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Oeuvre : I have a dream

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28 Sept. 2010

Martin Luther King, "I have a dream" : commentaire du discours

Discours - 3 pages - Littérature

Le discours I have a dream a été prononcé par Martin Luther King le 28/08/1963 face à 250000 personnes lors de la marche sur Washington en faveur des droits civiques des noirs. Terminé quelques heures à peine avant d'être prononcé, il a été accueilli avec enthousiasme par la...

13 juil. 2016

The American dream in "Them", by Joyce Carol Oates

Dissertation - 3 pages - Littérature

"Them", written by Joyce Carol Oates in 1969, is a naturalistic novel which depicts the life of the Wendalls, a working class family. Even if it is a fiction, it has been written thanks to Wendall's account of her life. The story starts in 1930's with the Great Depression and ends in 1960's with...

03 juil. 2023

The American dream in The Great Gatsby

Dissertation - 1 pages - Linguistique & langues

Essay on the novel and history of "The American Dream in the Great Gatsby": "His dream must have seemed so close that he could hardly fail to grasp it. He did not know that it was already behind him" (F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby).

27 Nov. 2015

What relationship do humans have with the moon ? A few days after the first step on the moon by Louis Amstrong, a little boy complains to his mother

Dissertation - 1 pages - Philosophie

A few days after the first step on the moon by Louis Amstrong, a little boy complains to his mother: - Mum... I'm so sad... All my dreams about the Moon have been destroyed. I hoped it was like a sparkle shining in the dark sky of the night. Here, just for me, to light me up in this...

17 juil. 2023

Subject: On January 31 2020, Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon sent a "letter to Europe, regarding the UK leaving the European Union". She declared that "Scotland may lie on the edge of Europe, but we have always been - and want to remain- at its heart".

Dissertation - 5 pages - Linguistique & langues

Subject: On January 31 2020, Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon sent a "letter to Europe, regarding the UK leaving the European Union". She declared that "Scotland may lie on the edge of Europe, but we have always been - and want to remain- at its heart".

04 Mars 2013

La Représentation de Las Vegas dans Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas : A Savage Journey to the Heart of the American Dream - Hunter S. Thompson

Mémoire - 80 pages - Littérature

L'œuvre la plus connue est sûrement Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas : a Savage Journey to the Heart of the Americain Dream, écrit par Hunter S. Thompson. Journaliste et romancier, il fut une figure de la contre-culture américaine des années soixante. Ce néologisme est attribué à...

08 févr. 2024

Your Dream Job / Le métier de tes rêves

Écriture d'invention - 1 pages - Linguistique & langues

In at least 70 words describe your dream job: Clues: What would the job consist in? Where would it be located? Why would you like to work in this field? Décrit le métier de tes rêves en au moins 70 mots : Pistes : En quoi cet emploi consisterait-il ? Où serait-il situé ? Pourquoi...

12 Janv. 2010

Paul Auster, "Brooklyn Follies" - "Dream days at the Hotel Existence" (chapter 19), de "first perusal of the grounds?" a "say nothing to Tom"

Commentaire de texte - 3 pages - Littérature

This passage is an extract from the nineteenth chapter of 'Purgatory' from the Brooklyn Follies by Paul Auster. The characters arrive at a place to end up finding somewhere to sleep as their car broke down. It constitutes the longest chapter of the novel which is so in a way the linchpin...

17 déc. 2008

Surrealism: ' I believe in the future resolution of these two states, dream and reality, which are seemingly so contradictory, into a kind of absolute reality, a surreality, if one may so speak ' (Andre Breton). Discuss this statement in relation to at

Dissertation - 7 pages - Arts divers

Surrealism is originally a French movement started in the 1920s gathering artists and writers all led by a will to deeply move the artistic world according to their innovative thoughts. Its name embodies novelty since the term 'surrealist' had been used for the first time in 1917 by...

