Ces gestes qui parlent à votre place
Fiche - 4 pages - Psychologie
Quand tu regardes une personne et qu'elle se sent mal à l'aise ou menacée, regarder à côté d'elle, ou sinon continuer à la regarder pour qu'elle s'habitue à votre regard quand c'est une atmosphère d'ouverture après elle sera plus à l'aise. Fermer les yeux et se protéger les yeux : sont des...
Le profileur gestuel
Fiche - 6 pages - Psychologie
Quand les mains se posent sur les hanches, les doigts orientés vers l'avant trahissent un besoin de s'affirmer ou une mise en avant de ses atouts plastiques. Quand les mains se posent sur les hanches, les doigts orientés vers l'arrière révèlent un sentiment d'agacement. Replier bras droit dans...
Lisez vos adversaires à livre ouvert
Fiche - 2 pages - Psychologie
Dans une cabine téléphonique : - le gars en en face du téléphone : c'est un représentant. - le gars qui est accroché à la cabine perpendiculaire au téléphone : c'est le mari. - le gars qui est retourné, caché par son épaule et nous tourne le dos : c'est l'amoureux. Front plisser : peur....
Les gestes du mensonge
Fiche - 9 pages - Communication
Les mouvements oculaires qui accompagnent un discours sont tjrs significatifs. Tour de ses lèvres avec le bout de la langue : il s'apprête à vous manger tout cru. Le mensonge dessèche les lèvres du menteur les glandes salivaires refusent de participer au mensonge, en revanche quand on dit...
Les gestes de la manipulation
Fiche - 6 pages - Communication
La rétractation maximale des pupilles signale que l'activité imaginaire (affectif, cerveau droit) est quasi nulle, mais que l'activité cognitive (cerveau gauche) est soutenue. A contrario une dilatation intense se traduira par des pupilles dilatées Le mensonge est une activité gérée par le...
The Australian Strine
Dissertation - 19 pages - Géographie monde
Having spent my eight-month-stay between Sydney and Brisbane, respectively State capitals of New South Wales and Queensland, sharing Australians' life, and having also travelled a bit to other cities and States of the East Coast, I feel I must share my affection for this vast, exciting...
Les langues en Écosse
Dissertation - 2 pages - Linguistique & langues
Nowadays, Scotland is the home to three different languages; all of these languages are used at this time in the country. The main language of the state is English; nevertheless the Gaelic and the Scots are both recognized with the help of the European Charter for Regional...
The Linguistic Minority Groups in a Comparative Perspective: Spanish, French and Swedish
Dissertation - 14 pages - Union Européenne
In this essay I will try to study the status and the existence of the Swedish speaking Finns in a wider perspective. I personally think that comparisons and international studies are a way to improve the study of a phenomenon. That's why I will try in this essay to give a different way of...
Ways of Rendering Student Slang in Salinger Novel "The Catcher in the Rye"
Mémoire - 48 pages - Littérature
Slang, as the most mentioned representative word form of the informal vocabulary, occupies a prominent role in contemporary society. It has become the second language of any democratic country. Everybody uses it even if one pretends that he has never used it. It is a veritable issue and it...
The future of multilingualism in European institutions
Dissertation - 7 pages - Union Européenne
The progressive enlargement of the European Union brings about many questions, among which linguistic diversity deserves to be explored. In light of the changes brought about by globalization and the resulting emergence of a so-called global language, the relevance of cultural...
Music, emotion and Zipf's law
Dissertation - 59 pages - Linguistique & langues
The hypothesis of Zipf concerning a universal Principle of Least Effort, manifested itself in Zipf's law and was modeled by Ferrer i Cancho and Sol´e into a signal-object reference matrix, giving rise to the idea that it may be possible to identify the elements in music that elicit emotional...
Linguistic diversity in Europe: Strength or weakness?
Dissertation - 5 pages - Sciences politiques
In 1919, after many debates, the British Prime Minister David Lloyd George concluded that the Versailles treaty would be written both in French and English. Since then, English has imposed itself in diplomacy, economic exchanges, Medias and so on. Nowadays, it seems that this language has...
Business communication in Germany
Étude de cas - 35 pages - Stratégie
With the globalization, companies are more and more called upon to communicate with each other, including abroad. Increasingly people are forced (either by choice or because of their profession) to go to work abroad, often in a country where they do not know codes, culture, language and...
Is Intercultural communication possible across the Baltic Sea Region?
Dissertation - 8 pages - Relations internationales
The meaning behind intercultural communication is to try to bring different world views and meaning attributions closer to each others through and with the help of verbal and non-verbal interactions . Here is a definition of intercultural communication by Niina Kovalainen that reveals...
Philosophy and the postmodern perspective on organization theories
Étude de cas - 17 pages - Sciences politiques
Postmodernism refers to a general term that encompasses diverse fields such as literature, art, philosophy, architecture, fiction, and so on It is originally an architectural movement constructed in opposition to modernism. Whereas modernism corresponds to a perspective whose epistemology...
