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Oeuvre : Tout est language

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28 avril 2008

A comparative account of the French and the English versions of one Beckett's text

Dissertation - 12 pages - Littérature

Translation is usually studied from another language to ours, in order to consider changes that have to be made. With Samuel Beckett, it is interesting to analyze the process of translation from French, which is not his mother tongue, to English. In fact, Beckett was, in the 50's, one of...

10 Mars 2009

Relationships in a multicultural company in the Middle East - publié le 10/03/2009

Étude de cas - 7 pages - Ressources humaines - GRH

Dubai is a city of all superlatives. It is a specific place which reveals few important characteristics. Indeed, it is also considered as a city of significant symbols of luxury and tourism. Thus, our company which offers cheap accommodation is composed of a small team which includes the manager...

09 mai 2010

Typology: analysis of Serbo-Croatian

Fiche - 3 pages - Linguistique & langues

The basic word order in the Serbo-Croatian language is absolutely not rigid when words are marked in nominative and accusative cases, since it indicates the role of the words. However, in rare cases when it is unmarked, because of the inflectional type of this language, SVO...

11 août 2014

Culture and Doing Business in Japan

Dissertation - 5 pages - Marketing international

Usually when companies' think of having a good market share in their home market they try to develop the company in a foreign market. This process of internationalization is important for the company to develop its potential market for several reasons (market is saturated, develop new product...

25 juil. 2007

Adjectives in Cognitive Linguistic

Dissertation - 16 pages - Linguistique & langues

During the seminar, we have buckled down to the arduous task of understanding and using a brand new theoretical field of study as far as the great family of linguistics is concerned. This paper and the database we have come to build out are the concrete results of a work which turned out to be...

14 Janv. 2010

Relationships in a multicultural company in the Middle East

Étude de cas - 7 pages - Management organisation

Dubai, the city of all superlatives, is the specific place where is based, the business that we are analyzing through a classic problem closely linked to the multiculturalism of the company. This territory reveals few important characteristics; indeed, it's one of the city symbols of luxury...

23 avril 2008

Cultural differences that make life in the UK 'difficult' for international students

Dissertation - 24 pages - Sociologie & sciences sociales

Every year the United Kingdom (UK), attracts students from all over the world who expect to enrol themselves in a Higher Education program. Their impact on the British educational system is significant, as non-UK domiciled students constitute 13% of all the students, 16% of full-time students,...

03 Mars 2010

The "Frenglish"

Fiche - 1 pages - Linguistique & langues

Since the beginning of the XIXth century, English was in vogue in some circles. Little by little we can see the birth of a new way of speaking, a French language much anglicized, which is called usually the 'Frenglish'. But why was this kind of language born and what is...

27 Janv. 2010

La traduction : quelles difficultés implique-t-elle dans la communication entre pairs de langue maternelle différente ?

TD - Exercice - 7 pages - Psychologie

Lorsque nous abordons les difficultés rencontrées lors de la traduction de textes en psychologie, il faut tenir compte de plusieurs aspects : la connaissance des deux langues, la signification des mots, les perceptions, l'époque et le contexte dans lesquels les textes ont été rédigés,...

22 Janv. 2007

Critical Theory: theatre and post-structuralism

Dissertation - 6 pages - Arts divers

The idea of Post-structuralism derives from philosophy. It is a discipline which has always tended to emphasize the difficulty of achieving secure knowledge about things (Barry;1995:63) .Philosophical writing, although following the structure thesis, followed by anti-thesis, then a synthesis of...

13 août 2014

E-Branding in the Swiss Hotel Industry

Dissertation - 14 pages - Marketing tourisme

This research goes through the evolution of branding to e-branding and analyzes it for the Swiss lodging industry. From a database of 2'448 hotels in Switzerland, this research explores domain names used by Swiss Hotels. Based on many criteria such as: registration date, region (canton),...

18 Sept. 2014

The Cajun identity

Dissertation - 4 pages - Sociologie & sciences sociales

I have chosen this subject for my first class about Louisiana. The Cajun people just fascinate me as I consider them as the last French people in America. Paradoxically, when they speak French on television, we have to subtitle their words to understand them better. I wondered how they could...

17 Mars 2008

Once upon a time in Latin Europe

Dissertation - 12 pages - Histoire moderne : Renaissance à XIXe

Europe is composed of several backgrounds. History, languages, values, and beliefs, each part are closely related to the other. How then may we characterize those parts? To understand Latin Europe, we have to define its past and discover where the word Latin comes from? Latin, is derived...

23 Oct. 2013

IKEA: International advertising strategy 2013

Étude de cas - 16 pages - Stratégie

In our current world completely flooded by globalization, companies need to develop themselves worldwide in order to stay competitive and sometimes to survive. However, managing its entry in a foreign country requires a communication strategy that needs to be studied in relation to the market...

14 août 2014

Differences between the instructions on beauty products across nations: France and Britain

Étude de cas - 5 pages - Marketing international

Initially I didn't have any idea about the topic I wanted to talk about, but realizing that I had purchased many beauty products in Ireland and that I used to read its directions, I decided to take more of an interest in it. I just thought it was pretty funny to read these instructions without...

