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Oeuvre : I have a dream

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21 Sept. 2014

The frontier between life and death in the history of cinema

Thèse - 15 pages - Cinéma

The old conception of death has always been scary and morbid, a thing that has always been hard to accept, so that it had to be mysterious. Something that people would not want to talk about, that was considered as a taboo. Of course, it was the same as all the taboo subjects, like the cinema, as...

14 Oct. 2009

Mc Donald's corporation, an American dream?

Étude de cas - 3 pages - Questions sociales, morales & enseignement civique

McDonald's Corporation is the world's largest chain of fast-food restaurants, primarily selling hamburgers, chicken, French fries, milkshakes and soft drinks. More recently, it also started offering salads, fruit and carrot sticks. The business began in 1940, with a restaurant opened by...

07 Janv. 2004

Come to relax in the universe of dream and magic of Walt Disney!

Étude de cas - 8 pages - Marketing tourisme

The European experience of the Walt Disney Company really began in 1992, with the inauguration of Marne-la-Vallée's park. Mickey Mouse settles down with the conquering assurance of the Americans, and they export their concept leaders as Levi's, McDonalds or Coca-cola. It is then that...

26 août 2014

Are we born with Charisma or can we learn it?

Dissertation - 15 pages - Sociologie & sciences sociales

For generations, the representation of the charisma concept has been characterized by leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr, Gandhi, John F Kennedy, or more recently Barrack Obama. Although these leaders engaged in completely different things in their life to be recognized as charismatic, they...

15 Janv. 2007

Postmodernism and cinema

Dissertation - 7 pages - Cinéma

‘It's about flights of fantasy, and the nightmare of reality, terrorist bombings, and late night shopping, true love, and creative plumbing.' (Gilliam; 1985). This tagline for the film Brazil highlights most of the concepts present in postmodernist criticism of cinema and television. Indeed,...

12 Janv. 2007

How to use rumours as a marketing tool?

Mémoire - 68 pages - Théories et stratégies marketing

Change and Transition is everywhere. It is prevalent in our lives, our careers, our family values, and so on. Advertising also is part of a nuclear world. Advertising a new product in today's age and time is totally different from what it was nearly 10 years ago. For decades, consumers...

25 juin 2007

Darwin and darwinian infuence on Thomas Hardy (Jude The Obscure) and Lewis Carroll (Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and through the looking-glass)

Mémoire - 58 pages - Littérature

Charles Darwin's theories upon “Evolution” had a great impact on the scientific world in the nineteenth century, and contributed to change with respect to mentalities in a well-established Victorian society. He is mostly remembered for his conception of Evolutionism based on his theory...

12 avril 2011

Marriage is an event, which has lost all it meaning, and above all, it does not last anymore.

Thèse - 10 pages - Philosophie

“Will you marry me?” Here are some words that we often listen or read, which explains a simple thing, marriage. But what is the real meaning of this word, marriage? Through times, the definition of it has evolved, and it is not possible to give a complete answer to it. Some people...

15 Janv. 2007

Theater and audience perception in a postmodern perspective

Dissertation - 9 pages - Arts divers

Renowned French philosopher Jean Francois Lyotard described the impact of post modernization as ?The genuinely postmodern work, forces us to recognize that reality is something other than our formulations of itself and that those formulations are therefore what is constructed'. An...

17 août 2014


Étude de cas - 14 pages - Management organisation

Today, subcontracting is a common thing in business, especially in the secondary sector. Also, there is a lot of chance that objects we have in our hands are products produce partly or totally by subcontractors. This permit to have cheapest products: a dream for companies....

05 avril 2007

How (if at all) do you know that you are not dreaming?

Dissertation - 3 pages - Philosophie

One big philosophical question is to know whether we know anything or not. Knowing in a sense is quite different from its everyday use. As a matter of fact everyone claims to know various things all the time, but the conditions that are required to say that we know in everyday life are quite...

12 avril 2013

Analysis of Julian Castro's speech at the 2012 democratic convention

Étude de cas - 2 pages - Littérature

The democratic convention is a very important event in the course of the presidential elections in the United States. The speakers at the convention are carefully selected as the main representatives of the strategy that will be developed during the campaign. It is not a coincidence if Castro has...

05 juin 2007

From Eurodisney to Disneyland Resort Paris

Étude de cas - 31 pages - Marketing tourisme

Walt Disney is a famous world with lots of imagination and lots of dreams. Everybody knows Mickey, and Snow White. Every child can tell the history of Peter Pan or of the Sleeping Beauty. Some of these famous tales were created by Walter Elias Disney the creator of Mickey. The same person...

30 juin 2010

"Flying Carpet", Steven Millhauser - "flying up to the sky"

Commentaire de texte - 4 pages - Littérature

Steven Millhauser is a writer of realist fiction. However, his work cannot be limited by labeling it only realistic. Another dimension is added to his short stories. They are full of interpretations. In Flying Carpet, though the story seems to be quite casual, even banal - a child trying to reach...

27 août 2007

A pychoanalytic study of Hitchcok's Spellbound

Dissertation - 5 pages - Cinéma

Alfred Hitchcock has often been cited as a film-maker who used the Freudian and Lacanian theories of psychoanalysis and applied them to the narrative of his films. Spellbound is a film which uses psychoanalysis as a plot device; psychoanalytical elements are found both in the characters, like in...

