Dissertation - 4 pages - Management organisation

"Ensemble organisé de ressources techniques, organisationnelles et humaines, requises pour le traitement des informations nécessaires à la stratégie et aux métiers de l'entreprise" (Vuibert, 2004). Une organisation crée de la valeur en traitant l'information (principalement dans le cas...

17 Sept. 2018

Lexical and phraseological peculiarities of business speeches

Dissertation - 2 pages - Management organisation

Communication is one of the principal criteria for describing activity that is human. Communication can be understood as the practice of producing meanings, and the ways in which systems of meaning are negotiated by participants in a culture. There are three primary means people use to...

17 Sept. 2018

Country risks in Kazakhstan and Franum's project assessement

Dissertation - 34 pages - Management organisation

In this report we will firstly make an overview on Kazakhstan's business perspective by analyzing its economic, political, and financial and business country risks. In the second part we will point out and assess some main risks based on the firm Franum's project which consists of...

17 Sept. 2018

Group project - Personal attributes of leadership

Dissertation - 4 pages - Management organisation

The leader may bear different responsibilities that are more or less defined. The power he may have given access to the distribution of responsibilities to his team, the delegation of power to subordinates, and finally to encourage each member of the group to be responsible for the results of the...

17 Sept. 2018

Organizational behavior - Final presentation

Dissertation - 4 pages - Management organisation

Many topics have attracted my attention throughout the class. One was particularly interesting from my point of view, this is the study of values within a company. My various research focused primarily on: the impact of national culture on corporate culture, but also on major cultural...

17 Sept. 2018

Organizational behavior - Deciphering your company's culture

Dissertation - 4 pages - Management organisation

The corporate culture concept is not new. Indeed, it's been a few years that entrepreneurs looking to set up a 'spirit house', right inside their companies, characterizing the specificity of their experience by reporting to rival companies. This first observation underlines the...

23 août 2018

La culture d'entreprise - publié le 23/08/2018

Dissertation - 5 pages - Management organisation

Le concept de culture d'entreprise n'est pas inédit. En effet, cela fait déjà quelques années que les entrepreneurs cherchent à mettre en place un "esprit maison", à l'intérieur même de leurs entreprises, caractérisant la spécificité de leur expérience par rapport aux sociétés...

23 août 2018

Business et imagination - Le comportement organisationnel

Dissertation - 5 pages - Management organisation

De nombreux sujets ont attiré mon attention tout au long de cette classe. Un a particulièrement été intéressant de mon point de vue. Il s'agit de l'étude des valeurs au sein d'une entreprise. Mes différentes recherches étaient axées principalement sur : l'impact de la culture...

19 févr. 2018

Le management d'équipe - Prise de conscience

Dissertation - 5 pages - Management organisation

Ce cours m'a permis de prendre conscience de l'importance de valoriser les membres de son équipe et pas seulement une journée dans l'année, comme le jour de l'entretien annuel par exemple. Il est important de ne pas être dans la logique "de toute manière c'est son travail, il est rémunéré pour...

13 Oct. 2017

Système d'information et finance

Dissertation - 3 pages - Management organisation

La LSF adoptée en 2003, a pour objectif de redonner confiance au marché financier français, suite à des scandales financiers comme des cas de fraudes comptables, des erreurs de gestion et le non-respect des lois. La LSF a pour objectif de donner plus de transparence et de fiabilité concernant...

16 août 2017

What are the barriers to effective participation and how might they be overcome?

Dissertation - 5 pages - Management organisation

In the recent years there has been an important growth in the popularity of employee involvement schemes under the aegis of employee empowerment and participation. Employees became one of the most valuable resource of an organization (Holden, 1994), and participation, one of the best practice...

17 juil. 2017

Research work for personal development: supply chain management, logistics...

Dissertation - 19 pages - Management organisation

I am interested in the supply chain management, logistics, but also in the purchase. In the future, I would like to work in these areas that have an interconnected network. I took advantage of having to do these interviews to focus more about what I am interested in. So I decided to seek in the...

06 mai 2017

Les divers types de coordination dans l'organisation du travail

Dissertation - 4 pages - Management organisation

Henri Fayol est le premier penseur à avoir théorisé l'idée de la coordination dans l'entreprise. A ce titre, il est considéré comme l'un des précurseurs du management. Fayol a défini dans ses travaux les cinq fonctions du manager, dont la fonction de la coordination. Henri Fayol est...

06 Sept. 2016

To what extent can improvements in productive flow and product quality lead to an increase in sales and profit?