15 juil. 2014

Does the integration of the Inuit people in the Canadian society imply the lost of their culture ?

Dissertation - 5 pages - Sociologie & sciences sociales

Culture (from the Latin cultura stemming from colere, meaning "to cultivate") generally refers to patterns of human activity and the symbolic structures that give such activities significance and importance. Cultures can be "understood as systems of symbols and meanings that lack fixed...

16 Sept. 2014

Indian television in the era of globalization

Étude de cas - 20 pages - Cinéma

Since its birth in 1959, it seems that Indian television has developed in a way that is similar to most of the world's broadcasting sectors. Conquered by technological progress, particularly by the major advance that the introduction of satellite transmissions represents, the Indian television...

25 Sept. 2012

Sungkyunkwan University

Étude de cas - 15 pages - Sciences de l'éducation

Before our departure to Korea, I already had a great image of the summer session. And when I lived it, it was much more exciting and interesting than expected. That's why I recommend it to all students who like Asia and who want to experience it. Interesting courses were combined with...

11 Oct. 2006

How canadians see multiculturalism

Dissertation - 24 pages - Sociologie & sciences sociales

Canada is described as a multicultural society wherein different ethnic groups live together with the aim of respecting their different cultural backgrounds. In addition to the founding French and British groups, the Canadian ethnic mosaic includes a large number of people who are Germans,...

27 mai 2008

The construction of a national identity: the case of France

Dissertation - 7 pages - Sciences politiques

According to Ernest Renan, in Qu'est ce qu'une nation, "Nations are not eternal. They had a beginning and they will have an end". While the opposite assumption is widespread, nations are in fact recent in the human history. They are younger than their official histories that the...

03 juil. 2007

Social and cultural structures in English litterature: "Mikhael Bakhtin and Jude the Obscure"

Dissertation - 7 pages - Littérature

The Bakhtinian analysis of texts allows the reader to realize what an important part language plays in the understanding and interpretation of a novel. He explains how the different forces (centripetal and centrifugal) which drive the writer during his work may be recognized and how...

14 juil. 2014

Human rights in India

Dissertation - 9 pages - Sociologie & sciences sociales

Howrah, Calcutta's main railway Station, is more than just a significant source, transit point and destination for people. It is also the refuge and the living place of a crepuscular society, composed of different people who have been abandoned somehow, and who are living in and around the...

10 juil. 2014

Benefits and experience as an international student

Dissertation - 7 pages - Communication

“One of the main trends over the last 10 years has been the success of UK higher education institutions in attracting international students,” declared the Universities UK report by Evans, (October 20th 2011). According to the UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA 2010),...

13 août 2014

The international executive across cultures - France and India

Cours - 14 pages - Marketing international

India's official name is the Republic of India and its capital is New Delhi. It measures over 3 million square kilometers for a population of around 1.1 billion inhabitants. India is located on the Indian sub-continent and can be divided into 4 topographical regions: the Himalayan region, the...

02 mai 2007

Does modern Britain owe much to the Normans?

Dissertation - 3 pages - Histoire médiévale : Moyen-âge

“Apparently as the result of one day's fighting (14 October 1066), England received a new royal dynasty, a new aristocracy, a virtually new Church, a new art, a new architecture and a new language.”(DAVIES, 1976; 103). This sentence shows clearly the crucial influence of the...

03 Mars 2008

Violence and expressionism

Dissertation - 7 pages - Arts divers

Expressionism is an avant-garde movement in which violence is everywhere in themes, in forms, in the expression of the artist in general. We can define violence by aggressive facts, language immoderation, brutality and provocation. When we talk about violence in art, the violence is not...

30 Nov. 2014

The consumer behaviour

Étude de cas - 27 pages - Comportement des consommateurs et clients

Nowadays, more and more students decide to study abroad in order to enhance their language abilities and discover new cultures and lifestyles. As a French student who lived and studied in Paisley for a year, the author is aware that going abroad to study is an important and difficult...

23 Janv. 2015

International Management

Cours - 10 pages - Marchés étrangers

Alstom manufactures trains, metros and trolleys and is number two in it's industry worldwide, after the Canadian Group Bombardier. The process is as follows. Each city desiring a metro or tram makes a takeover bid and in this case it was Budapest city. Alstom won this bid. There are two lines...

09 mai 2008

Country sheet: Belgium

Fiche - 2 pages - Sciences politiques

The territory of Belgium has always been subject to the influence of both the German and Latin world. So when Belgium separated from the Northern Netherlands in 1830, a cultural pluralism was already there. It is those differences in language, culture and so on between the different parts...

04 Oct. 2014

The power of hidden differences, Edward T. Hall

Fiche de lecture - 1 pages - Sociologie & sciences sociales

Edward T. Hall (born May 16, 1914) is an anthropologist and cross-cultural researcher. He received his Ph.D. from Columbia University in 1942. He has taught at the University of Denver, Bennington College, the Harvard Business School, the Illinois Institute of Technology, and North-western...