20 mai 2008

Commentary ' the chimney sweeper ' by William Blake

Dissertation - 4 pages - Littérature

This poem, written in 1789 by William Blake, was published in “Songs of Inno-cence”. Like its fellow poems, it deals with childhood as an epitome for innocence and purity; here, the poet chooses to look into the life of the poor young boys who used to sweep chimneys in London in those...

21 mai 2007

Commentary upon Mary Shelley's statement: "What terrified me will terrify others"

Dissertation - 5 pages - Littérature

In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, the Creature in itself is not what is the most terrifying. Indeed, in her dream and in the novel afterwards, if Doctor Frankenstein is afraid at the sight of his creature, it is also its coming to life which creates fear: how can an amount of bones,...

30 avril 2002

Essay on Brazil (Terry Gilliam)

Fiche - 4 pages - Cinéma

“1984 is about 1948. I made a film about today.” told Terry Gilliam to the Cahiers du cinéma in April 1984. Concerning two films which were nearly made the same year and which both seemed to talk about the same thing (oppression in society), it is indeed very interesting to make a...

02 Oct. 2014

Are Celebrities the heroes of today? A contemplative approach from Modernism to Postmodern times

Dissertation - 10 pages - Sociologie & sciences sociales

"President John F. Kennedy had a significant impact on my life. I practically worshiped him. His charm, grace, and simplicity made me aware of the essential qualities of a person. I cherished his words and wisdom and complete absence of flaws. I have hoped in my own mind that the man I end...

25 Oct. 2014

Diamond Travel : market strategy and financial statement

Étude de cas - 9 pages - Marketing tourisme

Diamond Travel is a private Inc. company with two headquarters. The company will begin operations in the end of September 2007. The founders of Diamond Travel are experienced in the Travel industry, marketing and international business with the special goal of being the number one on the high...

22 juil. 2014

Racism in contemporary America. Permanence, diminution or transformation?

Dissertation - 18 pages - Sociologie & sciences sociales

All across the world, the United States of America is often considered through myths, symbols and simplifications. The bubbles of their Coca-Cola, the strength of their athletes, the height of their skyscrapers or the lively melodies of their pop stars would be, in many people's mind, enough...

21 juil. 2006

Economic consequences of the last European union enlargement

Dissertation - 27 pages - Économie générale

The idea of a united Europe was once just a dream in the minds of philosophers and visionaries. Already in 1620, the Duke of Sully imagined "a body politics of all the States of Europe which could produce between its members an unalterable peace and a perpetual trade". In The 19th Century,...

06 août 2007

Death of a Salesman, by Arthur Miller

Fiche de lecture - 3 pages - Littérature

Since the very beginning of the play, we realize the essential role of dreams and reminiscences in Willy Loman's life because he seems to live in his own world. Indeed, as soon as he comes back home, we learn that this day, he wasn't able to drive all the way to the place he was supposed...

15 déc. 2006

Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck

Fiche de lecture - 5 pages - Littérature

The scene takes place in a clearing, close to the Salinas river, “a few miles South of Soledad”, at dusk. Two men come (the two main characters), one following the other. The first one is George and the second one Lennie. They are ranch workers who travel together from a ranch to...

30 Sept. 2009

DreamShare business plan

Business plan - 15 pages - Design, PAO, création digitale

We are going to launch an innovative community website in France. The company responsible will be a partnership. The product and the Company will have the same name: Dreamshare. Our concept is pretty similar to the concept that our competitors have come up with (Myspace, Facebook)....

15 Oct. 2012

Do we live better than our parents used to?

Étude de cas - 15 pages - Philosophie politique

Our parents, born during The Glorious Thirty, lived the first years of their life in a society still untouched by oil crisis, very prosperous but so rigid and socially unfair. They grew up with the appearance and early spread of HIV, and lived in the uncertainties caused by the Cold War…...

05 Sept. 2014

Management of Innovation - process and creativity

Étude de cas - 15 pages - Stratégie

We use the word 'Innovation' a lot currently. In reports, in all the internal communications, in the Union speeches, in the advertising campaigns, in politics, this word is up-to-date in every business and every organization. In this way, a companies which do not put in place innovative...

02 mai 2007

Reaching Mexican customers in the real estate business

Étude de marché - 21 pages - Marketing international

Real estate market is changing, it no longer exists one and only way to sell. Consequently, real estate companies must develop marketing researches, by studying clients' needs, understanding them, and then implement prospective solutions. Today, reaching Mexican consumers, on both sides of the...

21 juil. 2014

Forgetting Demeurisse René, artist of the lost generation

Dissertation - 7 pages - Histoire de l'art

René Demeurisse (1895-1961) was an artist of the generation that fought the fire. In 1930 he exhibited a huge canvas titled "The Forgotten", at the Salon d'Automne. This masterpiece, which depicts the skeleton of a dead soldier in the humid forest of Retz, represents a sublime poetic death....

11 août 2014

A sustainable luxury: When the luxury industry is becoming green - A report on the luxury industry market mix

Dissertation - 11 pages - Marketing tourisme

Until now, people have been familiar with the bio yoghurts and the bio vegetables but today it is for the luxury industry to become eco-friendly and ethical. Some big groups and companies of the sector have begun to make progress in this growing market. More than ever, the notion of...