Dissertation - 4 pages - Management organisation

The 19th century industrial revolution, characterized mostly by an intensification of human and economic flows and major technological progress led to major disruptions on both the industrial and social spheres. These gave a trigger to improvements in industrial techniques such as productive...

06 juin 2016

Conduite du changement - La restructuration d'une entreprise

Dissertation - 12 pages - Management organisation

La restructuration d'une entreprise est une conduite de projet aux enjeux importants pour une entreprise. En effet, restructurer une organisation revient à créer des déséquilibres qui peuvent avoir une répercussion importante sur la gestion quotidienne des affaires internes comme externe. La...

03 mai 2016

Comment rendre la gestion des hôpitaux plus performante ?

Dissertation - 6 pages - Management organisation

A l'heure où la performance s'incarne à tous les niveaux de l'organisation hospitalière, un mot revient sans cesse, celui d'outil. Chaque thématique, chaque point de vigilance, chaque gisement de performance doivent au préalable faire l'objet d'un diagnostic, qui a désormais moins vocation à être...

18 avril 2016

Le management de la diversité contribue-t-il à la performance des entreprises ?

Dissertation - 58 pages - Management organisation

Depuis quelques années, les mentalités au sein des entreprises évoluent et la diversité des ressources humaines est de plus en plus considérée comme un atout pour la performance économique. Au sein des entreprises, on voit se développer un management d'un genre...

15 Mars 2016

The organizational cultural dimensions, and the Bulgarian business mentality

Dissertation - 8 pages - Management organisation

Globalization and open markets have enabled the interconnection of worlds. These phenomena have simultaneously accelerated the transformation of modes of thought and consumption. But in this time of economic crisis and increased competition, the need to adapt and diversify its teams is imposed on...

15 Mars 2016

The factors shaping the capitalist spirit according to Max Weber and Werner Sombart

Dissertation - 2 pages - Management organisation

The word "capitalism" appeared in the late nineteenth century, with the German Socialists. Later, this word was used by economists, historians and sociologists, as W. Sombart who in 1902 published his book Der modern Kapitalismus or Max Weber published in 1904 protestantische Die Ethik und der...

15 Mars 2016

Portrait of the Bulgarian Businessman : Cultural origins of the capitalistic spirit in Bulgaria

Dissertation - 4 pages - Management organisation

In 1946, the Bulgarian Communist Party ended the Bulgarian Monarchy in order to establish a "people's democracy"; it was the Communist era in the country. Bulgaria is still a predominantly agricultural nation, a policy of collectivization of land is decided; the government imposes, in...

15 Mars 2016

A vision statement of the Business organization in Bulgaria

Dissertation - 4 pages - Management organisation

Early theories of work organization appeared in the early 1900s, with the current of the classical school born of Taylorism and Fordism. There is a horizontal and vertical division of labor. It is the manual activity that dominates, and the work is painful. Then, a reflection begins to embark on...

16 févr. 2016

Competitiveness of the European Union versus the main economic power of the world

Dissertation - 12 pages - Management organisation

The European Union (EU) is an economic and political union composed of 28 Member States born February 7, 1992 by the Treaty of Maastricht. With a total population of over 500 million inhabitants, the EU is the world's leading economic power and generates 25% of global GDP. It is also a...

12 Nov. 2015

Peut-on gérer un musée comme une entreprise ?

Dissertation - 3 pages - Management organisation

L'International Council of Museums (ICOM), créé en 1946 par des professionnels de musées pour des professionnels de musées, définit le musée comme une « institution permanente sans but lucratif au service de la société et de son développement ouvert au public qui acquiert, conserve, étudie,...

30 Oct. 2015

La emprendeduria: aspectos psicológicos, económicos, socio-culturales para volver un emprendedor

Dissertation - 4 pages - Management organisation

Porque que hay individuos que perciben las oportunidades y el entorno emprendedor de forma tan diferente? Qué es lo que predispone estas personas a ser emprendedores y a constituir su propia empresa? A través de los cuatros artículos propuestos, amén de algunas otras estudias, definiré que es un...

29 Oct. 2015

Legislación francesa hotelera en materia de precios

Dissertation - 4 pages - Management organisation

Analizaré la legislación hotelera francesa actual, sobre el régimen de precios y servicios complementarios en establecimientos de alojamiento turístico. Realizare una investigación en dos etapas: en un primer lugar, analizare la adecuación de esta legislación con las necesidades del sector, y en...