28 Nov. 2009

The return of History and the end of dreams

Fiche de lecture - 5 pages - Sciences politiques

In the early 1990s, Fukuyama predicted the End of History. One is witnessing a shift in geopolitics, moving from a unipolar world to a multipolar one, or even bipolar according to Chinese scholars like Jin Carong, special advisor in foreign policy for the Government . As Kagan wrote in his book,...

03 juil. 2023

American Dream and Mexicans in "Woman Hollering Creek"

Dissertation - 8 pages - Linguistique & langues

Ce document est un essai sur le rêve américain et les désillusions vécues par les immigrants mexicains à travers une étude de l'œuvre "Woman Hollering Creek" de Sandra Cisneros avec bibliographie complète. Première partie : The USA, a land full of promises. Deuxième partie : Isolation...

03 juil. 2023

For you, is the American dream an illusion or a reality in the 21 st century ?

Écriture d'invention - 2 pages - Linguistique & langues

Écriture d'invention en anglais sur ce que représente le rêve américain d'un point de vu personnel. Le rêve américain est-il le même au 21ème siècle ?

24 févr. 2009

Business plan: Dream trotter bar

Business plan - 7 pages - Stratégie

We wish to create a bar with subject, opened from 7 am till 1 am everyday. Situated in the center of Lille, for easy access to this place. The ambition of this project is to allow the customers a cultural exchange, create a relaxed environment and a cultural discovery. For that purpose, we...

07 juil. 2006

Is e.government still more a dream than a reality ?

Dissertation - 7 pages - Sciences politiques

Information Technology, especially the Internet, has definitely opened the political scene to the public. Its influence on politics relies on a new and widened visibility, mixed to a clearly new approach of communication. Indeed, it has become a common tool. And adding to the low cost of access,...

13 avril 2009

Do you think that film makers sell nothing except dreams ?

Fiche - 2 pages - Philosophie

Document: Do you think that film makers sell nothing except dreams ? Essay d'anglais de 2 pages. Note reçue : 16/20 Extrait: Nowadays there are about ten new films every week. Knowing how many movies have been released since 1930, year of the real expansion of the...

15 juil. 2014

Does the United States have the privilege of urban violence?

Dissertation - 5 pages - Questions sociales, morales & enseignement civique

In the United States, violence is related to the construction of the American nation and its culture. However, the violence was a tool in the past and, apart from perhaps for the racial riots, many measures have been frequently adopted to end it. Today, urban violence, constantly...

03 févr. 2015
doc : "The place to share your dreams

Étude de cas - 9 pages - Digital & e-marketing

Globally our concept is quite similar to the one of our competitors (Myspace, Facebook etc), so in the way we are a community Website. However, we propose one main innovation: the travel dimension. That is our USP. We are unique because we link the community and the travel website aspects. By...

11 avril 2008

Dream Commuters

Dissertation - 2 pages - Sociologie & sciences sociales

UK's economic and demographic growth has won the admiration of all countries across the European continent. As the popular saying highlights ?The grass is always greener on the other side', Britain is not free from drawbacks. The Britishers in general feel that they lack space as they...

13 Nov. 2009

Paul Auster, The Brooklyn Follies A night of eating and drinking - "I'm not talking" - "inside your dreams"

Commentaire de texte - 1 pages - Littérature

What we have here is an extract form the novel The Brooklyn Follies, written by Paul Auster and published in 2005. Here, we are in the 1st half of the novel and 3 characters are present: Tom, Nathan and Harry. Nathan, the main character of the book, is Tom's uncle, and Harry is...

31 mai 2008

Dreams and reality: the Kurdish issue

Dissertation - 3 pages - Sciences politiques

The current Turkish incursion into Northern Iraq, within the framework of the struggle against the Kurdistan Workers' Party or PKK and its activities, is reflective of the strength of the tensions at the border between Iraq and Turkey, as well as the stakes underlying the Kurdish issue. The...

