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54 résultats

12 avril 2011

India's supply chain challenges in the retail industry

Étude de cas - 6 pages - Logistique

This academic paper explores the Indian retail industry. The focus point of the paper is on the supply chain challenges that the industry faces. Needless being said, India has been singled out as one of the fastest growing economies in emerging markets, so it is not a surprise that the...

15 Mars 2011

cas naveral

Étude de cas - 2 pages - Logistique

Cas navéral : Sujet final pour le master 1 en distribution physique. Objectif du cas : Etre capable de gérer la distribution physique à l'échelle d'un continent

26 févr. 2011

Etude de cas - Exportation de Mascara (Colmar [FR] - Manaus [BR])

Étude de cas - 7 pages - Logistique

Le Brésil est le plus grand marché d'Amérique latine et figure parmi les cinq premiers marchés mondiaux pour les cosmétiques et les produits de soin. Les principaux fabricants brésiliens de cosmétiques n'hésitent plus à s'appuyer sur leurs succès locaux pour se lancer à l'assaut...

03 févr. 2011

Supply Chain Management II

Étude de cas - 5 pages - Logistique

There is no doubt that the individual performance in the Beer Game cannot be taken as a component of our final grade for this course. The thing is that we cannot get an individual performance and grade because the game was based on teamwork, so that it is of course complex to attribute a grade...

03 févr. 2011

Supply Chain Management I

Étude de cas - 1 pages - Logistique

For introducing this seminar on the supply chain management, we started by watching a short video showing the assembly of an Airbus plane within the manufacturing plant of Toulouse. Regarding the content of the video, we cannot deny that an Airbus plane is made from different parts coming from...

03 juin 2010

Logistics planning technique and applications

Étude de cas - 12 pages - Logistique

Exercise 1: We have to solve a linear programming system, concerning a cost transport optimisation. To minimise the total transport cost, we have to use the linear programming mathematical model. Exercise 2: We have to find an appropriate place for a new distribution centre by using the Gravity...

03 juin 2010

Logistics Management- Tesco's Supply Chain

Étude de cas - 6 pages - Logistique

Tesco is one of the most important grocery and general merchandising retail chains in the world, and the largest British retailer. It was founded in 1919 by Jack Cohen in East London. The company had a turnover of 59.4 billion for 2009. During the three last decades, the group has increased its...

01 juin 2010

Le transport de fruits depuis le Chili vers la France - infrastructures et moyens

Étude de cas - 2 pages - Logistique

La empresa SEG, localizada en Valparaíso (Chile) vende 8 toneladas de manzanas y 14 toneladas de naranjas que se deben entregar a un consignatario localizado en el puerto de Marsella (Francia). El comprador es la empresa Tuttifruti, localizada en Lyón (Francia). El incoterm que comprador y...

04 Mars 2009

Supply chain management at Honey Baked Ham of Ohio

Étude de cas - 4 pages - Logistique

A company presents different issues concerning its supply chain system. As we can see, there are 51 stores spread in 10 states. This seems to be a lot to manage for only one operator working out of Ohio. 9 of the 10 markets are over 1,000 miles away. We can also see that the different stores...

02 févr. 2009

Organization of Renault's supply chain

Étude de cas - 13 pages - Logistique

The objective of this study is to develop the international supply chain of Renault, the French car maker. Nevertheless, the diversity of the information and the great number of firms on the market made it difficult for us not to give examples and arguments based on other car makers. Therefore,...

02 févr. 2009

Organization of Lyon terminal inside the CNR (Compagnie Nationale du Rhône)

Étude de cas - 12 pages - Logistique

The CNR or Compagnie Nationale du Rhône has several main activities: - First, it is an independent electricity producer. Thanks to its electric plants, the company produces around 16 billion kwh that have been sold directly to the European market since 2001. In order to do this, the CNR signed a...

02 févr. 2009

The Ikea site visit : organisation of Saint Quentin Fallavier platform

Étude de cas - 16 pages - Logistique

IKEA is a privately held international low-cost home-furnishings retailer. It was founded in 1943 in Sweden by Ingvar Kamprad, but is now owned by a Dutch-registered foundation, which is still controlled by the Kamprad family. This foundation, whose offices are in the Netherlands, Sweden and...

