Language et pouvoir symbolique - Pierre Bourdieu
Fiche de lecture - 8 pages - Littérature
À travers un processus historique complexe, une langue ou un ensemble de pratiques linguistiques se sont imposés comme dominants et légitimes, éliminant de fait d'autres langues ou dialectes. Bourdieu tient également à distinguer langue et parole (donc compétence et performance). La compétence...
Le body language
Fiche - 13 pages - Psychologie
Main sur seins : Evite inconsciemment de regarder ses seins. Ecart des mains : pour signifier l'importance de la question. Montrer dents + dilations narines : irritation, colère, réaction à une agression physique ou émotionnelle, ou l'impression qu'il se passe quelque chose d'anormal. Haussement...
Les instructions SQL (Structured Query Language)
Fiche - 3 pages - Informatique
Les instructions SQL sont classées en quatre ensembles selon le type d'actions qu'elles réalisent : Les instructions de LID (Langage d'Interrogation de Données) Les instructions de LDD (Langage de Définition des Données) permettant la déclaration, la modification, la suppression de...
"Cracking the weasel code of politicians"- Newspeak as a form of political language manipulation
Thèse - 59 pages - Communication
In this thesis the phenomenon under examination is newspeak -a highly manipulative form of political language. The proposed research, conducted from the perspective of political language, attempts to account for mechanisms that govern the use of newspeak in Anglo-Saxon countries,...
Safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage: Protecting languages as a vehicle of the intangible cultural heritage
Dissertation - 6 pages - Linguistique & langues
The 2003 Convention for the safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage defines the intangible cultural heritage as the practices, representations, expressions, knowledge, skills - as well as the instruments, objects, artifacts and cultural spaces associated therewith - that...
The necessity for multicultural counselling to consider the importance of the role of language in the encounter with a new culture
Dissertation - 6 pages - Linguistique & langues
According to Schmidt, multicultural counselling has four main goals towards someone who is encountering a new culture. These four goals are: to facilitate changes in one's behavior, to improve social and personal relationships, to increase social effectiveness and one's ability to cope...
Globalization and the Variety of Languages
Dissertation - 2 pages - Linguistique & langues
The legend of the Babel's tower tells that at the very beginning of the world, the human beings had only one and unique language. Today some 5000 languages are spoken in the world. It shows one of the many layers that composed humanity's cultural heritage. However, this variety of...
The place of the French language in our society
Dissertation - 13 pages - Linguistique & langues
The French language is one those languages which are spoken all around the world. It's the 11th most used language through the world, the second most commonly-taught second language in the world (after English) and the official language in 29 countries ....
Individual differences in second language learning
Dissertation - 2 pages - Sciences de l'éducation
Understanding students' individual difference is a key factor in predetermining the success of the learning experience. Actually, EFL learners differ from one another in terms of race, colour, religion, identity, ethnicity, language, social class, cultural background, intelligence,...
L'importance et la place de la langue maternelle dans l'enseignement du FLE - Cas de l'école Haidian Foreign Language Experimental School de Pékin
Mémoire - 22 pages - Sciences de l'éducation
Dans la conjoncture actuelle, l'apprentissage des langues vivantes est plus que jamais d'actualité. À l'heure où la mondialisation et les échanges se développent en permanence, la communication joue un rôle primordial. Maîtriser les langues étrangères devient désormais indispensable...
To what extent do you think your language and culture influence the way you interact with others?
Dissertation - 4 pages - Sociologie & sciences sociales
The interaction between people of different languages and cultures has increased by the internalization and by the development of new communication medias. What are the consequences of this tendency? What are the risks? How to resolve its? I will attempt to respond to these questions...
The English language: a personal point of view
Dissertation - 2 pages - Linguistique & langues
The English language is the first language of about 350 million people and probably as many people can speak and understand English as a second language. English also has an official or special status in more than 75 countries. About 80% of the world's electronically...
The Latinos new second generation in the USA: language and integration
Dissertation - 4 pages - Sociologie & sciences sociales
In societies like the United States which have diverse populations, children from linguistic minority families must learn the language of the society in order to take full advantage of the educational opportunities offered by society. The timing and the conditions under which they come...
English as a global language : past, present and future
Dissertation - 2 pages - Linguistique & langues
Globalization has ushered in an era of global culture and economy. With this increased internationalization, everyone needs a medium of communication. Intercultural transactions can only take place if a common language is used. The English language has become popular as a common...
Language matters
Dissertation - 1 pages - Linguistique & langues
By enhancing a wider access to new technological devices, our modern world has recently and definitely changed its traditional connections with language so that some people believe that technology is today ruining langage quality as well as its forms. But is it true? Does it harm more than...
