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Oeuvre : Growing up in New Guinea

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22 août 2012

Can we consider corporate social responsibility (CSR) as a mean of recognition for multinationals company?

Étude de cas - 70 pages - Stratégie

Ethics has been a very important subject for thinkers since ancient times. The definition of ethics, a reflection on the reasons for desiring justice and harmony and how to achieve these, will be a valuable aid in the development of this thesis. It establishes the criteria for acting freely in a...

10 déc. 2010

The EU policy towards fragile states

Thèse - 12 pages - Sciences politiques

“Some developing countries are particularly vulnerable to natural disasters, climate change, environmental degradation and external economic shocks. The member States and the EU will support disaster prevention and preparedness in these countries, with a view to increase their resilience in...

19 Janv. 2012

Clive Ponting's 'A Green History of the World: The Environment and the Collapse of Great Civilizations'

Fiche de lecture - 10 pages - Littérature

"In state affairs, by foreseeing [problems] at a distance, which is only done by men of talents, the evils which might arise from them are soon cured ; but when, from want of foreseight, they are suffered to increase to such a height that they are perceptible to everyone, there is no longer any...

06 févr. 2005

Why Africa can not reach sustained development. What kind of Future for Africa.

Dissertation - 16 pages - Économie générale

Africa, a continent endowed with immense natural and human resources as well as great cultural, ecological and economic diversity, remains underdeveloped for many years. Almost all the African nations suffered (and still suffer) from military dictatorships, corruption, civil unrest and war,...

05 Janv. 2007

How third world countries can develop themselves in a globalized market?

Mémoire - 40 pages - Économie générale

In this paper the author will provide an analysis on the mechanisms through which globalization has played a key role in increasing foreign trade. The paper will also reveal foreign trade and its high interdependence and increased capital flows that has resulted in affecting the development of...

06 Nov. 2018

Worldwide threat assessment of the French Directorate-General for External Security

Dissertation - 7 pages - Relations internationales

- The year 2018 has been a really eventful year with unexpected changes in terms of international affairs and regional complexity. - The election of Donald Trump as President of the United States has been a game changer, discombobulating the international order as his predecessor left it. -...

10 avril 2012

Darfur crisis

Étude de cas - 28 pages - Sciences de l'éducation

"Darfur is a little short of hell on earth” and it had asserted the 7th Secretary General of the United-Nations: Kofi Annan in 2005. Here, he described the terrible situation which is occurred the small area of Sudan: a north-western African country. Since 2003, a struggle between the...

24 déc. 2014

Africa and its integration into the global economy - Benefits and risks

Étude de cas - 3 pages - Sciences de l'éducation

According to the economist Jacques Attali, "the 21st century will be the century of Africa." Does it mean that Africa will be the next gold mine? According to the World Bank, the share of Africa in world GDP would be 5.2% in 2014. Africa is also great potential (ability, possibility) as Mediapart...

05 févr. 2006

Ways of Rendering Student Slang in Salinger Novel "The Catcher in the Rye"

Mémoire - 48 pages - Littérature

Slang, as the most mentioned representative word form of the informal vocabulary, occupies a prominent role in contemporary society. It has become the second language of any democratic country. Everybody uses it even if one pretends that he has never used it. It is a veritable issue and it will...

26 avril 2007

Drug related offenses

Dissertation - 15 pages - Questions sociales, morales & enseignement civique

In modern societies it is easy to recognize that consuming drugs is an every day reality. It is not only taking heroin or marijuana, but also smoking, taking painkillers, having a coffee, a tea or excessive intake of alcohol on Saturday as a required “Saturday night” obligation. The...

17 Mars 2008

Once upon a time in Latin Europe

Dissertation - 12 pages - Histoire moderne : Renaissance à XIXe

Europe is composed of several backgrounds. History, languages, values, and beliefs, each part are closely related to the other. How then may we characterize those parts? To understand Latin Europe, we have to define its past and discover where the word Latin comes from? Latin, is derived from...

23 juil. 2014

Why is the use of the terms 'resistance' and 'collaboration' problematic when assessing African relations to the imposition of French colonial rule in Africa?

Dissertation - 6 pages - Histoire contemporaine : XIXe, XXe et XXIe

When assessing African relations to the imposition of French colonial rule in Africa, the terms 'resistance' and 'collaboration' are often used by English literature. They respectively designate the struggle against colonialism and the co-operation between the indigenous people...

12 Janv. 2006

Bodybuilding and its Influence upon American Sport

Dissertation - 14 pages - Sport

American sports has evolved from the simple folk games and premodern pastimes of the colonial era to the highly complex, commercial spectacles of the early twenty-first century.Many factors shaped the development of sports in colonial British America and in the United States. Among the most...

25 juin 2009

Raison et croyance

Fiche - 7 pages - Philosophie

Document: Raison et croyance, fiche de philosophie de 4 pages Extrait: Définition : À la différence de l'animal, l'homme est doué de raison. Il possède plus qu'une intelligence intuitive, il est capable d'articuler les idées entre elles sous la forme d'un discours cohérent....

21 Janv. 2025

New York, un lieu et un symbole de la puissance des USA

TD - Exercice - 4 pages - Histoire contemporaine : XIXe, XXe et XXIe

Cette étude de cas de niveau 1ère se compose de 35 questions corrigées sur le rayonnement international de la ville de New York.