10 Janv. 2009

From a new organization, to sustainable development: case study of " Bounce of C2D "

Étude de cas - 27 pages - Logistique

After the first case study of C2D, the second case study titled "Bounce of C2D? is presented. This first deliverable is an overview of the project that presents the new management of stock. Schemes and explications will show our final solution, which is based to a restocking set time and quantity...

02 Janv. 2009

Starbucks France: The value chain

Étude de cas - 2 pages - Logistique

Found in 1971, Starbucks Corporation is the leader in the coffee shops industry, with a turnover of $9,411.5 million in 2007 (source: Datamonitor). Its main activity is to manage coffee shops (85% of its turnover) and to sell licenses (10,9%), but Starbucks has also diversified its activity...

20 déc. 2008

Logistics gateway to Europe

Étude de cas - 28 pages - Logistique

The project for a logistics gateway to Europe is about to set up a physical distribution system into the European market. The distribution system has to be developed for a non-European company with a new or existing product in a European market. Therefore we had to chose a couple of European...

03 Oct. 2008

Les réseaux de distribution traditionnels au Maroc

Étude de cas - 6 pages - Logistique

Cette fiche dresse un rapide panorama des réseaux de distribution traditionnels au Maroc en 2008: d'abord les marchés de gros (on en dénombre 30 sur l'ensemble du territoire marocain), dont le principal est celui de Casablanca, puis le souk rural, qui remplit une fonction importante dans...

08 avril 2008

Car import logistics: Responding to changes

Étude de cas - 8 pages - Logistique

The whole car industry in Europe is experiencing great changes, mostly due to a new regulation imposed by the European Union of the Block Exemption. Aimed at increasing competition in car distribution, those new rules will have an impact on every actor involved, from manufacturers to car dealers...

08 avril 2008

Improving the most important logistics- Changing the supply chain of International Federation of Red Cross Red crescent Societies (IFRC)

Étude de cas - 12 pages - Logistique

Logistics management is “that part of the supply chain process that plans, implements and controls the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, services and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption in order to meet customers' requirements”. This...

27 févr. 2008

Rezidor SAS: CRM in the hospitality industry

Étude de cas - 9 pages - Logistique

It's a key issue for Rezidor SAS to know who its customers are and what are their needs and expectations in order to align the best strategy in order to target them and to make them more loyal. Moreover, it will allow determining who customers are the most profitable. The CRM vision of the...

17 févr. 2008


Étude de cas - 9 pages - Logistique

For the past few years, the profits of ALKO have shrunk because of a more active concurrence. Then, the board of directors of this company, which produces lighting fixtures, decided to hire Gary Fisher to try to find a solution to reduce the delivery costs. After having studied how the company...

22 févr. 2007

Faurecia: Lieferant der Automobilindustrie (Praktikumsbericht)

Étude de cas - 35 pages - Logistique

In diesem Praktikumsbericht will ich meine Erfahrungen bei Faurecia erzählen. Dieses 3monatige Praktikum habe ich bei Faurecia absolviert, einem französischen Unternehmen mit Standorten unter anderem in Deutschland. Faurecia ist Lieferant in der Automobilindustrie. Ich habe in einem der...

22 Nov. 2006

Foxtel TCO Analysis

Étude de cas - 50 pages - Logistique

Sourcing in China started with low-tech products but it has evolved beyond that, says Jim Hemerling, a senior vice president in The Boston Consulting Group's Shanghai office. "Now, in addition to traditional products, another huge area is consumer electronics. I believe the next big wave will...

21 Nov. 2006

Total Productive Maintenance

Étude de cas - 9 pages - Logistique

Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) relates to managing activities that are productive and implemented by each individual in an organization. The main focus of TPM is to maximize the overall equipment effectiveness of the asset which is utilized to produce the goods and services. TPM was an...

21 Nov. 2006

Global Logistics: Ikea's global supply chain model

Étude de cas - 28 pages - Logistique

The decisions regarding the supply chain design highly depends of the kind of products or services a company is dealing with. Issues such as the sourcing location or the distribution method will be affected by a whole range of requirements given by the nature of the products. In the first part...