The methods of a language school
Étude de cas - 25 pages - Management organisation
I have always been attracted towards the English culture, that is the reason why I chose to go to the United Kingdom. I have never ever been in an English speaking country, my stay lasted two months. I chose to live with an English family in order to speak this language all day long. Since...
About English language...
TD - Exercice - 2 pages - Linguistique & langues
Ce devoir corrigé de niveau première est relatif à l'étude d'un article paru dans The Guardian en 2015 sur le thème du nouvel usage de la langue anglaise.
The Politics of International Money and World Language, de Charles Kindleberger
Commentaire de texte - 3 pages - Économie internationale
Charles Kindleberger (1910-2003) a écrit plus d'une trentaine d'ouvrages d'histoire économique, dont le plus célèbre Manias, Panics, and Crashes, traite des bulles spéculatives. Il publie l'article The politics of International Money and World Language en 1967, période pendant laquelle le...
Etude marketing pour "Paris Language School" spécialisée en chinois mandarin
Étude de cas - 2 pages - Marketing des services
Spécialisée dans la formation linguistique, PARIS LANGUAGE SCHOOL vous propose des cours adaptés à chaque langue, accompagné de supports de cours régulièrement mis à jour et améliorés. Depuis 15 ans, nous révolutionnons la formation linguistique. Désormais, enjeu du XXIeme siècle, nous...
Foreign language influence on studies in UK
Dissertation - 5 pages - Sociologie & sciences sociales
My research is on Foreign language influence on studies in UK. The main objective of this research project is to show how international student in Staffordshire University adapt their own comprehension during their English studies. The purpose of this study is to know what the...
Integration Into a New Country and Adaptation to the English Language
TD - Exercice - 1 pages - Linguistique & langues
Cet exercice comporte une compréhension et une expression écrite d'anglais portant sur les possibilités d'adaptation à un nouveau pays sans maîtriser la langue locale et sur la relation à cette nouvelle langue.
The uses of language : not only communicate
Fiche - 2 pages - Linguistique & langues
Language, as we know, takes on different functions. A first mode of use may be called epistemic, with it the speaker uses a language according to his knowledge of it. A second way could be called teleological, by which the speaker expresses a language intended to pursue a...
"The French lost the language war", argues John Kay. Do you agree?
Dissertation - 1 pages - Philosophie
Language has become an important issue due to globalization. Previously if a person spoke only one language it did not matter much. However the situation is completely different in the modern world. Learning English has become mandatory for every individual to surive in the...
Confusions of concepts with the first pregnancy in three languages
Dissertation - 9 pages - Psychologie
This document will review the concepts relating to conception, pregnancy and childbirth. We will dedicate a section to the contribution of language that makes it possible to describe the pregnant woman. The purpose of this article is to track down the adequate and concise concept of...
Le language HTML et les balises en informatique
Cours - 17 pages - Informatique
Cours présentant de façon détaillée ce qu'est le HTML (Hyper Text Language Markup), utilisé dans la création de sites Web. Il présente également de nombreuses balises.
Fonction d'Ackermann en language C
Cours - 60 pages - Informatique
Fonction d'Ackermann en language C
"Language and the internet", David Crystal (2001)
Fiche de lecture - 9 pages - Design, PAO, création digitale
Nowadays there is surely an increase of new forms of communication among people thanks to technological achievement, communicative power, and social potential of the Internet. While sociologists, political commentators, economists draw attention to the dangers of the Internet because of...
Reversing the Approach to Null Subjects: A Perspective from Language Acquisition - Maia Duguine (2017)
Fiche de lecture - 4 pages - Linguistique & langues
Maia Duguine fait état d'une tradition dans la théorique linguistique selon laquelle « Le pro-drop, ou la possibilité d'omettre le sujet dans un énoncé fini, est un phénomène [...] généralement étudié depuis une perspective comparatiste. » Ce qui est comparé, ce sont les langues dans...
The two dramatic languages in Kateb Yacine's theatre
Dissertation - 8 pages - Littérature
Kateb Yacine is the most famous Algerian playwright. Born in 1929, Kateb Yacine lived in Algeria until 1951, working as a journalist for Alger Républicain before settling in France, then in Italy and finally in Germany. He returned to Algeria in the early seventies, while directing a theatre...
Peters, Remmel et Richards, "Language, Mental State Vocabulary, and False Belief Understanding in Children with Cochlear Implants", 2009
Fiche de lecture - 3 pages - Sciences de l'éducation
Le but de cette recherche est d'évaluer le niveau de développement de la théorie de l'esprit chez des enfants sourds (prélinguistiques) implantés et exposés à une éducation orale. Les auteurs cherchent d'une part à dissiper l'idée selon laquelle les enfants sourds n'auraient...