21 Sept. 2014

The New World (2005, Terrence Mallick)

Dissertation - 5 pages - Cinéma

The year of 1607 is remembered as the year the English colonists first settled in America. This crucial date in American history is one of an unexpected encounter between two civilizations, the European and the Indians. In popular culture, the confrontation of those opposite cultures has been...

12 Sept. 2014

old world wine versus new world wine

Fiche - 2 pages - Nutrition, alimentation & diététique

it's a presentation of the two world of wines. And the future of the two wines. the old world represent the terroir, the tradition whereas the new world represent the fresh tastes, the new generation of the world.

12 févr. 2008

Les cellules souches : théories, concepts et applications possibles en thérapie humaine

Mémoire - 80 pages - Biologie

Les cellules souches et la thérapie cellulaire génèrent un engouement certain aussi bien pour les biologistes que pour les cliniciens et le grand public. Dans le même temps, nombreuses sont les interrogations et doutes qui restent à être éclaircis. Mon projet de doctorat s'est intéressé à un...

24 févr. 2013

New York

Dissertation - 13 pages - Géographie monde

New York est la ville la plus connue des Etats Unis, une métropole, ou « ville-mère ». Située à la pointe sud de l'État de New York, New York City est située là où la baie de New York, l'Hudson, Harlem, et l'East River se rejoignent. Les fleuves sont en fait...

12 août 2014

New era: casquette conçue pour les équipes de Baseball de la ligue majeure

Étude de marché - 5 pages - Marketing sportif

New era est une marque qui propose différents produits dans le textile mais elle est surtout connue pour sa casquette. New era propose différents type de casquettes à savoir des 9forty ajustable (noir), des 39thirty-stretch-fit (bleu), des 9fifty snap back qui sont généralement aux...

19 août 2020

New York, la ville mondiale par excellence ?

Dissertation - 2 pages - Géographie monde

New York est un carrefour de la mondialisation, qui concentre de multiples fonctions. En effet, New York est avant tout un lieu de commerce mondial, car cette ville représente un lieu "d'implantation d'entreprises internationales" (c'est ce qu'on appelle les FTN, se...

02 mai 2007

Comparison and contrast of export diversification and import substitution strategies

Dissertation - 3 pages - Géographie France

Export diversification and import substitution are both theories of growth used to stimulate economies in various countries. The first of these theories uses an increased base of exports to trigger economic growth, whereas import substitution tries to achieve the same aim by reigning in...

21 juil. 2014

Le New deal, une révolution ?

Dissertation - 5 pages - Histoire contemporaine : XIXe, XXe et XXIe

“Je n'ai aucune inquiétude pour l'avenir, il resplendit d'espoir” déclare le président Hoover suite à la grande dépression de 1929, et pourtant ce krach boursier fût lourd de conséquences durant le XXe siècle. Face à cette crise économique importante, le fonctionnement politique est...

05 mai 2015

Progressisme et New Deal

Dissertation - 4 pages - Sciences politiques

Obama, en mettant en place le système de protection sociale ObamaCare en 2012, détrône Franklin Roosevelt dans le classement des présidents américains les plus accusés d'être socialistes, voire communistes. La mesure Obama Care est une conséquence directe de la crise économique de 2008. En 1932,...

13 févr. 2011

iPad, the new star product of Apple's strategy to reach China's market

Mémoire - 10 pages - Management organisation

This is a study about the international marketing of Apple for the product I Pad in China. This analysis is divided into three parts. The first one deals with the environmental scanning of the brand. We initially propose a presentation of the company, and then present a strategic diagnosis with...

10 Nov. 2015

The rise and decline of New France

Dissertation - 3 pages - Histoire contemporaine : XIXe, XXe et XXIe

In the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, claims to vast areas on the North-American continent were established by a few intrepid European travellers. The colonies that developed from some of those claims were an extension of the European countries and served to introduce their long...

14 févr. 2011

Advertising & Communication: Launch of a new Recycling center-'Happy Center, the Real One'

Thèse - 10 pages - Marketing tourisme

This document presents the development of a new service, a new recycling center called “Happy Center” based in California, a hotspot for environmental issues. This company, which specializes in the recycling of electronic equipment such as mobile phones and computers,...

28 Mars 2023

Analyse stratégique - New Balance

Présentation - 6 pages - Stratégie

Investisseur dans la R&D de la chaussure running, l'innovation semble être l'aspect recherché par la marque. En second plan, New Balance cherche à faire comme n'importe quel autre équipementier sportif pour prendre des parts de marché (football, égéries, athlétisme etc). Elle a...

01 Janv. 2024

Qu'est-ce qui fait de New York une ville globale à l'attractivité sans équivalent ? - Introduction et plan détaillé

Dissertation - 2 pages - Géographie monde

Avec ses 23 millions d'habitants (grand New-York), la mégapole de New-York est une ville dite "globale", étant très puissante et influente, sur le plan économique et politique à l'échelle du monde. Elle s'inscrit dans la plus grande ère urbaine du pays, la mégalopolis,...

03 avril 2024

L'École de New York

Cours - 6 pages - Histoire de l'art

À New York, après la Seconde Guerre mondiale, on a des traits communs avec la situation à Paris : on a un impact de la guerre, même si elle n'a pas lieu sur le continent américain. Les artistes sont impactés quoi qu'il arrive, et, de manière plus ou moins consciente, ils partent...