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28 déc. 2006

Jan Toorop

Dissertation - 18 pages - Histoire de l'art

The works of Jan Toorop, in the context of the Dutch art and its interpretations, is the central theme of this document. The scope of his work ranges from the 17th century to the early 20th century. The decision to retain Jan Toorop as the central theme of the assignment is attributable to two...

15 Janv. 2007

Artaud's theatrical principles

Dissertation - 5 pages - Arts divers

Artaud stated that ‘theatre is first ritualistic and magical, in other words bound to powers, […] and whose effectiveness is conveyed through gesture, directly linked to the rites of theatre which is the very practice and the expression of a hunger for magical and spiritual...

09 févr. 2011

Opportunities and Limitations in targeting the Grey Segment: Example of the French Tourist Industry

Mémoire - 40 pages - Théories & notions économiques

Purpose - To improve the knowledge base concerning the growing senior population. Objectives - Assess the potentiality of the senior tourism market in France, by understanding their behavior and expectations. We also tried to analyze the attitudes of seniors towards advertising and Internet....

17 mai 2013

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald (A Summary)

Dissertation - 3 pages - Littérature

The story of Gatsby can be regarded as the story of universal ideas, which came to be defined in the 1920s. On the surface, it tells the story of thwarted love between some of the characters. On the background, however, it encompasses a larger set of problems. For example, it is partly focused...

22 juil. 2014

Constitutionalism: Marbury vs. Madison Case

Dissertation - 1 pages - Relations internationales

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness'. These unalienable rights were granted by the Founding Fathers to all humans, America and the Americans have always seemed to epitomize at best these values. At the heart of the American dream has ever, from the very beginning of its...

17 Oct. 2006

The hidden motivations behind the religious discourse of George W. Bush and his decision to go to war in Iraq

Dissertation - 91 pages - Sciences politiques

Today's American exeptionalism is not only related to the myth of the American dream and to the U.S. military and economic superiority, but also to the role of religion in the American domestic and foreign policy. The president, himself, a born again Christian, does not hesitate to use...

30 Mars 2009

American history and society : how could the USA is changed for better?

Dissertation - 3 pages - Sciences politiques

Most people, at first sight, have the wrong image of the U.S.A. In the poorest countries, and even in European and other wealthy countries, a lot of people associate the U.S.A. with the image of "a golden land? as the media portrays. For the poor people, the US is a country where they hope...

02 avril 2011

Working with spiritual and emotional intelligence

Dissertation - 10 pages - Philosophie

Life is hard and there is many way to be able to do it more comfortable. Indeed, all of us are different and have different needs. That is why we should share with others we have to live with. But, even if I think it is good in some situation, it is not the case in some others....

14 déc. 2006

Analysing the advertisements of Adidas and Reebok

Étude de cas - 13 pages - Marketing sportif

This document presents the advertisement campaigns of Reebok and Adidas. Perhaps the most important reason for choosing these brands is that both companies target the same segment of the sportswear market; they aim to sell their products to young, urban and modern followers of fashion and not...

16 juil. 2014

Captains of the clouds

Dissertation - 7 pages - Relations internationales

The job of a fighter pilot has always made people dream and is always presented as a perfect job. We all know how intelligent and strong are the fighter pilots but we never talk about the drawbacks, we are never shown the other side of this job. The aim of this project is to learn more...

24 Oct. 2013

Compare and contrast the presentation of the experience of war and its reality by soldiers and civilians in "Dulce et Decorum Est" and "The Last Night". Remember to examine and discuss the use of language: viewpoint and tone, figures of speech, st

Étude de cas - 5 pages - Littérature

The two texts that I am going to compare and contrast are “Dulce et Decorum Est”, a poem by Wilfred Owen and “The Last Night” an extract from Charlotte Gray, novel written by Sebastian Faulks. Both recount an episode of the war, and how it really affected the people. The aim...

15 févr. 2008

Calvin Klein and Tommy Hilfiger - Distribution (2006)

Présentation - 61 pages - Finance

Since the existing markets of Calvin Klein and Tommy Hilfiger were saturated, both companies have been actively seeking to expand through new markets, via distribution as well new target populations. American spirit is core to the lifestyle aesthetic as well as business style of both...

08 févr. 2010

Advertising and communication plan - the mobil home

Étude de cas - 7 pages - Communication

The mobile home we come up with is between middle range and high range of accomodation for hoildays. Its features are the following: luxurious and designed with being a warm and cozy home at the same time. Besides, a 'blancket' roof structure, metallic structures, and isolating sandwichs...

13 Sept. 2008

New British second homeowners in the French countryside: The Cathar country's case

Étude de cas - 35 pages - Sociologie & sciences sociales

The study examined the motivations of the British buying a second home in France and more particularly in the “Cathar Country”. The research then focused on their economic impacts on the region, and their integration in the local community. Antagonism of the British second homeowners...

03 juil. 2023

The Idea of progress - publié le 28/07/2020

Présentation - 3 pages - Linguistique & langues

Problématique: What effect does this progress have on our society? Does it have a positive or a negative effect? premiere partie :Technological progress (man vs machine ) Deuxième partie :Scientific progress (brave new world, manipulating mother nature) Troisième partie : social...