The French influence on the English vocabulary
Dissertation - 11 pages - Linguistique & langues
This quotation of the contemporary glossary by Robert of Gloucester brilliantly sums up the linguistic situation of the English society in the centuries after the Norman Conquest. While French became the language of power and prestige and left its mark on the English language,...
The difference between sentences that are evaluated by linguistic significance alone and sentences that are evaluated by linguistic significance and other circumstances
Dissertation - 30 pages - Linguistique & langues
Significant differences among sentences of natural language does exist. It is not a matter of theoretical philosophy or theoretical linguistics but simply common sense. The difference I would like to focus on the sentences that are evaluated by linguistic significance alone and sentences...
Can a theory of truth serve as a theory of meaning? If not, why not?
Étude de cas - 2 pages - Littérature
Recent developments in the theory of truth by Tarski1 have brought new material for inquiries in the theory of meaning - this is what indeed thinkers such as Davidson believe; but are they right believing this ? More exactly, in what sense can we legitimately discuss the idea that a theory of...
The hidden motivations behind the religious discourse of George W. Bush and his decision to go to war in Iraq
Dissertation - 91 pages - Sciences politiques
Today's American exeptionalism is not only related to the myth of the American dream and to the U.S. military and economic superiority, but also to the role of religion in the American domestic and foreign policy. The president, himself, a born again Christian, does not hesitate to use a...
"Wonderland as a poetic world"
Fiche de lecture - 5 pages - Littérature
Published in 1865, Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland offers us a story characterized by humour, fantasy and nonsense. Originally entitled Alice's Adventures Under Ground, it tells how the young Alice dreams she follows a White Rabbit down to a rabbit hole, and how she strolls in a...
The experience of the Indian and Pakistani immigrant communities in Great Britain from 1948 to 1971
Dissertation - 56 pages - Histoire contemporaine : XIXe, XXe et XXIe
The history of Indian and Pakistani presence in Britain is long as it dates back to the seventeenth century. Yet the influence of the South Asian community was almost insignificant at that time, for its size remained very small. Only after the Second World War (1939-1945) did South Asian...
Is this really possible to make a transparent translation?
Dissertation - 5 pages - Linguistique & langues
To say the least, The Translator's Invisibility, written by ?Lawrence Venuti', Professor of English at Temple University has provoked many debates and controversy within the field of translation and has therefore, become a classic text. At the beginning of the book, Venuti quotes Norman...
The Mother Tongue (Bill Bryson)
Fiche de lecture - 3 pages - Littérature
In the fourth chapter of Mother Tongue (Penguin 31/10/1991), The First Thousand years, Bill Bryson highlights the history of the development of the English tongue. In a small area of northern Germany, the country language is very closed to the Old English. This place was indeed...
European cultural policy: Should we talk about a real European policy or about a European cultural action?
Mémoire - 8 pages - Union Européenne
When the foundations for a European construction were laid, the cultural dimension was implied: it was a union of individuals which was originally hoped for. Is it possible to imagine that such a union will not imply a cultural dimension? Besides this, the culture appeared in the European...
Work on Construction Grammar and Grammatical Constructions
Dissertation - 2 pages - Linguistique & langues
If one wants to understand what lies at the heart of Construction Grammar, one should first tackle the following questions: what do speakers of a given language have to know, and what can they "figure out" on the basis of that knowledge, in order for them to use their language...
Post-structuralism and deconstruction
Dissertation - 8 pages - Littérature
Literary theory has penetrated all spheres of modern day life. It has shifted from being a prerogative of Academia to being a part of a popular culture. Yet, how can the term "literary theory" be defined lucidly? According to McLaughlin, literary theory is the "debate over nature and function of...
Bajan dialect
Dissertation - 11 pages - Linguistique & langues
Barbados is a small Caribbean country situated in the East of the West-Indies Archipelago. The capital is Bridgetown. In the administrative side, Barbados is divided into 11 'parishes' and has about 270,000 inhabitants. Historically speaking, Barbados was colonized by Great Britain, in...
International business law Canada
Étude de cas - 6 pages - Droit international
In this document we are going to look at the CANADA. Canada is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system, defining itself as a bilingual and multicultural nation, the French and English are of equal status, the official languages. Industrialized and technologically advanced...
Translation of Poetry
Fiche - 7 pages - Philosophie
Document: 28 pages essay about translation of Poetry Extrait: Translation, as defined by Uwajeh (1993), is a special way of language use, where what was expressed in some text of a given language, SL, is re-expressed in some other text of another language, TL, adjudged...
Application mobile de gestion de réservation au restaurant
Mémoire - 29 pages - Informatique
Le présent mémoire résume notre projet de fin d'études. Ce projet consiste en la réalisation d'une application mobile de gestion de réservation au restaurant. Cette application est siglée Application Mobile de Gestion de Réservation au Restaurant (AMG2R). Ainsi nous présentons tout au long...