L'architecture des systèmes d'information
Dissertation - 27 pages - Management organisation
Exposé sur l'architecture au sein des systèmes d'informations. Qu'est-ce que l'architecture ? Quelles démarches l'entreprise va-t-elle suivre pour se développer ? Vous trouverez aussi deux exemples qui illustrent la théorie.
How do we allocate time to manage risk ? - 'Resource Response Time'
Dissertation - 25 pages - Management organisation
How do we allocate time to manage risk? Risk management began in companies through the evaluation of insurance. It has evolved through time, evolved till it emerged as what is now called Enterprise Risk Management. This is now described as a real competitive advantage for a company to handle its...
Could training and education help people to become innovative and entrepreneurial?
Dissertation - 2 pages - Management organisation
Can training and education help people to become innovative and entrepreneurial? The topic on which I have been instructed to expound, is "training and education could help people to become innovative and entrepreneurial". However, before agreeing with the sentence, I am going to discuss it in...
Tim Costello - Self made millionaire
Dissertation - 5 pages - Management organisation
Tim Costello is the owner, founder and creator of the business ?Baby Elegance', which is the only Irish manufacturer of baby clothes and accessories. I consider Tim Costello an entrepreneur for many reasons. The first reason is as an obvious one, as I have already stated that he is the...
Gestion du Stress
Dissertation - 22 pages - Management organisation
Suite aux suicides répétitifs de ces deux dernières années dus notamment aux conditions de travail, à l'immobilisme statutaire, aux stress et pressions quotidiennes dans des entreprises telles que Renault, il apparaît que le stress en entreprise est un sujet brûlant et dérangeant. Aujourd'hui, un...
Managing Ethics
Dissertation - 14 pages - Management organisation
Consumers growing societal and ethical concern has lead them to primarily focus on a company's social performance, when deciding which one to favour with their spending. Managers, of a growing number of western large scale organizations are aware of this consumer position towards their...
Corporate Social Responsibility How far should it go?
Dissertation - 16 pages - Management organisation
Corporate Social Responsability, how far should it go? Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is 'the policy and practice of a corporation social involvement beyond its legal obligations for the benefit of the society at large'. CSR aims to make any negative impact small or non existent,...
Profile of Mrs Sofia Augousta - A South African woman leader
Dissertation - 12 pages - Management organisation
M other of two children, Mrs. Sofia Augousta (Sofia) is working in the top management of a family business in Bloemfontein (South Africa): DMN Family Trust, well known under the name N. Georgiou Business Consultants. Because people see her like a housewife, she is glowing with energy...
La prospection en grande distribution spécialisée
Dissertation - 21 pages - Management organisation
La prospection des clients consiste à utiliser l'ensemble des techniques du marketing et de la vente pour identifier de nouveaux clients potentiels (suspects, prospects et clients inactifs), afin de les transformer en clients actifs réels. Réputée comme fastidieuse et difficile, elle fait...
Le management interculturel - publié le 15/04/2008
Dissertation - 37 pages - Management organisation
Cours de management portant sur le management interculturel. Les communications interculturelles surtout pour les entreprises internationalisées ou bien en cours d'internationalisation.
Corporate strategy and the role of HRM
Dissertation - 15 pages - Management organisation
Throughout The Thirty Glorious Ones, HRM started adapting to strategies. Indeed, this period is defined by a spectacular economic growth in which products are uniform and in which customer's needs are the last preoccupations of companies. Thus, the Taylor-Ford model finds in this...
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act - publié le 12/04/2008
Dissertation - 3 pages - Management organisation
On July 30, 2002, President Bush signed into law a revolutionary Act: the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, also known as the Public Company Accounting Reform and Investor Protection Act. In the wake of many financial scandals, this law establishes new accounting and control requirements on U.S. publicly owned...
Comparatif des différents types d'exportation
Dissertation - 6 pages - Management organisation
Tableau comparatif des différents types d'exportation qui s'offrent aux entreprises qui en ont besoin. Après ce tableau, chacune des sortes d'exportation est définie, ses avantages et ses inconvénients pesés afin de voir à quel type d'entreprise elle est adaptée.
Are the French rail strikes ethical?
Dissertation - 11 pages - Management organisation
What are ethics? The definition of the dictionary is the following: a set of principles of right conduct. It is linked to morality too. We can find this concept in a lot of aspects of life. It touches the social environment. A good person is someone who follows an ethical and moral...
Le management tunisien : orientation arabe ou méditerranéenne ?
Dissertation - 16 pages - Management organisation
Recherche se proposant de positionner les spécificités culturelles du management en Tunisie par rapport au management dans les pays méditerranéens ? latins ainsi que dans les pays arabes. L'étude est basée sur l'application du projet GLOBE sur un échantillon de 106 middle managers...