13 Nov. 2009

Paul Auster, The Brooklyn Follies - Dream days at the hotel existence (Chap. 19) - "A steep dirt road" and "except having children"

Commentaire de texte - 1 pages - Littérature

What we have here is an extract from the novel The Brooklyn Follies, written by Paul Auster and published in 2005. Earlier in the novel, we discovered the main character, Nathan Glass, a sixty year old man in remission from cancer. He was looking for a quiet place to die. However, after a...

03 juil. 2024

Lettre familiale en anglais : mon quartier en quelques mots

Écriture d'invention - 1 pages - Linguistique & langues

"You are Eilis. Write a letter home to tell your family in Ireland about the atmosphere in the borough (people, places, etc.)."

09 avril 2009

To what extent the French New Wave may have influenced Canadian direct cinema and cinéma vérité in the 1960's

Dissertation - 10 pages - Cinéma

"In nature, the movement of waves may repeat endlessly with rhythm of seas, but in French cinema, the wave of 1959 remains unique" (Michel Marie: 2). Since February, 1959, a "myth" was created around the French New Wave which progressively became one of the most crucial movement in world cinema...

06 août 2018

Under the ribs of death - John Marilyn

Fiche de lecture - 5 pages - Littérature

Under the ribs of death is a novel written by John Marilyn that takes place in Winnipeg during the interwar period. It is the story of Sandor Hunyadi, a young boy from a Hungarian working-class family, who dreams of becoming rich and integrated in the Canadian society. The book shows...

13 juil. 2016

"Them": how does the first chapter introduce us to the characters of the novel and how does it reflect Oates's style?

Dissertation - 2 pages - Littérature

The following is an extract from J.C Oates's novel "Them". It was published in 1969 and won the "National Book award fiction" in 1970. Even though Oates states in the foreword to the book that the story is based on a real family the novel is fictional. Most of it takes place in Detroit and...

12 Janv. 2010

Paul Auster, "Brooklyn Follies" - "Purgatory" (chapitre 3), de " No one grows up? " a " would have remained in this purgatory "

Commentaire de texte - 3 pages - Littérature

This passage is an extract from the third chapter of 'Purgatory' from the Brooklyn Follies by Paul Auster. It's after the first appointment between Nathan and Tom. In this chapter, the story is focused on Tom's recent past, since his arrival in Brooklyn, and that's why we...

03 mai 2015

Peut-on vivre sans rêve ?

Dissertation - 1 pages - Philosophie

Le rêve en lui-même ne peut être définit clairement d'une seule et même manière. C'est en partie ce qui lui procure une grande part de mystère et ce pourquoi l'on en vient aujourd'hui à nous demander si il est possible de vivre sans. Nous traiterons cette question en distinguant les rêves...

02 mai 2007

"The root of all chaos stems from the family". Discuss the dynamics of family conflict in two works you have studied

Dissertation - 3 pages - Littérature

Aristotle based his famous works on tragedy on the analysis of what he considered to be the “perfect”, paradigm of tragedy- Sophocle's carefully Crafted Oedipus the King. The myth of Oedipus has been studied, analysed, spread worldwide and widely used by writers, even philosophers such...

14 mai 2008

The relationship the Finnish have with nature

Dissertation - 15 pages - Géographie monde

Talking about Finland without mentioning the nature is like forgetting more than 188.000 sparkling lakes, putting away the dense forest and woodland areas fully covering 76 percent of the nation (27 in France), the lung and the pride of any Finnish. That's impossible! Whereas Finland was a rural...

09 déc. 2005

The log cabin: from the pioneers' hardship of life to the fulfilment of the American dream. A brief sketch of the history of the American people through one symbol: the log cabin.

Dissertation - 4 pages - Philosophie

It may be the Appalachian icon which is a log cabin on a hillside with wood-smoke rising from a stone chimney. This is part of American culture associated with President Abraham Lincoln and the frontiersman Davy Crockett. Many questions arise with regard to the log cabin such as what is so...