05 Sept. 2014

Intercultural management: analytical analysis of the Walt Disney company

Étude de cas - 12 pages - Management organisation

The Walt Disney Company, founded in 1923 is today is confronted to global business. The cartoon movies are aired globally and viewed all over the world and Walt Disney is also known for its theme parks. The theme parks in the United States and in other countries are visited by tourists across the...

27 avril 2004

The image of the Pig in "Butcher Boy" by Patrick McCabe

Dissertation - 6 pages - Littérature

What are the meanings of the image of the pig and what different ideas does it enable to support and to highlight ? Besides, how does the main character react to this image and what impact does it have on him ? After reminding the classical meanings expressed by the image of the pig, I...

30 mai 2012

Analysis of the toy industry

Étude de cas - 9 pages - Management organisation

In the current economic situation, the lexical field declines through many adjectives such as unemployment, or crisis. The world is in an uncertain climate for the economic part but the social part too. It is during the Christmas period that we can forget theses bad news. The magic of Christmas...

21 Oct. 2014

Motorcycles industry: Ducati at the conquest of the world

Étude de cas - 4 pages - Marketing automobile

The motorcycle market is a worldwide market within four mains segments: off-road, cruisers, touring and sport bikes. Ducati, a historically relatively small actor with 6.7% of the market, is now facing international competition and would like to gain market shares. This study is about how Ducati...

17 Sept. 2018

Organizational behavior - Final presentation

Dissertation - 4 pages - Management organisation

Many topics have attracted my attention throughout the class. One was particularly interesting from my point of view, this is the study of values within a company. My various research focused primarily on: the impact of national culture on corporate culture, but also on major cultural...

29 août 2006

Airbus, A380 - Company profile

Étude de cas - 41 pages - Économie générale

Airbus is one of the world's leading suppliers of commercial aircraft. This 100-seater boasts a major portion of the market share of annual deliveries worldwide. Its market share has grown from 15% in 1990 to 52% in 2003. On December 31, 2003, its backlog of orders (1,454 aircraft) stood at...

26 févr. 2013

The corrosion of character: The personal consequences of work in the new capitalism

Étude de cas - 2 pages - Philosophie politique

The text we have is extracted from a book written by Richard Sennett in 1998 about new capitalism and its consequences on work and on personal lives. In this extract we have two chapters of the book. The first chapter, called “Drift”, is based on a true story of a family...

31 mai 2007

The Australian aboriginal culture

Dissertation - 9 pages - Sociologie & sciences sociales

The Aborigines are native Australians, the first population of the country. They have been living there for more than 40,000 years and are one of the oldest populations in the world. Several archeological studies have been carried out, but they have not been able to find a...

23 Nov. 2006

Airline companies strategy and Open Skies Agreement

Étude de marché - 9 pages - Stratégie

From Icarus to Airbus 380, the dream of the “flying man” seems to be universal. During the 20th century this dream was becoming real through the development of the plane and airline companies which manage it. The rising need to travel has obliged the authorities to...

24 mai 2013

Knowledge, power and development

Étude de cas - 5 pages - Sciences de l'éducation

United Nations report 1951: rapid economic progress and painful adjustments Truman: ‘fair deal' - the US and the world have to solve the problems of the underdeveloped areas (misery, food inadequate, poverty, disease…). He develops the idea that humanity has the knowledge to...

11 août 2014

Case study: Bulgari a Diversification Strategy

Étude de cas - 14 pages - Brand management

First, we have to distinguish two different types of competitors. The luxury brands, whose core activities are jewelry, watches and other personal goods, and invest in hotels don't have the same objectives as brands for which hotels represent the principal activity. If we consider...

12 févr. 2009

Estados Unidos : política exterior contemporánea, Samuel Huntington y el "Sueño Americano"

Dissertation - 7 pages - Relations internationales

El tema de la inmigración en los Estados Unidos es un tema muy actual. Los hispanos son hoy en día, el grupo minoritario más grande de los Estados Unidos. Más de 10% de la población de éste país habla español. Algunos intelectuales osan decir que los hispanos, que ahora empiezan a tener una mayor...

27 août 2007

"Wonderland as a poetic world"

Fiche de lecture - 5 pages - Littérature

Published in 1865, Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland offers us a story characterized by humour, fantasy and nonsense. Originally entitled Alice's Adventures Under Ground, it tells how the young Alice dreams she follows a White Rabbit down to a rabbit hole, and how she...

06 Sept. 2014

What do the new Americans aspire to ? traité en français et en anglais

Fiche - 3 pages - Questions sociales, morales & enseignement civique

Des milliers d'immigrants affluent vers les États-Unis chaque année dans la poursuite de grands rêves. Le rêve américain est l'idée selon laquelle n'importe quelle personne vivant aux États-Unis, par son travail, son courage et sa détermination, peut devenir prospère. What do the new...

22 juil. 2014

The news, a place of exercise in self report

Dissertation - 9 pages - Psychologie

"When we come to refer to their works (Romans Apollinaire and Jules), we take responsibility to dream anonymously within what they have written or painted, focusing, for example, in a deliberate way on such detail or such phrase that does not in itself (if that expression in a...