Application pratique de la méthode AMDEC
Dissertation - 12 pages - Management organisation
L'AMDEC a été employée pour la première fois à partir des années 1960 dans le domaine de l'aéronautique pour l'analyse de la sécurité des avions. Ce type d'analyse a été largement utilisé par la NASA notamment pour la conception du module lunaire LEM. La mise en oeuvre s'est...
Welche Zusammenhänge und Spannungsfelder sind zu beachten für Auslagerungs-/Outsourcing-entscheide über Gemeindeaufgaben?
Dissertation - 34 pages - Management organisation
Im Folgenden sollen unter Zuhilfenahme der Methode des Ganzheitlichen Problemlösens, wie sie von Gomez und Probst proklamiert (beschrieben) wird, eben jene Zusammenhänge und Spannungsfelder, die bei der Auslagerung von Gemeindeaufgaben zu beachten sind, herausgearbeitet werden. Dazu soll zunächst...
Corporate entrepreneurship as a winning strategy
Dissertation - 13 pages - Management organisation
To survive and to enable continued growth in today's fast changing environment, large corporations need to continually renew themselves through new products and new businesses. In some instances this involves dealing with advanced technology. To illustrate this adaptation, I chose as an example...
Corporate culture
Dissertation - 10 pages - Management organisation
Culture appears for many managers as a quite simple deal: it corresponds to what the company stands for, its identity, being widespread in the organization, easy to manipulate and to embed, a tool for making all the stakeholders going in the same direction. It's labeled the...
Risk management: Triple bottom line concept
Dissertation - 10 pages - Management organisation
Risk is an important part of all businesses in the world. No business can exist without confronting with high and low, evitable and inevitable risks. For this purpose, the process of risk management is one of the most crucial activities of a business. Risk management is one of the most...
Leadership: Jack Welch, CEO of GE (1981-2001)
Dissertation - 13 pages - Management organisation
The last decade has witnessed the rise of some very charismatic leaders. One of them, Jack Welch, CEO of General Electric (GE) from 1981 to 2001, was among the most admired and respected leaders. Named in 1999 by the Fortune magazine as Manager of the century', Jack Welch was more than a...
La résistance au changement collectif
Dissertation - 17 pages - Management organisation
En premier lieu nous avons cherché à définir les termes de résistance et de changement. Le changement apparaît comme une transition, un processus qui permet de passer d'un état à un autre. Il convient ainsi de comprendre comment les gens s'adaptent au changement et de savoir comment négocier le...
Peut-on manager la création de valeur ? - publié le 29/03/2008
Dissertation - 9 pages - Management organisation
La création de valeur est une notion complexe traduisant le besoin et l'attachement à un produit ou à un service. Créer de la valeur pour l'actionnaire aujourd'hui, est une action recherchée et souhaitée par tous les dirigeants d'entreprise. Cette notion permet d'évaluer la pérennité de...
L'Economie de l'Innovation
Dissertation - 6 pages - Management organisation
L'objet de mon intervention est de mettre en lumière l'importance de l'innovation dans l'économie actuelle en examinant un concept d'apparition récente qui est l'Economie de l'Innovation (EI). Après une courte définition et une mise en perspective historique, j'essaierai d'expliquer ce concept en...
The main sources of stress in the workplace today, identification and solutions
Dissertation - 12 pages - Management organisation
Stress at work was an unknown topic before its appearance in the context of globalization, which may approximately be dated right after World War two. Western companies were becoming more and more tied to results and new markets, and competition had totally changed the landscape of organizations....
knowledge management report
Dissertation - 8 pages - Management organisation
The long-term survival of any company is dependent on its ability to generate and exploit innovative ideas, bringing to market those products or services that differentiate it from its rivals. While most companies may dismiss this statement as something of a truism, only a few take proactive...
Gérer et résoudre les conflits
Dissertation - 27 pages - Management organisation
Une approche en profondeur du phénomène des conflits intergroupes et interpersonnels au sein des organisations.
Cause marketing: Trend or basic notion of marketing?
Dissertation - 11 pages - Management organisation
1 liter bought, 10 liters extracted in Niger with UNICEF; for four months we could see this inscription on the Volvic water bottles (to February 15th until June 15th 2007). Since few years we can see this type of shares progressively growing. In the aim to understand this phenomenon,...
Etude comparative sur la création ou la reprise d'entreprise
Dissertation - 41 pages - Management organisation
Pour construire un projet de création d'entreprise ou reprendre un projet déjà existant, il est important de respecter différentes étapes de processus afin de réussir. Une entreprise est une structure économique et sociale comprenant une ou plusieurs personnes et travaillant de manière...
Organisation du département techniques de commercialisation de l'IUT A Paul Sabatier, Toulouse
Dissertation - 21 pages - Management organisation
Dans le cadre de notre formation en 1re année en Techniques de Commercialisation, nous sommes amenés à réaliser des activités en groupe relatif à la vie en entreprise.